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iptables.go 18.23 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
李玮 提交于 2020-01-29 13:23 . v1
package iptablesctrl
import (
provider "git.cloud.top/DSec/trireme-lib/controller/pkg/aclprovider"
const (
chainPrefix = "TRI-"
mainAppChain = chainPrefix + "App"
mainNetChain = chainPrefix + "Net"
uidchain = chainPrefix + "UID-App"
uidInput = chainPrefix + "UID-Net"
appChainPrefix = chainPrefix + "App-"
netChainPrefix = chainPrefix + "Net-"
natProxyOutputChain = chainPrefix + "Redir-App"
natProxyInputChain = chainPrefix + "Redir-Net"
proxyOutputChain = chainPrefix + "Prx-App"
proxyInputChain = chainPrefix + "Prx-Net"
targetTCPNetworkSet = "TargetTCP"
targetUDPNetworkSet = "TargetUDP"
excludedNetworkSet = "Excluded"
uidPortSetPrefix = "UID-Port-"
processPortSetPrefix = "ProcPort-"
proxyPortSetPrefix = "Proxy-"
// TriremeInput represent the chain that contains pu input rules.
TriremeInput = chainPrefix + "Pid-Net"
// TriremeOutput represent the chain that contains pu output rules.
TriremeOutput = chainPrefix + "Pid-App"
// NetworkSvcInput represent the chain that contains NetworkSvc input rules.
NetworkSvcInput = chainPrefix + "Svc-Net"
// NetworkSvcOutput represent the chain that contains NetworkSvc output rules.
NetworkSvcOutput = chainPrefix + "Svc-App"
// HostModeInput represent the chain that contains Hostmode input rules.
HostModeInput = chainPrefix + "Hst-Net"
// HostModeOutput represent the chain that contains Hostmode output rules.
HostModeOutput = chainPrefix + "Hst-App"
ipTableSectionOutput = "OUTPUT"
ipTableSectionPreRouting = "PREROUTING"
appPacketIPTableContext = "mangle"
netPacketIPTableContext = "mangle"
appProxyIPTableContext = "nat"
proxyMark = "0x40"
type iptables struct {
impl IPImpl
fqc *fqconfig.FilterQueue
mode constants.ModeType
isLegacyKernel bool
conntrackCmd func([]string)
ipset provider.IpsetProvider
targetTCPSet provider.Ipset
targetUDPSet provider.Ipset
excludedNetworksSet provider.Ipset
cfg *runtime.Configuration
contextIDToPortSetMap cache.DataStore
aclmanager ipsetmanager.ACLManager
// IPImpl interface is to be used by the iptable implentors like ipv4 and ipv6.
type IPImpl interface {
GetIPSetPrefix() string
IPsetVersion() int
GetIPSetParam() *ipset.Params
ProtocolAllowed(proto string) bool
IPFilter() func(net.IP) bool
GetDefaultIP() string
NeedICMP() bool
type ipFilter func(net.IP) bool
func filterNetworks(c *runtime.Configuration, filter ipFilter) *runtime.Configuration {
filterIPs := func(ips []string) []string {
var filteredIPs []string
for _, ip := range ips {
netIP := net.ParseIP(ip)
if netIP == nil {
netIP, _, _ = net.ParseCIDR(ip)
if filter(netIP) {
filteredIPs = append(filteredIPs, ip)
return filteredIPs
return &runtime.Configuration{
TCPTargetNetworks: filterIPs(c.TCPTargetNetworks),
UDPTargetNetworks: filterIPs(c.UDPTargetNetworks),
ExcludedNetworks: filterIPs(c.ExcludedNetworks),
func createIPInstance(impl IPImpl, ips provider.IpsetProvider, fqc *fqconfig.FilterQueue, mode constants.ModeType, aclmanager ipsetmanager.ACLManager) *iptables {
return &iptables{
impl: impl,
fqc: fqc,
mode: mode,
ipset: ips,
isLegacyKernel: buildflags.IsLegacyKernel(),
conntrackCmd: flushUDPConntrack,
cfg: nil,
contextIDToPortSetMap: cache.NewCache("contextIDToPortSetMap"),
aclmanager: aclmanager,
func (i *iptables) SetTargetNetworks(c *runtime.Configuration) error {
if c == nil {
return nil
// If there are no target networks, capture all traffic
if len(c.TCPTargetNetworks) == 0 {
c.TCPTargetNetworks = []string{IPv4DefaultIP, IPv6DefaultIP}
//add by liwei for add UDP target default
if len(c.UDPTargetNetworks) == 0 {
c.UDPTargetNetworks = []string{IPv4DefaultIP, IPv6DefaultIP}
//add by liwei end
cfg := filterNetworks(c, i.impl.IPFilter())
var oldConfig *runtime.Configuration
if i.cfg == nil {
oldConfig = &runtime.Configuration{}
} else {
oldConfig = i.cfg.DeepCopy()
if err := i.updateAllTargetNetworks(cfg, oldConfig); err != nil {
return err
i.cfg = cfg
return nil
func (i *iptables) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
go func() {
zap.L().Debug("Cleaning the iptable rules")
i.CleanUp() // nolint
// Clean any previous ACLs. This is needed in case we crashed at some
// earlier point or there are other ACLs that create conflicts. We
// try to clean only ACLs related to Trireme.
