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    Choerodon / choerodon


    Choerodon / manager-service

    This service is the management center of the Choerodon Microservices Framework. It`s main functions include configuration management, route management, and swagger management.

    Choerodon / go-register-server

    The microservice registration center is implemented by the go programming language, by tightly depend on the Kubernetes, the microservice registration is implemented by monitoring the state changes of the k8s pod, and adapt to the interface of the spring cloud eureka client to fetch service registry

    Choerodon / agile-service-old

    The service is responsible for Agile process management and providing users with a better user experience through rich display.

    Choerodon / iam-service

    This service includes management functions of user, role, permission, organization, project, password policy, fast code, client, menu, icon, multi-language , and supports for importing third-party users through ldap.

    Choerodon / api-gateway-old

    The gateway service is responsible for routing requests to real services. Pulling configuration information including routes from config-server to implement dynamic routing. After requesting to remove the request body, it is forwarded to gateway-helper for authentication, traffic restrictions.

    Choerodon / issue-service

    The service is responsible for managing issue types, priorities, states, and state machines at the organizational level, combining options in the form of scheme, and using scheme with projects to apply attributes to corresponding projects to achieve shared configuration of the solution at the organizational level.

    Choerodon / foundation-service

    Choerodon / wiki-service

    Service Wiki Service is responsible for establishing communication with XWiki, handling XWiki related logic and forwarding it to other services.

    Choerodon / state-machine-service

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-agile

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-devops

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-iam

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-wiki

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-test-manager

    Choerodon / choerodon-front-issue

    Choerodon / config-server

    Choerodon's configuration service, configuration center for unified management of service configuration files. The local service directly applies the configuration of the local configuration file.

    Choerodon / gateway-helper

    Choerodon / hystrix-turbine

    Choerodon / hystrix-dashboard
