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TopicConfig.php 12.24 KB
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向林 提交于 2022-01-09 13:59 . e
namespace Kafka;
use RdKafka\TopicConf;
class TopicConfig extends TopicConf
* @param mixed|string $request_required_acks
* 此配置是表明当一次produce请求被认为完成时的确认值。特别是,多少个其他brokers必须已经提交了数据到他们的log并且向他们的leader确认了这些信息。典型的值包括:
* 0: 表示producer从来不等待来自broker的确认信息(和0.7一样的行为)。这个选择提供了最小的时延但同时风险最大(因为当server宕机时,数据将会丢失)。
* 1:表示获得leader replica已经接收了数据的确认信息。这个选择时延较小同时确保了server确认接收成功。
* -1:producer会获得所有同步replicas都收到数据的确认。同时时延最大,然而,这种方式并没有完全消除丢失消息的风险,因为同步replicas的数量可能是1.如果你想确保某些replicas接收到数据,那么你应该在topic-level设置中选项min.insync.replicas设置一下。请阅读一下设计文档,可以获得更深入的讨论。
public function setRequestRequiredAcks(int $request_required_acks): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_REQUEST_REQUIRED_ACKS, $request_required_acks);
* @param mixed|string $acks
* producer需要server接收到数据之后发出的确认接收的信号,此项配置就是指procuder需要多少个这样的确认信号。此配置实际上代表了数据备份的可用性。以下设置为常用选项:
* (1)acks=0: 设置为0表示producer不需要等待任何确认收到的信息。副本将立即加到socket buffer并认为已经发送。没有任何保障可以保证此种情况下server已经成功接收数据,同时重试配置不会发生作用(因为客户端不知道是否失败)回馈的offset会总是设置为-1;
* (2)acks=1: 这意味着至少要等待leader已经成功将数据写入本地log,但是并没有等待所有follower是否成功写入。这种情况下,如果follower没有成功备份数据,而此时leader又挂掉,则消息会丢失。
* (3)acks=all: 这意味着leader需要等待所有备份都成功写入日志,这种策略会保证只要有一个备份存活就不会丢失数据。这是最强的保证。
* (4)其他的设置,例如acks=2也是可以的,这将需要给定的acks数量,但是这种策略一般很少用。
public function setAcks(int $acks): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_ACKS, $acks);
* @param mixed|string $request_timeout_ms
* broker尽力实现request.required.acks需求时的等待时间,否则会发送错误到客户端
public function setRequestTimeoutMs(int $request_timeout_ms): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS, $request_timeout_ms);
* @param mixed|string $message_timeout_ms
* 本地消息超时。此值仅在本地强制执行,并限制生成的消息等待成功传递的时间。0的时间是无限的。
* 这是librdkafka用于传递消息(包括重试)的最长时间。
* 超过重试计数或消息超时时发生传递错误。
* 如果配置了transactional.id,则消息超时将自动调整为transaction.timeout.ms。
public function setMessageTimeoutMs(int $message_timeout_ms): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS, $message_timeout_ms);
* @param mixed|string $delivery_timeout_ms
* Alias for message.timeout.ms: Local message timeout.
* This value is only enforced locally and limits the time a produced message waits for successful delivery.
* A time of 0 is infinite.
* This is the maximum time librdkafka may use to deliver a message (including retries).
* Delivery error occurs when either the retry count or the message timeout are exceeded.
* The message timeout is automatically adjusted to transaction.timeout.ms if transactional.id is configured.
public function setDeliveryTimeoutMs(int $delivery_timeout_ms): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT_MS, $delivery_timeout_ms);
* @param mixed|string $queuing_strategy
* EXPERIMENTAL: subject to change or removal.
* DEPRECATED Producer queuing strategy.
* FIFO preserves produce ordering, while LIFO prioritizes new messages
public function setQueuingStrategy(mixed $queuing_strategy): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_QUEUING_STRATEGY, $queuing_strategy);
* @param mixed|string $produce_offset_report
* DEPRECATED No longer used.
public function setProduceOffsetReport(bool $produce_offset_report): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_PRODUCE_OFFSET_REPORT, $produce_offset_report);
* @param mixed|string $partitioner
* Partitioner: random - random distribution,
* consistent - CRC32 hash of key (Empty and NULL keys are mapped to single partition),
* consistent_random - CRC32 hash of key (Empty and NULL keys are randomly partitioned),
* murmur2 - Java Producer compatible Murmur2 hash of key (NULL keys are mapped to single partition),
* murmur2_random - Java Producer compatible Murmur2 hash of key (NULL keys are randomly partitioned.
* This is functionally equivalent to the default partitioner in the Java Producer.),
* fnv1a - FNV-1a hash of key (NULL keys are mapped to single partition),
* fnv1a_random - FNV-1a hash of key (NULL keys are randomly partitioned).
public function setPartitioner(mixed $partitioner): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_PARTITIONER, $partitioner);
* @param mixed|string $partitioner_cb
* Custom partitioner callback (set with rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb())
public function setPartitionerCb(mixed $partitioner_cb): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_PARTITIONER_CB, $partitioner_cb);
* @param mixed|string $msg_order_cmp
* EXPERIMENTAL: subject to change or removal.
