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mf_mm_colvar.hlp 5.84 KB
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benjann 提交于 2019-01-31 15:33 . latest SSC version
{* 22jun2006}{...}
{cmd:help mata mm_colvar()}
{bf:mm_colvar() -- Variance, by column}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real rowvector}
{cmd:mm_colvar(}{it:X} [{cmd:,} {it:w}]{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real matrix}{bind: }
{cmd:mm_meancolvar(}{it:X} [{cmd:,} {it:w}]{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real matrix}{bind: }
{cmd:mm_variance0(}{it:X} [{cmd:,} {it:w}]{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real matrix}{bind: }
{cmd:mm_meanvariance0(}{it:X} [{cmd:,} {it:w}]{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real matrix}{space 4}{cmd:mm_mse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real rowvector} {cmd:mm_colmse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real matrix}{space 4}{cmd:mm_sse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}
{p 8 12 2}
{it:real rowvector} {cmd:mm_colsse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}
{p 4 4 2}
{p 12 16 2}
{it:X}: {it:real matrix X} (rows are observations, columns variables)
{p 12 16 2}
{it:w}: {it:real colvector w}
{p 11 16 2}
{it:mu}: {it:real rowvector mu}
{cmd:mm_colvar(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}
returns the variance of each column of {it:X}. Essentially,
{cmd:mm_colvar(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)} = {cmd:diagonal(variance(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:))'}
See help for {helpb mf_mean:mean()}. However,
{cmd:mm_colvar()} does not compute the covariances and is
therefore much faster than {cmd:diagonal(variance())} if {it:X}
contains more than one column. Furthermore, note
that {cmd:mm_colvar()} omits missing values in {it:X} by
column, whereas {cmd:variance()} omits missing values casewise.
{cmd:mm_meancolvar(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it: w}{cmd:)}
returns a matrix containing the mean and the variance of
each column of {it:X}. (Means in row one, variances in row two.)
{cmd:mm_variance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}
returns the population variance matrix of {it:X}. {cmd:mm_variance0()}
differs from official Stata's {helpb mf_variance:variance()} (see help
for {helpb mf_mean:mean()}) in that
it divides the deviation cross products by N instead of N-1, where N
is the number of observations. Essentially,
{cmd:mm_variance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)} = {cmd:variance(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)} * (N-1)/N
However, {cmd:mm_variance0()} also produces correct results if
{cmd:mm_meanvariance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it: w}{cmd:)}
returns {cmd:mean(}{it:X}{cmd:,}{it:w}{cmd:)\mm_variance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,}{it:w}{cmd:)}.
{cmd:mm_mse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)} computes
the mean squared errors matrix, where errors are defined as
{cmd:mm_colmse()} computes mean squared errors by column.
{cmd:mm_sse()} and {cmd:mm_colsse()} compute the sum of squared errors.
{it:w} specifies the weights.
Specify {it:w} as 1 to obtain unweighted results.
Examples for {cmd:mm_colvar()}:
{com}: x = invnormal(uniform(10000,3))
{com}: mm_colvar(x, 1)
{res} {txt} 1 2 3
{c TLC}{hline 43}{c TRC}
1 {c |} {res} 1.00018384 1.002621747 1.003480729{txt} {c |}
{c BLC}{hline 43}{c BRC}
{com}: mm_meancolvar(x, 1)
{res} {txt} 1 2 3
{c TLC}{hline 46}{c TRC}
1 {c |} {res}-.0024994158 -.0091972878 -.0035865732{txt} {c |}
2 {c |} {res} 1.00018384 1.002621747 1.003480729{txt} {c |}
{c BLC}{hline 46}{c BRC}{txt}
The formula implemented in {cmd:mm_mse()} and {cmd:mm_colmse()} computes the
mean squared error as the sum of squared errors divided by N,
where N is the number of observations (or sum of weights if {it:w}!=1).
{cmd:mm_colvar(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x 1} or {it:1 x 1}
{it:result}: {it:1 x k}
{cmd:mm_meancolvar(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x} 1 or 1 {it:x} 1
{it:result}: 2 {it:x} k
{cmd:mm_variance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x 1} or {it:1 x 1}
{it:result}: {it:k x k}
{cmd:mm_meanvariance0(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x} 1 or 1 {it:x} 1
{it:result}: ({it:k}+1) {it:x} k
{cmd:mm_mse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)},
{cmd:mm_sse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x 1} or {it:1 x 1}
{it:mu}: 1 {it:x k}
{it:result}: {it:k x k}
{cmd:mm_colmse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)},
{cmd:mm_colsse(}{it:X}{cmd:,} {it:w}{cmd:,} {it:mu}{cmd:)}:
{it:X}: {it:n x k}
{it:w}: {it:n x} 1 or 1 {it:x} 1
{it:mu}: 1 {it:x k}
{it:result}: 1 {it:x} k
{pstd} {cmd:mm_variance0()}, {cmd:mm_meanvariance0()},
{cmd:mm_mse()}, and {cmd:mm_sse()} omit from calculation rows of
{it:X} or {it:w} that contain missing values (casewise deletion). If
all rows contain missing values, then the returned result contains
all missing values.
Contrarily, {cmd:mm_colvar()}, {cmd:mm_meancolvar()}, {cmd:mm_colmse()}, and
{cmd:mm_colsse()} omit missing
values by column (i.e. not casewise).
{title:Source code}
{help moremata_source##mm_colvar:mm_colvar.mata},
{help moremata_source##mm_variance0:mm_variance0.mata},
{help moremata_source##mm_mse:mm_mse.mata}
{pstd} Ben Jann, University of Bern, jann@soz.unibe.ch
{title:Also see}
Online: help for
{bf:{help mf_mean:[M-5] mean()}},
{bf:{help moremata}}
