Fetch the repository succeeded.
package eztools
import (
const (
// HTMLHead head recommented by W3C
HTMLHead = `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">`
// AuthNone no auth in cfg
AuthNone = iota
// AuthPlain token
// AuthBasic plain text
// AuthDigest digest
// BodyTypeJSON json
BodyTypeJSON = "json"
// MimeTypeJSON full mime type for BodyTypeJSON
MimeTypeJSON = "application/" + BodyTypeJSON
// BodyTypeFile file
BodyTypeFile = "file"
// MimeTypeFile full mime type for BodyTypeFile
MimeTypeFile = BodyTypeFile
// BodyTypeText text
BodyTypeText = "text"
// MimeTypeText full mime type for BodyTypeText
MimeTypeText = BodyTypeText
// BodyTypeXML xml
BodyTypeXML = "xml"
// MimeTypeXML full mime type for BodyTypeXML
MimeTypeXML = "application/" + BodyTypeXML
// BodyTypeHTML html
BodyTypeHTML = "html"
// MimeTypeHTML full mime type for BodyTypeHTML
MimeTypeHTML = "text/" + BodyTypeHTML
// BodyTypeForm form
BodyTypeForm = "form"
// MimeTypeForm mime type for BodyTypeForm
MimeTypeForm = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// AuthInsecureTLS insecure TLS enabled
var AuthInsecureTLS bool
// AuthInfo authorization info
type AuthInfo struct {
Type int
User, Pass string
// FormatMimeType generates MIME type with default params
// charset=utf-8
func FormatMimeType(bodyType string) string {
switch bodyType {
case BodyTypeFile:
bodyType = MimeTypeFile
case BodyTypeHTML:
bodyType = MimeTypeHTML
case BodyTypeXML:
bodyType = MimeTypeXML
case BodyTypeText:
bodyType = MimeTypeText
case BodyTypeJSON:
bodyType = MimeTypeJSON
case BodyTypeForm:
bodyType = MimeTypeForm
return mime.FormatMediaType(bodyType, map[string]string{
"charset": "utf-8",
func genHTTPFile(defRdr io.Reader, fType, fName string) (string, io.Reader) {
if len(fName) < 1 {
if len(fType) < 1 {
fType = BodyTypeJSON
return FormatMimeType(fType), defRdr
if len(fType) < 1 {
fType = BodyTypeFile
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if Debugging && Verbose > 1 {
// New multipart writer.
body := &bytes.Buffer{}
writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
fw, err := writer.CreateFormFile(fType, filepath.Base(fName))
if err != nil {
return fType, defRdr
file, err := os.Open(fName)
if err != nil {
return fType, defRdr
_, err = io.Copy(fw, file)
if err != nil {
return fType, defRdr
return writer.FormDataContentType(), bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes())
func genHTTPReq(method, url string, bodyReq io.Reader, fType, fName string,
hdrs map[string]string) (req *http.Request, err error) {
bodyType, bodyReq := genHTTPFile(bodyReq, fType, fName)
req, err = http.NewRequest(method, url, bodyReq)
if err != nil {
if Debugging {
ShowStrln("failed to create " + method)
addHdr := func(nm, vl string) {
_, ok := hdrs[nm]
if ok {
req.Header.Add(nm, vl)
if bodyReq != nil {
addHdr("Content-Type", bodyType)
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
ShowStrln("body type=" + bodyType)
addHdr("Accept", "*/*")
for n, v := range hdrs {
req.Header.Add(n, v)
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
ShowStrln("adding header:" + n + "=" + v)
// HTTPGetBody get body from response, stripping magic.
// Return values: bodyType and statusCode are returned as long as resp is provided.
// bodyBytes is nil if Content-Length is 0 in header.
