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河海大学CG实验室 / voxelization

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voxelization.py 7.80 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Mcoder 提交于 2018-01-03 08:39 . update py arugment
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions that can voxelization the *.ply files
python 2.7
Author: Chaoqun Jiang
Home Page: http://mcoder.cc
import pyassimp
import numpy as np
import operator
import pyflann
import json
import binvox_rw
import time
import os
def voxelization(
outputJsonPath = '../voxel_json/',
outputNumpyPath = '../voxel_numpy/',
outputBinvoxPath = '../voxel_binvox/',
coef = 1.0,
size = (192,192,200)):
""" function voxelization
This function load a *.ply model file, and convert it into a voxel.
And export in two formats.
numpy formats: just use numpy import, a array has shape (192, 192, 200)
json format: a numpy format reshape to (-1,) and attribute name is 'array'
filename: a relative file path to the *.ply file
outputJsonPath: a relative floder path to save voxel in json format
outputNumpyPath: a relative floder path to save voxel in numpy format
Note: The directory should already be created. Or it will throw IOError
outputBinvoxPath: a relative floder path to save in binvox format
coef: used to judge if the point is 1 or 0
size: a tuple with 3 integer, default is (192, 192, 200)
None: if no voxel has calculated, return None
numpy.ndarray: if the voxel has been calculated, return ndarray
if len(size) != 3:
print("The argument \" size \" should has three integer")
scene = pyassimp.load(filename) # import scene
meshes_count = len(scene.meshes) # the count of meshes
if meshes_count < 1:
print("Error! The model file has no meshes in it")
voxel_width = size[0]
voxel_height = size[1]
voxel_length = size[2]
voxel = np.zeros( shape = (voxel_width, voxel_height, voxel_length),
dtype = np.int8) # Creat a zeros ndarray
print("Program is manipulating model: ", filename)
print("Program will create voxel in shape", size)
boundingbox = _getBoundingBox(scene) # get the bounding box of scene
# calculate each voxel's edge length
center = np.array( [ (boundingbox[0] + boundingbox[3]) / 2,
(boundingbox[1] + boundingbox[4]) / 2,
(boundingbox[2] + boundingbox[5]) /2] )
x_edge = (boundingbox[0] - boundingbox[3]) / voxel_width
y_edge = (boundingbox[1] - boundingbox[4]) / voxel_height
z_edge = (boundingbox[2] - boundingbox[5]) / voxel_length
edge = max(x_edge, y_edge, z_edge) # use the max as edge
print ("x_edge: {0}, y_edge: {1}, z_edge: {2}, edge: {3}".format(
x_edge, y_edge, z_edge, edge))
# set the (voxel_width // 2, voxel_height // 2, voxel_length // 2)'s
# position is center. So we can get other voxel box's voxel box.
# At here, we calculate the start voxel box's center position.
start = center - np.array([voxel_width // 2 * edge,
voxel_height // 2 * edge, voxel_length // 2 * edge])
#print("center", center, "start", start)
print("center: {0}, staet: {1}".format(center, start))
for index in range(meshes_count):
_meshVoxel(start, edge, scene.meshes[index], voxel, coef, str(index))
print("calculate all meshes voxel finished!")
# save voxel files
outputJsonPath, outputNumpyPath, outputBinvoxPath, voxel)
return voxel
def _getBoundingBox(scene):
"""give a assimp scene, get it bounding box
It will bounding all meshes in the mesh.
scene: assimp scene
bounding box ( xmax, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin )
6 num represent 6 faces.
if len(scene.meshes) == 0:
print("scene's meshes attribute has no mesh")
return (0,0,0,0,0,0)
mesh_1 = scene.meshes[0]
xmax, ymax, zmax = np.amax( mesh_1.vertices, axis = 0 )
xmin, ymin, zmin = np.amin( mesh_1.vertices, axis = 0 )
for index in range(1,len(scene.meshes)):
mesh_t = scene.meshes[index]
xmax_t, ymax_t, zmax_t = np.amax( mesh_t.vertices, axis = 0)
xmin_t, ymin_t, zmin_t = np.amin( mesh_t.vertices, axis = 0)
if xmax_t > xmax: xmax = xmax_t
if ymax_t > ymax: ymax = ymax_t
if zmax_t > zmax: zmax = zmax_t
if xmin_t < xmin: xmin = xmin_t
if ymin_t < ymin: ymin = ymin_t
if zmin_t < zmin: zmin = zmin_t
# print("Bounding box: ",xmax, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin)
print("Bounding box: xmax: {0}, ymax: {1}, zmax:{2}, xmin: {3}, ymin: {4}, zmin: {5}".format(
xmax, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin))
return (xmax, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin)
def _meshVoxel(startpoint, edge, mesh, voxel, coef = 1.0, str = "0"):
""" mesh voxel function
change numpy.ndarray's 0 to 1 acounding to mesh and scene'bounding box
startpoint: numpy.ndarray with shape of (3,)
edge: the voxel box's edge length
mesh: pyassimp mesh
voxel: numpy.ndarray
coef: used to judge if this point is 1
str: the string you want to split each mesh
vertices = mesh.vertices # np.array n x 3
#print("The mesh ", str," has vertices: ", vertices.shape)
print("The mesh {0} has vertices {1}".format(str, vertices.shape))
# KDtree
flann = pyflann.FLANN() # create a FLANN object
params = flann.build_index(vertices, algorithm = "kdtree", trees = 4)
# iterate to calculate the voxel value
# if there is a point close to the center, there is 1, otherwise, no changes
width, height, length = voxel.shape
start_time = time.time()
landmark = coef * edge
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
for z in range(length):
# for each voxel center
voxel_center = np.array([[
startpoint[0] + x * edge,
startpoint[1] + y * edge,
startpoint[2] + z * edge]],dtype = np.float32)
result, dists = flann.nn_index(voxel_center, 1,
checks = params["checks"])
index = result[0]
vertex = vertices[index,:] # get nearest neighbor
distance = np.sqrt(((vertex - voxel_center) ** 2).sum())
if distance <= landmark:
voxel[x,y,z] = 1
# print("The mesh" + str +" process successfully in " ,
# (time.time() - start_time), " s")
print("The mesh {0} process successfully in {1}s".format(
str, (time.time() - start_time)))
def _saveVoxel(filename,
outputJsonPath, outputNumpyPath, outputBinvoxPath, voxel):
""" save voxel
Save the voxel into file.
filename: the filename of import.
outputJsonPath: path to save json.
outputNumpyPath: path to save numpy.
outputBinvoxPath: path to save binvox.
voxel: numpy.ndarray
startPoint = 0
if filename.rfind("/") != -1:
startPoint = filename.rfind("/") + 1
filename = filename[startPoint:filename.rfind('.')] # cut the format end
# save npy
#voxel.tofile(outputNumpyPath + filename + ".numpy")
np.save(os.path.join( outputNumpyPath, filename ) + ".npy", voxel)
# save binvox
bool_voxel = voxel.astype(np.bool)
binvox = binvox_rw.Voxels(
data = bool_voxel,
dims = list(voxel.shape),
translate = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
scale = 1.0,
axis_order = 'xzy')
fp = open(os.path.join( outputBinvoxPath, filename ) + ".binvox", 'wb+')
# save json
array = voxel.reshape(-1,)
json_str = json.dumps(array.tolist())
json_file = open(os.path.join( outputJsonPath, filename ) + ".json", "w+")
json_file.truncate() # 清空当前文件的内容
