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.zshrc 15.59 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
# Start profling:
# zmodload zsh/zprof
local -a precmd_functions
# {{{ setting options
autoload edit-command-line
autoload -U compinit
autoload -U zmv
autoload zcalc
setopt \
append_history \
auto_cd \
auto_pushd \
chase_links \
complete_aliases \
extended_glob \
extended_history \
hist_ignore_all_dups \
hist_ignore_dups \
hist_ignore_space \
hist_reduce_blanks \
hist_save_no_dups \
hist_verify \
ignore_eof \
list_types \
mark_dirs \
noclobber \
noflowcontrol \
path_dirs \
prompt_percent \
prompt_subst \
rm_star_wait \
# Push a command onto a stack allowing you to run another command first
bindkey '^J' push-line-or-edit
# }}}
# {{{ environment settings
umask 027
path+=( $HOME/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin ); path=( ${(u)path} );
export MANPATH="$HOME/share/man:${MANPATH}"
# Local development projects go here
alias tworkon='SRCDIR=$HOME/tmp djworkon'
HISTFILESIZE=65536 # search this with `grep | sort -u`
REPORTTIME=60 # Report time statistics for progs that take more than a minute to run
WATCH=notme # Report any login/logout of other users
WATCHFMT='%n %a %l from %m at %T.'
# utf-8 in the terminal, will break stuff if your term isn't utf aware
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=$LANG
export EDITOR='vim'
export LESS='-imJMWR'
export PAGER="less $LESS"
export BROWSER='google-chrome'
export CVSIGNORE='*.swp *.orig *.rej .git'
# Silence Wine debugging output (why isn't this a default?)
export WINEDEBUG=-all
# }}}
# {{{ completions
compinit -C
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "$LS_COLORS"
zstyle -e ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|sshfs|ping|telnet|nc|rsync):*' hosts '
reply=( ${=${${(M)${(f)"$(<~/.ssh/config)"}:#Host*}#Host }:#*\**} )'
# }}}
# {{{ prompt and theme
# Set vi-mode and create a few additional Vim-like mappings
bindkey -v
bindkey "^?" backward-delete-char
bindkey -M vicmd "^R" redo
bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
bindkey -M vicmd "ga" what-cursor-position
bindkey -M viins '^p' history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd '^p' history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey -M viins '^n' history-beginning-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd '^n' history-beginning-search-forward
# Allows editing the command line with an external editor
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey -M vicmd "v" edit-command-line
# Restore bash/emacs defaults.
bindkey '^U' backward-kill-line
bindkey '^Y' yank
# Set up prompt
if [[ ! -n "$ZSHRUN" ]]; then
source $HOME/.zsh_shouse_prompt
# Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh:
# git clone git://github.com/nicoulaj/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git \
# $HOME/.zsh-syntax-highlighting/
if [[ -d $HOME/.zsh-syntax-highlighting/ ]]; then
source $HOME/.zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS+=( brackets pattern )
# This is a workaround for tmux. When you clear the terminal with ctrl-l
# anything on-screen is not saved (this is compatible with xterm behavior).
# In contrast, GNU screen will first push anything on-screen into the
# scrollback buffer before clearing the screen which I prefer.
function tmux-clear-screen() {
for line in {1..$(( $LINES ))} ; do echo; done
zle clear-screen
zle -N tmux-clear-screen
bindkey "^L" tmux-clear-screen
# }}}
# {{{ aliases
alias zmv='noglob zmv'
# e.g., zmv *.JPEG *.jpg
alias ls='ls -F --color'
alias la='ls -A'; compdef la=ls
alias ll='ls -lh'; compdef ll=ls
alias lls='ll -Sr'; compdef lls=ls
alias vi=$EDITOR; compdef vi=vim
# fast Vim that doesn't load a vimrc or plugins
alias vv=$EDITOR' -N -u NONE'; compdef vv=vim
# Loads vimrc but no plugins
alias vvv=$EDITOR' -N --noplugin'; compdef vvv=vim
alias c='curl -sS -D /dev/stderr'
compdef c=curl
alias less='less -imJMW'
alias cls='clear' # note: ctrl-L under zsh does something similar
alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -15'
alias tree="tree -FC --charset=ascii"
alias info='info --vi-keys'
alias wtf='wtf -o'
alias nnn='nnn -S'
alias clip='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias ocaml='rlwrap ocaml'
alias rs='rsync -avhzC --progress'
compdef rs=rsync
alias mplayer='mplayer -af scaletempo -speed 1'