if err := i.cleanACLs(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to clean previous acls while starting the supervisor: %s", err)
// Create all the basic target sets. These are the global target sets
// that do not depend on policy configuration. If they already exist
// we will delete them and start again.
targetTCPSet, targetUDPSet, excludedSet, err := createGlobalSets(i.impl.GetIPSetPrefix(), i.ipset, i.impl.GetIPSetParam())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create global sets: %s", err)
i.targetTCPSet = targetTCPSet
i.targetUDPSet = targetUDPSet
i.excludedNetworksSet = excludedSet
// Initialize all the global Trireme chains. There are several global chaims
// that apply to all PUs:
// Tri-App/Tri-Net are the main chains for the egress/ingress directions
// UID related chains for any UID PUs.
// Host, Service, Pid chains for the different modes of operation (host mode, pu mode, host service).
// The priority is explicit (Pid activations take precedence of Service activations and Host Services)
if err := i.initializeChains(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize chains: %s", err)
// Insert the global ACLS. These are the main ACLs that will direct traffic from
// the INPUT/OUTPUT chains to the Trireme chains. They also includes the main
// rules of the main chains. These rules are never touched again, unless
// if we gracefully terminate.
if err := i.setGlobalRules(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update synack networks: %s", err)
return nil
func (i *iptables) ConfigureRules(version int, contextID string, pu *policy.PUInfo) error {
var err error
var cfg *ACLInfo
// First we create an IPSet for destination matching ports. This only
// applies to Linux type PUs. A port set is associated with every PU,
// and packets matching this destination get associated with the context
// of the PU.
if err = i.createPortSet(contextID, pu.Runtime.Options().UserID); err != nil {
return err
// We create the generic ACL object that is used for all the templates.
cfg, err = i.newACLInfo(version, contextID, pu, pu.Runtime.PUType())
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the proxy sets. These are the target sets that will match
// traffic towards the L4 and L4 services. There are two sets created
// for every PU in this context (for outgoing and incoming traffic).
// The outgoing sets capture all traffic towards specific destinations
// as proxied traffic. Incoming sets correspond to the listening
// services.
if err = i.createProxySets(cfg.ProxySetName); err != nil {
return err
// At this point we can install all the ACL rules that will direct
// traffic to user space, allow for external access or direct
// traffic towards the proxies
if err = i.installRules(cfg, pu); err != nil {
return err
// We commit the ACLs at the end. Note, that some of the ACLs in the
// NAT table are not committed as a group. The commit function only
// applies when newer versions of tables are installed (1.6.2 and above).
if err = i.impl.Commit(); err != nil {
zap.L().Error("unable to configure rules", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (i *iptables) DeleteRules(version int, contextID string, tcpPorts, udpPorts string, mark string, username string, proxyPort string, dnsProxyPort string, puType common.PUType) error {
cfg, err := i.newACLInfo(version, contextID, nil, puType)
if err != nil {
zap.L().Error("unable to create cleanup configuration", zap.Error(err))
return err
cfg.UDPPorts = udpPorts
cfg.TCPPorts = tcpPorts
cfg.CgroupMark = mark
cfg.Mark = mark
cfg.UID = username
cfg.PUType = puType
cfg.ProxyPort = proxyPort
cfg.DNSProxyPort = dnsProxyPort
// We clean up the chain rules first, so that we can delete the chains.
