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baselines.py 19.07 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Balázs Hidasi 提交于 2016-04-15 12:34 . Basic documentation.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jun 26 11:57:27 2015
@author: Balázs Hidasi
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class RandomPred:
Initializes a random predcitor, which is a baseline predictor that gives back a random score for each item.
def fit(self, data):
Dummy function for training.
data: pandas.DataFrame
Training data. It contains the transactions of the sessions. It has one column for session IDs, one for item IDs and one for the timestamp of the events (unix timestamps).
It must have a header. Column names are arbitrary, but must correspond to the ones you set during the initialization of the network (session_key, item_key, time_key properties).
def predict_next(self, session_id, input_item_id, predict_for_item_ids):
Gives predicton scores for a selected set of items on how likely they be the next item in the session.
session_id : int or string
The session IDs of the event.
input_item_id : int or string
The item ID of the event.
predict_for_item_ids : 1D array
IDs of items for which the network should give prediction scores.
out : pandas.Series
Prediction scores for selected items on how likely to be the next item of this session. Indexed by the item IDs.
return pd.Series(data=np.random.rand(len(predict_for_item_ids)), index=predict_for_item_ids)
class Pop:
Pop(top_n=100, item_key='ItemId', support_by_key=None)
Popularity predictor that gives higher scores to items with larger support.
The score is given by:
.. math::
top_n : int
Only give back non-zero scores to the top N ranking items. Should be higher or equal than the cut-off of your evaluation. (Default value: 100)
item_key : string
The header of the item IDs in the training data. (Default value: 'ItemId')
support_by_key : string or None
If not None, count the number of unique values of the attribute of the training data given by the specified header. If None, count the events. (Default value: None)
def __init__(self, top_n = 100, item_key = 'ItemId', support_by_key = None):
self.top_n = top_n
self.item_key = item_key
self.support_by_key = support_by_key
def fit(self, data):
Trains the predictor.
data: pandas.DataFrame
Training data. It contains the transactions of the sessions. It has one column for session IDs, one for item IDs and one for the timestamp of the events (unix timestamps).
It must have a header. Column names are arbitrary, but must correspond to the ones you set during the initialization of the network (session_key, item_key, time_key properties).
grp = data.groupby(self.item_key)
self.pop_list = grp.size() if self.support_by_key is None else grp[self.support_by_key].nunique()
self.pop_list = self.pop_list / (self.pop_list + 1)
self.pop_list.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
self.pop_list = self.pop_list.head(self.top_n)
def predict_next(self, session_id, input_item_id, predict_for_item_ids):
Gives predicton scores for a selected set of items on how likely they be the next item in the session.
session_id : int or string
The session IDs of the event.
input_item_id : int or string
The item ID of the event.
predict_for_item_ids : 1D array
IDs of items for which the network should give prediction scores. Every ID must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
out : pandas.Series
Prediction scores for selected items on how likely to be the next item of this session. Indexed by the item IDs.
preds = np.zeros(len(predict_for_item_ids))
mask = np.in1d(predict_for_item_ids, self.pop_list.index)
preds[mask] = self.pop_list[predict_for_item_ids[mask]]
return pd.Series(data=preds, index=predict_for_item_ids)
class SessionPop:
SessionPop(top_n=100, item_key='ItemId', support_by_key=None)
Session popularity predictor that gives higher scores to items with higher number of occurrences in the session. Ties are broken up by adding the popularity score of the item.
The score is given by:
.. math::
r_{s,i} = supp_{s,i} + \\frac{supp_i}{(1+supp_i)}
top_n : int
Only give back non-zero scores to the top N ranking items. Should be higher or equal than the cut-off of your evaluation. (Default value: 100)
item_key : string
The header of the item IDs in the training data. (Default value: 'ItemId')
support_by_key : string or None
If not None, count the number of unique values of the attribute of the training data given by the specified header. If None, count the events. (Default value: None)
def __init__(self, top_n = 100, item_key = 'ItemId', support_by_key = None):
self.top_n = top_n
self.item_key = item_key
self.support_by_key = support_by_key
def fit(self, data):
Trains the predictor.
data: pandas.DataFrame
Training data. It contains the transactions of the sessions. It has one column for session IDs, one for item IDs and one for the timestamp of the events (unix timestamps).