# Print all files under the current path without prefixed path.
# Useful for listing files under one path based on the files in another. E.g.:
# cd /path/to/dotfiles; filesunder | xargs -0 -I@ ls -l $HOME/@
alias filesunder='find . \( -name .git -type d \) -prune -o -type f -printf "%P\0"'
alias filesmissing='find . -maxdepth 2 -xtype l'
# Quickly ssh through a bastian host without having to hard-code in ~/.ssh/config
alias pssh='ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh $PSSH_HOST nc -w1 %h %p"'
# Useful for working with Git remotes; e.g., ``git log IN``
alias -g IN='..@{u}'
alias -g IIN='...@{u}'
alias -g OUT='@{u}..'
alias -g OOUT='@{u}...'
alias -g UP='@{u}'
# Don't prompt to save when exiting R
alias R='R --no-save'
# Selects a random file: ``mplayer RANDOM``
alias -g RANDOM='"$(files=(*(.)) && echo $files[$RANDOM%${#files}+1])"'
# trailing space helps sudo recognize aliases
# breaks if flags are given (e.g. sudo -u someuser vi /etc/hosts)
alias sudo='command sudo '
# }}}
# Miscellaneous Functions:
# error Quickly output a message and exit with a return code {{{1
function error() {
EXIT=$1 ; MSG=${2:-"$NAME: Unknown Error"}
[[ $EXIT -eq 0 ]] && echo $MSG || echo $MSG 1>&2
return $EXIT
# }}}
# zshrun A lightweight, one-off application launcher {{{1
# by Mikael Magnusson (I think)
# To run a command without closing the dialog press ctrl-j instead of enter
# Invoke like:
# sh -c 'ZSHRUN=1 uxterm -geometry 100x4+0+0 +ls'
if [[ -n "$ZSHRUN" ]]; then
unsetopt ignore_eof
unset ZSHRUN
function _accept_and_quit() {
zsh -c "${BUFFER}" &|
zle -N _accept_and_quit
bindkey "^J" accept-line
bindkey "^M" _accept_and_quit
PROMPT="zshrun %~> "
# }}}
# ...() Open fuzzy-finder of parent directory names {{{1
alias ..='cd ..'
function ...() {
explode_path | tail -n +2 | pick | read -d -r new_dir
cd "$new_dir"
# }}}
# cdd() Open fuzzy-finder of child directory names {{{1
function cdd() {
ffind . -type d | pick | read -d -r new_dir
cd "$new_dir"
# Same thing but open with nnn instead of cd'ing.
function nnnn() {
ffind "${1:-$PWD}" -type d | pick | read -d -r new_dir
nnn "$new_dir"
# }}}
# {{{ genpass()
# Generates a tough password of a given length
function genmac() {
# Generate a locally-assigned (starts with 02) mac address from a salt.
# http://serverfault.com/a/299563
local salt=${1:-$FQDN}
echo $salt | md5sum |\
sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/'
function genpass() {
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 20"
echo "For a random, 20-character password."
