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MCazhi / mumykillaura

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
mumyHackAura 0.5.ts 83.64 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
MCazhi 提交于 2023-02-26 04:26 . js
import Color = JVM.java$.awt$.Color;
import File = JVM.java$.io$.File;
import JavaBoolean = JVM.java$.lang$.Boolean;
import JavaFloat = JVM.java$.lang$.Float;
import JavaInteger = JVM.java$.lang$.Integer;
import JavaLong = JVM.java$.lang$.Long;
import JavaString = JVM.java$.lang$.String;
import System = JVM.java$.lang$.System;
import Thread = JVM.java$.lang$.Thread;
import StandardCharsets = JVM.java$.nio$.charset$.StandardCharsets;
import Files = JVM.java$.nio$.file$.Files;
import Paths = JVM.java$.nio$.file$.Paths;
import StandardOpenOption = JVM.java$.nio$.file$.StandardOpenOption;
import ArrayList = JVM.java$.util$.ArrayList;
import HashSet = JVM.java$.util$.HashSet;
import StringJoiner = JVM.java$.util$.StringJoiner;
import LiquidBounce = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.LiquidBounce;
import AttackEvent = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.AttackEvent;
import EventState = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.EventState;
import MotionEvent = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.MotionEvent;
import PacketEvent = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.PacketEvent;
import Render3DEvent = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.Render3DEvent;
import WorldEvent = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.event$.WorldEvent;
import Command = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.features$.command$.Command;
import Module = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.features$.module$.Module;
import NoFriends = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.features$.module$.modules$.combat$.NoFriends;
import AntiBot = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.features$.module$.modules$.misc$.AntiBot;
import Teams = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.features$.module$.modules$.misc$.Teams;
import Script = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.script$.Script;
import ScriptModule = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.script$.api$.ScriptModule;
import EntityUtils = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.EntityUtils;
import Rotation = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.Rotation;
import RotationUtils = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.RotationUtils;
import ColorUtils = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.render$.ColorUtils;
import RenderUtils = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.render$.RenderUtils;
import MSTimer = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.utils$.timer$.MSTimer;
import BoolValue = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.value$.BoolValue;
import FloatValue = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.value$.FloatValue;
import IntegerValue = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.value$.IntegerValue;
import ListValue = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.value$.ListValue;
import TextValue = JVM.net$.ccbluex$.liquidbounce$.value$.TextValue;
import Block = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.Block;
import BlockCarpet = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockCarpet;
import BlockDoor = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockDoor;
import BlockFence = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockFence;
import BlockFenceGate = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockFenceGate;
import BlockLadder = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockLadder;
import BlockLiquid = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockLiquid;
import BlockSnow = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockSnow;
import BlockStaticLiquid = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockStaticLiquid;
import BlockTrapDoor = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockTrapDoor;
import BlockWall = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockWall;
import BlockWeb = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.BlockWeb;
import Material = JVM.net$.minecraft$.block$.material$.Material;
import GlStateManager = JVM.net$.minecraft$.client$.renderer$.GlStateManager;
import ItemRenderer = JVM.net$.minecraft$.client$.renderer$.ItemRenderer;
import GameSettings = JVM.net$.minecraft$.client$.settings$.GameSettings;
import KeyBinding = JVM.net$.minecraft$.client$.settings$.KeyBinding;
import Entity = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.Entity;
import EntityLivingBase = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.EntityLivingBase;
import EntityDragon = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.boss$.EntityDragon;
import EntityGhast = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.monster$.EntityGhast;
import EntityGolem = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.monster$.EntityGolem;
import EntityMob = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.monster$.EntityMob;
import EntitySlime = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.monster$.EntitySlime;
import EntityAnimal = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.passive$.EntityAnimal;
import EntityBat = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.passive$.EntityBat;
import EntitySquid = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.passive$.EntitySquid;
import EntityVillager = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.passive$.EntityVillager;
import EntityPlayer = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.player$.EntityPlayer;
import EntityLargeFireball = JVM.net$.minecraft$.entity$.projectile$.EntityLargeFireball;
import ItemSword = JVM.net$.minecraft$.item$.ItemSword;
import C02PacketUseEntity = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.client$.C02PacketUseEntity;
import C04PacketPlayerPosition = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.client$.C03PacketPlayer$C04PacketPlayerPosition;
import C03PacketPlayer = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.client$.C03PacketPlayer;
import C07PacketPlayerDigging = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.client$.C07PacketPlayerDigging;
import C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.client$.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement;
import S03PacketTimeUpdate = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.server$.S03PacketTimeUpdate;
import S14PacketEntity = JVM.net$.minecraft$.network$.play$.server$.S14PacketEntity;
import AxisAlignedBB = JVM.net$.minecraft$.util$.AxisAlignedBB;
import MutableBlockPos = JVM.net$.minecraft$.util$.BlockPos$MutableBlockPos;
import BlockPos = JVM.net$.minecraft$.util$.BlockPos;
import EnumFacing = JVM.net$.minecraft$.util$.EnumFacing;
import Vec3 = JVM.net$.minecraft$.util$.Vec3;
import GL11 = JVM.org$.lwjgl$.opengl$.GL11;
const scriptName = "mumyHackAura";
const scriptVersion = 0.5;
const scriptAuthor = "mumy++";
class mumyHackAura {
private readonly setting = {
float: (name: string, def: number, min: number, max: number, object: object = {}) => {
return new _AdaptedValue<number, JavaFloat>(new (Java.extend(FloatValue, object))(name, def, min, max));
integer: (name: string, def: number, min: number, max: number, object: object = {}) => {
return new _AdaptedValue<number, JavaInteger>(new (Java.extend(IntegerValue, object))(name, def, min, max));
