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VirtMem.cpp 13.48 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include "PmpManager.hpp"
#include "VirtMem.hpp"
using namespace WdRiscv;
VirtMem::VirtMem(unsigned hartIx, Memory& memory, unsigned pageSize,
PmpManager& pmpMgr, unsigned tlbSize)
: memory_(memory), mode_(Sv32), pageSize_(pageSize), hartIx_(hartIx),
pmpMgr_(pmpMgr), tlb_(tlbSize)
pageBits_ = static_cast<unsigned>(std::log2(pageSize_));
unsigned p2PageSize = unsigned(1) << pageBits_;
assert(p2PageSize == pageSize);
assert(pageSize >= 64);
pageMask_ = pageSize_ - 1;
pageFaultType(bool read, bool write, bool exec)
if (exec) return ExceptionCause::INST_PAGE_FAULT;
if (read) return ExceptionCause::LOAD_PAGE_FAULT;
if (write) return ExceptionCause::STORE_PAGE_FAULT;
return ExceptionCause::STORE_PAGE_FAULT;
accessFaultType(bool read, bool write, bool exec)
if (exec) return ExceptionCause::INST_ACC_FAULT;
if (read) return ExceptionCause::LOAD_ACC_FAULT;
if (write) return ExceptionCause::STORE_ACC_FAULT;
return ExceptionCause::LOAD_ACC_FAULT;
VirtMem::translateForFetch(uint64_t va, PrivilegeMode priv, uint64_t& pa)
if (mode_ == Bare)
pa = va;
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
// Lookup virtual page number in TLB.
uint64_t virPageNum = va >> pageBits_;
TlbEntry* entry = tlb_.findEntry(virPageNum, asid_);
if (entry)
// Use TLB entry.
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::User and not entry->user_)
return pageFaultType(false, true, true);
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::Supervisor and entry->user_ and not supervisorOk_)
return pageFaultType(false, false, true);
if (not entry->exec_)
return pageFaultType(false, false, true);
if (not entry->accessed_)
if (faultOnFirstAccess_)
return pageFaultType(false, false, true);
entry->accessed_ = true;
pa = (entry->physPageNum_ << pageBits_) | (va & pageMask_);
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
return pageTableWalkUpdateTlb(va, priv, false, false, true, pa);
VirtMem::translateForLoad(uint64_t va, PrivilegeMode priv, uint64_t& pa)
if (mode_ == Bare)
pa = va;
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
// Lookup virtual page number in TLB.
uint64_t virPageNum = va >> pageBits_;
TlbEntry* entry = tlb_.findEntry(virPageNum, asid_);
if (entry)
// Use TLB entry.
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::User and not entry->user_)
return pageFaultType(true, false, false);
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::Supervisor and entry->user_ and not supervisorOk_)
return pageFaultType(true, false, false);
bool entryRead = entry->read_ or (execReadable_ and entry->exec_);
if (not entryRead)
return pageFaultType(true, false, false);
if (not entry->accessed_)
if (faultOnFirstAccess_)
return pageFaultType(true, false, false);
entry->accessed_ = true;
pa = (entry->physPageNum_ << pageBits_) | (va & pageMask_);
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
return pageTableWalkUpdateTlb(va, priv, true, false, false, pa);
VirtMem::translateForStore(uint64_t va, PrivilegeMode priv, uint64_t& pa)
if (mode_ == Bare)
pa = va;
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
// Lookup virtual page number in TLB.
uint64_t virPageNum = va >> pageBits_;
TlbEntry* entry = tlb_.findEntry(virPageNum, asid_);
if (entry)
// Use TLB entry.
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::User and not entry->user_)
return pageFaultType(false, true, false);
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::Supervisor and entry->user_ and not supervisorOk_)
return pageFaultType(false, true, false);
if (not entry->write_)
return pageFaultType(false, true, false);
if (not entry->accessed_ or not entry->dirty_)
if (faultOnFirstAccess_)
return pageFaultType(false, true, false);
entry->accessed_ = true;
entry->dirty_ = true;
pa = (entry->physPageNum_ << pageBits_) | (va & pageMask_);
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
return pageTableWalkUpdateTlb(va, priv, false, true, false, pa);
VirtMem::translate(uint64_t va, PrivilegeMode priv, bool read, bool write,
bool exec, uint64_t& pa)
if (mode_ == Bare)
pa = va;
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
// Lookup virtual page number in TLB.
uint64_t virPageNum = va >> pageBits_;
TlbEntry* entry = tlb_.findEntry(virPageNum, asid_);
if (entry)
// Use TLB entry.
