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* Teleport
* Copyright (C) 2023 Gravitational, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package teleport
import (
// WebAPIVersion is a current webapi version
const WebAPIVersion = "v1"
const (
// SSHAuthSock is the environment variable pointing to the
// Unix socket the SSH agent is running on.
// SSHAgentPID is the environment variable pointing to the agent
// process ID
// SSHTeleportUser is the current Teleport user that is logged in.
// SSHSessionWebProxyAddr is the address the web proxy.
// SSHTeleportClusterName is the name of the cluster this node belongs to.
// SSHTeleportHostUUID is the UUID of the host.
// SSHSessionID is the UUID of the current session.
// EnableNonInteractiveSessionRecording can be used to record non-interactive SSH session.
EnableNonInteractiveSessionRecording = "SSH_TELEPORT_RECORD_NON_INTERACTIVE"
const (
// HTTPNextProtoTLS is the NPN/ALPN protocol negotiated during
// HTTP/1.1.'s TLS setup.
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids
HTTPNextProtoTLS = "http/1.1"
const (
// TOTPValidityPeriod is the number of seconds a TOTP token is valid.
TOTPValidityPeriod uint = 30
// TOTPSkew adds that many periods before and after to the validity window.
TOTPSkew uint = 1
const (
// ComponentKey is a field that represents a component - e.g. service or
// function
ComponentKey = "teleport.ComponentKey"
// ComponentFields is a fields component
ComponentFields = "trace.fields"
// ComponentMemory is a memory backend
ComponentMemory = "memory"
// ComponentAuthority is a TLS and an SSH certificate authority
ComponentAuthority = "ca"
// ComponentProcess is a main control process
ComponentProcess = "proc"
// ComponentServer is a server subcomponent of some services
ComponentServer = "server"
// ComponentACME is ACME protocol controller
ComponentACME = "acme"
// ComponentReverseTunnelServer is reverse tunnel server
// that together with agent establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelServer = "proxy:server"
// ComponentReverseTunnelAgent is reverse tunnel agent
// that together with server establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelAgent = "proxy:agent"
// ComponentLabel is a component label name used in reporting
ComponentLabel = "component"
// ComponentProxyKube is a kubernetes proxy
ComponentProxyKube = "proxy:kube"
// ComponentAuth is the cluster CA node (auth server API)
ComponentAuth = "auth"
// ComponentGRPC is gRPC server
ComponentGRPC = "grpc"
// ComponentMigrate is responsible for data migrations
ComponentMigrate = "migrate"
// ComponentNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentNode = "node"
// ComponentForwardingNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentForwardingNode = "node:forward"
// ComponentProxy is SSH proxy (SSH server forwarding connections)
ComponentProxy = "proxy"
// ComponentProxyPeer is the proxy peering component of the proxy service
ComponentProxyPeer = "proxy:peer"
// ComponentApp is the application proxy service.
ComponentApp = "app:service"
// ComponentDatabase is the database proxy service.
ComponentDatabase = "db:service"
// ComponentDiscovery is the Discovery service.
ComponentDiscovery = "discovery:service"
// ComponentAppProxy is the application handler within the web proxy service.
ComponentAppProxy = "app:web"
// ComponentWebProxy is the web handler within the web proxy service.
ComponentWebProxy = "web"
// ComponentDiagnostic is a diagnostic service
ComponentDiagnostic = "diag"
// ComponentClient is a client
ComponentClient = "client"
// ComponentTunClient is a tunnel client
ComponentTunClient = "client:tunnel"
// ComponentCache is a cache component
ComponentCache = "cache"
// ComponentBackend is a backend component
ComponentBackend = "backend"
// ComponentSubsystemProxy is the proxy subsystem.
ComponentSubsystemProxy = "subsystem:proxy"
// ComponentSubsystemSFTP is the SFTP subsystem.
ComponentSubsystemSFTP = "subsystem:sftp"
// ComponentLocalTerm is a terminal on a regular SSH node.
ComponentLocalTerm = "term:local"
// ComponentRemoteTerm is a terminal on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteTerm = "term:remote"
// ComponentRemoteSubsystem is subsystem on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteSubsystem = "subsystem:remote"
// ComponentAuditLog is audit log component
ComponentAuditLog = "audit"
// ComponentKeyAgent is an agent that has loaded the sessions keys and
// certificates for a user connected to a proxy.
