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虚无中钻牛角尖 / autuan

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_config.yml 2.91 KB
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Autuan 提交于 2019-08-16 15:38 . Update _config.yml
# Site settings
title: Autuan's Blog
SEOTitle: 晚成的博客 | Autuan's Blog | Autuan | autuan
header-img: img/post-bg-desk.jpg
email: autuan.yu@gmail.com
description: "休息,再出发"
keyword: "晚成的博客, autuan, 晚成, Java8, JS, Java"
url: "http://qiubaiying.github.io" # your host, for absolute URL
baseurl: "" # for example, '/blog' if your blog hosted on 'host/blog'
github_repo: "https://github.com/Autuan/autuan.github.io.git" # you code repository
# Sidebar settings
sidebar: true # whether or not using Sidebar.
sidebar-about-description: "休息,再出发"
sidebar-avatar: /img/about-BY-gentle.jpg # use absolute URL, seeing it's used in both `/` and `/about/`
# SNS settings
RSS: false
# weibo_username: qiubaiying
#zhihu_username: qiubaiying
github_username: autuan
#facebook_username: baiying.qiu.7
#jianshu_username: e71990ada2fd
#twitter_username: qiubaiying
# Build settings
# from 2016, 'pygments' is unsupported on GitHub Pages. Use 'rouge' for highlighting instead.
permalink: pretty
paginate: 10
exclude: ["less","node_modules","Gruntfile.js","package.json","README.md"]
anchorjs: true # if you want to customize anchor. check out line:181 of `post.html`
# Gems
# from PR#40, to support local preview for Jekyll 3.0
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
# Markdown settings
# replace redcarpet to kramdown,
# although redcarpet can auto highlight code, the lack of header-id make the catalog impossible, so I switch to kramdown
# document: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/#kramdown
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
input: GFM # use Github Flavored Markdown !important
# 评论系统
# Disqus(https://disqus.com/)
# disqus_username: autuan
# Gitalk
#enable: true #是否开启Gitalk评论
#clientID: f2c84e7629bb1446c1a4 #生成的clientID
# clientSecret: ca6d6139d1e1b8c43f8b2e19492ddcac8b322d0d #生成的clientSecret
#repo: qiubaiying.github.io #仓库名称
#owner: qiubaiying #github用户名
#admin: qiubaiying
#distractionFreeMode: true #是否启用类似FB的阴影遮罩
# 统计
# Analytics settings
# Baidu Analytics
ba_track_id: 3c542d6816ebe64fccb68c23706c8fbc
# Google Analytics
ga_track_id: 'G-SK5QP3DSKT' # Format: UA-xxxxxx-xx
ga_domain: autuan.cn # 默认的是 auto, 这里我是自定义了的域名,你如果没有自己的域名,需要改成auto
# Featured Tags
featured-tags: true # 是否使用首页标签
featured-condition-size: 1 # 相同标签数量大于这个数,才会出现在首页
# Progressive Web Apps
chrome-tab-theme-color: "#000000"
service-worker: true
# Friends
friends: [
title: "WY",
href: "http://zhengwuyang.com"
title: "一杯愁",
href: "http://roter.top"