boolean: (name: string, def: boolean, object: object = {}) => {
return new _AdaptedValue<boolean, JavaBoolean>(new (Java.extend(BoolValue, object))(name, def));
list: (name: string, values: string[], def: string, object: object = {}) => {
return new _AdaptedValue<string, JavaString>(new (Java.extend(ListValue, object))(name, values, def));
text: (name: string, def: string, object: object = {}) => {
return new _AdaptedValue<string, JavaString>(new (Java.extend(TextValue, object))(name, def));
private readonly settings = {
maxDelay: this.setting.float("MaxDelay", 80, 0, 1000, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = this.settings.minDelay.get();
if (newValue < v) {
minDelay: this.setting.float("MinDelay", 50, 0, 1000, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = this.settings.maxDelay.get();
if (newValue > v) {
hurtTime: this.setting.integer("HurtTime", 20, 0, 20),
range: this.setting.float("Range", 6, 0, 128, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = Math.min(this.settings.throughWallsRange.get(), this.settings.noTeleportRange.get());
const v2 = this.settings.blockRange.get();
if (newValue < v) {
} if (newValue > v2) {
blockRange: this.setting.float("BlockRange", 8, 0, 128, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = this.settings.range.get();
if (newValue < v) {
throughWallsRange: this.setting.float("ThroughWallsRange", 3, 0, 128, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = this.settings.range.get();
if (newValue > v) {
targetMode: this.setting.list("TargetMode", ["Single", "Switch", "Multi"], "Single"),
priority: this.setting.list("Priority", ["Armor", "Direction", "Distance", "Health", "HurtTime", "LivingTime"], "HurtTime"),
limitedTargets: this.setting.integer("LimitedTargets", 3, 0, 100),
switchDelay: this.setting.integer("SwitchDelay", 500, 0, 1000),
attackTiming: this.setting.integer("AttackTiming", 2, 1, 15),
attackPackets: this.setting.integer("AttackPackets", 1, 1, 50),
autoBlock: this.setting.list("AutoBlock", ["Off", "Vanilla", "Packet"], "Packet"),
predictSize: this.setting.float("PredictSize", 1, 0, 5),
limitedPredictPing: this.setting.integer("LimitedPredictPing", 200, 0, 1000),
referencePredictPing: this.setting.float("ReferencePredictPing", 50, 0, 1000),
limitedNetworkPing: this.setting.integer("LimitedNetworkPing", 150, 0, 1000),
teleportDelay: this.setting.integer("TeleportDelay", 0, 0, 500),
noTeleportRange: this.setting.float("NoTeleportRange", 0, 0, 128, {
onChanged: (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
const v = this.settings.range.get();
if (newValue > v) {
packetsDistance: this.setting.float("PacketsDistance", 4, 0, 10),
teleportVClip: this.setting.boolean("TeleportVClip", false),
teleportHClip: this.setting.boolean("TeleportHClip", false),
teleportCriticals: this.setting.boolean("TeleportCriticals", false),
spoofGround: this.setting.boolean("SpoofGround", false),
returnTrip: this.setting.boolean("ReturnTrip", true),
renderPath: this.setting.boolean("RenderPath", true),
hitFireball: this.setting.boolean("HitFireball", false),
rotation: this.setting.list("Rotation", ["Off", "Angle", "Distance"], "Angle"),
hitBoxHorizontally: this.setting.float("HitBoxHorizontally", 1, 0, 1),
hitBoxVertically: this.setting.float("HitBoxVertically", 1, 0, 1),
silentRotation: this.setting.boolean("SilentRotation", true),
rotationAnimation: this.setting.boolean("RotationAnimation", true)
private readonly prevTargetSet = new HashSet<JavaInteger>();
private targetList: Entity[] = [];
private target: Entity | null = null;
private readonly switchTimer = new MSTimer();
private readonly attackTimer = new mumyHackAura.NanoTimer();
private attackDelay = 0;
private readonly serverPacketsTimer = new MSTimer();
private readonly teleportTimer = new MSTimer();
private renderPath: typeof mumyHackAura.FindPath.Pos.prototype[] = [];
private readonly waitStateColor = new Color(126, 126, 126, 70);
private readonly attackStateColor = new Color(37, 126, 255, 70);
private readonly pathColor = new Color(0, 127, 255);
private readonly autoBlock = new mumyHackAura.AutoBlock();
public readonly valuesContainer = new mumyHackAura.ValuesContainer();
public getName() {
return "mumyHackAura";
public getDescription() {
return "mumyHackAura-Module, By-mumy";
public getCategory() {
return "Misc";
public onEnable() {
this.targetList = [];
this.target = null;
this.renderPath = [];
public onDisable() {
public onUpdate() {
const riding = mc.thePlayer!.isRiding();
if (riding) {
} if (riding || (this.settings.attackTiming.get() & 4) !== 0) {
public onMotion(event: MotionEvent) {
const eventState = event.getEventState();
if (eventState === EventState.PRE) {
} if ((this.settings.attackTiming.get() & (eventState === EventState.PRE ? 1 : 2)) !== 0) {
public onRender3D(event: Render3DEvent) {
if ((this.settings.attackTiming.get() & 8) !== 0) {
} if (this.targetList.length !== 0) {
if (this.settings.targetMode.get() === "Multi") {
let count = 0;
const limit = this.settings.limitedTargets.get();
const range = this.settings.range.get();
const hurtTime = this.settings.hurtTime.get();
for (let entity of this.targetList) {
RenderUtils.drawPlatform(entity, !(entity.hurtResistantTime > hurtTime) && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(entity) < range && !(limit > 0 && ++count > limit) ? this.attackStateColor : this.waitStateColor);
} else {
for (let entity of this.targetList) {
RenderUtils.drawPlatform(entity, entity === this.target && !(entity.hurtResistantTime > this.settings.hurtTime.get()) ? this.attackStateColor : this.waitStateColor);
} if (!this.teleportTimer.hasTimePassed(500) && this.settings.renderPath.get()) {
for (let pos of this.renderPath) {
this.drawBox(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, this.pathColor);
public onPacket(event: PacketEvent) {
const packet = event.getPacket();
if (packet instanceof S14PacketEntity) {
} else if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && this.settings.rotationAnimation.get()) {
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
const rotationYaw = RotationUtils.serverRotation?.getYaw() ?? 0;
if (rotationYaw !== player.rotationYaw) {
player.rotationYawHead = rotationYaw;
public onWorld(event: WorldEvent) {
public addValues(values: _ValueAdapter) {
const settings = <{ [key: string]: _AdaptedValue<unknown, unknown> }>this.settings;
for (let i in settings) {
private update() {
if (this.targetList.length === 0) {
} if (this.target == null && this.settings.autoBlock.get() !== "Off") {
private updateTarget() {
const prevTarget = this.target;
this.targetList = [];
this.target = null;
const limitedTargets = this.settings.limitedTargets.get();
if (limitedTargets > 0 && !(this.prevTargetSet.size() < limitedTargets)) {
const limitedNetworkPing = this.settings.limitedNetworkPing.get();
if (limitedNetworkPing > 0 && this.serverPacketsTimer.hasTimePassed(limitedNetworkPing)) {
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
const entityList = <Entity[]>Java.from(mc.theWorld!.loadedEntityList);
const switchMode = this.settings.targetMode.get() === "Switch";
const hurtTime = this.settings.hurtTime.get();
const attackRange = this.getAttackRange();
const blockRange = this.settings.blockRange.get();
const throughWallsRange = this.settings.throughWallsRange.get();
const maxRange = Math.max(attackRange, blockRange);
for (let entity of entityList) {
if (this.isEnemy(entity) && !(switchMode && this.prevTargetSet.contains(JavaInteger.valueOf(entity.getEntityId()))) && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(entity) < (player.canEntityBeSeen(entity) ? maxRange : throughWallsRange)) {