return 1
# Use pwgen if installed.
if (( $+commands[pwgen] )); then
echo $(pwgen -y $1)
dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2>/dev/null |\
tr -cd 'A-Za-z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+' | cut -c-$1
function genunixpass() {
# Generate a valid /etc/shadow password
local pass="${1:-saltdev}"
echo "pass: ${pass}"
echo $(python -c "import crypt; print crypt.crypt('"$pass"', '\$6\$SALTsalt')")
# }}}
# {{{ bookletize()
# Converts a PDF to a fold-able booklet sized PDF
# Print it double-sided and fold in the middle
bookletize ()
(( $+commands[pdfinfo] )) && (( $+commands[pdflatex] )) || {
error 1 "Missing req'd pdfinfo or pdflatex"
pagecount=$(pdfinfo $1 | awk '/^Pages/{print $2+3 - ($2+3)%4;}')
# create single fold booklet form in the working directory
pdflatex -interaction=batchmode \
\end{document}' 2>&1 >/dev/null
# }}}
# {{{ joinpdf()
# Merges, or joins multiple PDF files into "joined.pdf"
joinpdf () {
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=joined.pdf "$@"
# }}}
# Development helpers {{{
# Start an echo server
alias echoserver="socat -v -T0.05 TCP-L:8080,reuseaddr,fork \
system:'cat $HOME/tmp/http-preamble -'"
# Start a webserver in the current directory
alias pyhttp='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
alias py3http='python -m http.server'
# Start a echoing SMTP server
alias pysmtp='python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025'
# Print an interactive Python shell session as regular Python (reads stdin)
alias pyprintdoc='python -c "import doctest, sys; print doctest.script_from_examples(sys.stdin.read())"'
# Validate and pretty-print JSON
alias jsonpp='python -m json.tool'
# Format Django's json dumps as one-record-per-line
function djfmtjson() {
sed -i'.bak' -e 's/^\[/\[\n/g' -e 's/]$/\n]/g' -e 's/}}, /}},\n/g' $1
# }}}
# Screencast helper {{{
# Usage:
# screencast [--window]
function screencast() {
local now target size offset
local -a win wininfo
zparseopts -E -D -- w=win -window=win
zformat -f target "%(c.root.frame)" c:${#win}
now=$(date --rfc-3339=date)
wininfo=( $(xwininfo -stats -${target} | awk -F":" '
/Absolute.*X/ { x=$2 }
/Absolute.*Y/ { y=$2 }
/Width/ { w=$2 }
/Height/ { h=$2 }
END { print w, h, x, y }') )
ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 \
-f x11grab -r 30 -s ${size} -i ${DISPLAY}+${offset} \
-acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast \
-threads 0 -y $HOME/screencast-${now}.avi
return $?
# Extract a clip from a larger video file
# Usage:
# extract_clip somevid.mp4 [hh:mm:ss start time] [hh:mm:ss end time]
function extract_clip() {
local start_seconds end_seconds duration
echo ${2} ${3} | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; ORS=" "; RS=" "}
{ sec = $1 * 3600; sec += $2 * 60; sec += $3; print sec }' |\
read start_seconds end_seconds
duration=$(( end_seconds - start_seconds ))
ffmpeg -ss ${2} -t ${duration} -i ${1} -acodec copy -vcodec copy extracted_clip-${1}
return $?
# }}}
# 256-colors test {{{
echo -e "\e[38;5;196mred\e[38;5;46mgreen\e[38;5;21mblue\e[0m"
# }}}
# Dictionary lookup {{{1
# Many more options, see:
# http://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2007/10/dictionary-lookup-via-command-line.html
dict (){
curl 'dict://dict.org/d:$1:*'
spell (){
echo $1 | aspell -a
# }}}
# Output total memory currently in use by you {{{1
memtotaller() {
/bin/ps -u $(whoami) -o pid,rss,command |\
awk '{sum+=$2} END {print "Total " sum / 1024 " MB"}'
# Output total memory in use by all children processes
memchildren() {
ps -h -o pid --ppid $1 |\
xargs printf "/proc/%s/smaps\n" |\
xargs awk '/^Pss/ { total += $2 } END { print "Total " total / 1024 " KB" }'
# }}}
# xssh {{{1
# Paralelize running shell commands through ssh on multiple hosts with xargs
# Usage:
# echo uptime | xssh host1 host2 host3
# Usage:
# xssh host1 host2 host3
# # prompts for commands; ctrl-d to finish
# free -m | awk '/^-/ { print $4, "MB" }'
# uptime
# ^d
function xssh() {
local HOSTS="${argv}"
[[ -n "${HOSTS}" ]] || return 1
local tmpfile="/tmp/xssh.cmd.$$.$RANDOM"
trap 'rm -f '$tmpfile'; return;' EXIT
# Grab the command(s) from stdin and write to tmpfile
cat - > ${tmpfile}
# Execute up to 5 ssh processes at a time and pipe tmpfile to the stdin of
# the remote shell
echo -n "${HOSTS[@]}" | xargs -d" " -P5 -IHOST \
sh -c 'ssh -T HOST < '${tmpfile}' | sed -e "s/^/HOST: /g"'