// ErrInvalidInput=no response input
// ErrOutOfBound=magic not matched
// ErrNoValidResults=bad status code (non 2xx)
// other errors from io.ReadAll()
func HTTPGetBody(resp *http.Response, magic []byte) (bodyType string,
bodyBytes []byte, statusCode int, err error) {
if resp == nil {
err = ErrInvalidInput
defer resp.Body.Close()
bodyType = resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")
statusCode = resp.StatusCode
bodyBytes, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if statusCode < http.StatusOK || statusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest {
if Debugging && Verbose > 1 {
ShowStrln("failure response " + strconv.Itoa(statusCode))
err = ErrNoValidResults
/*var b []byte
if resp.ContentLength > 0 {
b = make([]byte, resp.ContentLength)
return "", b, statusCode, errors.New(resp.Status)*/
if err != nil { // body not read
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
ShowStrln("resp code=" + strconv.Itoa(statusCode))
if cl := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); cl == "0" {
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
ShowStrln("no body in response")
if bodyBytes == nil || len(bodyBytes) < 1 {
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
LogPrintWtTime("no body")
if len(magic) > 0 {
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 1 {
ShowStrln("stripping magic")
if bytes.HasPrefix(bodyBytes, magic) {
bodyBytes = bytes.TrimLeft(bytes.TrimPrefix(bodyBytes,
magic), "\n\r")
} else {
err = ErrOutOfBound
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
LogPrintWtTime("type", bodyType, "body", bodyBytes)
// ParseMimeType parses MIME type to BodyType, neglecting params
func ParseMimeType(v string) string {
mimeType, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(v)
if err != nil {
return v
switch mimeType {
case MimeTypeFile:
return BodyTypeFile
case MimeTypeHTML:
return BodyTypeHTML
case MimeTypeJSON:
return BodyTypeJSON
case MimeTypeText:
return BodyTypeText
case MimeTypeXML:
return BodyTypeXML
return mimeType
// HTTPParseBody parses body from response to json or file.
// text body is not processed.
// Parameter:
// strucOut: func(n *html.Node) for BodyTypeHTML
// Return values: ErrIncomplete=not parsed because type not recognized
// other errors are from HTTPGetBody(), json.Unmarshal() or FileWrite()
func HTTPParseBody(resp *http.Response, fileName string, strucOut interface{},
magic []byte) (recognized, bodyType string, bodyBytes []byte, statusCode int, err error) {
bodyType, bodyBytes, statusCode, err = HTTPGetBody(resp, magic)
if err != nil || (bodyBytes == nil || len(bodyBytes) < 1) {
recognized = ParseMimeType(bodyType)
writeFile := func() {
if len(fileName) > 0 {
err = FileWrite(fileName, bodyBytes)
/*var out *os.File
out, err = os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
defer out.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(out, bytes.NewReader(bodyBytes))*/
switch recognized {
case BodyTypeJSON:
if strucOut != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, strucOut)
case BodyTypeXML:
if strucOut != nil {
xml.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, strucOut)
case BodyTypeHTML:
if strucOut != nil {
fun, ok := strucOut.(func(n *html.Node))
if ok {
doc, err := html.Parse(bytes.NewReader(bodyBytes))
if err == nil {
case BodyTypeText:
case BodyTypeFile:
switch {
case strings.Contains(recognized, BodyTypeText),
strings.Contains(recognized, "application/xhtml+xml"),
strings.Contains(recognized, "application/javascript"),
strings.Contains(recognized, "text/javascript"):
recognized = BodyTypeText
// bytes are maybe better than string, so leave them as are
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
LogPrintWtTime("type", recognized, "body", bodyBytes)
case strings.Contains(recognized, BodyTypeFile),
strings.Contains(recognized, "audio"),
strings.Contains(recognized, "video"),
strings.Contains(recognized, "application"),
strings.Contains(recognized, "image"):
recognized = BodyTypeFile
err = ErrIncomplete
func httpSend(method, url string, to time.Duration,
bodyReq io.Reader, fType, fName string, hdrs map[string]string,
funcReqProc func(req *http.Request),
funcReqSend func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response,
error)) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
/*if Debugging && Verbose > 1 {
ShowStrln(method + " " + url)
req, err := genHTTPReq(method, url, bodyReq, fType, fName, hdrs)
if err != nil {
if funcReqProc != nil {
if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
if funcReqSend == nil {
tc := &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: AuthInsecureTLS}
tr := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tc}
cli := &http.Client{Timeout: to, Transport: tr}
funcReqSend = cli.Do
resp, err = funcReqSend(req)
if err != nil {
if Debugging {
ShowStrln("failed to send/get")
/*} else {
if Debugging && Verbose > 2 {
const defHTTPGetTO = 60 * time.Second
func httpSendNParseResp(method, url string, authInfo AuthInfo,
bodyReq io.Reader, fType, fileOut string,
hdrs map[string]string) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
switch authInfo.Type {
case AuthDigest:
resp, err = httpSend(method, url, 0, bodyReq,
fType, fileOut, hdrs, nil,
func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
t := digest.NewTransport(authInfo.User, authInfo.Pass)
return t.RoundTrip(req)
case AuthBasic:
resp, err = httpSend(method, url, defHTTPGetTO, bodyReq,
fType, fileOut, hdrs,
func(req *http.Request) {
if len(authInfo.Pass) > 0 {
req.SetBasicAuth(authInfo.User, authInfo.Pass)
}, nil)
case AuthPlain:
resp, err = httpSend(method, url, defHTTPGetTO, bodyReq,
fType, fileOut, hdrs,
func(req *http.Request) {
if len(authInfo.Pass) > 0 {
req.Header.Set("authorization", "Basic "+authInfo.Pass)
}, nil)
default: // AUTH_NONE
resp, err = httpSend(method, url, defHTTPGetTO, bodyReq,
fType, fileOut, hdrs, nil, nil)
//statusCode = resp.StatusCode
// HTTPSendAuthNHdrNFile sends a request and returns the result.