ComponentKeyAgent = "keyagent"
// ComponentKeyStore is all sessions keys and certificates a user has on disk
// for all proxies.
ComponentKeyStore = "keystore"
// ComponentConnectProxy is the HTTP CONNECT proxy used to tunnel connection.
ComponentConnectProxy = "http:proxy"
// ComponentSOCKS is a SOCKS5 proxy.
ComponentSOCKS = "socks"
// ComponentKeyGen is the public/private keypair generator.
ComponentKeyGen = "keygen"
// ComponentFirestore represents firestore clients
ComponentFirestore = "firestore"
// ComponentSession is an active session.
ComponentSession = "session"
// ComponentDynamoDB represents dynamodb clients
ComponentDynamoDB = "dynamodb"
// Component pluggable authentication module (PAM)
ComponentPAM = "pam"
// ComponentUpload is a session recording upload server
ComponentUpload = "upload"
// ComponentWeb is a web server
ComponentWeb = "web"
// ComponentUnifiedResource is a cache of resources meant to be listed and displayed
// together in the web UI
ComponentUnifiedResource = "unified_resource"
// ComponentWebsocket is websocket server that the web client connects to.
ComponentWebsocket = "websocket"
// ComponentRBAC is role-based access control.
ComponentRBAC = "rbac"
// ComponentKeepAlive is keep-alive messages sent from clients to servers
// and vice versa.
ComponentKeepAlive = "keepalive"
// ComponentTeleport is the "teleport" binary.
ComponentTeleport = "teleport"
// ComponentTSH is the "tsh" binary.
ComponentTSH = "tsh"
// ComponentTCTL is the "tctl" binary.
ComponentTCTL = "tctl"
// ComponentTBot is the "tbot" binary
ComponentTBot = "tbot"
// ComponentKubeClient is the Kubernetes client.
ComponentKubeClient = "client:kube"
// ComponentBuffer is in-memory event circular buffer
// used to broadcast events to subscribers.
ComponentBuffer = "buffer"
// ComponentBPF is the eBPF packagae.
ComponentBPF = "bpf"
// ComponentCgroup is the cgroup package.
ComponentCgroup = "cgroups"
// ComponentKube is an Kubernetes API gateway.
ComponentKube = "kubernetes"
// ComponentSAML is a SAML service provider.
ComponentSAML = "saml"
// ComponentMetrics is a metrics server
ComponentMetrics = "metrics"
// ComponentWindowsDesktop is a Windows desktop access server.
ComponentWindowsDesktop = "windows_desktop"
// ComponentTracing is a tracing exporter
ComponentTracing = "tracing"
// ComponentInstance is an abstract component common to all services.
ComponentInstance = "instance"
// ComponentVersionControl is the component common to all version control operations.
ComponentVersionControl = "version-control"
// ComponentUsageReporting is the component responsible for reporting usage metrics.
ComponentUsageReporting = "usage-reporting"
// ComponentAthena represents athena clients.
ComponentAthena = "athena"
// ComponentProxySecureGRPC represents secure gRPC server running on Proxy (used for Kube).
ComponentProxySecureGRPC = "proxy:secure-grpc"
// ComponentAssist represents Teleport Assist
ComponentAssist = "assist"
// VerboseLogEnvVar forces all logs to be verbose (down to DEBUG level)
VerboseLogsEnvVar = "TELEPORT_DEBUG"
// IterationsEnvVar sets tests iterations to run
IterationsEnvVar = "ITERATIONS"
// DefaultTerminalWidth defines the default width of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalWidth = 80
// DefaultTerminalHeight defines the default height of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalHeight = 25
// SafeTerminalType is the fall-back TTY type to fall back to (when $TERM
// is not defined)
SafeTerminalType = "xterm"
// DataDirParameterName is the name of the data dir configuration parameter passed
// to all backends during initialization
DataDirParameterName = "data_dir"
// KeepAliveReqType is a SSH request type to keep the connection alive. A client and
// a server keep pining each other with it.
KeepAliveReqType = "keepalive@openssh.com"
// ClusterDetailsReqType is the name of a global request which returns cluster details like
// if the proxy is recording sessions or not and if FIPS is enabled.
