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arthurhu / ps-lite

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postoffice.h 5.88 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
#include <mutex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "ps/range.h"
#include "ps/internal/env.h"
#include "ps/internal/customer.h"
#include "ps/internal/van.h"
namespace ps {
* \brief the center of the system
class Postoffice {
* \brief return the singleton object
static Postoffice* Get() {
static Postoffice e; return &e;
/** \brief get the van */
Van* van() { return van_; }
* \brief start the system
* This function will block until every nodes are started.
* \param argv0 the program name, used for logging.
* \param do_barrier whether to block until every nodes are started.
void Start(int customer_id, const char* argv0, const bool do_barrier);
* \brief terminate the system
* All nodes should call this function before existing.
* \param do_barrier whether to do block until every node is finalized, default true.
void Finalize(const int customer_id, const bool do_barrier = true);
* \brief add an customer to the system. threadsafe
void AddCustomer(Customer* customer);
* \brief remove a customer by given it's id. threasafe
void RemoveCustomer(Customer* customer);
* \brief get the customer by id, threadsafe
* \param app_id the application id
* \param customer_id the customer id
* \param timeout timeout in sec
* \return return nullptr if doesn't exist and timeout
Customer* GetCustomer(int app_id, int customer_id, int timeout = 0) const;
* \brief get the id of a node (group), threadsafe
* if it is a node group, return the list of node ids in this
* group. otherwise, return {node_id}
const std::vector<int>& GetNodeIDs(int node_id) const {
const auto it = node_ids_.find(node_id);
CHECK(it != node_ids_.cend()) << "node " << node_id << " doesn't exist";
return it->second;
* \brief return the key ranges of all server nodes
const std::vector<Range>& GetServerKeyRanges();
* \brief the template of a callback
using Callback = std::function<void()>;
* \brief Register a callback to the system which is called after Finalize()
* The following codes are equal
* \code {cpp}
* RegisterExitCallback(cb);
* Finalize();
* \endcode
* \code {cpp}
* Finalize();
* cb();
* \endcode
* \param cb the callback function
void RegisterExitCallback(const Callback& cb) {
exit_callback_ = cb;
* \brief convert from a worker rank into a node id
* \param rank the worker rank
static inline int WorkerRankToID(int rank) {
return rank * 2 + 9;
* \brief convert from a server rank into a node id
* \param rank the server rank
static inline int ServerRankToID(int rank) {
return rank * 2 + 8;
* \brief convert from a node id into a server or worker rank
* \param id the node id
static inline int IDtoRank(int id) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef max
return std::max((id - 8) / 2, 0);
/** \brief Returns the number of worker nodes */
int num_workers() const { return num_workers_; }
/** \brief Returns the number of server nodes */
int num_servers() const { return num_servers_; }
/** \brief Returns the rank of this node in its group
* Each worker will have a unique rank within [0, NumWorkers()). So are
* servers. This function is available only after \ref Start has been called.
int my_rank() const { return IDtoRank(van_->my_node().id); }
/** \brief Returns true if this node is a worker node */
int is_worker() const { return is_worker_; }
/** \brief Returns true if this node is a server node. */
int is_server() const { return is_server_; }
/** \brief Returns true if this node is a scheduler node. */
int is_scheduler() const { return is_scheduler_; }
/** \brief Returns the verbose level. */
int verbose() const { return verbose_; }
/** \brief Return whether this node is a recovery node */
bool is_recovery() const { return van_->my_node().is_recovery; }
* \brief barrier
* \param node_id the barrier group id
void Barrier(int customer_id, int node_group);
* \brief process a control message, called by van
* \param the received message
void Manage(const Message& recv);
* \brief update the heartbeat record map
* \param node_id the \ref Node id
* \param t the last received heartbeat time
void UpdateHeartbeat(int node_id, time_t t) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(heartbeat_mu_);
heartbeats_[node_id] = t;
* \brief get node ids that haven't reported heartbeats for over t seconds
* \param t timeout in sec
std::vector<int> GetDeadNodes(int t = 60);
~Postoffice() { delete van_; }
void InitEnvironment();
Van* van_;
mutable std::mutex mu_;
// app_id -> (customer_id -> customer pointer)
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, Customer*>> customers_;
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> node_ids_;
std::mutex server_key_ranges_mu_;
std::vector<Range> server_key_ranges_;
bool is_worker_, is_server_, is_scheduler_;
int num_servers_, num_workers_;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, bool> > barrier_done_;
int verbose_;
std::mutex barrier_mu_;
std::condition_variable barrier_cond_;
std::mutex heartbeat_mu_;
std::mutex start_mu_;
int init_stage_ = 0;
std::unordered_map<int, time_t> heartbeats_;
Callback exit_callback_;
/** \brief Holding a shared_ptr to prevent it from being destructed too early */
std::shared_ptr<Environment> env_ref_;
time_t start_time_;
/** \brief verbose log */
#define PS_VLOG(x) LOG_IF(INFO, x <= Postoffice::Get()->verbose())
} // namespace ps
