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borl / ycmd

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build.py 39.63 KB
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Ben Jackson 提交于 2021-01-08 16:45 . Update jdt.ls to 0.67.0
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import argparse
import errno
import hashlib
import multiprocessing
import os
import os.path as p
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import sysconfig
import tarfile
from zipfile import ZipFile
import tempfile
import urllib.request
IS_64BIT = sys.maxsize > 2**32
PY_MAJOR, PY_MINOR = sys.version_info[ 0 : 2 ]
PY_VERSION = sys.version_info[ 0 : 3 ]
if PY_VERSION < ( 3, 6, 0 ):
sys.exit( 'ycmd requires Python >= 3.6.0; '
'your version of Python is ' + sys.version +
'\nHint: Try running python3 ' + ' '.join( sys.argv ) )
DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT = p.dirname( p.abspath( __file__ ) )
DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party' )
LIBCLANG_DIR = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'clang', 'lib' )
for folder in os.listdir( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY ):
abs_folder_path = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, folder )
if p.isdir( abs_folder_path ) and not os.listdir( abs_folder_path ):
f'ERROR: folder { folder } in { DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY } is empty; '
'you probably forgot to run:\n'
'\tgit submodule update --init --recursive\n'
'ERROR: found static Python library ({library}) but a dynamic one is '
'required. You must use a Python compiled with the {flag} flag. '
'If using pyenv, you need to run the command:\n'
' export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="{flag}"\n'
'before installing a Python version.' )
NO_PYTHON_LIBRARY_ERROR = 'ERROR: unable to find an appropriate Python library.'
NO_PYTHON_HEADERS_ERROR = 'ERROR: Python headers are missing in {include_dir}.'
# Regular expressions used to find static and dynamic Python libraries.
# Notes:
# - Python 3 library name may have an 'm' suffix on Unix platforms, for
# instance libpython3.6m.so;
# - the linker name (the soname without the version) does not always
# exist so we look for the versioned names too;
# - on Windows, the .lib extension is used instead of the .dll one. See
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library#Import_libraries
STATIC_PYTHON_LIBRARY_REGEX = '^libpython{major}\\.{minor}m?\\.a$'
# Linux, BSD
# OS X
# Windows
# Cygwin
JDTLS_BUILD_STAMP = '202012170459'
JDTLS_SHA256 = (
RUST_TOOLCHAIN = 'nightly-2020-10-05'
RUST_ANALYZER_DIR = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'rust-analyzer' )
'ERROR: the build failed.\n\n'
'NOTE: it is *highly* unlikely that this is a bug but rather\n'
'that this is a problem with the configuration of your system\n'
'or a missing dependency. Please carefully read CONTRIBUTING.md\n'
'and if you\'re sure that it is a bug, please raise an issue on the\n'
'issue tracker, including the entire output of this script\n'
'and the invocation line used to run it.' )
'No prebuilt Clang {version} binaries for {platform}. '
'You\'ll have to compile Clangd {version} from source '
'or use your system Clangd. '
'See the YCM docs for details on how to use a custom Clangd.' )
def RemoveDirectory( directory ):
try_number = 0
max_tries = 10
while try_number < max_tries:
shutil.rmtree( directory )
except OSError:
try_number += 1
raise RuntimeError(
f'Cannot remove directory { directory } after { max_tries } tries.' )
def RemoveDirectoryIfExists( directory_path ):
if p.exists( directory_path ):
RemoveDirectory( directory_path )
def MakeCleanDirectory( directory_path ):
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( directory_path )
os.makedirs( directory_path )
def CheckFileIntegrity( file_path, check_sum ):
with open( file_path, 'rb' ) as existing_file:
existing_sha256 = hashlib.sha256( existing_file.read() ).hexdigest()
return existing_sha256 == check_sum
def DownloadFileTo( download_url, file_path ):
with urllib.request.urlopen( download_url ) as response:
with open( file_path, 'wb' ) as package_file:
package_file.write( response.read() )
def OnMac():
return platform.system() == 'Darwin'
def OnWindows():
return platform.system() == 'Windows'
def OnFreeBSD():
return platform.system() == 'FreeBSD'
def OnAArch64():
return platform.machine().lower().startswith( 'aarch64' )
def OnArm():
return platform.machine().lower().startswith( 'arm' )
def OnX86_64():
return platform.machine().lower().startswith( 'x86_64' )
def FindExecutableOrDie( executable, message ):
path = FindExecutable( executable )
if not path:
sys.exit( f"ERROR: Unable to find executable '{ executable }'. "
f"{ message }" )