} if (this.targetList.length === 0) {
if (switchMode && !this.prevTargetSet.isEmpty()) {
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => this.getDistanceToHitEntity(a) - this.getDistanceToHitEntity(b));
switch (this.settings.priority.get()) {
case "Armor":
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => a instanceof EntityLivingBase && b instanceof EntityLivingBase ? a.getTotalArmorValue() - b.getTotalArmorValue() : 0);
case "Direction":
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(a) - RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(b));
case "Health":
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => a instanceof EntityLivingBase && b instanceof EntityLivingBase ? a.getHealth() - b.getHealth() : 0);
case "HurtTime":
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => a.hurtResistantTime - b.hurtResistantTime);
case "LivingTime":
this.targetList.sort((a, b) => b.ticksExisted - a.ticksExisted);
} if (switchMode && prevTarget != null && this.targetList.indexOf(prevTarget) !== -1 && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(prevTarget) < attackRange) {
this.target = prevTarget;
} for (let ignoreHurtTime = false;;) {
for (let entity of this.targetList) {
if ((ignoreHurtTime || !(entity.hurtResistantTime > hurtTime)) && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(entity) < attackRange) {
this.target = entity;
} if (ignoreHurtTime) {
ignoreHurtTime = true;
} if (switchMode && !this.prevTargetSet.isEmpty()) {
private isEnemy(entity: Entity) {
if (entity instanceof EntityLargeFireball && this.settings.hitFireball.get()) {
return true;
} if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && (EntityUtils.targetDead || entity.isEntityAlive() && entity.getHealth() > 0) && entity !== mc.thePlayer) {
if (!EntityUtils.targetInvisible && entity.isInvisible()) {
return false;
} if (EntityUtils.targetPlayer && entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
if (entity.isSpectator() || AntiBot.isBot(entity)) {
return false;
} if (isFriend(entity) && !LiquidBounce.moduleManager!.getModule(NoFriends.class)!.getState()) {
return false;
const teams = <Teams>LiquidBounce.moduleManager!.getModule(Teams.class);
return !teams.getState() || !teams.isInYourTeam(entity);
return EntityUtils.targetMobs && isMob(entity) || EntityUtils.targetAnimals && isAnimal(entity);
return false;
function isAnimal(entity: Entity) {
return entity instanceof EntityAnimal || entity instanceof EntitySquid || entity instanceof EntityGolem || entity instanceof EntityBat;
function isFriend(entity: Entity) {
return entity instanceof EntityPlayer && entity.getName() != null && LiquidBounce.fileManager!.friendsConfig!.isFriend(ColorUtils.stripColor(entity.getName()));
function isMob(entity: Entity) {
return entity instanceof EntityMob || entity instanceof EntityVillager || entity instanceof EntitySlime || entity instanceof EntityGhast || entity instanceof EntityDragon;
private runAttack() {
if (this.target == null || !this.attackTimer.hasTimePassed(this.attackDelay) || this.target.hurtResistantTime > this.settings.hurtTime.get()) {
} if (this.settings.autoBlock.get() !== "Vanilla") {
const mode = this.settings.targetMode.get();
if (mode === "Multi") {
let count = 0;
const limit = this.settings.limitedTargets.get();
const attackRange = this.getAttackRange();
const hurtTime = this.settings.hurtTime.get();
for (let entity of this.targetList) {
if (!(entity.hurtResistantTime > hurtTime) && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(entity) < attackRange) {
if (this.attackEntity(entity)) {
} if (limit > 0 && !(count < limit)) {
} else {
const attackRange = this.getAttackRange();
const hurtTime = this.settings.hurtTime.get();
for (let entity of this.targetList) {
if (!(entity.hurtResistantTime > hurtTime) && this.getDistanceToHitEntity(entity) < attackRange) {
if (this.attackEntity(entity)) {
this.target = entity;
if (mode === "Switch" && this.switchTimer.hasTimePassed(this.settings.switchDelay.get())) {
} if (this.settings.autoBlock.get() !== "Off" || this.autoBlock.isPlayerBlocking()) {
const maxDelay = this.settings.maxDelay.get();
const minDelay = this.settings.minDelay.get();
this.attackDelay = 1000000 * (minDelay + (maxDelay - minDelay) * Math.random()); //2023.2.2[start]: 100days~
private attackEntity(entity: Entity) {
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
const netHandler = mc.getNetHandler()!;
const hitEntity = this.getHitEntity(entity);
const noTeleportRange = this.settings.noTeleportRange.get();
const spoofGround = this.settings.spoofGround.get();
const teleport = noTeleportRange > 0 && this.getDistanceToEntity(hitEntity) > noTeleportRange;
let teleportPath = <typeof mumyHackAura.FindPath.Pos.prototype[]>[];
if (teleport) {
teleportPath = new mumyHackAura.FindPath(hitEntity, new mumyHackAura.FindPath.Pos(Math.floor(player.posX), Math.floor(player.posY), Math.floor(player.posZ)), new mumyHackAura.FindPath.DynamicPos(() => Math.floor(hitEntity.posX), () => Math.floor(hitEntity.posY), () => Math.floor(hitEntity.posZ)), this.settings.throughWallsRange.get(), 1024, this.settings.packetsDistance.get(), this.settings.teleportVClip.get(), this.settings.teleportHClip.get()).getPath() ?? [];
if (teleportPath.length < 1) {
return false;
for (let pos of this.renderPath = mumyHackAura.FindPath.Utils.simplifyPath(teleportPath, this.settings.packetsDistance.get())) {
netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(pos.x + 0.5, pos.y + 0.0626, pos.z + 0.5, spoofGround));
LiquidBounce.eventManager!.callEvent(new AttackEvent(entity));
if (teleport && this.settings.teleportCriticals.get()) {
const { x, y, z } = teleportPath[teleportPath.length - 1];
for (let offestY of [0.0626, 0, 0.0125, 0]) {
netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(x + 0.5, y + 0.0626 + offestY, z + 0.5, false));
const packets = this.settings.attackPackets.get();
for (let i = 0; i < packets; ++i) {
netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C02PacketUseEntity(hitEntity, C02PacketUseEntity.Action.ATTACK));
} if (teleport && teleportPath.length > 0) {
if (!this.settings.returnTrip.get()) {
const { x, y, z } = teleportPath[teleportPath.length - 1];
player.setPositionAndUpdate(x + 0.5, y + 0.0626, z + 0.5);
} else {
for (let pos of mumyHackAura.FindPath.Utils.simplifyPath(teleportPath.reverse(), this.settings.packetsDistance.get())) {
netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(pos.x + 0.5, pos.y + 0.0626, pos.z + 0.5, spoofGround));
netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, player.onGround));
return true;
private getHitEntity(entity: Entity) {
if (entity instanceof EntityDragon) {
let lastEntity = <Entity | null>null;
let lastDistance = 0;
for (let part of entity.getParts()!) {
const distance = this.getDistanceToEntity(part);
if (lastEntity == null || distance < lastDistance) {
lastEntity = part;
lastDistance = distance;
} if (lastEntity != null) {
return lastEntity;
return entity;
private updateRotation(entity: Entity) {
if (this.settings.rotation.get() === "Off") {
const collisionBorderSize = entity.getCollisionBorderSize() * 0.95;
let bb = entity.getEntityBoundingBox()!.expand(collisionBorderSize, collisionBorderSize, collisionBorderSize)!;
const horizontally = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.settings.hitBoxHorizontally.get(), 1));
const vertically = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.settings.hitBoxVertically.get(), 1));
if (horizontally !== 1 || vertically !== 1) {
