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infertype.py 9.88 KB
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fyh 提交于 2022-07-14 03:41 . !9修复testParseTerm
# Author: Bohua Zhan
"""Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm."""
import copy
from kernel.type import STVar, TFun, TyInst
from kernel.term import Term
from kernel import term
from kernel import theory
from logic import context
from util import unionfind
class TypeInferenceException(Exception):
def __init__(self, err):
assert isinstance(err, str)
self.err = err
def is_internal_type(T):
return T.is_stvar() and T.name.startswith('_t')
def type_infer(t, *, forbid_internal=True):
"""Perform type inference on the given term. The input term
has all types marked None, except those subterms whose type is
explicitly given. This function works on terms with overloaded
# Union-find mapping for representatives of temporary
# type variables.
uf = dict()
# Reachability relation between temporary type variables.
reach = dict()
# Number of internal type variables created.
num_internal = 0
# Records type of variables assigned during inference. This enforces
# the condition that all occurrence of a variable have the same type.
incr_ctxt = dict()
incr_sctxt = dict()
# Create and return a new type variable.
def new_type():
nonlocal num_internal
T = STVar('_t' + str(num_internal))
uf[num_internal] = T
reach[num_internal] = set()
num_internal += 1
return T
def union(T1, T2):
"""Join temporary type variable T1 with T2."""
# Compute the set of temporary type variables reachable from T2.
if is_internal_type(T2):
new_reach = reach[int(T2.name[2:])]
new_reach = set()
for T in T2.get_stvars():
if is_internal_type(T):
# Update uf and reach, check for cycles in reach.
for k, v in uf.items():
if uf[k] == T1:
if k in new_reach:
raise TypeInferenceException("Infinite loop")
uf[k] = T2
def unify(T1, T2):
"""Unification of two types."""
# First, find representatives of T1 and T2
if is_internal_type(T1):
T1 = uf[int(T1.name[2:])]
if is_internal_type(T2):
T2 = uf[int(T2.name[2:])]
# Type constructors, recursively unify each argument
if T1.is_tconst() and T2.is_tconst() and T1.name == T2.name:
for i in range(len(T1.args)):
unify(T1.args[i], T2.args[i])
# Concrete type variables
elif T1.is_tvar() and T2.is_tvar() and T1.name == T2.name:
elif T1.is_stvar() and T2.is_stvar() and T1.name == T2.name:
# Internal (unifiable) type variables
elif is_internal_type(T1):
union(T1, T2)
elif is_internal_type(T2):
union(T2, T1)
raise TypeInferenceException("Unable to unify " + str(T1) + " with " + str(T2))
def infer(t, bd_vars):
"""Infer the type of T."""
# Var case: if type is not known, try to obtain it from context,
# otherwise, make a new type.
if t.is_svar():
if t.T is None:
if t.name in context.ctxt.svars:
t.T = context.ctxt.svars[t.name]
elif t.name in incr_sctxt:
t.T = incr_sctxt[t.name]
t.T = new_type()
incr_sctxt[t.name] = t.T
return t.T
elif t.is_var():
if t.T is None:
if t.name in context.ctxt.vars:
t.T = context.ctxt.vars[t.name]
elif t.name in incr_ctxt:
t.T = incr_ctxt[t.name]
t.T = new_type()
incr_ctxt[t.name] = t.T
return t.T
# Const case: if type is not known, obtain it from theory,
# replacing arbitrary variables by new types.
elif t.is_const():
if t.T is None:
T = theory.thy.get_term_sig(t.name, stvar=True)
except theory.TheoryException as e:
if t.name in context.ctxt.defs:
T = context.ctxt.defs[t.name]
raise e
tyinst = TyInst()
for STv in T.get_stvars():
tyinst[STv.name] = new_type()
t.T = T.subst(tyinst)