return path
# On Windows, distutils.spawn.find_executable only works for .exe files
# but .bat and .cmd files are also executables, so we use our own
# implementation.
def FindExecutable( executable ):
# Executable extensions used on Windows
WIN_EXECUTABLE_EXTS = [ '.exe', '.bat', '.cmd' ]
paths = os.environ[ 'PATH' ].split( os.pathsep )
base, extension = os.path.splitext( executable )
if OnWindows() and extension.lower() not in WIN_EXECUTABLE_EXTS:
extensions = [ '' ]
for extension in extensions:
executable_name = executable + extension
if not os.path.isfile( executable_name ):
for path in paths:
executable_path = p.join( path, executable_name )
if os.path.isfile( executable_path ):
return executable_path
return executable_name
return None
def PathToFirstExistingExecutable( executable_name_list ):
for executable_name in executable_name_list:
path = FindExecutable( executable_name )
if path:
return path
return None
def NumCores():
ycm_cores = os.environ.get( 'YCM_CORES' )
if ycm_cores:
return int( ycm_cores )
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
return 1
def CheckCall( args, **kwargs ):
quiet = kwargs.pop( 'quiet', False )
status_message = kwargs.pop( 'status_message', None )
if quiet:
_CheckCallQuiet( args, status_message, **kwargs )
_CheckCall( args, **kwargs )
def _CheckCallQuiet( args, status_message, **kwargs ):
if status_message:
# __future__ not appear to support flush= on print_function
sys.stdout.write( status_message + '...' )
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
_CheckCall( args, stdout=temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs )
if status_message:
print( "OK" )
def _CheckCall( args, **kwargs ):
exit_message = kwargs.pop( 'exit_message', None )
stdout = kwargs.get( 'stdout', None )
subprocess.check_call( args, **kwargs )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
if stdout is not None:
stdout.seek( 0 )
print( stdout.read().decode( 'utf-8' ) )
print( "FAILED" )
if exit_message:
sys.exit( exit_message )
sys.exit( error.returncode )
def GetGlobalPythonPrefix():
# In a virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the parent Python prefix.
if hasattr( sys, 'real_prefix' ):
return sys.real_prefix
# In a pyvenv (only available on Python 3), sys.base_prefix points to the
# parent Python prefix. Outside a pyvenv, it is equal to sys.prefix.
return sys.base_prefix
def GetPossiblePythonLibraryDirectories():
prefix = GetGlobalPythonPrefix()
if OnWindows():
return [ p.join( prefix, 'libs' ) ]
# On pyenv and some distributions, there is no Python dynamic library in the
# directory returned by the LIBPL variable. Such library can be found in the
# "lib" or "lib64" folder of the base Python installation.
return [
sysconfig.get_config_var( 'LIBPL' ),
p.join( prefix, 'lib64' ),
p.join( prefix, 'lib' )
def FindPythonLibraries():
include_dir = sysconfig.get_config_var( 'INCLUDEPY' )
if not p.isfile( p.join( include_dir, 'Python.h' ) ):
sys.exit( NO_PYTHON_HEADERS_ERROR.format( include_dir = include_dir ) )
library_dirs = GetPossiblePythonLibraryDirectories()
# Since ycmd is compiled as a dynamic library, we can't link it to a Python
# static library. If we try, the following error will occur on Mac:
# Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
# while the error happens during linking on Linux and looks something like:
# relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when
# making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
# On Windows, the Python library is always a dynamic one (an import library to
# be exact). To obtain a dynamic library on other platforms, Python must be
# compiled with the --enable-shared flag on Linux or the --enable-framework
# flag on Mac.
# So we proceed like this:
# - look for a dynamic library and return its path;
# - if a static library is found instead, raise an error with instructions
# on how to build Python as a dynamic library.
# - if no libraries are found, raise a generic error.
dynamic_name = re.compile( DYNAMIC_PYTHON_LIBRARY_REGEX.format(
major = PY_MAJOR, minor = PY_MINOR ), re.X )
static_name = re.compile( STATIC_PYTHON_LIBRARY_REGEX.format(
major = PY_MAJOR, minor = PY_MINOR ), re.X )
static_libraries = []
for library_dir in library_dirs:
if not p.exists( library_dir ):
# Files are sorted so that we found the non-versioned Python library before
# the versioned one.
for filename in sorted( os.listdir( library_dir ) ):
if dynamic_name.match( filename ):
return p.join( library_dir, filename ), include_dir
if static_name.match( filename ):
static_libraries.append( p.join( library_dir, filename ) )
if static_libraries and not OnWindows():
dynamic_flag = ( '--enable-framework' if OnMac() else
'--enable-shared' )
sys.exit( NO_DYNAMIC_PYTHON_ERROR.format( library = static_libraries[ 0 ],
flag = dynamic_flag ) )
def CustomPythonCmakeArgs( args ):