compdef xssh=ssh
# }}}
# wait_for_ssh {{{1
# Block until a multiplexed ssh connection is ready
# Useful for making a single ssh connection that can be reused for many ssh
# operations. This requires ControlMaster and ControlPath to be configured in
# your ~/.ssh/config file.
# Usage:
# SSH="me@example.com"
# trap 'ssh -O exit '${SSH} SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
# ssh -N ${SSH} &
# _wait_for_ssh ${SSH}
# ...use multiplexed ssh connection here...
function _wait_for_ssh () {
local ssh="${1?:ssh hostname required}"
printf 'Connecting to "%s".\n' "$ssh"
while ! ssh -O check ${ssh} &>/dev/null true; do
printf '.' ; sleep 0.5;
printf '\nConnected!\n'
# }}}
# fetchall {{{1
# Run git fetch on all repos under the current dir
function fetchall () {
find . -type d -name .git -print0 \
| xargs -t -r -0 -P5 -I@ git --git-dir=@ fetch -a
function ssh_fetchall () {
local SSH_URI="${1:?SSH connection string required.}"
# Start a connection and wait for it; exit when we're done
trap 'ssh -O exit '${SSH_URI} SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
ssh -N ${SSH_URI} &
_wait_for_ssh ${SSH_URI}
# Kick off a ton of parallel fetch operations
time fetchall
local count=$(find . -type d -name .git -print | wc -l)
printf 'Fetched upstream changes for %s repositories.\n' "$count"
alias fetchall-gh='ssh_fetchall "git@github.com"'
alias fetchall-gl='ssh_fetchall "git@gitlab.com"'
# }}}
# presentation_mode {{{1
# Set various settings and open a new xterm window for giving presentations
function presentation_mode() {
(PRESENTATION_MODE=1 xterm -fg black -bg white -fs 16 &>/dev/null &)
# }}}
# countdown & timer {{{1
# (Ab)use prompt escapes to get the time without spawning a subshell. :)
function countdown() {
local now remaining
local epoch='%D{%s}'
local target=$(( ${(%)epoch} + $1 ))
while true; do
remaining=$(( target - now ))
if (( $remaining > 0 )) ; then
printf '\rT-minus: %3d' "${remaining}"
sleep 1
printf '\a\n'
alias tea-timer="countdown 120 && notify-send 'Tea!' 'Tea is done.'"
function _timer_elapsed() {
local epoch='%D{%s}'
local start=$1
local end=${(%)epoch}
printf '%d\n' "$(( end - start ))"
function timer() {
local dts='%D{%H:%M:%S}'
local epoch='%D{%s}'
local start=${(%)epoch}
trap 'printf '\''\nTime elapsed: %d seconds\n'\'' \
"$(_timer_elapsed '"$start"')"; return;' INT
printf 'Starting timer at %s\n' "${(%)dts}"
while true; do
printf '\r%4d seconds' "$(_timer_elapsed "$start")"
sleep 1
# }}}
# ztail {{{1
# Run a command then open two tmux panes to tail stdout and stderr separately.
function ztail() {
unsetopt noclobber
trap '
excode=$?; trap - EXIT;
rm -f /tmp/ztail.{out,err}
touch /tmp/ztail.out /tmp/ztail.err
tmux splitw 'less +F /tmp/ztail.out'
tmux splitw -v 'less +F /tmp/ztail.err'
"$@" 1>/tmp/ztail.out 2>/tmp/ztail.err
# }}}
# curlretry {{{1
# Repeatedly download & resume from a URL until finished;
# useful for bad connections.
function curlretry() {
local url=$1
local fname=$2
until curl -L -C - -g "${url}" -o "${fname}"; do echo Retrying && sleep 1; done
### }}}
# Run precmd functions
precmd_functions=( precmd_prompt )
if [[ -r "$HOME/.zsh_customize" ]]; then
source "$HOME/.zsh_customize"
# End profiling:
# zprof
马建仓 AI 助手
