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benjann 提交于 2019-01-31 15:33 . latest SSC version
{* 04jul2006}{...}
{cmd:help mata mm_callf()}
{p 4 18 2}
{bf:mm_callf() -- Pass varying number of optional arguments to function}
{p 8 21 2}
{bind: }{it:setup} = {cmd:mm_callf_setup(}{it:f}{cmd:,} {it:n} [{cmd:,}
{it:p1}{cmd:,} {it:p2}{cmd:,} {it:...}{cmd:,} {it:p10}]{cmd:)}
{p 8 21 2}
{it:transmorphic} {cmd:mm_callf(}{it:setup} [{cmd:,} {it:o1}{cmd:,}
{p 12 16 2}
{it:f}: {it:pointer scalar} containing address of function; usually
this is coded {cmd:&}{it:funcname}{cmd:()}
{p 12 16 2}
{it:n}: {it:real scalar} containing number of "active" optional arguments
{p 4 16 2}
{it:p1} to {it:p10}: potential optional arguments to pass to function {it:f}
{p 5 16 2}
{it:o1} to {it:o5}: non-optional arguments to pass to function {it:f}
{p 8 16 2}
{it:setup}: a variable used for communication between
{cmd:mm_callf_setup()} and {cmd:mm_callf()}; if you declare {it:setup},
declare it to be {it:transmorphic}
{pstd}{cmd:mm_callf_setup()} and {cmd:mm_callf()} are helper tools to
implement passing through optional arguments to functions.
Up to 10 optional arguments and up to 5 non-optional arguments
are supported. The tools are based on a suggestion made by Bill Gould
on Statalist. See
{browse "http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2006-06/msg00303.html"}.
{pstd}{cmd:mm_callf_setup()} and {cmd:mm_callf()} are useful if you
are programming functions that pass on optional arguments to
functions. The difficulty with passing optional arguments is
that the number of arguments may not be known in advance. Usage of
{cmd:mm_callf_setup()} and {cmd:mm_callf()} is illustrated by the
following two examples.
{pstd}{ul:Example 1: static wrapper}
Say, you intend to program a function called
{cmd:func1()} that is a wrapper for a function called
{cmd:func2()}. Assume, that {cmd:func2()} has one non-optional
argument, {cmd:x}, and two optional arguments, {cmd:mean} and
{cmd:variance}. You may code:
{com}function func1(x, | mean, variance)
transmorphic p
p = mm_callf_setup(&func2(), args()-1, mean, var)
return(mm_callf(p, x))
{pstd}If a user specifies
{bind:{cmd:func1(x)}}, then {cmd:mm_callf()} will simply execute
{cmd:func2(x)}. If, however, the user specifies
{bind:{cmd:func1(x, mean)}}, then {cmd:mm_callf()} will execute
{bind:{cmd:func2(x, mean)}}. Finally, if {bind:{cmd:func1(x, mean, var)}} is
specified, then {cmd:mm_callf()} will execute
{bind:{cmd:func2(x, mean, var)}}.
{pstd}The only tricky part here is the {it:n} argument in
{cmd:mm_callf_setup()}. It should reflect the number of
pass-through arguments that have been specified by the user. This number can be
computed as {cmd:args()-}{it:#}, where {it:#} is the number of other
arguments (1 in the example above, {cmd:x}).
{pstd}Note that {cmd:func1()} may itself have its own optional
arguments. The only important thing is that the pass-through
arguments come last and that {cmd:args()-}{it:#} properly computes
the number of specified pass-through arguments. Example:
{com}function func1(x, | log, mean, variance)
transmorphic p
if (args()==1) log = 0
p = mm_callf_setup(&func2(), args()-2, mean, var)
if (log) return(mm_callf(p, log(x)))
return(mm_callf(p, x))
{pstd}See the source code of {helpb mf_mm_kern:mm_kint()} for a real
{pstd}{ul:Example 2: dynamic wrapper}
A more complicated case is when you are programming a
function that receives a function as an argument and optional
arguments are to be passed on to this received function. (If you
have not read {bf:{help m2_ftof:[M-2] ftof}} yet, please read it
now.) Let the wrapper function again be called {cmd:func1()}. Assume
that there are two non-optional arguments, {cmd:x} and {cmd:w}, and
that the maximum number of optional arguments to be passed through is
three. The code of {cmd:func1()} may then be:
{com}function func1(pointer(function) scalar f, x, w,
| a1, a2, a3)
transmorphic p
p = mm_callf_setup(f, args()-3, a1, a2, a3)
return(mm_callf(p, x, w))
{pstd}See the source code of {helpb mf_mm_bs:mm_bs()} or
{helpb mf_mm_jk:mm_jk()} for real examples.
{cmd:mm_callf_setup(}{it:f}{cmd:,} {it:n}{cmd:,}
{it:p1}{cmd:,} {it:...}{cmd:,} {it:p10}{cmd:)}{p_end}
{it:f}: 1 {it:x} 1
{it:n}: 1 {it:x} 1
{it:p1} etc.: (depending on function {it:f})
{it:result}: {it:struct mm_callf_o10}
{cmd:mm_callf(}{it:setup}{cmd:,} {it:o1}{cmd:,}
{it:...}{cmd:,} {it:o5}{cmd:)}{p_end}
{it:setup}: {it:struct mm_callf_o10}
{it:o1} etc.: (depending on function {it:f})
{it:result}: (depending on function {it:f})
{title:Source code}
{help moremata_source##mm_callf:mm_callf.mata}
{pstd} Ben Jann, University of Bern, jann@soz.unibe.ch
{title:Also see}
Online: help for
{bf:{help m2_ftof:[M-2] ftof}},
{bf:{help m2_optargs:[M-2] optargs}},
{bf:{help mf_args:[M-5] args()}},
{bf:{help moremata}}