# The CMake 'FindPythonLibs' Module does not work properly.
# So we are forced to do its job for it.
if not args.quiet:
print( f'Searching Python { PY_MAJOR }.{ PY_MINOR } libraries...' )
python_library, python_include = FindPythonLibraries()
if not args.quiet:
print( f'Found Python library: { python_library }' )
print( f'Found Python headers folder: { python_include }' )
return [
f'-DPython3_LIBRARY={ python_library }',
f'-DPython3_EXECUTABLE={ sys.executable }',
f'-DPython3_INCLUDE_DIR={ python_include }'
def GetGenerator( args ):
if args.ninja:
return 'Ninja'
if OnWindows():
# The architecture must be specified through the -A option for the Visual
# Studio 16 generator.
if args.msvc == 16:
return 'Visual Studio 16'
return f"Visual Studio { args.msvc }{ ' Win64' if IS_64BIT else '' }"
return 'Unix Makefiles'
def ParseArguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( '--clang-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable C-family semantic completion engine '
'through libclang.' )
parser.add_argument( '--clangd-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable C-family semantic completion engine '
'through clangd lsp server.(EXPERIMENTAL)' )
parser.add_argument( '--cs-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable C# semantic completion engine.' )
parser.add_argument( '--go-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable Go semantic completion engine.' )
parser.add_argument( '--rust-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable Rust semantic completion engine.' )
parser.add_argument( '--java-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable Java semantic completion engine.' ),
parser.add_argument( '--ts-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable JavaScript and TypeScript semantic '
'completion engine.' ),
parser.add_argument( '--system-boost', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Use the system boost instead of bundled one. '
parser.add_argument( '--system-libclang', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Use system libclang instead of downloading one '
parser.add_argument( '--msvc', type = int, choices = [ 15, 16 ],
default = 16, help = 'Choose the Microsoft Visual '
'Studio version (default: %(default)s).' )
parser.add_argument( '--ninja', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Use Ninja build system.' )
parser.add_argument( '--all',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable all supported completers',
dest = 'all_completers' )
parser.add_argument( '--enable-coverage',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'For developers: Enable gcov coverage for the '
'c++ module' )
parser.add_argument( '--enable-debug',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'For developers: build ycm_core library with '
'debug symbols' )
parser.add_argument( '--build-dir',
help = 'For developers: perform the build in the '
'specified directory, and do not delete the '
'build output. This is useful for incremental '
'builds, and required for coverage data' )
parser.add_argument( '--quiet',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'Quiet installation mode. Just print overall '
'progress and errors' )
parser.add_argument( '--skip-build',
action = 'store_true',
help = "Don't build ycm_core lib, just install deps" )
parser.add_argument( '--valgrind',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'For developers: '
'Run core tests inside valgrind.' )
parser.add_argument( '--clang-tidy',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'For developers: Run clang-tidy static analysis '
'on the ycm_core code itself.' )
parser.add_argument( '--core-tests', nargs = '?', const = '*',
help = 'Run core tests and optionally filter them.' )
parser.add_argument( '--cmake-path',
help = 'For developers: specify the cmake executable. '
'Useful for testing with specific versions, or '
'if the system is unable to find cmake.' )
# These options are deprecated.
parser.add_argument( '--omnisharp-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS )
parser.add_argument( '--gocode-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS )
parser.add_argument( '--racer-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS )
parser.add_argument( '--tern-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS )
parser.add_argument( '--js-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS )
args = parser.parse_args()
# coverage is not supported for c++ on MSVC
if not OnWindows() and args.enable_coverage:
# We always want a debug build when running with coverage enabled
args.enable_debug = True
if args.core_tests:
os.environ[ 'YCM_TESTRUN' ] = '1'
elif os.environ.get( 'YCM_TESTRUN' ):
args.core_tests = '*'
if not args.clang_tidy and os.environ.get( 'YCM_CLANG_TIDY' ):
args.clang_tidy = True
if ( args.system_libclang and
not args.clang_completer and
not args.all_completers ):
sys.exit( 'ERROR: you can\'t pass --system-libclang without also passing '
'--clang-completer or --all as well.' )
return args
def FindCmake( args ):
cmake_exe = [ 'cmake3', 'cmake' ]
if args.cmake_path:
cmake_exe.insert( 0, args.cmake_path )
cmake = PathToFirstExistingExecutable( cmake_exe )
if cmake is None:
sys.exit( "ERROR: Unable to find cmake executable in any of"
f" { cmake_exe }. CMake is required to build ycmd" )
return cmake
def GetCmakeCommonArgs( args ):
cmake_args = [ '-G', GetGenerator( args ) ]