const [xHalf, yHalf, zHalf] = [(bb.maxX - bb.minX) / 2, (bb.maxY - bb.minY) / 2, (bb.maxZ - bb.minZ) / 2];
const yCenter = (bb.maxY + bb.minY) / 2;
bb = new AxisAlignedBB(entity.posX - xHalf * horizontally, yCenter - yHalf * vertically, entity.posZ - zHalf * horizontally, entity.posX + xHalf * horizontally, yCenter + yHalf * vertically, entity.posZ + zHalf * horizontally);
let finalRotation = <Rotation | null>null;
switch (this.settings.rotation.get()) {
case "Angle": {
let lastDifference = 0;
for (let sX = 0; sX < 8; ++sX) {
for (let sY = 0; sY < 10; ++sY) {
for (let sZ = 0; sZ < 8; ++sZ) {
const vec = new Vec3(bb.minX + (bb.maxX - bb.minX) * sX / 7, bb.minY + (bb.maxY - bb.minY) * sY / 9, bb.minZ + (bb.maxZ - bb.minZ) * sZ / 7);
const rotation = RotationUtils.toRotation(vec, false)!;
const difference = RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(rotation);
if (finalRotation == null || difference < lastDifference) {
finalRotation = rotation;
lastDifference = difference;
case "Distance": {
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
let [xCenter, yCenter, zCenter] = [Math.max(bb.minX, Math.min(player.posX, bb.maxX)), Math.max(bb.minY, Math.min(player.posY + player.getEyeHeight(), bb.maxY)), Math.max(bb.minZ, Math.min(player.posZ, bb.maxZ))];
if (xCenter === player.posX && zCenter === player.posZ) {
xCenter = entity.posX;
zCenter = entity.posZ;
finalRotation = RotationUtils.toRotation(new Vec3(xCenter, yCenter, zCenter), false)!;
} if (finalRotation != null) {
private smoothRotation(rotation: Rotation) {
const mouseSensitivity = mc.gameSettings!.mouseSensitivity;
const limitedRotation = RotationUtils.limitAngleChange(RotationUtils.serverRotation, rotation, 180)!;
mc.gameSettings!.mouseSensitivity = -0.33333329;
if (this.settings.silentRotation.get()) {
RotationUtils.setTargetRotation(limitedRotation, 0);
} else {
mc.gameSettings!.mouseSensitivity = mouseSensitivity;
private getDistanceToEntity(entity: Entity) {
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
const { posX: playerPosX, posY: playerPosY, posZ: playerPosZ } = player;
const { posX: entityPosX, posY: entityPosY, posZ: entityPosZ } = entity;
const { prevPosX: playerPrevPosX, prevPosY: playerPrevPosY, prevPosZ: playerPrevPosZ } = player;
const { prevPosX: entityPrevPosX, prevPosY: entityPrevPosY, prevPosZ: entityPrevPosZ } = entity;
const predictValue = Math.max(0, this.settings.predictSize.get() / 2);
let playerPredictValue = predictValue;
let entityPredictValue = predictValue;
const referencePredictPing = this.settings.referencePredictPing.get();
if (referencePredictPing > 0) {
const playerPing = Math.max(0, Math.min(mc.getNetHandler()!.getPlayerInfo(player.getUniqueID())?.getResponseTime() ?? 0, this.settings.limitedPredictPing.get()));
if (playerPing > 0) {
playerPredictValue *= playerPing / referencePredictPing;
} if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
const entityPing = Math.max(0, Math.min(mc.getNetHandler()!.getPlayerInfo(entity.getUniqueID())?.getResponseTime() ?? 0, this.settings.limitedPredictPing.get()));
if (entityPing > 0) {
entityPredictValue *= entityPing / referencePredictPing;
const playerMoveVec = new Vec3(playerPosX - playerPrevPosX, playerPosY - playerPrevPosY, playerPosZ - playerPrevPosZ);
const entityMoveVec = new Vec3(entityPosX - entityPrevPosX, entityPosY - entityPrevPosY, entityPosZ - entityPrevPosZ);
const playerMoveSpeed = Math.sqrt(playerMoveVec.xCoord ** 2 + playerMoveVec.yCoord ** 2 + playerMoveVec.zCoord ** 2) * playerPredictValue;
const entityMoveSpeed = Math.sqrt(entityMoveVec.xCoord ** 2 + entityMoveVec.yCoord ** 2 + entityMoveVec.zCoord ** 2) * entityPredictValue;
const playerPredictVec = new Vec3(player.posX + playerMoveVec.xCoord * playerPredictValue, player.posY + playerMoveVec.yCoord * playerPredictValue, player.posZ + playerMoveVec.zCoord * playerPredictValue);
const entityPredictVec = new Vec3(entity.posX + entityMoveVec.xCoord * entityPredictValue, entity.posY + entityMoveVec.yCoord * entityPredictValue, entity.posZ + entityMoveVec.zCoord * entityPredictValue);
const predictDistance = Math.sqrt((entityPredictVec.xCoord - playerPredictVec.xCoord) ** 2 + (entityPredictVec.yCoord - playerPredictVec.yCoord) ** 2 + (entityPredictVec.zCoord - playerPredictVec.zCoord) ** 2);
return Math.max(0, predictDistance - entityMoveSpeed - playerMoveSpeed);
private getDistanceToHitEntity(entity: Entity) {
const hitEntity = this.getHitEntity(entity);
return this.getDistanceToEntity(hitEntity);
private getAttackRange() {
const noTeleportRange = this.settings.noTeleportRange.get();
return !(noTeleportRange > 0) || this.teleportTimer.hasTimePassed(this.settings.teleportDelay.get()) ? this.settings.range.get() : noTeleportRange;
private drawBox(x: number, y: number, z: number, color: Color) {
const renderManager = mc.getRenderManager()!;
RenderUtils.disableGlCap(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
RenderUtils.glColor(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 26);
const { renderPosX, renderPosY, renderPosZ } = renderManager;
const axisAlignedBB = new AxisAlignedBB(x - renderPosX,
y - renderPosY,
z - renderPosZ,
x + 1 - renderPosX,
y + 1 - renderPosY,
z + 1 - renderPosZ);
RenderUtils.glColor(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 95);
public static AutoBlock = class AutoBlock {
private static readonly blockPos = new BlockPos(-1, -1, -1);
public change = false;
public status = false;
public start() {
this.change = true;
this.status = true;
const player = mc.thePlayer!;
player.setItemInUse(player.inventory!.getCurrentItem(), 51213);
mc.getNetHandler()!.addToSendQueue(new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(AutoBlock.blockPos, 255, player.inventory?.getCurrentItem(), 0, 0, 0));
KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(mc.gameSettings!.keyBindUseItem!.getKeyCode(), true);
public stop() {
this.change = true;
this.status = false;
mc.getNetHandler()!.addToSendQueue(new C07PacketPlayerDigging(C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.RELEASE_USE_ITEM, AutoBlock.blockPos, EnumFacing.DOWN));
KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(mc.gameSettings!.keyBindUseItem!.getKeyCode(), false);
public checkAndStart() {
if (!mc.thePlayer!.isBlocking() && AutoBlock.itemIsSword()) {
public checkAndStop() {
if (mc.thePlayer!.isBlocking()) {
public checkAndUpdate() {
if (this.status && !AutoBlock.itemIsSword() && !GameSettings.isKeyDown(mc.gameSettings!.keyBindUseItem)) {
public reset() {
if (this.change && this.status && !GameSettings.isKeyDown(mc.gameSettings!.keyBindUseItem)) {
public isPlayerBlocking() {
return GameSettings.isKeyDown(mc.gameSettings!.keyBindUseItem) && AutoBlock.itemIsSword();
private static itemIsSword() {
return mc.thePlayer?.getHeldItem()?.getItem() instanceof ItemSword;
public static ValuesContainer = class ValuesContainer {
public readonly command = new ValuesContainer.Command(this);
private static readonly directory = new File(LiquidBounce.fileManager!.dir, `scripts\\lib\\mumyScript\\${scriptName} ${scriptVersion}`);
private static readonly jsonFile = new File(ValuesContainer.directory, `values.json`);
private static readonly containers = ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"];
private defaultValues = <{ [key: string]: unknown }>{};
private settingsObject = <{ [key: string]: _AdaptedValue<unknown, unknown> | null }>{};
private containerSetting = this.createContainerSetting();
public init(settingsObject: { [key: string]: _AdaptedValue<unknown, unknown> | null }) {
for (let setting in settingsObject) {
this.defaultValues[setting] = settingsObject[setting]!.get();