* DEPRECATED Message queue ordering comparator (set with rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_msg_order_cmp()).
* Also see queuing.strategy.
public function setMsgOrderCmp(mixed $msg_order_cmp): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_MSG_ORDER_CMP, $msg_order_cmp);
* @param mixed|string $opaque
* Application opaque (set with rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque())
public function setOpaque(mixed $opaque): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_OPAQUE, $opaque);
* @param mixed|string $compression_codec
* Compression codec to use for compressing message sets. inherit = inherit global compression.codec configuration.
public function setCompressionCodec(mixed $compression_codec): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_COMPRESSION_CODEC, $compression_codec);
* @param mixed|string $compression_type
* Alias for compression.codec: compression codec to use for compressing message sets.
* This is the default value for all topics, may be overridden by the topic configuration property compression.codec.
public function setCompressionType(mixed $compression_type): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_COMPRESSION_TYPE, $compression_type);
* @param mixed|string $compression_level
* Compression level parameter for algorithm selected by configuration property compression.codec.
* Higher values will result in better compression at the cost of more CPU usage.
* Usable range is algorithm-dependent: [0-9] for gzip; [0-12] for lz4; only 0 for snappy;
* -1 = codec-dependent default compression level.
public function setCompressionLevel(int $compression_level): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, $compression_level);
* @param mixed|string $auto_commit_enable
* DEPRECATED [LEGACY PROPERTY: This property is used by the simple legacy consumer only.
* When using the high-level KafkaConsumer, the global enable.auto.commit property must be used instead].
* If true, periodically commit offset of the last message handed to the application.
* This committed offset will be used when the process restarts to pick up where it left off.
* If false, the application will have to call rd_kafka_offset_store() to store an offset (optional).
* Offsets will be written to broker or local file according to offset.store.method.
public function setAutoCommitEnable(bool $auto_commit_enable): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_AUTO_COMMIT_ENABLE, $auto_commit_enable);
* @param mixed|string $enable_auto_commit
* DEPRECATED Alias for auto.commit.enable: [LEGACY PROPERTY: This property is used by the simple legacy consumer only.
* When using the high-level KafkaConsumer, the global enable.auto.commit property must be used instead].
* If true, periodically commit offset of the last message handed to the application.
* This committed offset will be used when the process restarts to pick up where it left off.
* If false, the application will have to call rd_kafka_offset_store() to store an offset (optional).
* Offsets will be written to broker or local file according to offset.store.method.
public function setEnableAutoCommit(bool $enable_auto_commit): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT, $enable_auto_commit);
* @param mixed|string $auto_commit_interval_ms
* [LEGACY PROPERTY: This setting is used by the simple legacy consumer only.
* When using the high-level KafkaConsumer, the global auto.commit.interval.ms property must be used instead].
* The frequency in milliseconds that the consumer offsets are committed (written) to offset storage.
public function setAutoCommitIntervalMs(int $auto_commit_interval_ms): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS, $auto_commit_interval_ms);
* @param mixed|string $auto_offset_reset
* Action to take when there is no initial offset in offset store or the desired offset is out of range:
* 'smallest','earliest' - automatically reset the offset to the smallest offset,
* 'largest','latest' - automatically reset the offset to the largest offset,
* 'error' - trigger an error (ERR__AUTO_OFFSET_RESET) which is retrieved by consuming messages and checking 'message->err'.
public function setAutoOffsetReset(mixed $auto_offset_reset): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET, $auto_offset_reset);
* @param mixed|string $offset_store_path
* DEPRECATED Path to local file for storing offsets.
* If the path is a directory a filename will be automatically generated in that directory based on the topic and partition.
* File-based offset storage will be removed in a future version.
public function setOffsetStorePath(string $offset_store_path): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_OFFSET_STORE_PATH, $offset_store_path);
* @param mixed|string $offset_store_sync_interval_ms
* DEPRECATED fsync() interval for the offset file, in milliseconds.
* Use -1 to disable syncing, and 0 for immediate sync after each write.
* File-based offset storage will be removed in a future version.
public function setOffsetStoreSyncIntervalMs(int $offset_store_sync_interval_ms): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_OFFSET_STORE_SYNC_INTERVAL_MS, $offset_store_sync_interval_ms);
* @param mixed|string $offset_store_method
* DEPRECATED Offset commit store method:
* 'file' - DEPRECATED: local file store (offset.store.path, et.al),
* 'broker' - broker commit store (requires "group.id" to be configured and Apache Kafka 0.8.2 or later on the broker.).
public function setOffsetStoreMethod(mixed $offset_store_method): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_OFFSET_STORE_METHOD, $offset_store_method);
* @param mixed|string $consume_callback_max_messages
* Maximum number of messages to dispatch in one rd_kafka_consume_callback*()
public function setConsumeCallbackMaxMessages(int $consume_callback_max_messages): void
$this->set(Constant::TOPIC_CONF_CONSUME_CALLBACK_MAX_MESSAGES, $consume_callback_max_messages);