// If any rule is not deleted, then the chain will show as busy.
if err := i.deleteChainRules(cfg); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to clean rules", zap.Error(err))
// We can now delete the chains we have created for this PU. Note that
// in every case we only create two chains for every PU. All other
// chains are global.
if err = i.deletePUChains(cfg.AppChain, cfg.NetChain); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to clean container chains while deleting the rules", zap.Error(err))
// We call commit to update all the changes, before destroying the ipsets.
// References must be deleted for ipset deletion to succeed.
if err := i.impl.Commit(); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to commit ACL changes", zap.Error(err))
// We delete the set that captures all destination ports of the
// PU. This only holds for Linux PUs.
if err := i.deletePortSet(contextID); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to remove port set")
// We delete the proxy port sets that were created for this PU.
if err := i.deleteProxySets(cfg.ProxySetName); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to delete proxy sets", zap.Error(err))
return nil
func (i *iptables) UpdateRules(version int, contextID string, containerInfo *policy.PUInfo, oldContainerInfo *policy.PUInfo) error {
policyrules := containerInfo.Policy
if policyrules == nil {
return errors.New("policy rules cannot be nil")
// We cache the old config and we use it to delete the previous
// rules. Every time we update the policy the version changes to
// its binary complement.
newCfg, err := i.newACLInfo(version, contextID, containerInfo, containerInfo.Runtime.PUType())
if err != nil {
return err
oldCfg, err := i.newACLInfo(version^1, contextID, oldContainerInfo, containerInfo.Runtime.PUType())
if err != nil {
return err
// Install all the new rules. The hooks to the new chains are appended
// and do not take effect yet.
if err := i.installRules(newCfg, containerInfo); err != nil {
zap.L().Error("unable to install rules on update", zap.Error(err))
return err
// Remove mapping from old chain. By removing the old hooks the new
// hooks take priority.
if err := i.deleteChainRules(oldCfg); err != nil {
return err
// Delete the old chains, since there are not references any more.
if err := i.deletePUChains(oldCfg.AppChain, oldCfg.NetChain); err != nil {
return err
// Commit all actions in on iptables-restore function.
if err := i.impl.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (i *iptables) CleanUp() error {
if err := i.cleanACLs(); err != nil {
zap.L().Error("Failed to clean acls while stopping the supervisor", zap.Error(err))
if err := i.ipset.DestroyAll(i.impl.GetIPSetPrefix()); err != nil {
zap.L().Error("Failed to clean up ipsets", zap.Error(err))
return nil
func (i *iptables) updateAllTargetNetworks(cfg, oldConfig *runtime.Configuration) error {
if err := i.updateTargetNetworks(i.targetTCPSet, oldConfig.TCPTargetNetworks, cfg.TCPTargetNetworks); err != nil {
return err
if err := i.updateTargetNetworks(i.targetUDPSet, oldConfig.UDPTargetNetworks, cfg.UDPTargetNetworks); err != nil {
return err
return i.updateTargetNetworks(i.excludedNetworksSet, oldConfig.ExcludedNetworks, cfg.ExcludedNetworks)
// InitializeChains initializes the chains.
func (i *iptables) initializeChains() error {
cfg, err := i.newACLInfo(0, "", nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
tmpl := template.Must(template.New(triremChains).Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"isLocalServer": func() bool {
return i.mode == constants.LocalServer
rules, err := extractRulesFromTemplate(tmpl, cfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create trireme chains:%s", err)
for _, rule := range rules {
if len(rule) != 4 {
if err := i.impl.NewChain(rule[1], rule[3]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// configureContainerRules adds the chain rules for a container.
// We separate in different methods to keep track of the changes
// independently.
func (i *iptables) configureContainerRules(cfg *ACLInfo) error {
return i.addChainRules(cfg)
// configureLinuxRules adds the chain rules for a linux process or a UID process.
func (i *iptables) configureLinuxRules(cfg *ACLInfo) error {
// These checks are for rather unusal error scenarios. We should
// never see errors here. But better safe than sorry.
