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html.go 5.13 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
阿债 提交于 2023-02-09 16:54 . 同步更新fiber到2.42.0
package html
import (
// Engine struct
type Engine struct {
// delimiters
left string
right string
// views folder
directory string
// http.FileSystem supports embedded files
fileSystem http.FileSystem
// views extension
extension string
// layout variable name that incapsulates the template
layout string
// determines if the engine parsed all templates
loaded bool
// reload on each render
reload bool
// debug prints the parsed templates
debug bool
// lock for funcmap and templates
mutex sync.RWMutex
// template funcmap
funcmap map[string]interface{}
// templates
Templates *template.Template
// New returns a HTML render engine for Fiber
func New(directory, extension string) *Engine {
engine := &Engine{
left: "{{",
right: "}}",
directory: directory,
extension: extension,
layout: "embed",
funcmap: make(map[string]interface{}),
engine.AddFunc(engine.layout, func() error {
return fmt.Errorf("layout called unexpectedly.")
return engine
// NewFileSystem ...
func NewFileSystem(fs http.FileSystem, extension string) *Engine {
engine := &Engine{
left: "{{",
right: "}}",
directory: "/",
fileSystem: fs,
extension: extension,
layout: "embed",
funcmap: make(map[string]interface{}),
engine.AddFunc(engine.layout, func() error {
return fmt.Errorf("layout called unexpectedly.")
return engine
// Layout defines the variable name that will incapsulate the template
func (e *Engine) Layout(key string) *Engine {
e.layout = key
return e
// Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings, to be used in
// templates. An empty delimiter stands for the
// corresponding default: {{ or }}.
func (e *Engine) Delims(left, right string) *Engine {
e.left, e.right = left, right
return e
// AddFunc adds the function to the template's function map.
// It is legal to overwrite elements of the default actions
func (e *Engine) AddFunc(name string, fn interface{}) *Engine {
e.funcmap[name] = fn
return e
// Reload if set to true the templates are reloading on each render,
// use it when you're in development and you don't want to restart
// the application when you edit a template file.
func (e *Engine) Reload(enabled bool) *Engine {
e.reload = enabled
return e
// Debug will print the parsed templates when Load is triggered.
func (e *Engine) Debug(enabled bool) *Engine {
e.debug = enabled
return e
// Parse is deprecated, please use Load() instead
func (e *Engine) Parse() error {
fmt.Println("Parse() is deprecated, please use Load() instead.")
return e.Load()
// Load parses the templates to the engine.
func (e *Engine) Load() error {
if e.loaded {
return nil
// race safe
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
e.Templates = template.New(e.directory)
// Set template settings
e.Templates.Delims(e.left, e.right)
walkFn := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
// Return error if exist
if err != nil {
return err
// Skip file if it's a directory or has no file info
if info == nil || info.IsDir() {
return nil
// Skip file if it does not equal the given template extension
if len(e.extension) >= len(path) || path[len(path)-len(e.extension):] != e.extension {
return nil
// Get the relative file path
// ./views/html/index.tmpl -> index.tmpl
rel, err := filepath.Rel(e.directory, path)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reverse slashes '\' -> '/' and
// partials\footer.tmpl -> partials/footer.tmpl
name := filepath.ToSlash(rel)
// Remove ext from name 'index.tmpl' -> 'index'
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, e.extension)
// name = strings.Replace(name, e.extension, "", -1)
// Read the file
// #gosec G304
buf, err := utils.ReadFile(path, e.fileSystem)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create new template associated with the current one
// This enable use to invoke other templates {{ template .. }}
_, err = e.Templates.New(name).Parse(string(buf))
if err != nil {
return err
// Debugging
if e.debug {
fmt.Printf("views: parsed template: %s\n", name)
return err
// notify engine that we parsed all templates
e.loaded = true
if e.fileSystem != nil {
return utils.Walk(e.fileSystem, e.directory, walkFn)
return filepath.Walk(e.directory, walkFn)
// Render will execute the template name along with the given values.
func (e *Engine) Render(out io.Writer, template string, binding interface{}, layout ...string) error {
tmpl := e.Templates.Lookup(template)
if tmpl == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("render: template %s does not exist", template)
if len(layout) > 0 && layout[0] != "" {
lay := e.Templates.Lookup(layout[0])
if lay == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("render: layout %s does not exist", layout[0])
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
e.layout: func() error {
return tmpl.Execute(out, binding)
return lay.Execute(out, binding)
return tmpl.Execute(out, binding)
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