this.settingsObject = settingsObject;
this.settingsObject.container = this.containerSetting;
public createOverrideObject(object: any) {
if (object == null) {
return {
onChanged: this.onSettingChanged
} if (typeof object.onChanged === "function") {
object.onChanged = (oldValue: number, newValue: number) => {
object.onChanged(oldValue, newValue);
this.onSettingChanged(oldValue, newValue);
return <object>object;
private createContainerSetting() {
return new _AdaptedValue<string, JavaString>(new (Java.extend(ListValue, {
onChanged: (oldValue: string, newValue: string) => {
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
this.writeContainer(oldValue, this.readSettings());
}))("Container", ValuesContainer.containers, ValuesContainer.containers[0]));
private onSettingChanged(oldValue: unknown, newValue: unknown) {
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
this.writeContainer((<_AdaptedValue<string, JavaString>>this.settingsObject!.container).get(), this.readSettings());
private static check() {
if (!this.directory.exists() || !this.directory.isDirectory()) {
} if (!this.jsonFile.exists() || !this.jsonFile.isFile()) {
private readSettings() {
const object = <{ [key: string]: unknown }>{};
for (let key in this.settingsObject) {
if (key === "container") {
object[key] = this.settingsObject[key]!.get();
return object;
private writeSettings(object: { [key: string]: unknown }) {
for (let save = false;;) {
for (let key in object) {
if (key === "container") {
const setting = this.settingsObject[key]?.getValue();
if (setting == null) {
const value = <any>object[key];
try {
if (save) {
if (setting instanceof BoolValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof FloatValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof IntegerValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof ListValue || setting instanceof TextValue) {
} else {
if (setting instanceof BoolValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof FloatValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof IntegerValue) {
} else if (setting instanceof ListValue || setting instanceof TextValue) {
} catch (err) {}
} if (save) {
save = true;
private readContainer(container: string) {
const jsonObject = ValuesContainer.readJSONObject();
return <{ [key: string]: unknown }>jsonObject[container] ?? this.defaultValues;
private writeContainer(container: string, object: { [key: string]: unknown }) {
const jsonObject = ValuesContainer.readJSONObject();
jsonObject[container] = object;
private static readJSONObject(jsonFile: File = this.jsonFile) {
try {
return <{ [key: string]: unknown }>JSON.parse(<any>new JavaString(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(jsonFile.toURI())), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (err) {
return {};
private static writeJSONObject(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, jsonFile: File = this.jsonFile) {
try {
Files.write(Paths.get(jsonFile.toURI()), new JavaString(JSON.stringify(this.sortObjectKey(object), null, 4)).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE!, StandardOpenOption.WRITE!, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING!);
} catch (err) {}
private static sortObjectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }) {
const newObject = <{ [key: string]: unknown }>{};
for (let key of Object.keys(object).sort()) {
newObject[key] = object[key];
return newObject;
public static Command = class Command {
private readonly prefix = `§8[§9${scriptName}Container§8] §7`;
public constructor(public readonly valuesContainer: ValuesContainer) {}
public getName() {
return `${scriptName}Container`.toLowerCase();
public getAliases() {
return [];
public execute(args: string[]) {
try {
if (args.length > 1) {
const operator = args[1].toLowerCase();
if (operator === "load" || operator === "save") {
if (args.length > 2) {
const file = new File(ValuesContainer.directory, args[2]);
if (operator === "save") {
this.valuesContainer.writeContainer(this.valuesContainer.containerSetting.get(), this.valuesContainer.readSettings());
ValuesContainer.writeJSONObject(ValuesContainer.readJSONObject(), file);
chat.print(`${this.prefix}save file '${file.getName()}'.`);
} else if (operator === "load" && file.exists() && file.isFile()) {
const jsonObject = ValuesContainer.readJSONObject(file);
ValuesContainer.writeJSONObject(jsonObject, file);
const settingsObject = jsonObject[this.valuesContainer.containerSetting.get()];
if (settingsObject != null) {
chat.print(`${this.prefix}load file '${file.getName()}'.`);
} else {
chat.print(`${this.prefix}file '${file.getName()}' does not exist!`);
} else {
chat.print(`${this.prefix}§3Syntax: §7.${this.getName()} ${operator} <${Java.from(ValuesContainer.directory.list())?.join("/") ?? "[Empty Directory]"}>`);
chat.print(`${this.prefix}§3Syntax: §7.${this.getName()} <load/save> <file>`);
} catch (err) {
chat.print(`${this.prefix}Error: ${err}`);
public tabComplete(args: string[]) {
if (args.length === 2) {
return <string[]>Java.from(ValuesContainer.directory.list()) ?? [];
} if (args.length === 1) {
return ["load", "save"];
return [];
private static FindPath = class FindPath {
private openTable = new FindPath.NodeQueue();
private closeTable = new FindPath.NodeSet();
public constructor(private entity: Entity, private start: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype, private end: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype, private throughWalls: number = 0, private compute: number = 1024, private intervals: number = 10, private vClip: boolean = false, private hClip: boolean = false) {
[ this.start, this.end ] = [end, start];
public getPath() {
if (!FindPath.Utils.isPassablePos(this.end)) {
return null;
while (!this.openTable.isEmpty() && this.closeTable.size < this.compute) {
const node = this.openTable.poll()!;
if (this.closeTable.contains(node)) {
} if (!FindPath.Utils.isPassableNode(node)) {
const parent = node.parent;
if (parent == null) {
let clip = false;
const { x: parentX, y: parentY, z: parentZ } = parent;
const { x: nodeX, y: nodeY, z: nodeZ } = node;
if (this.vClip && parentY !== nodeY) {
const newParent = new FindPath.SpecialNode(parentX, parentY, parentZ, parent.parent);
if (parentY < nodeY) {
clip = true;
} else if (parentY > nodeY) {
clip = true;
} if (this.hClip && parentY === nodeY) {
clip = true;
const newParent = new FindPath.SpecialNode(parentX, parentY, parentZ, parent.parent);
this.straightHClip(new FindPath.Pos(nodeX + (nodeX - parentX), nodeY, nodeZ + (nodeZ - parentZ)), newParent);
} if (clip) {
} if (node.equals(this.end)) {
const path = <typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype[]>[node];
for (let temp = node.parent; temp != null; temp = temp.parent) {
return path;
const { x, y, z } = node;
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x + 1, y, z, node);
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x, y + 1, z, node);
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x, y, z + 1, node);
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x - 1, y, z, node);
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x, y - 1, z, node);
this.createNodeToOpenTable(x, y, z - 1, node);
return null;
private init() {
const { x: startX, y: startY, z: startZ } = this.start;
const startNode = new FindPath.Node(startX, startY, startZ);
if (FindPath.Utils.isPassablePos(startNode)) {
} if (!(this.throughWalls < 1)) {
for (let x = -3; x < 4; ++x) {
for (let y = -3; y < 4; ++y) {
for (let z = -3; z < 4; ++z) {
const [ nodeX, nodeY, nodeZ ] = [startX + x, startY + y, startZ + z];