ClusterDetailsReqType = "cluster-details@goteleport.com"
// JSON means JSON serialization format
JSON = "json"
// YAML means YAML serialization format
YAML = "yaml"
// Text means text serialization format
Text = "text"
// PTY is a raw PTY session capture format
PTY = "pty"
// Names is for formatting node names in plain text
Names = "names"
// LinuxAdminGID is the ID of the standard adm group on linux
LinuxAdminGID = 4
// DirMaskSharedGroup is the mask for a directory accessible
// by the owner and group
DirMaskSharedGroup = 0o770
// FileMaskOwnerOnly is the file mask that allows read write access
// to owers only
FileMaskOwnerOnly = 0o600
// On means mode is on
On = "on"
// Off means mode is off
Off = "off"
// GCSTestURI turns on GCS tests
// AZBlobTestURI specifies the storage account URL to use for Azure Blob
// Storage tests.
// AWSRunTests turns on tests executed against AWS directly
AWSRunTests = "TEST_AWS"
// AWSRunDBTests turns on tests executed against AWS databases directly.
// Region is AWS region parameter
Region = "region"
// Endpoint is an optional Host for non-AWS S3
Endpoint = "endpoint"
// Insecure is an optional switch to use HTTP instead of HTTPS
Insecure = "insecure"
// DisableServerSideEncryption is an optional switch to opt out of SSE in case the provider does not support it
DisableServerSideEncryption = "disablesse"
// ACL is the canned ACL to send to S3
ACL = "acl"
// SSEKMSKey is an optional switch to use an KMS CMK key for S3 SSE.
SSEKMSKey = "sse_kms_key"
// SchemeFile configures local disk-based file storage for audit events
SchemeFile = "file"
// SchemeStdout outputs audit log entries to stdout
SchemeStdout = "stdout"
// SchemeS3 is used for S3-like object storage
SchemeS3 = "s3"
// SchemeGCS is used for Google Cloud Storage
SchemeGCS = "gs"
// SchemeAZBlob is the Azure Blob Storage scheme, used as the scheme in the
// session storage URI to identify a storage account accessed over https.
SchemeAZBlob = "azblob"
// SchemeAZBlobHTTP is the Azure Blob Storage scheme, used as the scheme in the
// session storage URI to identify a storage account accessed over http.
SchemeAZBlobHTTP = "azblob-http"
// LogsDir is a log subdirectory for events and logs
LogsDir = "log"
// Syslog is a mode for syslog logging
Syslog = "syslog"
// HumanDateFormat is a human readable date formatting
HumanDateFormat = "Jan _2 15:04 UTC"
// HumanDateFormatMilli is a human readable date formatting with milliseconds
HumanDateFormatMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000 UTC"
// DebugLevel is a debug logging level name
DebugLevel = "debug"
// MinimumEtcdVersion is the minimum version of etcd supported by Teleport
MinimumEtcdVersion = "3.3.0"
const (
// These values are from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthRequest
// OIDCPromptSelectAccount instructs the Authorization Server to
// prompt the End-User to select a user account.
OIDCPromptSelectAccount = "select_account"
// OIDCAccessTypeOnline indicates that OIDC flow should be performed
// with Authorization server and user connected online
OIDCAccessTypeOnline = "online"
// Component generates "component:subcomponent1:subcomponent2" strings used
// in debugging
func Component(components ...string) string {
return strings.Join(components, ":")
const (
// AuthorizedKeys are public keys that check against User CAs.
AuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"
// KnownHosts are public keys that check against Host CAs.
KnownHosts = "known_hosts"
const (
// CertExtensionPermitX11Forwarding allows X11 forwarding for certificate
CertExtensionPermitX11Forwarding = "permit-X11-forwarding"
// CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding allows agent forwarding for certificate
CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding = "permit-agent-forwarding"
// CertExtensionPermitPTY allows user to request PTY
CertExtensionPermitPTY = "permit-pty"
// CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding allows user to request port forwarding
CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding = "permit-port-forwarding"
// CertExtensionTeleportRoles is used to propagate teleport roles
CertExtensionTeleportRoles = "teleport-roles"
// CertExtensionTeleportRouteToCluster is used to encode
// the target cluster to route to in the certificate
CertExtensionTeleportRouteToCluster = "teleport-route-to-cluster"
// CertExtensionTeleportTraits is used to propagate traits about the user.
