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primitives.go 28.95 KB
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jhonm authored 2023-08-07 15:31 . init
package core
import (
// PdfObject is an interface which all primitive PDF objects must implement.
type PdfObject interface {
// String outputs a string representation of the primitive (for debugging).
String() string
// WriteString outputs the PDF primitive as written to file as expected by the standard.
// TODO(dennwc): it should return a byte slice, or accept a writer
WriteString() string
// PdfObjectBool represents the primitive PDF boolean object.
type PdfObjectBool bool
// PdfObjectInteger represents the primitive PDF integer numerical object.
type PdfObjectInteger int64
// PdfObjectFloat represents the primitive PDF floating point numerical object.
type PdfObjectFloat float64
// PdfObjectString represents the primitive PDF string object.
type PdfObjectString struct {
val string
isHex bool
// PdfObjectName represents the primitive PDF name object.
type PdfObjectName string
// PdfObjectArray represents the primitive PDF array object.
type PdfObjectArray struct {
vec []PdfObject
// PdfObjectDictionary represents the primitive PDF dictionary/map object.
type PdfObjectDictionary struct {
dict map[PdfObjectName]PdfObject
keys []PdfObjectName
// For lazy-loading, need access to the parser (and the cross reference table for object access).
parser *PdfParser
// PdfObjectNull represents the primitive PDF null object.
type PdfObjectNull struct{}
// PdfObjectReference represents the primitive PDF reference object.
type PdfObjectReference struct {
// For PdfAppender, need access to the parser (and the cross reference table for object access).
parser *PdfParser
ObjectNumber int64
GenerationNumber int64
// PdfIndirectObject represents the primitive PDF indirect object.
type PdfIndirectObject struct {
// PdfObjectStream represents the primitive PDF Object stream.
type PdfObjectStream struct {
Stream []byte
// PdfObjectStreams represents the primitive PDF object streams.
// 7.5.7 Object Streams (page 45).
type PdfObjectStreams struct {
vec []PdfObject
// MakeDict creates and returns an empty PdfObjectDictionary.
func MakeDict() *PdfObjectDictionary {
d := &PdfObjectDictionary{}
d.dict = map[PdfObjectName]PdfObject{}
d.keys = []PdfObjectName{}
return d
// MakeName creates a PdfObjectName from a string.
func MakeName(s string) *PdfObjectName {
name := PdfObjectName(s)
return &name
// MakeInteger creates a PdfObjectInteger from an int64.
func MakeInteger(val int64) *PdfObjectInteger {
num := PdfObjectInteger(val)
return &num
// MakeBool creates a PdfObjectBool from a bool value.
func MakeBool(val bool) *PdfObjectBool {
bval := PdfObjectBool(val)
return &bval
// MakeArray creates an PdfObjectArray from a list of PdfObjects.
func MakeArray(objects ...PdfObject) *PdfObjectArray {
array := &PdfObjectArray{}
array.vec = []PdfObject{}
for _, obj := range objects {
array.vec = append(array.vec, obj)
return array
// MakeArrayFromIntegers creates an PdfObjectArray from a slice of ints, where each array element is
// an PdfObjectInteger.
func MakeArrayFromIntegers(vals []int) *PdfObjectArray {
array := MakeArray()
for _, val := range vals {
return array
// MakeArrayFromIntegers64 creates an PdfObjectArray from a slice of int64s, where each array element
// is an PdfObjectInteger.
func MakeArrayFromIntegers64(vals []int64) *PdfObjectArray {
array := MakeArray()
for _, val := range vals {
return array
// MakeArrayFromFloats creates an PdfObjectArray from a slice of float64s, where each array element is an
// PdfObjectFloat.
func MakeArrayFromFloats(vals []float64) *PdfObjectArray {
array := MakeArray()
for _, val := range vals {
return array
// MakeFloat creates an PdfObjectFloat from a float64.
func MakeFloat(val float64) *PdfObjectFloat {
num := PdfObjectFloat(val)
return &num
// MakeString creates an PdfObjectString from a string.
