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Cocolait / html5-make-upload-thumb

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jquery.make-thumb.js 6.32 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
深白色 提交于 2016-10-27 11:58 . cocolait
kairyou, 2013-08-01
update: 2015-03-03, Chrome4X/IE11空白; +before/always function
size选项: contain: 等比缩放并拉伸, 图片全部显示; cover: 等比缩放并拉伸, 图片完全覆盖容器; auto 图片不拉伸, 居中显示
fill: 图片小于缩略图尺寸时, 是否填充(false: 缩略图宽高自动缩放到适应图片, true: 缩略图尺寸不变)
stretch: 小图是否强制拉伸以适应缩略图的尺寸(size = auto/contain时)
注意: 添加图片水印不能使用跨域的图片
最好在 http开头的地址 下测试
(function(window, $, undefined) {
'use strict';
// caches
$.support.filereader = !!(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob);
var setting = {
width: 0, // thumbnail width
height: 0, //thumbnail height
fill: false, // fill color when the image is smaller than thumbnails size.
background: '#fff', // fill color‎
type: 'image/jpeg', // mime-type for thumbnail ('image/jpeg' | 'image/png')
size: 'contain', // CSS3 background-size: contain | cover | auto
mark: {}, // watermark
// text watermark.
// mark = {padding: 5, height: 18, text: 'test', color: '#000', font: '400 18px Arial'} // font: normal, bold, italic
// bgColor: '#ccc' (background color); bgPadding: 5 (padding)
// image watermark. (Note: cross-domain is not allowed)
// mark = {padding: 5, src: 'mark.png', width: 34, height: 45};
stretch: false, // stretch image(small versions) to fill thumbnail (size = auto | contain)
before: null, // call function before process image.
done: null, // success function: call function after thumbnail has been created.
fail: null, // error function
always: null // complete function(done|fail)
var $body = $('body');
var IMG_FILE = /image.*/; // var TEXT_FILE = /text.*/;
$.fn.makeThumb = function(options) {
var opts = {};
$.extend(opts, setting, options);
var $self = this;
// console.log($self);
// alert(navigator.userAgent);alert(window.FileReader); // android 2.3.7 don't support
if (!$.support.filereader) return;
var size = opts.size;
var before = opts.before,
always = opts.always || opts.complete,
done = opts.done || opts.success,
fail = opts.fail || opts.error;
$self.change(function() {
var self = this;
var files = self.files;
var dataURL = '';
// console.log(files.length);
if ($.isFunction(before)) before();
if (!files.length) {
if ($.isFunction(fail)) fail.apply(self, []);
if ($.isFunction(always)) always();
var file = files[0];
var fr = new FileReader();
// console.log('fileInfo:', file);
// creat <canvas>
var $canvas = $('<canvas></canvas>'),
canvas = $canvas[0],
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var image, fEvt;
var imageSize, targetSize;
var targetH, targetW, tragetX, tragetY;
var ratio;
var callback = function() {
// $canvas.appendTo($body).hide();
dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(opts.type); // 'image/jpeg'
// debug: show thumb
// var thumb = new Image();thumb.src = dataURL;$(thumb).appendTo($body);
if ($.isFunction(done)) {
targetSize = {width: targetW, height: targetH};
done.apply(self, [dataURL, targetSize, file, imageSize, fEvt]);
if ($.isFunction(always)) always();
$canvas.remove(); // delete canvas
var mpImg = new MegaPixImage(file);
mpImg.onrender = function() {
var drawImage = function(exif) {
var orientation = exif.Orientation;
canvas.width = opts.width;
canvas.height = opts.height;
// use mpImg
if (opts.background) {
context.fillStyle = opts.background;
context.fillRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
mpImg.render(canvas, { maxWidth: opts.width, maxHeight: opts.height, orientation: orientation });
if (IMG_FILE.test(file.type)) {
// console.log('file.name:', file.name);
fr.onerror = function(fEvent) { // error callback
fEvt = fEvent;
if ($.isFunction(fail)) fail.apply(self, [file, fEvt]);
if ($.isFunction(always)) always();
fr.onload = function(fEvent) { // onload success
fEvt = fEvent;
// console.log(fEvt);
var target = fEvt.target;
var result = target.result;
// load img
image = new Image();
var exif;
image.onerror = function(){
if ($.isFunction(fail)) fail.apply(self, [file]);
if ($.isFunction(always)) always();
image.onload = function() { // imgW / height
drawImage.apply(null, [exif]);
// Converting the data-url to a binary string
var base64 = result.replace(/^.*?,/,'');
var binary = atob(base64);
var binaryData = new BinaryFile(binary);
// get EXIF data
exif = EXIF.readFromBinaryFile(binaryData);
// console.log(exif);
// console.log(file.name +': '+ exif.Orientation);
image.src = result;
// 用fr.readAsBinaryString(file); 也要用binaryajax(exif对binaryajax的方法有依赖), 而且返回的图片是空白
// 猜测是没有用image.onload里面去drawImage导致.
})(window, jQuery);