if (Math.sqrt((nodeX + 0.5 - this.entity.posX) ** 2 + (nodeY + 0.0626 - this.entity.posY) ** 2 + (nodeZ + 0.5 - this.entity.posZ) ** 2) > Math.min(this.throughWalls, 2.95)) {
const node = new FindPath.Node(nodeX, nodeY, nodeZ);
if (FindPath.Utils.isPassablePos(node)) {
private createNodeToOpenTable(x: number, y: number, z: number, parent: typeof FindPath.Node.prototype) {
if (FindPath.Utils.specialBlock) {
const { x: parentX, y: parentY, z: parentZ } = parent;
if (!FindPath.Utils.canReachable(parentX, parentY, parentZ, x, y, z)) {
this.openTable.add(new FindPath.Node(x, y, z, parent).calculateCost(this.end));
private upVClip(node: typeof FindPath.Node.prototype) {
const { x: posX, y: posY, z: posZ } = node;
const limit = posY + Math.floor(this.intervals);
const tempPos = new FindPath.Pos(posX, 0, posZ);
for (let offsetY = posY + 2; !(offsetY > limit); ++offsetY) {
tempPos.y = offsetY;
if (FindPath.Utils.isPassablePos(tempPos)) {
const newNode = new FindPath.SpecialNode(posX, offsetY, posZ, node);
newNode.gCost = node.gCost + Math.abs(posY - offsetY);
private downVClip(node: typeof FindPath.Node.prototype) {
const { x: posX, y: posY, z: posZ } = node;
const limit = posY - Math.floor(this.intervals);
const tempPos = new FindPath.Pos(posX, 0, posZ);
for (let offsetY = posY - 2; !(offsetY < limit); --offsetY) {
tempPos.y = offsetY;
if (FindPath.Utils.isPassablePos(tempPos)) {
const newNode = new FindPath.SpecialNode(posX, offsetY, posZ, node);
newNode.gCost = node.gCost + Math.abs(posY - offsetY);
private straightHClip(target: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype, parent: typeof FindPath.Node.prototype) {
if (this.intervals < 1.88 || !FindPath.Utils.isEmptyPos(parent) || !FindPath.Utils.isEmptyPos(target)) {
const { x: targetX, y: targetY, z: targetZ } = target;
const { x: parentX, y: parentY, z: parentZ } = parent;
const wall = new FindPath.Pos(Math.floor((targetX + parentX) / 2), parentY, Math.floor((targetZ + parentZ) / 2));
if (FindPath.Utils.isEmptyPos(wall)) {
const { x: wallX, y: wallY, z: wallZ } = wall;
const wallBox = new AxisAlignedBB(wallX, wallY + 0.0626, wallZ, wallX + 1, wallY + 1.8 + 0.0626, wallZ + 1);
const groundBlockCollisionBoxes = FindPath.Utils.getBlockCollisionBoxes(wallBox, wallX, wallY - 1, wallZ);
if (groundBlockCollisionBoxes != null) {
const block0CollisionBoxes = FindPath.Utils.getBlockCollisionBoxes(wallBox, wallX, wallY, wallZ);
const block1CollisionBoxes = FindPath.Utils.getBlockCollisionBoxes(wallBox, wallX, wallY + 1, wallZ);
let box0: AxisAlignedBB | null | undefined;
let box1: AxisAlignedBB | null | undefined;
if (block0CollisionBoxes != null) {
if (block0CollisionBoxes.length !== 1) {
box0 = block0CollisionBoxes[0];
if (box0.maxX - box0.minX !== 1 || box0.maxZ - box0.minZ !== 1) {
} if (block1CollisionBoxes != null) {
if (block1CollisionBoxes.length !== 1) {
box1 = block1CollisionBoxes[0];
if (box1.maxX - box1.minX !== 1 || box1.maxZ - box1.minZ !== 1) {
} if (box0 == null && box1 == null || box0 != null && box1 != null && (box0.maxX - box0.minX !== 1 || box0.maxZ - box0.minZ !== 1 || box1.maxX - box1.minX !== 1 || box1.maxZ - box1.minZ !== 1 || box0.minX !== box1.minX || box0.minZ !== box1.minZ)) {
const node = new FindPath.SpecialNode(targetX, targetY, targetZ);
let wallNodeA: typeof FindPath.SpecialNode.prototype;
let wallNodeB: typeof FindPath.SpecialNode.prototype;
if (targetX !== parentX) {
wallNodeA = new FindPath.SpecialNode(wallX + 0.8 - 0.06, wallY, wallZ);
wallNodeB = new FindPath.SpecialNode(wallX - 0.8 + 0.06, wallY, wallZ);
if (targetX > parentX) {
const temp = wallNodeA;
wallNodeA = wallNodeB;
wallNodeB = temp;
} else {
wallNodeA = new FindPath.SpecialNode(wallX, wallY, wallZ + 0.8 - 0.06);
wallNodeB = new FindPath.SpecialNode(wallX, wallY, wallZ - 0.8 + 0.06);
if (targetZ > parentZ) {
const temp = wallNodeA;
wallNodeA = wallNodeB;
wallNodeB = temp;
wallNodeA.parent = parent;
wallNodeB.parent = wallNodeA;
node.parent = wallNodeB;
node.gCost = parent.gCost + Math.abs(targetX - parentX) + Math.abs(targetZ - parentZ);
public static Utils = class Utils {
public static specialBlock = false;
private static mutableBlockPos = new MutableBlockPos();
public static isPassableNode(node: typeof FindPath.Node.prototype) {
const { x, y, z } = node;
this.specialBlock = false;
if (this.isNotPassablePos(node)) {
return false;
} if (this.isPassableBlock(x, y, z) && this.isPassableBlock(x, y + 1, z)) {
return true;
} if (this.isSpecialBlock(x, y, z) || this.isSpecialBlock(x, y + 1, z)) {
this.specialBlock = true;
const { x: startX, y: startY, z: startZ } = node.parent ?? node;
const { x: endX, y: endY, z: endZ } = node;
return this.canReachable(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ);
return false;
public static isPassablePos(pos: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype) {
const { x, y, z } = pos;
if (this.isNotPassablePos(pos)) {
return false;
} if (this.isPassableBlock(x, y, z) && this.isPassableBlock(x, y + 1, z)) {
return true;
} if (this.isSpecialBlock(x, y, z) || this.isSpecialBlock(x, y + 1, z)) {
const { x: startX, y: startY, z: startZ } = pos;
const { x: endX, y: endY, z: endZ } = pos;
return this.canReachable(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, false);
return false;
public static isEmptyPos(pos: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype) {
const { x, y, z } = pos;
if (this.isNotPassablePos(pos)) {
return false;
return this.isPassableBlock(x, y, z) && this.isPassableBlock(x, y + 1, z);
public static isNotPassablePos(pos: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype) {
const { x, y, z } = pos;
return this.isNotPassableBlock(x, y, z) || this.isNotPassableBlock(x, y + 1, z) || this.isNotPassableGroundBlock(x, y - 1, z);
public static isNotPassableBlock(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const blockPos = this.mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z);
if (mc.theWorld!.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
const blockState = mc.theWorld!.getBlockState(blockPos);
const block = blockState?.getBlock();
return block != null && (((block instanceof BlockLiquid || block instanceof BlockStaticLiquid) && block.getMaterial() !== Material.water) || block instanceof BlockWeb);
return false;
public static isNotPassableGroundBlock(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const blockPos = this.mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z);
if (mc.theWorld!.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
const blockState = mc.theWorld!.getBlockState(blockPos);
const block = blockState?.getBlock();
return block != null && (block instanceof BlockWall || block instanceof BlockFence || block instanceof BlockFenceGate && block.getCollisionBoundingBox(mc.theWorld, blockPos, blockState) != null);
return false;
public static isPassableBlock(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const blockPos = this.mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z);
if (mc.theWorld!.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
const blockState = mc.theWorld!.getBlockState(blockPos);
const block = blockState?.getBlock();
return block == null || block.getCollisionBoundingBox(mc.theWorld, blockPos, blockState) == null;
return false;
public static isSpecialBlock(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const blockPos = this.mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z);
if (mc.theWorld!.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
const blockState = mc.theWorld!.getBlockState(blockPos);
const block = blockState?.getBlock();