CertExtensionTeleportTraits = "teleport-traits"
// CertExtensionTeleportActiveRequests is used to track which privilege
// escalation requests were used to construct the certificate.
CertExtensionTeleportActiveRequests = "teleport-active-requests"
// CertExtensionMFAVerified is used to mark certificates issued after an MFA
// check.
CertExtensionMFAVerified = "mfa-verified"
// CertExtensionPreviousIdentityExpires is the extension that stores an RFC3339
// timestamp representing the expiry time of the identity/cert that this
// identity/cert was derived from. It is used to determine a session's hard
// deadline in cases where both require_session_mfa and disconnect_expired_cert
// are enabled. See https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/issues/18544.
CertExtensionPreviousIdentityExpires = "prev-identity-expires"
// CertExtensionLoginIP is used to embed the IP of the client that created
// the certificate.
CertExtensionLoginIP = "login-ip"
// CertExtensionImpersonator is set when one user has requested certificates
// for another user
CertExtensionImpersonator = "impersonator"
// CertExtensionDisallowReissue is set when a certificate should not be allowed
// to request future certificates.
CertExtensionDisallowReissue = "disallow-reissue"
// CertExtensionRenewable is a flag to indicate the certificate may be
// renewed.
CertExtensionRenewable = "renewable"
// CertExtensionGeneration counts the number of times a certificate has
// been renewed.
CertExtensionGeneration = "generation"
// CertExtensionAllowedResources lists the resources which this certificate
// should be allowed to access
CertExtensionAllowedResources = "teleport-allowed-resources"
// CertExtensionConnectionDiagnosticID contains the ID of the ConnectionDiagnostic.
// The Node/Agent will append connection traces to this diagnostic instance.
CertExtensionConnectionDiagnosticID = "teleport-connection-diagnostic-id"
// CertExtensionPrivateKeyPolicy is used to mark certificates with their supported
// private key policy.
CertExtensionPrivateKeyPolicy = "private-key-policy"
// CertExtensionDeviceID is the trusted device identifier.
CertExtensionDeviceID = "teleport-device-id"
// CertExtensionDeviceAssetTag is the device inventory identifier.
CertExtensionDeviceAssetTag = "teleport-device-asset-tag"
// CertExtensionDeviceCredentialID is the identifier for the credential used
// by the device to authenticate itself.
CertExtensionDeviceCredentialID = "teleport-device-credential-id"
// CertExtensionBotName indicates the name of the Machine ID bot this
// certificate was issued to, if any.
CertExtensionBotName = "bot-name@goteleport.com"
// CertCriticalOptionSourceAddress is a critical option that defines IP addresses (in CIDR notation)
// from which this certificate is accepted for authentication.
// See: https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/usr.bin/ssh/PROTOCOL.certkeys?annotate=HEAD.
CertCriticalOptionSourceAddress = "source-address"
// Note: when adding new providers to this list, consider updating the help message for --provider flag
// for `tctl sso configure oidc` and `tctl sso configure saml` commands
// as well as docs at https://goteleport.com/docs/enterprise/sso/#provider-specific-workarounds
const (
// NetIQ is an identity provider.
NetIQ = "netiq"
// ADFS is Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services
ADFS = "adfs"
// Ping is the common backend for all Ping Identity-branded identity
// providers (including PingOne, PingFederate, etc).
Ping = "ping"
// Okta should be used for Okta OIDC providers.
Okta = "okta"
// JumpCloud is an identity provider.
JumpCloud = "jumpcloud"
const (
// RemoteCommandSuccess is returned when a command has successfully executed.
RemoteCommandSuccess = 0
// RemoteCommandFailure is returned when a command has failed to execute and
// we don't have another status code for it.
RemoteCommandFailure = 255
// HomeDirNotFound is returned when a the "teleport checkhomedir" command cannot
// find the user's home directory.