if cfg.CgroupMark == "" {
return errors.New("no mark value found")
if cfg.TCPPortSet == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("port set was not found for the contextID. This should not happen")
return i.addChainRules(cfg)
func (i *iptables) deleteProxySets(proxyPortSetName string) error { // nolint
dstPortSetName, srvPortSetName := i.getSetNames(proxyPortSetName)
ips := i.ipset.GetIpset(dstPortSetName)
if err := ips.Destroy(); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to destroy proxyPortSet", zap.String("SetName", dstPortSetName), zap.Error(err))
ips = i.ipset.GetIpset(srvPortSetName)
if err := ips.Destroy(); err != nil {
zap.L().Warn("Failed to clear proxy port set", zap.String("set name", srvPortSetName), zap.Error(err))
return nil
func createGlobalSets(ipsetPrefix string, ips provider.IpsetProvider, params *ipset.Params) (provider.Ipset, provider.Ipset, provider.Ipset, error) {
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
ips.DestroyAll(ipsetPrefix) // nolint errcheck
targetTCPSet := ipsetPrefix + targetTCPNetworkSet
targetUDPSet := ipsetPrefix + targetUDPNetworkSet
excludedSet := ipsetPrefix + excludedNetworkSet
targetSetNames := []string{targetTCPSet, targetUDPSet, excludedSet}
targetSets := map[string]provider.Ipset{}
existingSets, err := ips.ListIPSets()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read current sets: %s", err)
setIndex := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, s := range existingSets {
setIndex[s] = struct{}{}
for _, t := range targetSetNames {
_, ok := setIndex[t]
createdSet, err := ips.NewIpset(t, "hash:net", params)
if err != nil {
if !ok {
return nil, nil, nil, err
createdSet = ips.GetIpset(t)
if err = createdSet.Flush(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
targetSets[t] = createdSet
return targetSets[targetTCPSet], targetSets[targetUDPSet], targetSets[excludedSet], nil
type aclIPset struct {
ipset string
func (i *iptables) getACLIPSets(ipRules policy.IPRuleList) []aclIPset {
ipsets := i.aclmanager.GetIPsets(ipRules, i.impl.IPsetVersion())
aclIPsets := make([]aclIPset, len(ipsets))
for i, ipset := range ipsets {
aclIPsets[i] = aclIPset{ipset, &ipRules[i]}
return aclIPsets
// Install rules will install all the rules and update the port sets.
func (i *iptables) installRules(cfg *ACLInfo, containerInfo *policy.PUInfo) error {
policyrules := containerInfo.Policy
if err := i.updateProxySet(containerInfo.Policy, cfg.ProxySetName); err != nil {
return err
appACLIPset := i.getACLIPSets(policyrules.ApplicationACLs())
netACLIPset := i.getACLIPSets(policyrules.NetworkACLs())
// Install the PU specific chain first.
if err := i.addContainerChain(cfg.AppChain, cfg.NetChain); err != nil {
return err
// If its a remote and thus container, configure container rules.
if i.mode == constants.RemoteContainer || i.mode == constants.Sidecar {
if err := i.configureContainerRules(cfg); err != nil {
return err
// If its a Linux process configure the Linux rules.
if i.mode == constants.LocalServer {
if err := i.configureLinuxRules(cfg); err != nil {
return err
isHostPU := extractors.IsHostPU(containerInfo.Runtime, i.mode)
if err := i.addExternalACLs(cfg, cfg.AppChain, cfg.NetChain, appACLIPset, true); err != nil {
return err
if err := i.addExternalACLs(cfg, cfg.NetChain, cfg.AppChain, netACLIPset, false); err != nil {
return err
appAnyRules, netAnyRules, err := i.getProtocolAnyRules(cfg, appACLIPset, netACLIPset)
if err != nil {
return err
return i.addPacketTrap(cfg, isHostPU, appAnyRules, netAnyRules)
// puPortSetName returns the name of the pu portset.
func puPortSetName(contextID string, prefix string) string {
hash := murmur3.New64()
if _, err := io.WriteString(hash, contextID); err != nil {
return ""
output := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
if len(contextID) > 4 {
contextID = contextID[:4] + output[:4]
} else {
contextID = contextID + output[:4]
if len(prefix) > 16 {
prefix = prefix[:16]
return (prefix + contextID)
// flushUDPConntrack will flush the UDP conntrack table that matches our networks.
func flushUDPConntrack(networks []string) {
// TODD: Add proper UDP connection flash for Linux processes
// make sure that we only flush for the initiating process.
// cmd := "conntrack"
// for _, n := range networks {
// if _, err := exec.Command(cmd, "-D", "-p", "udp", "--src", n).Output(); err != nil && err.Error() != "exit status 1" {
// zap.L().Warn("Failed to remove source conntrack entries for UDP target network", zap.Error(err))
// }
// if _, err := exec.Command(cmd, "-D", "-p", "udp", "--dst", n).Output(); err != nil && err.Error() != "exit status 1" {
// zap.L().Warn("Failed to remove destination conntrack entries for UDP target network", zap.Error(err))
// }
// }
