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typemap.go 8.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Tony 提交于 2019-05-05 20:33 . Kratos protobuf protoc (#71)
package typemap
// Copyright 2018 Twitch Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is
// located at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on
// express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
import (
// Registry is the place of descriptors resolving
type Registry struct {
allFiles []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto
filesByName map[string]*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto
// Mapping of fully-qualified names to their definitions
messagesByProtoName map[string]*MessageDefinition
// New Registry
func New(files []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) *Registry {
r := &Registry{
allFiles: files,
filesByName: make(map[string]*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto),
messagesByProtoName: make(map[string]*MessageDefinition),
// First, index the file descriptors by name. We need this so
// messageDefsForFile can correctly scan imports.
for _, f := range files {
r.filesByName[f.GetName()] = f
// Next, index all the message definitions by their fully-qualified proto
// names.
for _, f := range files {
defs := messageDefsForFile(f, r.filesByName)
for name, def := range defs {
r.messagesByProtoName[name] = def
return r
// FileComments comment of file
func (r *Registry) FileComments(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) (DefinitionComments, error) {
return commentsAtPath([]int32{packagePath}, file), nil
// ServiceComments comments of service
func (r *Registry) ServiceComments(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) (DefinitionComments, error) {
for i, s := range file.Service {
if s == svc {
path := []int32{servicePath, int32(i)}
return commentsAtPath(path, file), nil
return DefinitionComments{}, errors.Errorf("service not found in file")
// FieldComments ...
func (r *Registry) FieldComments(message *MessageDefinition, field *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto) (DefinitionComments, error) {
file := message.File
mpath := message.path
for i, f := range message.Descriptor.Field {
if f == field {
path := append(mpath, messageFieldPath, int32(i))
return commentsAtPath(path, file), nil
return DefinitionComments{}, errors.Errorf("field not found in msg")
// MethodComments comment of method
func (r *Registry) MethodComments(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, svc *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto, method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) (DefinitionComments, error) {
for i, s := range file.Service {
if s == svc {
path := []int32{servicePath, int32(i)}
for j, m := range s.Method {
if m == method {
path = append(path, serviceMethodPath, int32(j))
return commentsAtPath(path, file), nil
return DefinitionComments{}, errors.Errorf("service not found in file")
// MethodInputDefinition returns MethodInputDefinition
func (r *Registry) MethodInputDefinition(method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) *MessageDefinition {
return r.messagesByProtoName[method.GetInputType()]
// MethodOutputDefinition returns MethodOutputDefinition
func (r *Registry) MethodOutputDefinition(method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto) *MessageDefinition {
return r.messagesByProtoName[method.GetOutputType()]
// MessageDefinition by name
func (r *Registry) MessageDefinition(name string) *MessageDefinition {
return r.messagesByProtoName[name]
// MessageDefinition msg info
type MessageDefinition struct {
// Descriptor is is the DescriptorProto defining the message.
Descriptor *descriptor.DescriptorProto
// File is the File that the message was defined in. Or, if it has been
// publicly imported, what File was that import performed in?
File *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto
// Parent is the parent message, if this was defined as a nested message. If
// this was defiend at the top level, parent is nil.
Parent *MessageDefinition
// Comments describes the comments surrounding a message's definition. If it
// was publicly imported, then these comments are from the actual source file,
// not the file that the import was performed in.
Comments DefinitionComments
// path is the 'SourceCodeInfo' path. See the documentation for
// github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor.SourceCodeInfo for an
// explanation of its format.
path []int32
// ProtoName returns the dot-delimited, fully-qualified protobuf name of the
// message.
func (m *MessageDefinition) ProtoName() string {
prefix := "."
if pkg := m.File.GetPackage(); pkg != "" {
prefix += pkg + "."
if lineage := m.Lineage(); len(lineage) > 0 {
for _, parent := range lineage {
prefix += parent.Descriptor.GetName() + "."
return prefix + m.Descriptor.GetName()
// Lineage returns m's parental chain all the way back up to a top-level message
// definition. The first element of the returned slice is the highest-level
// parent.
func (m *MessageDefinition) Lineage() []*MessageDefinition {
var parents []*MessageDefinition
for p := m.Parent; p != nil; p = p.Parent {
parents = append([]*MessageDefinition{p}, parents...)
return parents
// descendants returns all the submessages defined within m, and all the
// descendants of those, recursively.
func (m *MessageDefinition) descendants() []*MessageDefinition {
descendants := make([]*MessageDefinition, 0)
for i, child := range m.Descriptor.NestedType {
path := append(m.path, []int32{messageMessagePath, int32(i)}...)
childDef := &MessageDefinition{
Descriptor: child,
File: m.File,
Parent: m,
Comments: commentsAtPath(path, m.File),
path: path,
descendants = append(descendants, childDef)
descendants = append(descendants, childDef.descendants()...)
return descendants
// messageDefsForFile gathers a mapping of fully-qualified protobuf names to
// their definitions. It scans a singles file at a time. It requires a mapping
// of .proto file names to their definitions in order to correctly handle
// 'import public' declarations; this mapping should include all files
// transitively imported by f.
func messageDefsForFile(f *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, filesByName map[string]*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) map[string]*MessageDefinition {
byProtoName := make(map[string]*MessageDefinition)
// First, gather all the messages defined at the top level.
for i, d := range f.MessageType {
path := []int32{messagePath, int32(i)}
def := &MessageDefinition{
Descriptor: d,
File: f,
Parent: nil,
Comments: commentsAtPath(path, f),
path: path,
byProtoName[def.ProtoName()] = def
// Next, all nested message definitions.
for _, child := range def.descendants() {
byProtoName[child.ProtoName()] = child
// Finally, all messages imported publicly.
for _, depIdx := range f.PublicDependency {
depFileName := f.Dependency[depIdx]
depFile := filesByName[depFileName]
depDefs := messageDefsForFile(depFile, filesByName)
for _, def := range depDefs {
imported := &MessageDefinition{
Descriptor: def.Descriptor,
File: f,
Parent: def.Parent,
Comments: commentsAtPath(def.path, depFile),
path: def.path,
byProtoName[imported.ProtoName()] = imported
return byProtoName
// // ignored detached comments.
type DefinitionComments struct {
Leading string
Trailing string
LeadingDetached []string
func commentsAtPath(path []int32, sourceFile *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) DefinitionComments {
if sourceFile.SourceCodeInfo == nil {
// The compiler didn't provide us with comments.
return DefinitionComments{}
for _, loc := range sourceFile.SourceCodeInfo.Location {
if pathEqual(path, loc.Path) {
return DefinitionComments{
Leading: strings.TrimSuffix(loc.GetLeadingComments(), "\n"),
LeadingDetached: loc.GetLeadingDetachedComments(),
Trailing: loc.GetTrailingComments(),
return DefinitionComments{}
func pathEqual(path1, path2 []int32) bool {
if len(path1) != len(path2) {
return false
for i, v := range path1 {
if path2[i] != v {
return false
return true
const (
// tag numbers in FileDescriptorProto
packagePath = 2 // package
messagePath = 4 // message_type
servicePath = 6 // service
// tag numbers in DescriptorProto
messageFieldPath = 2 // field
messageMessagePath = 3 // nested_type
// tag numbers in ServiceDescriptorProto
serviceMethodPath = 2 // method