# Set the architecture for the Visual Studio 16 generator.
if OnWindows() and args.msvc == 16 and not args.ninja:
arch = 'x64' if IS_64BIT else 'Win32'
cmake_args.extend( [ '-A', arch ] )
cmake_args.extend( CustomPythonCmakeArgs( args ) )
return cmake_args
def GetCmakeArgs( parsed_args ):
cmake_args = []
if parsed_args.clang_completer or parsed_args.all_completers:
cmake_args.append( '-DUSE_CLANG_COMPLETER=ON' )
if parsed_args.clang_tidy:
cmake_args.append( '-DUSE_CLANG_TIDY=ON' )
if parsed_args.system_libclang:
cmake_args.append( '-DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBCLANG=ON' )
if parsed_args.system_boost:
cmake_args.append( '-DUSE_SYSTEM_BOOST=ON' )
if parsed_args.enable_debug:
cmake_args.append( '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' )
cmake_args.append( '-DUSE_DEV_FLAGS=ON' )
# coverage is not supported for c++ on MSVC
if not OnWindows() and parsed_args.enable_coverage:
cmake_args.append( '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-coverage' )
extra_cmake_args = os.environ.get( 'EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS', '' )
# We use shlex split to properly parse quoted CMake arguments.
cmake_args.extend( shlex.split( extra_cmake_args ) )
return cmake_args
def RunYcmdTests( args, build_dir ):
tests_dir = p.join( build_dir, 'ycm', 'tests' )
new_env = os.environ.copy()
if OnWindows():
# We prepend the ycm_core and Clang third-party directories to the PATH
# instead of overwriting it so that the executable is able to find the
# Python library.
new_env[ 'PATH' ] = ( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT + ';' +
new_env[ 'PATH' ] )
tests_cmd = [ p.join( tests_dir, 'ycm_core_tests' ) ]
if args.core_tests != '*':
tests_cmd.append( f'--gtest_filter={ args.core_tests }' )
if not args.valgrind:
CheckCall( tests_cmd,
env = new_env,
quiet = args.quiet,
status_message = 'Running ycmd tests' )
new_env[ 'PYTHONMALLOC' ] = 'malloc'
cmd = [ 'valgrind',
'--suppressions=' + p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT,
'valgrind.suppressions' ),
p.join( tests_dir, 'ycm_core_tests' ) ]
CheckCall( cmd, env = new_env )
def RunYcmdBenchmarks( args, build_dir ):
benchmarks_dir = p.join( build_dir, 'ycm', 'benchmarks' )
new_env = os.environ.copy()
if OnWindows():
# We prepend the ycm_core and Clang third-party directories to the PATH
# instead of overwriting it so that the executable is able to find the
# Python library.
new_env[ 'PATH' ] = ( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT + ';' +
new_env[ 'PATH' ] )
# Note we don't pass the quiet flag here because the output of the benchmark
# is the only useful info.
CheckCall( p.join( benchmarks_dir, 'ycm_core_benchmarks' ), env = new_env )