// Specify a file with name and type to be sent as body, and/or extra headers.
// If something wrong with the file, a request will be sent without it anyway.
func HTTPSendAuthNHdrNFile(method, url string, authInfo AuthInfo,
fType, fName string, hdrs map[string]string) (*http.Response, error) {
return httpSendNParseResp(method,
url, authInfo, nil, fType, fName, hdrs)
// HTTPSendAuthNHdr sends a request and returns the result.
// With body and/or extra headers.
func HTTPSendAuthNHdr(method, url, bodyType string, authInfo AuthInfo,
bodyReq io.Reader, hdrs map[string]string) (*http.Response, error) {
return httpSendNParseResp(method,
url, authInfo, bodyReq, bodyType, "", hdrs)
// HTTPSendHdr sends a request and returns the result.
// With body and/or extra headers.
func HTTPSendHdr(method, url, bodyType string,
bodyReq io.Reader, hdrs map[string]string) (*http.Response, error) {
return httpSendNParseResp(method,
url, AuthInfo{}, bodyReq, bodyType, "", hdrs)
// HTTPSendAuth sends a request and returns the result.
// = HttpSend + AuthInfo
func HTTPSendAuth(method, url, bodyType string, authInfo AuthInfo,
bodyReq io.Reader) (*http.Response, error) {
return httpSendNParseResp(method,
url, authInfo, bodyReq, bodyType, "", nil)
// HTTPSend sends HTTP request and returns the result.
// It does not need AuthInfo as HTTPSend.
// Set AUTH_INSECURE_TLS to true to skip TLS (X509) verification
func HTTPSend(method, url, bodyType string, bodyReq io.Reader) (*http.Response, error) {
return httpSendNParseResp(method, url,
AuthInfo{}, bodyReq, bodyType, "", nil)
// RangeStrMap iterate through map[string]interface{} obj, calling fun for
// each element recursively. When fun returns true, it stops.
// false is returned if no element found.
func RangeStrMap(obj interface{}, fun func(k string, v interface{}) bool) bool {
//if the argument is not a map, ignore it
mobj, ok := obj.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return false
for k, v := range mobj {
//key match, return value
if fun(k, v) {
return true
//if the value is a map, search recursively
if m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if RangeStrMap(m, fun) {
return true
//if the value is an array, search recursively
//from each element
if va, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, a := range va {
if RangeStrMap(a, fun) {
return true
//element not found
return false
// FindStrMap find string key in map[string]interface{} obj,
// returning the value and true or nil and false.
func FindStrMap(obj interface{}, key string) (interface{}, bool) {
//if the argument is not a map, ignore it
mobj, ok := obj.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, false
for k, v := range mobj {
//key match, return value
if k == key {
return v, true
//if the value is a map, search recursively
if m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if res, ok := FindStrMap(m, key); ok {
return res, true
//if the value is an array, search recursively
//from each element
if va, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, a := range va {
if res, ok := FindStrMap(a, key); ok {
return res, true
//element not found
return nil, false
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