It must have a header. Column names are arbitrary, but must correspond to the ones you set during the initialization of the network (session_key, item_key, time_key properties).
grp = data.groupby(self.item_key)
self.pop_list = grp.size() if self.support_by_key is None else grp[self.support_by_key].nunique()
self.pop_list = self.pop_list / (self.pop_list + 1)
self.pop_list.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
self.pop_list = self.pop_list.head(self.top_n)
self.prev_session_id = -1
def predict_next(self, session_id, input_item_id, predict_for_item_ids):
Gives predicton scores for a selected set of items on how likely they be the next item in the session.
session_id : int or string
The session IDs of the event. If changed during subsequent calls, a new session starts.
input_item_id : int or string
The item ID of the event. Must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
predict_for_item_ids : 1D array
IDs of items for which the network should give prediction scores. Every ID must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
out : pandas.Series
Prediction scores for selected items on how likely to be the next item of this session. Indexed by the item IDs.
if self.prev_session_id != session_id:
self.prev_session_id = session_id
self.pers = dict()
v = self.pers.get(input_item_id)
if v:
self.pers[input_item_id] = v + 1
self.pers[input_item_id] = 1
preds = np.zeros(len(predict_for_item_ids))
mask = np.in1d(predict_for_item_ids, self.pop_list.index)
ser = pd.Series(self.pers)
preds[mask] = self.pop_list[predict_for_item_ids[mask]]
mask = np.in1d(predict_for_item_ids, ser.index)
preds[mask] += ser[predict_for_item_ids[mask]]
return pd.Series(data=preds, index=predict_for_item_ids)
class ItemKNN:
ItemKNN(n_sims = 100, lmbd = 20, alpha = 0.5, session_key = 'SessionId', item_key = 'ItemId', time_key = 'Time')
Item-to-item predictor that computes the the similarity to all items to the given item.
Similarity of two items is given by:
.. math::
s_{i,j}=\sum_{s}I\{(s,i)\in D & (s,j)\in D\} / (supp_i+\\lambda)^{\\alpha}(supp_j+\\lambda)^{1-\\alpha}
n_sims : int
Only give back non-zero scores to the N most similar items. Should be higher or equal than the cut-off of your evaluation. (Default value: 100)
lmbd : float
Regularization. Discounts the similarity of rare items (incidental co-occurrences). (Default value: 20)
alpha : float
Balance between normalizing with the supports of the two items. 0.5 gives cosine similarity, 1.0 gives confidence (as in association rules).
session_key : string
header of the session ID column in the input file (default: 'SessionId')
item_key : string
header of the item ID column in the input file (default: 'ItemId')
time_key : string
header of the timestamp column in the input file (default: 'Time')
def __init__(self, n_sims = 100, lmbd = 20, alpha = 0.5, session_key = 'SessionId', item_key = 'ItemId', time_key = 'Time'):
self.n_sims = n_sims
self.lmbd = lmbd
self.alpha = alpha
self.item_key = item_key
self.session_key = session_key
self.time_key = time_key
def fit(self, data):
Trains the predictor.
data: pandas.DataFrame
Training data. It contains the transactions of the sessions. It has one column for session IDs, one for item IDs and one for the timestamp of the events (unix timestamps).
It must have a header. Column names are arbitrary, but must correspond to the ones you set during the initialization of the network (session_key, item_key, time_key properties).
data.set_index(np.arange(len(data)), inplace=True)
itemids = data[self.item_key].unique()
n_items = len(itemids)
data = pd.merge(data, pd.DataFrame({self.item_key:itemids, 'ItemIdx':np.arange(len(itemids))}), on=self.item_key, how='inner')
sessionids = data[self.session_key].unique()
data = pd.merge(data, pd.DataFrame({self.session_key:sessionids, 'SessionIdx':np.arange(len(sessionids))}), on=self.session_key, how='inner')
supp = data.groupby('SessionIdx').size()
session_offsets = np.zeros(len(supp)+1, dtype=np.int32)
session_offsets[1:] = supp.cumsum()
index_by_sessions = data.sort_values(['SessionIdx', self.time_key]).index.values
supp = data.groupby('ItemIdx').size()
item_offsets = np.zeros(n_items+1, dtype=np.int32)
item_offsets[1:] = supp.cumsum()
index_by_items = data.sort_values(['ItemIdx', self.time_key]).index.values
self.sims = dict()
for i in range(n_items):
iarray = np.zeros(n_items)
start = item_offsets[i]
end = item_offsets[i+1]
for e in index_by_items[start:end]:
uidx = data.SessionIdx.values[e]
ustart = session_offsets[uidx]
uend = session_offsets[uidx+1]
user_events = index_by_sessions[ustart:uend]
iarray[data.ItemIdx.values[user_events]] += 1
iarray[i] = 0
norm = np.power((supp[i] + self.lmbd), self.alpha) * np.power((supp.values + self.lmbd), (1.0 - self.alpha))
norm[norm == 0] = 1
iarray = iarray / norm
indices = np.argsort(iarray)[-1:-1-self.n_sims:-1]
self.sims[itemids[i]] = pd.Series(data=iarray[indices], index=itemids[indices])
def predict_next(self, session_id, input_item_id, predict_for_item_ids):
Gives predicton scores for a selected set of items on how likely they be the next item in the session.
session_id : int or string
The session IDs of the event.
input_item_id : int or string
The item ID of the event. Must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
predict_for_item_ids : 1D array
IDs of items for which the network should give prediction scores. Every ID must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
out : pandas.Series
Prediction scores for selected items on how likely to be the next item of this session. Indexed by the item IDs.