# On Windows, if the ycmd library is in use while building it, a LNK1104
# fatal error will occur during linking. Exit the script early with an
# error message if this is the case.
def ExitIfYcmdLibInUseOnWindows():
if not OnWindows():
ycmd_library = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'ycm_core.pyd' )
if not p.exists( ycmd_library ):
open( p.join( ycmd_library ), 'a' ).close()
except IOError as error:
if error.errno == errno.EACCES:
sys.exit( 'ERROR: ycmd library is currently in use. '
'Stop all ycmd instances before compilation.' )
def GetCMakeBuildConfiguration( args ):
if OnWindows():
if args.enable_debug:
return [ '--config', 'Debug' ]
return [ '--config', 'Release' ]
return [ '--', '-j', str( NumCores() ) ]
def BuildYcmdLib( cmake, cmake_common_args, script_args ):
if script_args.build_dir:
build_dir = os.path.abspath( script_args.build_dir )
if not os.path.exists( build_dir ):
os.makedirs( build_dir )
build_dir = mkdtemp( prefix = 'ycm_build_' )
os.chdir( build_dir )
configure_command = ( [ cmake ] + cmake_common_args +
GetCmakeArgs( script_args ) )
configure_command.append( p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'cpp' ) )
CheckCall( configure_command,
exit_message = BUILD_ERROR_MESSAGE,
quiet = script_args.quiet,
status_message = 'Generating ycmd build configuration' )
build_targets = [ 'ycm_core' ]
if script_args.core_tests:
build_targets.append( 'ycm_core_tests' )
if 'YCM_BENCHMARK' in os.environ:
build_targets.append( 'ycm_core_benchmarks' )
build_config = GetCMakeBuildConfiguration( script_args )
for target in build_targets:
build_command = ( [ cmake, '--build', '.', '--target', target ] +
build_config )
CheckCall( build_command,
exit_message = BUILD_ERROR_MESSAGE,
quiet = script_args.quiet,
status_message = f'Compiling ycmd target: { target }' )
if script_args.core_tests:
RunYcmdTests( script_args, build_dir )
if 'YCM_BENCHMARK' in os.environ:
RunYcmdBenchmarks( script_args, build_dir )
os.chdir( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT )
if script_args.build_dir:
print( 'The build files are in: ' + build_dir )
RemoveDirectory( build_dir )
def BuildRegexModule( script_args ):
build_dir = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'regex-build', '3' )
lib_dir = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'regex-build' )
os.chdir( p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'mrab-regex' ) )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( build_dir )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( lib_dir )
import setuptools # noqa
CheckCall( [ sys.executable,
'--build-base=' + build_dir,
'--build-lib=' + lib_dir ],
exit_message = 'Failed to build regex module.',
quiet = script_args.quiet,
status_message = 'Building regex module' )
except ImportError:
pass # Swallow the error - ycmd will fall back to the standard `re`.
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( build_dir )
os.chdir( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT )
def EnableCsCompleter( args ):
def WriteStdout( text ):
if not args.quiet:
sys.stdout.write( text )
if args.quiet:
sys.stdout.write( 'Installing Omnisharp for C# support...' )
build_dir = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, "omnisharp-roslyn" )
MkDirIfMissing( build_dir )
os.chdir( build_dir )
download_data = GetCsCompleterDataForPlatform()
version = download_data[ 'version' ]
WriteStdout( f"Installing Omnisharp { version }\n" )
CleanCsCompleter( build_dir, version )
package_path = DownloadCsCompleter( WriteStdout, download_data )
ExtractCsCompleter( WriteStdout, build_dir, package_path )
WriteStdout( "Done installing Omnisharp\n" )
if args.quiet:
print( 'OK' )
os.chdir( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT )
def MkDirIfMissing( path ):
os.mkdir( path )
except OSError:
def CleanCsCompleter( build_dir, version ):
for file_name in os.listdir( build_dir ):
file_path = p.join( build_dir, file_name )
if file_name == version:
if os.path.isfile( file_path ):
os.remove( file_path )
elif os.path.isdir( file_path ):
import shutil
shutil.rmtree( file_path )
def DownloadCsCompleter( writeStdout, download_data ):
file_name = download_data[ 'file_name' ]
download_url = download_data[ 'download_url' ]
check_sum = download_data[ 'check_sum' ]
version = download_data[ 'version' ]
MkDirIfMissing( version )
package_path = p.join( version, file_name )
if ( p.exists( package_path )
and not CheckFileIntegrity( package_path, check_sum ) ):
writeStdout( 'Cached Omnisharp file does not match checksum.\n' )
writeStdout( 'Removing...' )
os.remove( package_path )
writeStdout( 'DONE\n' )
if p.exists( package_path ):
writeStdout( f'Using cached Omnisharp: { file_name }\n' )
writeStdout( f'Downloading Omnisharp from { download_url }...' )
DownloadFileTo( download_url, package_path )
writeStdout( 'DONE\n' )
return package_path
def ExtractCsCompleter( writeStdout, build_dir, package_path ):
writeStdout( f'Extracting Omnisharp to { build_dir }...' )
if OnWindows():
with ZipFile( package_path, 'r' ) as package_zip:
with tarfile.open( package_path ) as package_tar:
writeStdout( 'DONE\n' )
def GetCsCompleterDataForPlatform():
# GENERATED BY update_omnisharp.py #
DATA = {
'win32': {
'version': 'v1.35.4',
'download_url': ( 'https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/release'
's/download/v1.35.4/omnisharp.http-win-x86.zip' ),
'file_name': 'omnisharp.http-win-x86.zip',
'check_sum': ( 'f6a44ec4e9edfbb4cb13626b09859d3dcd9b92e202f00b484d3c5956'
'4dfa236b' ),
'win64': {
'version': 'v1.35.4',
'download_url': ( 'https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/release'
's/download/v1.35.4/omnisharp.http-win-x64.zip' ),
'file_name': 'omnisharp.http-win-x64.zip',
'check_sum': ( '18ea074d099592c211929754cbc616e9b640b4143d60b20b374e015b'
'97932703' ),
'macos': {
'version': 'v1.35.4',
'download_url': ( 'https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/release'
's/download/v1.35.4/omnisharp.http-osx.tar.gz' ),
'file_name': 'omnisharp.http-osx.tar.gz',
'check_sum': ( '5e7e4870605ea53c1588d6a11e31a277b062b29477c3486d43a3c609'
'99f1cae8' ),
'linux32': {
'version': 'v1.35.4',
'download_url': ( 'https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/release'
's/download/v1.35.4/omnisharp.http-linux-x86.tar.gz' ),
'file_name': 'omnisharp.http-linux-x86.tar.gz',
'check_sum': ( '5998daa508e79e2e1f1bbf018ef59a7b82420506cb6fa3fa75a54248'
'94f89c19' ),
'linux64': {
'version': 'v1.35.4',
'download_url': ( 'https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/release'
's/download/v1.35.4/omnisharp.http-linux-x64.tar.gz' ),
'file_name': 'omnisharp.http-linux-x64.tar.gz',
'check_sum': ( 'a1b89e5cb67afedfc17515eae565c58a31c36d660dde7f15e4de4ef8'
'5e464b1c' ),
if OnWindows():
return DATA[ 'win64' if IS_64BIT else 'win32' ]
if OnMac():
return DATA[ 'macos' ]
return DATA[ 'linux64' if IS_64BIT else 'linux32' ]
def EnableGoCompleter( args ):
go = FindExecutableOrDie( 'go', 'go is required to build gopls.' )
new_env = os.environ.copy()
new_env[ 'GO111MODULE' ] = 'on'
new_env[ 'GOPATH' ] = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party', 'go' )
new_env.pop( 'GOROOT', None )
new_env[ 'GOBIN' ] = p.join( new_env[ 'GOPATH' ], 'bin' )
CheckCall( [ go, 'get', 'golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.6.0' ],
env = new_env,
quiet = args.quiet,
status_message = 'Building gopls for go completion' )
def WriteToolchainVersion( version ):
with open( path, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( version )
def ReadToolchainVersion():
with open( filepath ) as f:
return f.read().strip()
except OSError:
return None
def EnableRustCompleter( switches ):
if switches.quiet:
sys.stdout.write( 'Installing rust-analyzer for Rust support...' )
toolchain_version = ReadToolchainVersion()
if toolchain_version != RUST_TOOLCHAIN:
install_dir = mkdtemp( prefix = 'rust_install_' )
new_env = os.environ.copy()
new_env[ 'RUSTUP_HOME' ] = install_dir
rustup_init = p.join( install_dir, 'rustup-init' )
if OnWindows():
rustup_cmd = [ rustup_init ]
rustup_url = f"https://win.rustup.rs/{ 'x86_64' if IS_64BIT else 'i686' }"
rustup_cmd = [ 'sh', rustup_init ]
rustup_url = 'https://sh.rustup.rs'
DownloadFileTo( rustup_url, rustup_init )
new_env[ 'CARGO_HOME' ] = install_dir
CheckCall( rustup_cmd + [ '-y',
'--default-toolchain', 'none',
'--no-modify-path' ],
env = new_env,
quiet = switches.quiet )
rustup = p.join( install_dir, 'bin', 'rustup' )
CheckCall( [ rustup, 'toolchain', 'install', RUST_TOOLCHAIN ],
env = new_env,
quiet = switches.quiet )
for component in [ 'rust-src',
'clippy' ]:
CheckCall( [ rustup, 'component', 'add', component,
'--toolchain', RUST_TOOLCHAIN ],
env = new_env,
quiet = switches.quiet )
toolchain_dir = subprocess.check_output(
[ rustup, 'run', RUST_TOOLCHAIN, 'rustc', '--print', 'sysroot' ],
env = new_env
).rstrip().decode( 'utf8' )
if p.exists( RUST_ANALYZER_DIR ):
RemoveDirectory( RUST_ANALYZER_DIR )
os.makedirs( RUST_ANALYZER_DIR )
for folder in os.listdir( toolchain_dir ):
shutil.move( p.join( toolchain_dir, folder ), RUST_ANALYZER_DIR )
WriteToolchainVersion( RUST_TOOLCHAIN )
RemoveDirectory( install_dir )
if switches.quiet:
print( 'OK' )
def EnableJavaScriptCompleter( args ):
npm = FindExecutableOrDie( 'npm', 'npm is required to set up Tern.' )
os.chdir( p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party', 'tern_runtime' ) )
CheckCall( [ npm, 'install', '--production' ],
quiet = args.quiet,
status_message = 'Setting up Tern for JavaScript completion' )
def CheckJavaVersion( required_version ):
java = FindExecutableOrDie(
f'java { required_version } is required to install JDT.LS' )
java_version = None
new_env = os.environ.copy()
new_env.pop( 'JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS', None )
java_version = int(
[ java, p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'CheckJavaVersion.java' ) ],
env = new_env )
.decode( 'utf-8' )
.strip() )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if java_version is None or java_version < required_version:
print( f'\n\n*** WARNING ***: jdt.ls requires Java { required_version }.'