HomeDirNotFound = 254
// MaxEnvironmentFileLines is the maximum number of lines in a environment file.
const MaxEnvironmentFileLines = 1000
// MaxResourceSize is the maximum size (in bytes) of a serialized resource. This limit is
// typically only enforced against resources that are likely to arbitrarily grow (e.g. PluginData).
const MaxResourceSize = 1000000
// MaxHTTPRequestSize is the maximum accepted size (in bytes) of the body of
// a received HTTP request. This limit is meant to be used with utils.ReadAtMost
// to prevent resource exhaustion attacks.
const MaxHTTPRequestSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
// MaxHTTPResponseSize is the maximum accepted size (in bytes) of the body of
// a received HTTP response. This limit is meant to be used with utils.ReadAtMost
// to prevent resource exhaustion attacks.
const MaxHTTPResponseSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
const (
// CertificateFormatOldSSH is used to make Teleport interoperate with older
// versions of OpenSSH.
CertificateFormatOldSSH = "oldssh"
// CertificateFormatUnspecified is used to check if the format was specified
// or not.
CertificateFormatUnspecified = ""
const (
// TraitInternalPrefix is the role variable prefix that indicates it's for
// local accounts.
TraitInternalPrefix = "internal"
// TraitExternalPrefix is the role variable prefix that indicates the data comes from an external identity provider.
TraitExternalPrefix = "external"
// TraitTeams is the name of the role variable use to store team
// membership information
TraitTeams = "github_teams"
// TraitJWT is the name of the trait containing JWT header for app access.
TraitJWT = "jwt"
// TraitInternalLoginsVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// logins for local accounts.
TraitInternalLoginsVariable = "{{internal.logins}}"
// TraitInternalWindowsLoginsVariable is the variable used to store
// allowed Windows Desktop logins for local accounts.
TraitInternalWindowsLoginsVariable = "{{internal.windows_logins}}"
// TraitInternalKubeGroupsVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// kubernetes groups for local accounts.
TraitInternalKubeGroupsVariable = "{{internal.kubernetes_groups}}"
// TraitInternalKubeUsersVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// kubernetes users for local accounts.
TraitInternalKubeUsersVariable = "{{internal.kubernetes_users}}"
// TraitInternalDBNamesVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// database names for local accounts.
TraitInternalDBNamesVariable = "{{internal.db_names}}"
// TraitInternalDBUsersVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// database users for local accounts.
TraitInternalDBUsersVariable = "{{internal.db_users}}"
// TraitInternalDBRolesVariable is the variable used to store allowed
// database roles for automatic database user provisioning.
TraitInternalDBRolesVariable = "{{internal.db_roles}}"
// TraitInternalAWSRoleARNs is the variable used to store allowed AWS
// role ARNs for local accounts.
TraitInternalAWSRoleARNs = "{{internal.aws_role_arns}}"
// TraitInternalAzureIdentities is the variable used to store allowed
// Azure identities for local accounts.
TraitInternalAzureIdentities = "{{internal.azure_identities}}"
// TraitInternalGCPServiceAccounts is the variable used to store allowed
// GCP service accounts for local accounts.
TraitInternalGCPServiceAccounts = "{{internal.gcp_service_accounts}}"
// TraitInternalJWTVariable is the variable used to store JWT token for
// app sessions.
TraitInternalJWTVariable = "{{internal.jwt}}"
// SCP is Secure Copy.
const SCP = "scp"
// AdminRoleName is the name of the default admin role for all local users if
// another role is not explicitly assigned
const AdminRoleName = "admin"
const (
// PresetEditorRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// editing cluster configuration.
PresetEditorRoleName = "editor"
// PresetAccessRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// accessing cluster resources.
PresetAccessRoleName = "access"
// PresetAuditorRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// reading cluster events and playing back session records.
PresetAuditorRoleName = "auditor"
// PresetReviewerRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// for reviewing access requests.
PresetReviewerRoleName = "reviewer"
// PresetRequesterRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// for requesting access to resources.
PresetRequesterRoleName = "requester"
// PresetGroupAccessRoleName is a name of a preset role that allows
// access to all user groups.
PresetGroupAccessRoleName = "group-access"
// PresetDeviceAdminRoleName is the name of the "device-admin" role.
// The role is used to administer trusted devices.
PresetDeviceAdminRoleName = "device-admin"
// PresetDeviceEnrollRoleName is the name of the "device-enroll" role.
// The role is used to grant device enrollment powers to users.
PresetDeviceEnrollRoleName = "device-enroll"
// PresetRequireTrustedDeviceRoleName is the name of the
// "require-trusted-device" role.
// The role is used as a basis for requiring trusted device access to
// resources.