// NOTE: PDF does not use utf-8 string encoding like Go so `s` will often not be a utf-8 encoded
// string.
func MakeString(s string) *PdfObjectString {
str := PdfObjectString{val: s}
return &str
// MakeStringFromBytes creates an PdfObjectString from a byte array.
// This is more natural than MakeString as `data` is usually not utf-8 encoded.
func MakeStringFromBytes(data []byte) *PdfObjectString {
return MakeString(string(data))
// MakeHexString creates an PdfObjectString from a string intended for output as a hexadecimal string.
func MakeHexString(s string) *PdfObjectString {
str := PdfObjectString{val: s, isHex: true}
return &str
// MakeEncodedString creates a PdfObjectString with encoded content, which can be either
// UTF-16BE or PDFDocEncoding depending on whether `utf16BE` is true or false respectively.
func MakeEncodedString(s string, utf16BE bool) *PdfObjectString {
if utf16BE {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.Write([]byte{0xFE, 0xFF})
return &PdfObjectString{val: buf.String(), isHex: true}
return &PdfObjectString{val: string(strutils.StringToPDFDocEncoding(s)), isHex: false}
// MakeNull creates an PdfObjectNull.
func MakeNull() *PdfObjectNull {
null := PdfObjectNull{}
return &null
// MakeIndirectObject creates an PdfIndirectObject with a specified direct object PdfObject.
func MakeIndirectObject(obj PdfObject) *PdfIndirectObject {
ind := &PdfIndirectObject{}
ind.PdfObject = obj
return ind
// MakeStream creates an PdfObjectStream with specified contents and encoding. If encoding is nil, then raw encoding
// will be used (i.e. no encoding applied).
func MakeStream(contents []byte, encoder StreamEncoder) (*PdfObjectStream, error) {
stream := &PdfObjectStream{}
if encoder == nil {
encoder = NewRawEncoder()
stream.PdfObjectDictionary = encoder.MakeStreamDict()
encoded, err := encoder.EncodeBytes(contents)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stream.PdfObjectDictionary.Set("Length", MakeInteger(int64(len(encoded))))
stream.Stream = encoded
return stream, nil
// MakeObjectStreams creates an PdfObjectStreams from a list of PdfObjects.
func MakeObjectStreams(objects ...PdfObject) *PdfObjectStreams {
streams := &PdfObjectStreams{}
streams.vec = []PdfObject{}
for _, obj := range objects {
streams.vec = append(streams.vec, obj)
return streams
// GetParser returns the parser for lazy-loading or compare references.
func (ref *PdfObjectReference) GetParser() *PdfParser {
return ref.parser
// Resolve resolves the reference and returns the indirect or stream object.
// If the reference cannot be resolved, a *PdfObjectNull object is returned.
func (ref *PdfObjectReference) Resolve() PdfObject {
if ref.parser == nil {
return MakeNull()
obj, _, err := ref.parser.resolveReference(ref)
if err != nil {
common.Log.Debug("ERROR resolving reference: %v - returning null object", err)
return MakeNull()
if obj == nil {
common.Log.Debug("ERROR resolving reference: nil object - returning a null object")
return MakeNull()
return obj
// String returns the state of the bool as "true" or "false".
func (bool *PdfObjectBool) String() string {
if *bool {
return "true"
return "false"
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (bool *PdfObjectBool) WriteString() string {
if *bool {
return "true"
return "false"
func (int *PdfObjectInteger) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *int)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (int *PdfObjectInteger) WriteString() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*int), 10)
func (float *PdfObjectFloat) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%f", *float)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (float *PdfObjectFloat) WriteString() string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(*float), 'f', -1, 64)
// String returns a string representation of the *PdfObjectString.
func (str *PdfObjectString) String() string {
return str.val
// Str returns the string value of the PdfObjectString. Defined in addition to String() function to clarify that
// this function returns the underlying string directly, whereas the String function technically could include
// debug info.
func (str *PdfObjectString) Str() string {
return str.val
// Decoded returns the PDFDocEncoding or UTF-16BE decoded string contents.