' You must set the option java_binary_path to point to a working '
f'java { required_version }.\n\n' )
def EnableJavaCompleter( switches ):
def Print( *args, **kwargs ):
if not switches.quiet:
print( *args, **kwargs )
if switches.quiet:
sys.stdout.write( 'Installing jdt.ls for Java support...' )
CheckJavaVersion( 11 )
TARGET = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'eclipse.jdt.ls', 'target', )
REPOSITORY = p.join( TARGET, 'repository' )
CACHE = p.join( TARGET, 'cache' )
JDTLS_SERVER_URL_FORMAT = ( 'http://download.eclipse.org/jdtls/snapshots/'
'{jdtls_package_name}' )
JDTLS_PACKAGE_NAME_FORMAT = ( 'jdt-language-server-{jdtls_milestone}-'
'{jdtls_build_stamp}.tar.gz' )
package_name = JDTLS_PACKAGE_NAME_FORMAT.format(
jdtls_milestone = JDTLS_MILESTONE,
jdtls_build_stamp = JDTLS_BUILD_STAMP )
jdtls_milestone = JDTLS_MILESTONE,
jdtls_package_name = package_name )
file_name = p.join( CACHE, package_name )
MakeCleanDirectory( REPOSITORY )
if not p.exists( CACHE ):
os.makedirs( CACHE )
elif p.exists( file_name ) and not CheckFileIntegrity( file_name,
Print( 'Cached tar file does not match checksum. Removing...' )
os.remove( file_name )
if p.exists( file_name ):
Print( f'Using cached jdt.ls: { file_name }' )
Print( f"Downloading jdt.ls from { url }..." )
DownloadFileTo( url, file_name )
Print( f"Extracting jdt.ls to { REPOSITORY }..." )
with tarfile.open( file_name ) as package_tar:
package_tar.extractall( REPOSITORY )
Print( "Done installing jdt.ls" )
if switches.quiet:
print( 'OK' )
def EnableTypeScriptCompleter( args ):
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'tsserver', 'bin' ) )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'tsserver', 'lib' ) )
npm = FindExecutableOrDie( 'npm', 'npm is required to install TSServer.' )
os.chdir( p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'tsserver' ) )
CheckCall( [ npm, 'install', '--production' ],
quiet = args.quiet,
status_message = 'Setting up TSserver for TypeScript completion' )
def GetClangdTarget():
if OnWindows():
return [
( 'clangd-{version}-win64',
'6c9ac8abc7b7597f92268624d200326f8681eecb387c875d319b7fdc9f400102' ),
( 'clangd-{version}-win32',
'67dba0988e55d472ebef78d1b0c7227261818809a4dd66d45cf8ed2cdc92825c' ) ]
if OnMac():
return [
( 'clangd-{version}-x86_64-apple-darwin',
'04be91e7812328c3262963a3206c1ebc87e0e46892323a1b8eea980ffbf2d16f' ) ]
if OnFreeBSD():
return [
( 'clangd-{version}-amd64-unknown-freebsd11',
'2532850e2269d533d5b4bf9cb676587fd3e80914b0dbee13b694d9f3eb4b45b1' ),
( 'clangd-{version}-i386-unknown-freebsd11',
'542d2012da260df76e4747abeef2a90dfb8f7923bf781dab296eaf484bfec4f6' ) ]
if OnAArch64():
return [
( 'clangd-{version}-aarch64-linux-gnu',
'4a62bb2ca1b60ef0be0617c9caa1f297edf1a60f81c48c366625a715f9563e8e' ) ]
if OnArm():
return [
None, # First list index is for 64bit archives. ARMv7 is 32bit only.