PresetRequireTrustedDeviceRoleName = "require-trusted-device"
// SystemAutomaticAccessApprovalRoleName names a preset role that may
// automatically approve any Role Access Request
SystemAutomaticAccessApprovalRoleName = "@teleport-access-approver"
// ConnectMyComputerRoleNamePrefix is the prefix used for roles prepared for individual users
// during the setup of Connect My Computer. The prefix is followed by the name of the cluster
// user. See teleterm.connectmycomputer.RoleSetup.
ConnectMyComputerRoleNamePrefix = "connect-my-computer-"
// SystemOktaRequesterRoleName is a name of a system role that allows
// for requesting access to Okta resources. This differs from the requester role
// in that it allows for requesting longer lived access.
SystemOktaRequesterRoleName = "okta-requester"
// SystemOktaAccessRoleName is the name of the system role that allows
// access to Okta resources. This will be used by the Okta requester role to
// search for Okta resources.
SystemOktaAccessRoleName = "okta-access"
var PresetRoles = []string{PresetEditorRoleName, PresetAccessRoleName, PresetAuditorRoleName}
const (
// SystemAccessApproverUserName names a Teleport user that acts as
// an Access Request approver for access plugins
SystemAccessApproverUserName = "@teleport-access-approval-bot"
const (
// RemoteClusterStatusOffline indicates that cluster is considered as
// offline, since it has missed a series of heartbeats
RemoteClusterStatusOffline = "offline"
// RemoteClusterStatusOnline indicates that cluster is sending heartbeats
// at expected interval
RemoteClusterStatusOnline = "online"
const (
// SharedDirMode is a mode for a directory shared with group
SharedDirMode = 0o750
// PrivateDirMode is a mode for private directories
PrivateDirMode = 0o700
const (
// SessionEvent is sent by servers to clients when an audit event occurs on
// the session.
SessionEvent = "x-teleport-event"
// VersionRequest is sent by clients to server requesting the Teleport
// version they are running.
VersionRequest = "x-teleport-version"
// ForceTerminateRequest is an SSH request to forcefully terminate a session.
ForceTerminateRequest = "x-teleport-force-terminate"
// TerminalSizeRequest is a request for the terminal size of the session.
TerminalSizeRequest = "x-teleport-terminal-size"
// TCPIPForwardRequest is an SSH request for the server to open a listener
// for port forwarding.
TCPIPForwardRequest = "tcpip-forward"
// CancelTCPIPForwardRequest is an SSHRequest to cancel a previous
// TCPIPForwardRequest.
CancelTCPIPForwardRequest = "cancel-tcpip-forward"
// MFAPresenceRequest is an SSH request to notify clients that MFA presence is required for a session.
MFAPresenceRequest = "x-teleport-mfa-presence"
// EnvSSHJoinMode is the SSH environment variable that contains the requested participant mode.
// EnvSSHSessionReason is a reason attached to started sessions meant to describe their intent.
// EnvSSHSessionInvited is an environment variable listning people invited to a session.
// EnvSSHSessionDisplayParticipantRequirements is set to true or false to indicate if participant
// requirement information should be printed.
// SSHSessionJoinPrincipal is the SSH principal used when joining sessions.
// This starts with a hyphen so it isn't a valid unix login.
SSHSessionJoinPrincipal = "-teleport-internal-join"
const (
// EnvKubeConfig is environment variable for kubeconfig
EnvKubeConfig = "KUBECONFIG"
// KubeConfigDir is a default directory where k8s stores its user local config
KubeConfigDir = ".kube"
// KubeConfigFile is a default filename where k8s stores its user local config
KubeConfigFile = "config"
// KubeRunTests turns on kubernetes tests
KubeRunTests = "TEST_KUBE"
// KubeSystemAuthenticated is a builtin group that allows
// any user to access common API methods, e.g. discovery methods
// required for initial client usage
KubeSystemAuthenticated = "system:authenticated"
// UsageKubeOnly specifies certificate usage metadata
// that limits certificate to be only used for kubernetes proxying
UsageKubeOnly = "usage:kube"
// UsageAppOnly specifies a certificate metadata that only allows it to be
// used for proxying applications.
UsageAppsOnly = "usage:apps"
// UsageDatabaseOnly specifies certificate usage metadata that only allows
// it to be used for proxying database connections.