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::User and not entry->user_)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
if (priv == PrivilegeMode::Supervisor and entry->user_ and not supervisorOk_)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
bool entryRead = entry->read_ or (execReadable_ and entry->exec_);
if ((read and not entryRead) or (write and not entry->write_) or
(exec and not entry->exec_))
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
if (not entry->accessed_ or (write and not entry->dirty_))
if (faultOnFirstAccess_)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
entry->accessed_ = true;
if (write)
entry->dirty_ = true;
pa = (entry->physPageNum_ << pageBits_) | (va & pageMask_);
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
return pageTableWalkUpdateTlb(va, priv, read, write, exec, pa);
VirtMem::pageTableWalkUpdateTlb(uint64_t va, PrivilegeMode priv, bool read,
bool write, bool exec, uint64_t& pa)
// Perform a page table walk.
ExceptionCause cause = ExceptionCause::LOAD_PAGE_FAULT;
TlbEntry tmpTlbEntry;
if (mode_ == Sv32)
cause = pageTableWalk<Pte32, Va32>(va, priv, read, write, exec, pa, tmpTlbEntry);
else if (mode_ == Sv39)
// Part 1 of address translation: Bits 63-39 must equal bit 38
uint64_t mask = (va >> 38) & 1;
if (mask)
mask = 0x1ffffff; // Least sig 25 bits set
if ((va >> 39) != mask)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
cause = pageTableWalk<Pte39, Va39>(va, priv, read, write, exec, pa, tmpTlbEntry);
else if (mode_ == Sv48)
// Part 1 of address translation: Bits 63-47 muse equal bit 47
uint64_t mask = (va >> 47) & 1;
if (mask)
mask = 0xffff; // Least sig 16 bits set
if ((va >> 48) != mask)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
cause = pageTableWalk<Pte48, Va48>(va, priv, read, write, exec, pa, tmpTlbEntry);
assert(0 and "Unspupported virtual memory mode.");
// If successful, cache translation results in TLB.
if (cause == ExceptionCause::NONE)
return cause;
template<typename PTE, typename VA>
VirtMem::pageTableWalk(uint64_t address, PrivilegeMode privMode, bool read, bool write,
bool exec, uint64_t& pa, TlbEntry& tlbEntry)
// 1. Done in translate method.
PTE pte(0);
const unsigned levels = pte.levels();
const unsigned pteSize = pte.size();
VA va(address);
// 2. Root is "a" in section 4.3.2 of privileged spec.
uint64_t root = pageTableRootPage_ * pageSize_;
uint64_t pteAddr = 0;
int ii = levels - 1;
while (true)
// 3.
uint32_t vpn = va.vpn(ii);
pteAddr = root + vpn*pteSize;
// Check PMP. The privMode here is the effective one that
// already accounts for MPRV.
Pmp pmp = pmpMgr_.accessPmp(pteAddr);
if (not pmp.isRead(privMode, privMode, false))
return accessFaultType(read, write, exec);
if (! memory_.read(pteAddr, pte.data_))
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
// 4.
if (not pte.valid() or (not pte.read() and pte.write()))
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
// 5.
if (not pte.read() and not pte.exec())
ii = ii - 1;
if (ii < 0)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
root = pte.ppn() * pageSize_;
// goto 3.
break; // goto 6.
// 6. pte.read_ or pte.exec_ : leaf pte
if (privMode == PrivilegeMode::User and not pte.user())
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
if (privMode == PrivilegeMode::Supervisor and pte.user() and
not supervisorOk_)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
bool pteRead = pte.read() or (execReadable_ and pte.exec());
if ((read and not pteRead) or (write and not pte.write()) or
(exec and not pte.exec()))
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
// 7.
for (int j = 0; j < ii; ++j)
if (pte.ppn(j) != 0)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
// 8.
if (not pte.accessed() or (write and not pte.dirty()))
// We have a choice:
// A. Page fault
if (faultOnFirstAccess_)
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec); // A
// Or B
// B1. Set pte->accessed_ to 1 and, if a write, set pte->dirty_ to 1.
// B2. Access fault if PMP violation.
pte.bits_.accessed_ = 1;
if (write)
pte.bits_.dirty_ = 1;
// Check PMP. The privMode here is the effective one that
// already accounts for MPRV.