// UTF-16BE is applied when the first two bytes are 0xFE, 0XFF, otherwise decoding of
// PDFDocEncoding is performed.
func (str *PdfObjectString) Decoded() string {
if str == nil {
return ""
b := []byte(str.val)
if len(b) >= 2 && b[0] == 0xFE && b[1] == 0xFF {
// UTF16BE.
return strutils.UTF16ToString(b[2:])
return strutils.PDFDocEncodingToString(b)
// Bytes returns the PdfObjectString content as a []byte array.
func (str *PdfObjectString) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(str.val)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (str *PdfObjectString) WriteString() string {
var output bytes.Buffer
// Handle hex representation.
if str.isHex {
shex := hex.EncodeToString(str.Bytes())
return output.String()
// Otherwise regular string.
escapeSequences := map[byte]string{
'\n': "\\n",
'\r': "\\r",
'\t': "\\t",
'\b': "\\b",
'\f': "\\f",
'(': "\\(",
')': "\\)",
'\\': "\\\\",
for i := 0; i < len(str.val); i++ {
char := str.val[i]
if escStr, useEsc := escapeSequences[char]; useEsc {
} else {
return output.String()
// String returns a string representation of `name`.
func (name *PdfObjectName) String() string {
return string(*name)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (name *PdfObjectName) WriteString() string {
var output bytes.Buffer
if len(*name) > 127 {
common.Log.Debug("ERROR: Name too long (%s)", *name)
for i := 0; i < len(*name); i++ {
char := (*name)[i]
if !IsPrintable(char) || char == '#' || IsDelimiter(char) {
output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("#%.2x", char))
} else {
return output.String()
// Elements returns a slice of the PdfObject elements in the array.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Elements() []PdfObject {
if array == nil {
return nil
return array.vec
// Len returns the number of elements in the array.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Len() int {
if array == nil {
return 0
return len(array.vec)
// Get returns the i-th element of the array or nil if out of bounds (by index).
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Get(i int) PdfObject {
if array == nil || i >= len(array.vec) || i < 0 {
return nil
return array.vec[i]
// Set sets the PdfObject at index i of the array. An error is returned if the index is outside bounds.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Set(i int, obj PdfObject) error {
if i < 0 || i >= len(array.vec) {
return errors.New("outside bounds")
array.vec[i] = obj
return nil
// Append appends PdfObject(s) to the array.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Append(objects ...PdfObject) {
if array == nil {
common.Log.Debug("Warn - Attempt to append to a nil array")
if array.vec == nil {
array.vec = []PdfObject{}
for _, obj := range objects {
array.vec = append(array.vec, obj)
// Clear resets the array to an empty state.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) Clear() {
array.vec = []PdfObject{}
// ToFloat64Array returns a slice of all elements in the array as a float64 slice. An error is
// returned if the array contains non-numeric objects (each element can be either PdfObjectInteger
// or PdfObjectFloat).
func (array *PdfObjectArray) ToFloat64Array() ([]float64, error) {
var vals []float64
for _, obj := range array.Elements() {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *PdfObjectInteger:
vals = append(vals, float64(*t))
case *PdfObjectFloat:
vals = append(vals, float64(*t))
return nil, ErrTypeError
return vals, nil
// ToIntegerArray returns a slice of all array elements as an int slice. An error is returned if the
// array non-integer objects. Each element can only be PdfObjectInteger.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) ToIntegerArray() ([]int, error) {
var vals []int
for _, obj := range array.Elements() {
if number, is := obj.(*PdfObjectInteger); is {
vals = append(vals, int(*number))
} else {
return nil, ErrTypeError
return vals, nil
// ToInt64Slice returns a slice of all array elements as an int64 slice. An error is returned if the
// array non-integer objects. Each element can only be PdfObjectInteger.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) ToInt64Slice() ([]int64, error) {
var vals []int64
for _, obj := range array.Elements() {
if number, is := obj.(*PdfObjectInteger); is {
vals = append(vals, int64(*number))
} else {
return nil, ErrTypeError
return vals, nil
// String returns a string describing `array`.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) String() string {
outStr := "["
for ind, o := range array.Elements() {
outStr += o.String()
if ind < (array.Len() - 1) {
outStr += ", "
outStr += "]"
return outStr
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (array *PdfObjectArray) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
for ind, o := range array.Elements() {
if ind < (array.Len() - 1) {
b.WriteString(" ")
return b.String()
// GetNumberAsFloat returns the contents of `obj` as a float if it is an integer or float, or an
// error if it isn't.