return t.T
# Comb case: recursively infer type of fun and arg, then
# unify funT with argT => resT, where resT is a new type.
elif t.is_comb():
funT = infer(t.fun, bd_vars)
argT = infer(t.arg, bd_vars)
if not funT.is_fun() and not is_internal_type(funT):
raise TypeInferenceException(str(funT) + ' is not of function type')
if funT.is_fun():
unify(funT.domain_type(), argT)
return funT.range_type()
resT = new_type()
unify(funT, TFun(argT, resT))
return resT
except TypeInferenceException as e:
err_str = e.err + '\n'
err_str += "When infering type of " + t.print_basic() + "\n"
err_str += "Type of %s: %s\n" % (t.fun.print_basic(), funT.print_basic())
err_str += "Type of %s: %s\n" % (t.arg.print_basic(), argT.print_basic())
raise TypeInferenceException(err_str)
# Abs case: if var_T is not known, make a new type. Recursively
# call infer on the body under the context where var_name has
# type var_T. The resulting type is var_T => body_T.
elif t.is_abs():
if t.var_T is None:
t.var_T = new_type()
bodyT = infer(t.body, [t.var_T] + bd_vars)
return TFun(t.var_T, bodyT)
# Bound variables.
elif t.is_bound():
return bd_vars[t.n]
raise TypeError
if context.ctxt.defs and t.is_equals():
t_head, t_args = t.lhs.strip_comb()
if t_head.is_const() and t_head.name in context.ctxt.defs:
t_head.T = context.ctxt.defs[t_head.name]
infer(t, [])
# Replace vars and constants with the appropriate type.
tyinst = TyInst()
for i in range(num_internal):
tyinst['_t' + str(i)] = uf[i]
unspecified = []
for k, v in tyinst.items():
if v == STVar(k):
if forbid_internal and len(unspecified) > 0:
raise TypeInferenceException("Unspecified type\n" + repr(t))
has_repl = True
while has_repl:
has_repl = False
for i in range(num_internal):
T = tyinst['_t' + str(i)]
stvars = [subT for subT in T.get_stvars() if is_internal_type(subT)]
if any(v.name not in unspecified for v in stvars):
tyinst['_t' + str(i)] = T.subst(tyinst)
has_repl = True
return t
def infer_printed_type(t):
"""Infer the types that should be printed.
The algorithm is as follows:
1. Replace all constant types with None.
2. Apply type-inference on the resulting type.
3. For the first internal type variable that appears, find a constant
whose type contains that variable, set that constant to print_type.
4. Repeat until no internal type variables appear.
from logic.context import Context
def clear_const_type(t):
if t.is_const() and not hasattr(t, "print_type"):
t.backupT = t.T
t.T = None
elif t.is_comb():
elif t.is_abs():
if not hasattr(t, "print_type"):
t.backup_var_T = t.var_T
t.var_T = None
def recover_const_type(t):
if t.is_const():
t.T = t.backupT
elif t.is_comb():
elif t.is_abs():
t.var_T = t.backup_var_T
for i in range(100):
type_infer(t, forbid_internal=False)
def has_internalT(T):
return any(is_internal_type(subT) for subT in T.get_tsubs())
to_replace, to_replaceT = None, None
def find_to_replace(t):
nonlocal to_replace, to_replaceT
if (t.is_zero() or t.is_one() or \
(t.is_comb('of_nat', 1) and t.arg.is_binary() and t.arg.dest_binary() >= 2)) and \
replT = t.get_type()
if t.is_comb():
t = t.fun
if to_replace is None or replT.size() < to_replaceT.size():
to_replace = t
to_replaceT = replT
elif t.is_const() and has_internalT(t.T):
if to_replace is None or t.T.size() < to_replaceT.size():
to_replace = t
to_replaceT = t.T
elif t.is_abs():
if has_internalT(t.var_T):
if to_replace is None or t.var_T.size() < to_replaceT.size():
to_replace = t
to_replaceT = t.var_T
elif t.is_comb():
if to_replace is None:
to_replace.print_type = True
assert i != 99, "infer_printed_type: infinite loop."
return None