return block != null && (block instanceof BlockSnow && block.isReplaceable(mc.theWorld, blockPos) || block === Block.blockRegistry!.getObjectById(111) || block instanceof BlockLadder || block instanceof BlockDoor || block instanceof BlockCarpet || block instanceof BlockTrapDoor);
return false;
public static getBlockCollisionBoxes(bb: AxisAlignedBB, x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const world = mc.theWorld!;
const blockPos = this.mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z)!;
if (!world.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
return null;
const boxesList = new ArrayList<AxisAlignedBB>();
const blockState = world.getBlockState(blockPos);
if (blockState != null) {
blockState.getBlock()?.addCollisionBoxesToList(world, blockPos, blockState, bb, boxesList, null);
return boxesList.size() > 0 ? <AxisAlignedBB[]>Java.from(boxesList) : null;
public static simplifyPath(path: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype[], intervals: number = 10, vClip: boolean = false) {
if (path.length < 3) {
return path;
const newPath = <typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype[]>[path[0]];
let finalPos = path[0];
let finalIndex = 0;
for (let index = 1; index < path.length; ++index) {
let ignore = false;
let collision = false;
const pos = path[index];
const { x: finalX, y: finalY, z: finalZ } = finalPos;
const { x: posX, y: posY, z: posZ } = pos;
if (Math.sqrt((finalX - posX) ** 2 + (finalY - posY) ** 2 + (finalZ - posZ) ** 2) > intervals || (!vClip || finalX !== posX || finalZ !== posZ) && !this.canReachable(finalX, finalY, finalZ, posX, posY, posZ)) {
if (!(finalIndex < index)) {
ignore = true;
collision = true;
finalIndex = index;
finalPos = path[index];
} if (!ignore && pos instanceof FindPath.SpecialNode) {
if (collision) {
finalPos = pos;
finalIndex = index;
const lastPos = path[path.length - 1];
if (newPath[newPath.length - 1] !== lastPos) {
return newPath;
public static canReachable(startX: number, startY: number, startZ: number, endX: number, endY: number, endZ: number, ignoreCurrent: boolean = true) {
const world = mc.theWorld!;
const boxesList = new ArrayList<AxisAlignedBB>();
const mutableBlockPos = new MutableBlockPos();
const currentBox = new AxisAlignedBB(startX + 0.5 - 0.3, startY + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 - 0.3, startX + 0.5 + 0.3, startY + 1.8 + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 + 0.3);
const yMoveBox = new AxisAlignedBB(startX + 0.5 - 0.3, (startY < endY ? startY : endY) + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 - 0.3, startX + 0.5 + 0.3, (startY > endY ? startY : endY) + 1.8 + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 + 0.3);
const minY = (startY < endY ? startY : endY) - 1;
const maxY = (startY > endY ? startY : endY) + 1;
for (let y = minY; !(y > maxY); ++y) {
const x = startX;
const z = startY;
if (intersect(yMoveBox, x, y, z) && (!ignoreCurrent || !intersect(currentBox, x, y, z))) {
return false;
const xMoveBox = new AxisAlignedBB((startX < endX ? startX : endX) + 0.5 - 0.3, endY + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 - 0.3, (startX > endX ? startX : endX) + 0.5 + 0.3, endY + 1.8 + 0.0626, startZ + 0.5 + 0.3);
const minX = startX < endX ? startX : endX;
const maxX = startX > endX ? startX : endX;
for (let x = minX; !(x > maxX); ++x) {
for (let offsetY = -1; !(offsetY > 1); ++offsetY) {
const y = endY + offsetY;
const z = startZ;
if (intersect(xMoveBox, x, y, z) && (!ignoreCurrent || !intersect(currentBox, x, y, z))) {
return false;
const zMoveBox = new AxisAlignedBB(endX + 0.5 - 0.3, endY + 0.0626, (startZ < endZ ? startZ : endZ) + 0.5 - 0.3, endX + 0.5 + 0.3, endY + 1.8 + 0.0626, (startZ > endZ ? startZ : endZ) + 0.5 + 0.3);
const minZ = startZ < endZ ? startZ : endZ;
const maxZ = startZ > endZ ? startZ : endZ;
for (let z = minZ; !(z > maxZ); ++z) {
for (let offsetY = -1; !(offsetY > 1); ++offsetY) {
const x = endX;
const y = endY + offsetY;
if (intersect(zMoveBox, x, y, z) && (!ignoreCurrent || !intersect(currentBox, x, y, z))) {
return false;
return true;
function intersect(bb: AxisAlignedBB, x: number, y: number, z: number) {
const blockPos = mutableBlockPos.set(x, y, z)!;
if (!world.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) {
return false;
const blockState = world.getBlockState(blockPos);
if (blockState != null) {
const size = boxesList.size();
blockState.getBlock()?.addCollisionBoxesToList(world, blockPos, blockState, bb, boxesList, null);
return size != boxesList.size();
return false;
public static Pos = class Pos {
public constructor(public x: number, public y: number, public z: number) {}
public equals(obj: Pos) {
return obj.x === this.x && obj.y === this.y && obj.z === this.z;
public hashCode() {
return (this.y + this.z * 31) * 31 + this.x;
public static DynamicPos = class DynamicPos {
public constructor(private getX: () => number, private getY: () => number, private getZ: () => number) {}
public get x() {
return this.getX();
public get y() {
return this.getY();
public get z() {
return this.getZ();
public equals(obj: DynamicPos) {
return obj.x === this.x && obj.y === this.y && obj.z === this.z;
public hashCode() {
return (this.y + this.z * 31) * 31 + this.x;
public static Node = class Node extends FindPath.Pos {
public cost = 0;
public gCost = 0;
public constructor(public x: number, public y: number, public z: number, public parent?: Node | null) {
super(x, y, z);
this.gCost = (parent?.gCost ?? 0) + 1;
public calculateCost(target: typeof FindPath.Pos.prototype) {
const xDist = Math.abs(target.x - this.x);
const yDist = Math.abs(target.y - this.y);
const zDist = Math.abs(target.z - this.z);
const hCost = Math.sqrt(xDist ** 2 + yDist ** 2 + zDist ** 2) + xDist + yDist + zDist;
this.cost = this.gCost + hCost;
return this;
public compareTo(obj: Node) {
return this.cost - obj.cost;
public static SpecialNode = class SpecialNode extends FindPath.Node {}
private static NodeSet = class HashSet<T extends typeof FindPath.Node.prototype> {
public size = 0;
private elements: (typeof HashSet.Node.prototype | null | undefined)[] = [];
public add(obj: T) {
const hash = this.hash(obj);
const element = this.elements[hash];
if (element == null) {
this.elements[hash] = new HashSet.Node<T>(obj, null);
} else {
let node = <typeof HashSet.Node.prototype | null | undefined>element;
do {
if (node!.value.equals(obj)) {
node = node!.next;
} while (node != null);
this.elements[hash] = new HashSet.Node<T>(obj, element);
public contains(obj: T) {
const hash = this.hash(obj);
const element = this.elements[hash];
if (element != null) {
let node = <typeof HashSet.Node.prototype | null | undefined>element;
do {
if (node!.value.equals(obj)) {
return true;
node = node!.next;
} while (node != null);
return false;
public remove(obj: T) {
const hash = this.hash(obj);
const element = this.elements[hash];
if (element != null) {
let node = <typeof HashSet.Node.prototype | null | undefined>element;
let prev = <typeof HashSet.Node.prototype | null | undefined>null;
do {
if (node!.value.equals(obj)) {
if (prev == null) {
this.elements[hash] = null;
} else {
prev.next = node!.next;
prev = node;
node = node!.next;
} while (node != null);
public clear() {
this.size = 0;
this.elements = [];
public isEmpty() {
return this.size < 1;
public toArray() {
const array = [];
for (let element of this.elements) {
let node = element;
while (node != null) {
node = node.next;
return array;
private hash(obj: T) {
const h = obj.hashCode();
return h ^ (h >>> 16) & 0xFFFF;
private static Node = class Node<T> {