Pmp pmp = pmpMgr_.accessPmp(pteAddr);
if (not pmp.isWrite(privMode, privMode, false))
return accessFaultType(read, write, exec);
if (not memory_.write(hartIx_, pteAddr, pte.data_))
return pageFaultType(read, write, exec);
// 9.
pa = va.offset();
for (int j = 0; j < ii; ++j)
pa = pa | (va.vpn(j) << pte.paPpnShift(j)); // Copy from va to pa
for (unsigned j = ii; j < levels; ++j)
pa = pa | pte.ppn(j) << pte.paPpnShift(j);
// Update tlb-entry with data found in page table entry.
tlbEntry.virtPageNum_ = address >> pageBits_;
tlbEntry.physPageNum_ = pa >> pageBits_;
tlbEntry.asid_ = asid_;
tlbEntry.valid_ = true;
tlbEntry.global_ = pte.global();
tlbEntry.user_ = pte.user();
tlbEntry.read_ = pte.read();
tlbEntry.write_ = pte.write();
tlbEntry.exec_ = pte.exec();
tlbEntry.accessed_ = pte.accessed();
tlbEntry.dirty_ = pte.dirty();
return ExceptionCause::NONE;
VirtMem::setPageSize(uint64_t size)
if (size == 0)
return false;
unsigned bits = static_cast<unsigned>(std::log2(pageSize_));
uint64_t p2Size = uint64_t(1) << bits;
if (size != p2Size)
return false;
if (mode_ == Sv32)
if (size != 4096)
return false;
pageBits_ = bits;
pageSize_ = size;
return true;
if (mode_ == Sv39)
if (size != 4096 and size != 2*1024*1024 and size != 1024*1024*1024)
return false;
pageBits_ = bits;
pageSize_ = size;
return true;
if (mode_ == Sv48)
if (size != 4096 and size != 2*1024*1024 and size != 1024*1024*1024
and size != 512L*1024L*1024L*1024L)
return false;
pageBits_ = bits;
pageSize_ = size;
assert(0 && "Translation modes Sv57 and Sv64 are not currently supported");
return false;
VirtMem::printPageTable(std::ostream& os) const
std::ios_base::fmtflags flags(os.flags());
os << "Page size: " << std::dec << pageSize_ << '\n';
os << "Mode: ";
case Bare: os << "Bare\n"; break;
case Sv32: os << "Sv32\n"; break;
case Sv39: os << "Sv39\n"; break;
case Sv48: os << "Sv48\n"; break;
case Sv57: os << "Sv57\n"; break;
case Sv64: os << "Sv64\n"; break;
default: os << "???\n"; break;
os << "Root page number: 0x" << std::hex << pageTableRootPage_ << '\n';
uint64_t addr = pageTableRootPage_ * pageSize_;
os << "Root page addr: 0x" << std::hex << addr << '\n';
std::string path = "/";
if (mode_ == Bare)
; // relax
else if (mode_ == Sv32)
printEntries<Pte32, Va32>(os, addr, path);
else if (mode_ == Sv39)
printEntries<Pte39, Va39>(os, addr, path);
else if (mode_ == Sv48)
printEntries<Pte48, Va48>(os, addr, path);
os << "Unsupported virtual memory mode\n";
template<typename PTE, typename VA>
VirtMem::printEntries(std::ostream& os, uint64_t addr, std::string path) const
os << "\n";
os << "Page table page addr: 0x" << std::hex << addr << '\n';
os << "Path: " << path << '\n';
unsigned entrySize = sizeof(PTE);
unsigned entryCount = pageSize() / entrySize;
uint64_t eaddr = addr; // Entry address
for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < entryCount; ++ix, eaddr += entrySize)
PTE pte(0);
memory_.read(eaddr, pte.data_);
if (not pte.valid())
bool leaf = pte.valid() and (pte.read() or pte.exec());
os << " ix:" << std::dec << ix << " addr:0x" << std::hex << eaddr
<< " data:0x" << std::hex << pte.data_
<< " rwx:" << pte.read() << pte.write() << pte.exec()
<< " leaf:" << leaf << " pa:0x" << (pte.ppn() * pageSize_) << '\n';
eaddr = addr;
for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < entryCount; ++ix, eaddr += entrySize)
PTE pte(0);
memory_.read(eaddr, pte.data_);
if (not pte.valid())
bool leaf = pte.valid() and (pte.read() or pte.exec());
if (leaf)
std::string nextPath;
if (path == "/")
nextPath = path + std::to_string(ix);
nextPath = path + "/" + std::to_string(ix);
uint64_t nextAddr = pte.ppn() * pageSize_;
printEntries<PTE, VA>(os, nextAddr, nextPath);
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