UsageDatabaseOnly = "usage:db"
// UsageWindowsDesktopOnly specifies certificate usage metadata that limits
// certificate to be only used for Windows desktop access
UsageWindowsDesktopOnly = "usage:windows_desktop"
const (
// NodeIsAmbiguous serves as an identifying error string indicating that
// the proxy subsystem found multiple nodes matching the specified hostname.
NodeIsAmbiguous = "err-node-is-ambiguous"
// MaxLeases serves as an identifying error string indicating that the
// semaphore system is rejecting an acquisition attempt due to max
// leases having already been reached.
MaxLeases = "err-max-leases"
const (
// OpenBrowserLinux is the command used to open a web browser on Linux.
OpenBrowserLinux = "xdg-open"
// OpenBrowserDarwin is the command used to open a web browser on macOS/Darwin.
OpenBrowserDarwin = "open"
// OpenBrowserWindows is the command used to open a web browser on Windows.
OpenBrowserWindows = "rundll32.exe"
// BrowserNone is the string used to suppress the opening of a browser in
// response to 'tsh login' commands.
BrowserNone = "none"
const (
// ExecSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself for
// command execution (exec and shells).
ExecSubCommand = "exec"
// LocalForwardSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself
// for local port forwarding.
LocalForwardSubCommand = "forwardv2"
// RemoteForwardSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself
// for remote port forwarding.
RemoteForwardSubCommand = "remoteforward"
// CheckHomeDirSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself
// to check if the user's home directory exists.
CheckHomeDirSubCommand = "checkhomedir"
// ParkSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself as a
// specific UID to prevent the matching user from being deleted before
// spawning the intended child process.
ParkSubCommand = "park"
// SFTPSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to re-exec itself to
// handle SFTP connections.
SFTPSubCommand = "sftp"
// WaitSubCommand is the sub-command Teleport uses to wait
// until a domain name stops resolving. Its main use is to ensure no
// auth instances are still running the previous major version.
WaitSubCommand = "wait"
const (
// ChanDirectTCPIP is an SSH channel of type "direct-tcpip".
ChanDirectTCPIP = "direct-tcpip"
// ChanForwardedTCPIP is an SSH channel of type "forwarded-tcpip".
ChanForwardedTCPIP = "forwarded-tcpip"
// ChanSession is an SSH channel of type "session".
ChanSession = "session"
const (
// GetHomeDirSubsystem is an SSH subsystem request that Teleport
// uses to get the home directory of a remote user.
GetHomeDirSubsystem = "gethomedir"
// SFTPSubsystem is the SFTP SSH subsystem.
SFTPSubsystem = "sftp"
// A principal name for use in SSH certificates.
type Principal string
const (
// The localhost domain, for talking to a proxy or node on the same
// machine.
PrincipalLocalhost Principal = "localhost"
// The IPv4 loopback address, for talking to a proxy or node on the same
// machine.
PrincipalLoopbackV4 Principal = ""
// The IPv6 loopback address, for talking to a proxy or node on the same
// machine.
PrincipalLoopbackV6 Principal = "::1"
// UserSystem defines a user as system.
const UserSystem = "system"
const (
// internal application being proxied.
AppJWTHeader = "teleport-jwt-assertion"
// HostHeader is the name of the Host header.
HostHeader = "Host"
// UserSingleUseCertTTL is a TTL for per-connection user certificates.
const UserSingleUseCertTTL = time.Minute
// StandardHTTPSPort is the default port used for the https URI scheme,
// cf. RFC 7230 § 2.7.2.
const StandardHTTPSPort = 443
const (
// KubeSessionDisplayParticipantRequirementsQueryParam is the query parameter used to
// indicate that the client wants to display the participant requirements
// for the given session.
KubeSessionDisplayParticipantRequirementsQueryParam = "displayParticipantRequirements"
// KubeSessionReasonQueryParam is the query parameter used to indicate the reason
// for the session request.
KubeSessionReasonQueryParam = "reason"
// KubeSessionInvitedQueryParam is the query parameter used to indicate the users
// to invite to the session.
KubeSessionInvitedQueryParam = "invite"
const (
// KubeLegacyProxySuffix is the suffix used for legacy proxy services when
// generating their names Server names.
KubeLegacyProxySuffix = "-proxy_service"
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