func GetNumberAsFloat(obj PdfObject) (float64, error) {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *PdfObjectFloat:
return float64(*t), nil
case *PdfObjectInteger:
return float64(*t), nil
return 0, ErrNotANumber
// IsNullObject returns true if `obj` is a PdfObjectNull.
func IsNullObject(obj PdfObject) bool {
_, isNull := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectNull)
return isNull
// GetNumbersAsFloat converts a list of pdf objects representing floats or integers to a slice of
// float64 values.
func GetNumbersAsFloat(objects []PdfObject) (floats []float64, err error) {
for _, obj := range objects {
val, err := GetNumberAsFloat(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
floats = append(floats, val)
return floats, nil
// GetNumberAsInt64 returns the contents of `obj` as an int64 if it is an integer or float, or an
// error if it isn't. This is for cases where expecting an integer, but some implementations
// actually store the number in a floating point format.
func GetNumberAsInt64(obj PdfObject) (int64, error) {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *PdfObjectFloat:
common.Log.Debug("Number expected as integer was stored as float (type casting used)")
return int64(*t), nil
case *PdfObjectInteger:
return int64(*t), nil
return 0, ErrNotANumber
// getNumberAsFloatOrNull returns the contents of `obj` as a *float if it is an integer or float,
// or nil if it `obj` is nil. In other cases an error is returned.
func getNumberAsFloatOrNull(obj PdfObject) (*float64, error) {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *PdfObjectFloat:
val := float64(*t)
return &val, nil
case *PdfObjectInteger:
val := float64(*t)
return &val, nil
case *PdfObjectNull:
return nil, nil
return nil, ErrNotANumber
// GetAsFloat64Slice returns the array as []float64 slice.
// Returns an error if not entirely numeric (only PdfObjectIntegers, PdfObjectFloats).
func (array *PdfObjectArray) GetAsFloat64Slice() ([]float64, error) {
var slice []float64
for _, obj := range array.Elements() {
number, err := GetNumberAsFloat(TraceToDirectObject(obj))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("array element not a number")
slice = append(slice, number)
return slice, nil
// Merge merges in key/values from another dictionary. Overwriting if has same keys.
// The mutated dictionary (d) is returned in order to allow method chaining.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Merge(another *PdfObjectDictionary) *PdfObjectDictionary {
if another != nil {
for _, key := range another.Keys() {
val := another.Get(key)
d.Set(key, val)
return d
// String returns a string describing `d`.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, k := range d.keys {
v := d.dict[k]
b.WriteString(`"` + k.String() + `": `)
b.WriteString(`, `)
return b.String()
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, k := range d.keys {
v := d.dict[k]
b.WriteString(" ")
return b.String()
// Set sets the dictionary's key -> val mapping entry. Overwrites if key already set.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Set(key PdfObjectName, val PdfObject) {
_, found := d.dict[key]
if !found {
d.keys = append(d.keys, key)
d.dict[key] = val
// Get returns the PdfObject corresponding to the specified key.
// Returns a nil value if the key is not set.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Get(key PdfObjectName) PdfObject {
val, has := d.dict[key]
if !has {
return nil
return val
// GetString is a helper for Get that returns a string value.
// Returns false if the key is missing or a value is not a string.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) GetString(key PdfObjectName) (string, bool) {
val, ok := d.dict[key].(*PdfObjectString)
if !ok {
return "", false
return val.Str(), true
// Keys returns the list of keys in the dictionary.
// If `d` is nil returns a nil slice.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Keys() []PdfObjectName {
if d == nil {
return nil
return d.keys
// Clear resets the dictionary to an empty state.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Clear() {
d.keys = []PdfObjectName{}
d.dict = map[PdfObjectName]PdfObject{}
// Remove removes an element specified by key.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) Remove(key PdfObjectName) {
idx := -1
for i, k := range d.keys {
if k == key {
idx = i
if idx >= 0 {
// Found. Remove from key list and map.
d.keys = append(d.keys[:idx], d.keys[idx+1:]...)
delete(d.dict, key)
// SetIfNotNil sets the dictionary's key -> val mapping entry -IF- val is not nil.