public constructor(public value: T, public next: Node<T> | null | undefined) {}
private static NodeQueue = class PriorityQueue<T extends typeof FindPath.Node.prototype> {
public size = 0;
private elements: (T | null | undefined)[] = [];
public constructor(private readonly comparator?: (a: T, b: T) => number) {}
public add(obj: T) {
if (this.size === 0) {
this.elements[0] = obj;
} else {
this.siftUp(this.size, obj);
public poll() {
const result = this.elements[0];
this.elements[0] = this.elements[this.size];
this.elements[this.size] = null;
if (this.size > 1) {
this.siftDown(0, this.elements[0]!);
return result;
public peek() {
return this.elements[0];
public contains(obj: T) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; ++i) {
if (obj.equals(this.elements[i]!)) {
return true;
return false;
public clear() {
this.size = 0;
this.elements = [];
public isEmpty() {
return this.size < 1;
public toArray() {
const elements = this.elements.concat();
const size = this.size;
const array = [];
while (!this.isEmpty()) {
this.elements = elements;
this.size = size;
return array;
private siftUp(key: number, value: T) {
if (this.comparator != null) {
this.siftUpUsingComparator(key, value);
} else {
this.siftUpComparable(key, value);
private siftUpComparable(key: number, value: T) {
while (key > 0) {
const parent = (key - 1) >>> 1;
const element = this.elements[parent];
if (element!.compareTo!(value) < 0) {
this.elements[key] = element;
key = parent;
this.elements[key] = value;
private siftUpUsingComparator(key: number, value: T) {
while (key > 0) {
const parent = (key - 1) >>> 1;
const element = this.elements[parent];
if (this.comparator!(element!, value) < 0) {
this.elements[key] = element;
key = parent;
this.elements[key] = value;
private siftDown(key: number, value: T) {
if (this.comparator != null) {
this.siftDownUsingComparator(key, value);
} else {
this.siftDownComparable(key, value);
private siftDownComparable(key: number, value: T) {
const half = this.size >>> 1;
while (key < half) {
let child = (key << 1) + 1;
let childElement = this.elements[child];
const right = child + 1;
if (right < this.size && childElement!.compareTo!(this.elements[right]!) > 0) {
childElement = this.elements[child = right];
} if (!(childElement!.compareTo!(value) < 0)) {
this.elements[key] = childElement;
key = child;
this.elements[key] = value;
private siftDownUsingComparator(key: number, value: T) {
const half = this.size >>> 1;
while (key < half) {
let child = (key << 1) + 1;
let childElement = this.elements[child];
const right = child + 1;
if (right < this.size && this.comparator!(childElement!, this.elements[right]!) > 0) {
childElement = this.elements[child = right];
} if (!(this.comparator!(childElement!, value) < 0)) {
this.elements[key] = childElement;
key = child;
this.elements[key] = value;
public static NanoTimer = class NanoTimer {
private time = -1;
public zero() {
this.time = 0;
public reset() {
this.time = System.nanoTime();
public hasTimePassed(nano: number) {
return this.time + nano < System.nanoTime();
public hasTimeLeft(nano: number) {
return (this.time + nano) - System.nanoTime();
class mumyScript {
private static readonly registeredModulesField = Script.class.getDeclaredField("registeredModules")!;
private static readonly registeredCommandsField = Script.class.getDeclaredField("registeredCommands")!;
static {
public static registerModules(scriptModules: { getName(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getDescription(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getCategory(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined }[]) {
const modules = [];
for (let scriptModule of scriptModules) {
return modules;
public static registerModule(scriptModule: { getName(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getDescription(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getCategory(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined }) {
const moduleConfig = {
name: scriptModule.getName(),
description: scriptModule.getDescription(),
category: scriptModule.getCategory()
if (typeof (<any>scriptModule).addValues === "function") {
const valueAdapter = new _ValueAdapter();
(<any>moduleConfig).settings = valueAdapter.getAdaptedValues();
} if (typeof (<any>scriptModule).getTag === "function") {
const updateThread = new Thread(() => {
for (;;) {
(<any>moduleConfig).tag = (<any>scriptModule).getTag();
const module = new ScriptModule(moduleConfig);
registerEvent("update", "onUpdate");
registerEvent("enable", "onEnable");
registerEvent("disable", "onDisable");
registerEvent("packet", "onPacket");
registerEvent("motion", "onMotion");
registerEvent("render2D", "onRender2D");
registerEvent("render3D", "onRender3D");
registerEvent("jump", "onJump");
registerEvent("attack", "onAttack");
registerEvent("key", "onKey");
registerEvent("move", "onMove");
registerEvent("step", "onStep");
registerEvent("stepConfirm", "onStepConfirm");
registerEvent("world", "onWorld");
registerEvent("session", "onSession");
registerEvent("clickBlock", "onClickBlock");
registerEvent("strafe", "onStrafe");
registerEvent("slowDown", "onSlowDown");
return <Module>module;
function registerEvent(eventName: string, legacyName: string) {
if ((<any>scriptModule)[legacyName] != null) {
module.on(eventName, (event: any) => (<any>scriptModule)[legacyName](event));
public static unregisterModules(modules: (Module | _AdaptedModule)[]) {
for (let module of modules) {
public static unregisterModule(module: Module | _AdaptedModule, autoDisable: boolean = true) {
const object = module instanceof _AdaptedModule ? module._getRaw()! : module;
if (autoDisable) {
public static registerCommands(scriptCommands: { getName(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getAliases(): (JVM.java$.lang$.String | string)[] | null | undefined, execute(args: (JVM.java$.lang$.String | string)[] | null | undefined): void }[]) {
const commands = [];
for (let scriptCommand of scriptCommands) {
return commands;
public static registerCommand(scriptCommand: { getName(): JVM.java$.lang$.String | string | null | undefined, getAliases(): (JVM.java$.lang$.String | string)[] | null | undefined, execute(args: (JVM.java$.lang$.String | string)[] | null | undefined): void }) {
const commandObject = {
name: scriptCommand.getName(),
aliases: scriptCommand.getAliases(),
execute: (args: string[]) => scriptCommand.execute(args)
if (typeof (<any>scriptCommand).tabComplete === "function") {
(<any>commandObject).tabComplete = (<any>scriptCommand).tabComplete;
} if (typeof (<any>scriptCommand).chat === "function") {
(<any>commandObject).chat = (<any>scriptCommand).chat;
} if (typeof (<any>scriptCommand).chatSyntax === "function") {
(<any>commandObject).chatSyntax = (<any>scriptCommand).chatSyntax;
} if (typeof (<any>scriptCommand).chatSyntaxError === "function") {
(<any>commandObject).chatSyntaxError = (<any>scriptCommand).chatSyntaxError;
} if (typeof (<any>scriptCommand).playEdit === "function") {
(<any>commandObject).playEdit = (<any>scriptCommand).playEdit;
const command = <Command>new (Java.extend(Command, commandObject))(scriptCommand.getName(), scriptCommand.getAliases());
return command;
public static unregisterCommands(commands: Command[]) {
for (let command of commands) {
public static unregisterCommand(command: Command) {
let modules: Module[];
let commands: Command[];
function onLoad() {}
function onEnable() {
const mumyHackAuraInstance = new mumyHackAura();
modules = mumyScript.registerModules([mumyHackAuraInstance]);
commands = mumyScript.registerCommands([mumyHackAuraInstance.valuesContainer.command]);
function onDisable() {