( 'clangd-{version}-armv7a-linux-gnueabihf',
'fd00fc69c49ff397a38cf4ba5ded3ccd2e6c5c955b9e3a9d7b26fce8a1465b05' ) ]
if OnX86_64():
return [
( 'clangd-{version}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
'6288eb10e24d50227415e787bdc9392c3fe6917ceb25cc1c41f9843b8d9f9461' ) ]
platform = 'this system' ) )
def DownloadClangd( printer ):
CLANGD_DIR = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'clangd', )
CLANGD_CACHE_DIR = p.join( CLANGD_DIR, 'cache' )
CLANGD_OUTPUT_DIR = p.join( CLANGD_DIR, 'output' )
target = GetClangdTarget()
target_name, check_sum = target[ not IS_64BIT ]
target_name = target_name.format( version = CLANGD_VERSION )
file_name = f'{ target_name }.tar.bz2'
download_url = f'https://dl.bintray.com/ycm-core/clangd/{ file_name }'
file_name = p.join( CLANGD_CACHE_DIR, file_name )
MakeCleanDirectory( CLANGD_OUTPUT_DIR )
if not p.exists( CLANGD_CACHE_DIR ):
os.makedirs( CLANGD_CACHE_DIR )
elif p.exists( file_name ) and not CheckFileIntegrity( file_name, check_sum ):
printer( 'Cached Clangd archive does not match checksum. Removing...' )
os.remove( file_name )
if p.exists( file_name ):
printer( f'Using cached Clangd: { file_name }' )
printer( f"Downloading Clangd from { download_url }..." )
DownloadFileTo( download_url, file_name )
if not CheckFileIntegrity( file_name, check_sum ):
sys.exit( 'ERROR: downloaded Clangd archive does not match checksum.' )
printer( f"Extracting Clangd to { CLANGD_OUTPUT_DIR }..." )
with tarfile.open( file_name ) as package_tar:
package_tar.extractall( CLANGD_OUTPUT_DIR )
printer( "Done installing Clangd" )
def EnableClangdCompleter( Args ):
if Args.quiet:
sys.stdout.write( 'Setting up Clangd completer...' )
def Print( msg ):
if not Args.quiet:
print( msg )
DownloadClangd( Print )
if Args.quiet:
print( 'OK' )
if not Args.quiet:
print( 'Clangd completer enabled. If you are using .ycm_extra_conf.py '
'files, make sure they use Settings() instead of the old and '
'deprecated FlagsForFile().' )
def WritePythonUsedDuringBuild():
with open( path, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( sys.executable )
def BuildWatchdogModule( script_args ):
DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'watchdog_deps' )
build_dir = p.join( DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS, 'watchdog', 'build', '3' )
lib_dir = p.join( DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS, 'watchdog', 'build', 'lib3' )
os.chdir( p.join( DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS, 'watchdog' ) )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( build_dir )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( lib_dir )
import setuptools # noqa
CheckCall( [ sys.executable,
'--build-base=' + build_dir,
'--build-lib=' + lib_dir ],
exit_message = 'Failed to build watchdog module.',
quiet = script_args.quiet,
status_message = 'Building watchdog module' )
except ImportError:
if OnMac():
print( 'WARNING: setuptools unavailable. Watchdog will fall back to '
'the slower kqueue filesystem event API.\n'
'To use the faster fsevents, install setuptools and '
'rerun this script.' )
os.makedirs( lib_dir )
shutil.copytree( p.join( 'src', 'watchdog' ),
p.join( lib_dir, 'watchdog' ) )
RemoveDirectoryIfExists( build_dir )
os.chdir( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT )
def DoCmakeBuilds( args ):
cmake = FindCmake( args )
cmake_common_args = GetCmakeCommonArgs( args )
BuildYcmdLib( cmake, cmake_common_args, args )
BuildRegexModule( args )
BuildWatchdogModule( args )
def Main():
args = ParseArguments()
if not args.skip_build:
DoCmakeBuilds( args )
if args.cs_completer or args.omnisharp_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableCsCompleter( args )
if args.go_completer or args.gocode_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableGoCompleter( args )
if args.js_completer or args.tern_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableJavaScriptCompleter( args )
if args.rust_completer or args.racer_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableRustCompleter( args )
if args.java_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableJavaCompleter( args )
if args.ts_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableTypeScriptCompleter( args )
if args.clangd_completer or args.all_completers:
EnableClangdCompleter( args )
if __name__ == '__main__':