// Note that we take care to perform a type switch. Otherwise if we would supply a nil value
// of another type, e.g. (PdfObjectArray*)(nil), then it would not be a PdfObject(nil) and thus
// would get set.
func (d *PdfObjectDictionary) SetIfNotNil(key PdfObjectName, val PdfObject) {
if val != nil {
switch t := val.(type) {
case *PdfObjectName:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectDictionary:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectStream:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectString:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectNull:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectInteger:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectArray:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectBool:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectFloat:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfObjectReference:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
case *PdfIndirectObject:
if t != nil {
d.Set(key, val)
common.Log.Error("ERROR: Unknown type: %T - should never happen!", val)
// String returns a string describing `ref`.
func (ref *PdfObjectReference) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Ref(%d %d)", ref.ObjectNumber, ref.GenerationNumber)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (ref *PdfObjectReference) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(ref.ObjectNumber, 10))
b.WriteString(" ")
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(ref.GenerationNumber, 10))
b.WriteString(" R")
return b.String()
// String returns a string describing `ind`.
func (ind *PdfIndirectObject) String() string {
// Avoid printing out the object, can cause problems with circular
// references.
return fmt.Sprintf("IObject:%d", (*ind).ObjectNumber)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (ind *PdfIndirectObject) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(ind.ObjectNumber, 10))
b.WriteString(" 0 R")
return b.String()
// String returns a string describing `stream`.
func (stream *PdfObjectStream) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Object stream %d: %s", stream.ObjectNumber, stream.PdfObjectDictionary)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (stream *PdfObjectStream) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(stream.ObjectNumber, 10))
b.WriteString(" 0 R")
return b.String()
// String returns a string describing `null`.
func (null *PdfObjectNull) String() string {
return "null"
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (null *PdfObjectNull) WriteString() string {
return "null"
// Handy functions to work with primitive objects.
// TraceMaxDepth specifies the maximum recursion depth allowed.
const traceMaxDepth = 10
// TraceToDirectObject traces a PdfObject to a direct object. For example direct objects contained
// in indirect objects (can be double referenced even).
func TraceToDirectObject(obj PdfObject) PdfObject {
if ref, isRef := obj.(*PdfObjectReference); isRef {
obj = ref.Resolve()
iobj, isIndirectObj := obj.(*PdfIndirectObject)
depth := 0
for isIndirectObj {
obj = iobj.PdfObject
iobj, isIndirectObj = GetIndirect(obj)
if depth > traceMaxDepth {
common.Log.Error("ERROR: Trace depth level beyond %d - not going deeper!", traceMaxDepth)
return nil
return obj
// Convenience methods for converting PdfObject to underlying types.
// GetBool returns the *PdfObjectBool object that is represented by a PdfObject directly or indirectly
// within an indirect object. The bool flag indicates whether a match was found.
func GetBool(obj PdfObject) (bo *PdfObjectBool, found bool) {
bo, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectBool)
return bo, found
// GetBoolVal returns the bool value within a *PdObjectBool represented by an PdfObject interface directly or indirectly.
// If the PdfObject does not represent a bool value, a default value of false is returned (found = false also).
func GetBoolVal(obj PdfObject) (b bool, found bool) {
bo, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectBool)
if found {
return bool(*bo), true
return false, false
// GetInt returns the *PdfObjectBool object that is represented by a PdfObject either directly or indirectly
// within an indirect object. The bool flag indicates whether a match was found.
