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events.go 5.84 KB
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MJL authored 2021-08-06 18:40 . first commit
Copyright SecureKey Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package dispatcher
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/common"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/peer"
// Event is an event that's sent to the dispatcher. This includes client registration
// requests or events that come from an event producer.
type Event interface{}
// RegisterEvent is the base for all registration events.
type RegisterEvent struct {
RegCh chan<- fab.Registration
ErrCh chan<- error
// StopEvent tells the dispatcher to stop processing
type StopEvent struct {
ErrCh chan<- error
// TransferEvent tells the dispatcher to transfer all
// registrations into a snapshot
type TransferEvent struct {
SnapshotCh chan<- fab.EventSnapshot
ErrCh chan<- error
// StopAndTransferEvent tells the dispatcher to stop processing and transfer all
// registrations into a snapshot
type StopAndTransferEvent struct {
SnapshotCh chan<- fab.EventSnapshot
ErrCh chan<- error
// RegisterBlockEvent registers for block events
type RegisterBlockEvent struct {
Reg *BlockReg
// RegisterFilteredBlockEvent registers for filtered block events
type RegisterFilteredBlockEvent struct {
Reg *FilteredBlockReg
// RegisterChaincodeEvent registers for chaincode events
type RegisterChaincodeEvent struct {
Reg *ChaincodeReg
// RegisterTxStatusEvent registers for transaction status events
type RegisterTxStatusEvent struct {
Reg *TxStatusReg
// UnregisterEvent unregisters a registration
type UnregisterEvent struct {
Reg fab.Registration
// RegistrationInfo contains counts of the current event registrations
type RegistrationInfo struct {
TotalRegistrations int
NumBlockRegistrations int
NumFilteredBlockRegistrations int
NumCCRegistrations int
NumTxStatusRegistrations int
// RegistrationInfoEvent requests registration information
type RegistrationInfoEvent struct {
RegInfoCh chan<- *RegistrationInfo
// NewRegisterBlockEvent creates a new RegisterBlockEvent
func NewRegisterBlockEvent(filter fab.BlockFilter, eventch chan<- *fab.BlockEvent, respch chan<- fab.Registration, errCh chan<- error) *RegisterBlockEvent {
return &RegisterBlockEvent{
Reg: &BlockReg{Filter: filter, Eventch: eventch},
RegisterEvent: NewRegisterEvent(respch, errCh),
// NewRegisterFilteredBlockEvent creates a new RegisterFilterBlockEvent
func NewRegisterFilteredBlockEvent(eventch chan<- *fab.FilteredBlockEvent, respch chan<- fab.Registration, errCh chan<- error) *RegisterFilteredBlockEvent {
return &RegisterFilteredBlockEvent{
Reg: &FilteredBlockReg{Eventch: eventch},
RegisterEvent: NewRegisterEvent(respch, errCh),
// NewUnregisterEvent creates a new UnregisterEvent
func NewUnregisterEvent(reg fab.Registration) *UnregisterEvent {
return &UnregisterEvent{
Reg: reg,
// NewRegisterChaincodeEvent creates a new RegisterChaincodeEvent
func NewRegisterChaincodeEvent(ccID, eventFilter string, eventch chan<- *fab.CCEvent, respch chan<- fab.Registration, errCh chan<- error) *RegisterChaincodeEvent {
return &RegisterChaincodeEvent{
Reg: &ChaincodeReg{
ChaincodeID: ccID,
EventFilter: eventFilter,
Eventch: eventch,
RegisterEvent: NewRegisterEvent(respch, errCh),
// NewRegisterTxStatusEvent creates a new RegisterTxStatusEvent
func NewRegisterTxStatusEvent(txID string, eventch chan<- *fab.TxStatusEvent, respch chan<- fab.Registration, errCh chan<- error) *RegisterTxStatusEvent {
return &RegisterTxStatusEvent{
Reg: &TxStatusReg{TxID: txID, Eventch: eventch},
RegisterEvent: NewRegisterEvent(respch, errCh),
// NewRegisterEvent creates a new RgisterEvent
func NewRegisterEvent(respch chan<- fab.Registration, errCh chan<- error) RegisterEvent {
return RegisterEvent{
RegCh: respch,
ErrCh: errCh,
// NewBlockEvent creates a new BlockEvent
func NewBlockEvent(block *cb.Block, sourceURL string) *fab.BlockEvent {
return &fab.BlockEvent{
Block: block,
SourceURL: sourceURL,
// NewFilteredBlockEvent creates a new FilteredBlockEvent
func NewFilteredBlockEvent(fblock *pb.FilteredBlock, sourceURL string) *fab.FilteredBlockEvent {
return &fab.FilteredBlockEvent{
FilteredBlock: fblock,
SourceURL: sourceURL,
// NewChaincodeEvent creates a new ChaincodeEvent
func NewChaincodeEvent(chaincodeID, eventName, txID string, payload []byte, blockNum uint64, sourceURL string) *fab.CCEvent {
return &fab.CCEvent{
ChaincodeID: chaincodeID,
EventName: eventName,
TxID: txID,
Payload: payload,
BlockNumber: blockNum,
SourceURL: sourceURL,
// NewTxStatusEvent creates a new TxStatusEvent
func NewTxStatusEvent(txID string, txValidationCode pb.TxValidationCode, blockNum uint64, sourceURL string) *fab.TxStatusEvent {
return &fab.TxStatusEvent{
TxID: txID,
TxValidationCode: txValidationCode,
BlockNumber: blockNum,
SourceURL: sourceURL,
// NewStopEvent creates a new StopEvent
func NewStopEvent(errch chan<- error) *StopEvent {
return &StopEvent{
ErrCh: errch,
// NewTransferEvent creates a new TransferEvent
func NewTransferEvent(snapshotch chan<- fab.EventSnapshot, errch chan<- error) *TransferEvent {
return &TransferEvent{
ErrCh: errch,
SnapshotCh: snapshotch,
// NewStopAndTransferEvent creates a new StopAndTransferEvent
func NewStopAndTransferEvent(snapshotch chan<- fab.EventSnapshot, errch chan<- error) *StopAndTransferEvent {
return &StopAndTransferEvent{
ErrCh: errch,
SnapshotCh: snapshotch,
// NewRegistrationInfoEvent returns a new RegistrationInfoEvent
func NewRegistrationInfoEvent(regInfoCh chan<- *RegistrationInfo) *RegistrationInfoEvent {
return &RegistrationInfoEvent{RegInfoCh: regInfoCh}
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