func GetInt(obj PdfObject) (into *PdfObjectInteger, found bool) {
into, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectInteger)
return into, found
// GetIntVal returns the int value represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly if contained within an
// indirect object. On type mismatch the found bool flag returned is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetIntVal(obj PdfObject) (val int, found bool) {
into, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectInteger)
if found && into != nil {
return int(*into), true
return 0, false
// GetFloat returns the *PdfObjectFloat represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly within an indirect
// object. On type mismatch the found bool flag is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetFloat(obj PdfObject) (fo *PdfObjectFloat, found bool) {
fo, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectFloat)
return fo, found
// GetFloatVal returns the float64 value represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly if contained within an
// indirect object. On type mismatch the found bool flag returned is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetFloatVal(obj PdfObject) (val float64, found bool) {
fo, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectFloat)
if found {
return float64(*fo), true
return 0, false
// GetString returns the *PdfObjectString represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly within an indirect
// object. On type mismatch the found bool flag is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetString(obj PdfObject) (so *PdfObjectString, found bool) {
so, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectString)
return so, found
// GetStringVal returns the string value represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly if
// contained within an indirect object. On type mismatch the found bool flag returned is false and
// an empty string is returned.
func GetStringVal(obj PdfObject) (val string, found bool) {
so, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectString)
if found {
return so.Str(), true
// GetStringBytes is like GetStringVal except that it returns the string as a []byte.
// It is for convenience.
func GetStringBytes(obj PdfObject) (val []byte, found bool) {
so, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectString)
if found {
return so.Bytes(), true
// GetName returns the *PdfObjectName represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly within an indirect
// object. On type mismatch the found bool flag is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetName(obj PdfObject) (name *PdfObjectName, found bool) {
name, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectName)
return name, found
// GetNameVal returns the string value represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly if
// contained within an indirect object. On type mismatch the found bool flag returned is false and
// an empty string is returned.
func GetNameVal(obj PdfObject) (val string, found bool) {
name, found := TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectName)
if found {
return string(*name), true
// GetArray returns the *PdfObjectArray represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly within an indirect
// object. On type mismatch the found bool flag is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetArray(obj PdfObject) (arr *PdfObjectArray, found bool) {
arr, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectArray)
return arr, found
// GetDict returns the *PdfObjectDictionary represented by the PdfObject directly or indirectly within an indirect
// object. On type mismatch the found bool flag is false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetDict(obj PdfObject) (dict *PdfObjectDictionary, found bool) {
dict, found = TraceToDirectObject(obj).(*PdfObjectDictionary)
return dict, found
// GetIndirect returns the *PdfIndirectObject represented by the PdfObject. On type mismatch the found bool flag is
// false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetIndirect(obj PdfObject) (ind *PdfIndirectObject, found bool) {
obj = ResolveReference(obj)
ind, found = obj.(*PdfIndirectObject)
return ind, found
// GetStream returns the *PdfObjectStream represented by the PdfObject. On type mismatch the found bool flag is
// false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetStream(obj PdfObject) (stream *PdfObjectStream, found bool) {
obj = ResolveReference(obj)
stream, found = obj.(*PdfObjectStream)
return stream, found
// GetObjectStreams returns the *PdfObjectStreams represented by the PdfObject. On type mismatch the found bool flag is
// false and a nil pointer is returned.
func GetObjectStreams(obj PdfObject) (objStream *PdfObjectStreams, found bool) {
objStream, found = obj.(*PdfObjectStreams)
return objStream, found
// Append appends PdfObject(s) to the streams.
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) Append(objects ...PdfObject) {
if streams == nil {
common.Log.Debug("Warn - Attempt to append to a nil streams")
if streams.vec == nil {
streams.vec = []PdfObject{}
for _, obj := range objects {
streams.vec = append(streams.vec, obj)
// Set sets the PdfObject at index i of the streams. An error is returned if the index is outside bounds.
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) Set(i int, obj PdfObject) error {
if i < 0 || i >= len(streams.vec) {
return errors.New("Outside bounds")
streams.vec[i] = obj
return nil
// Elements returns a slice of the PdfObject elements in the array.
// Preferred over accessing the array directly as type may be changed in future major versions (v3).
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) Elements() []PdfObject {
if streams == nil {
return nil
return streams.vec
// String returns a string describing `streams`.
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Object stream %d", streams.ObjectNumber)
// Len returns the number of elements in the streams.
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) Len() int {
if streams == nil {
return 0
return len(streams.vec)
// WriteString outputs the object as it is to be written to file.
func (streams *PdfObjectStreams) WriteString() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(streams.ObjectNumber, 10))
b.WriteString(" 0 R")
return b.String()
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