preds = np.zeros(len(predict_for_item_ids))
sim_list = self.sims[input_item_id]
mask = np.in1d(predict_for_item_ids, sim_list.index)
preds[mask] = sim_list[predict_for_item_ids[mask]]
return pd.Series(data=preds, index=predict_for_item_ids)
class BPR:
BPR(n_factors = 100, n_iterations = 10, learning_rate = 0.01, lambda_session = 0.0, lambda_item = 0.0, sigma = 0.05, init_normal = False, session_key = 'SessionId', item_key = 'ItemId')
Bayesian Personalized Ranking Matrix Factorization (BPR-MF). During prediction time, the current state of the session is modelled as the average of the feature vectors of the items that have occurred in it so far.
n_factor : int
The number of features in a feature vector. (Default value: 100)
n_iterations : int
The number of epoch for training. (Default value: 10)
learning_rate : float
Learning rate. (Default value: 0.01)
lambda_session : float
Regularization for session features. (Default value: 0.0)
lambda_item : float
Regularization for item features. (Default value: 0.0)
sigma : float
The width of the initialization. (Default value: 0.05)
init_normal : boolean
Whether to use uniform or normal distribution based initialization.
session_key : string
header of the session ID column in the input file (default: 'SessionId')
item_key : string
header of the item ID column in the input file (default: 'ItemId')
def __init__(self, n_factors = 100, n_iterations = 10, learning_rate = 0.01, lambda_session = 0.0, lambda_item = 0.0, sigma = 0.05, init_normal = False, session_key = 'SessionId', item_key = 'ItemId'):
self.n_factors = n_factors
self.n_iterations = n_iterations
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.lambda_session = lambda_session
self.lambda_item = lambda_item
self.sigma = sigma
self.init_normal = init_normal
self.session_key = session_key
self.item_key = item_key
self.current_session = None
def init(self, data):
self.U = np.random.rand(self.n_sessions, self.n_factors) * 2 * self.sigma - self.sigma if not self.init_normal else np.random.randn(self.n_sessions, self.n_factors) * self.sigma
self.I = np.random.rand(self.n_items, self.n_factors) * 2 * self.sigma - self.sigma if not self.init_normal else np.random.randn(self.n_items, self.n_factors) * self.sigma
self.bU = np.zeros(self.n_sessions)
self.bI = np.zeros(self.n_items)
def update(self, uidx, p, n):
uF = np.copy(self.U[uidx,:])
iF1 = np.copy(self.I[p,:])
iF2 = np.copy(self.I[n,:])
sigm = self.sigmoid(iF1.T.dot(uF) - iF2.T.dot(uF) + self.bI[p] - self.bI[n])
c = 1.0 - sigm
self.U[uidx,:] += self.learning_rate * (c * (iF1 - iF2) - self.lambda_session * uF)
self.I[p,:] += self.learning_rate * (c * uF - self.lambda_item * iF1)
self.I[n,:] += self.learning_rate * (-c * uF - self.lambda_item * iF2)
return np.log(sigm)
def fit(self, data):
Trains the predictor.
data: pandas.DataFrame
Training data. It contains the transactions of the sessions. It has one column for session IDs, one for item IDs and one for the timestamp of the events (unix timestamps).
It must have a header. Column names are arbitrary, but must correspond to the ones you set during the initialization of the network (session_key, item_key, time_key properties).
itemids = data[self.item_key].unique()
self.n_items = len(itemids)
self.itemidmap = pd.Series(data=np.arange(self.n_items), index=itemids)
sessionids = data[self.session_key].unique()
self.n_sessions = len(sessionids)
data = pd.merge(data, pd.DataFrame({self.item_key:itemids, 'ItemIdx':np.arange(self.n_items)}), on=self.item_key, how='inner')
data = pd.merge(data, pd.DataFrame({self.session_key:sessionids, 'SessionIdx':np.arange(self.n_sessions)}), on=self.session_key, how='inner')
for it in range(self.n_iterations):
c = []
for e in np.random.permutation(len(data)):
uidx = data.SessionIdx.values[e]
iidx = data.ItemIdx.values[e]
iidx2 = data.ItemIdx.values[np.random.randint(self.n_items)]
err = self.update(uidx, iidx, iidx2)
print(it, np.mean(c))
def predict_next(self, session_id, input_item_id, predict_for_item_ids):
Gives predicton scores for a selected set of items on how likely they be the next item in the session.
session_id : int or string
The session IDs of the event.
input_item_id : int or string
The item ID of the event. Must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
predict_for_item_ids : 1D array
IDs of items for which the network should give prediction scores. Every ID must be in the set of item IDs of the training set.
out : pandas.Series
Prediction scores for selected items on how likely to be the next item of this session. Indexed by the item IDs.
iidx = self.itemidmap[input_item_id]
if self.current_session is None or self.current_session != session_id:
self.current_session = session_id
self.session = [iidx]
uF = self.I[self.session].mean(axis=0)
iIdxs = self.itemidmap[predict_for_item_ids]
return pd.Series(data=self.I[iIdxs].dot(uF) + self.bI[iIdxs], index=predict_for_item_ids)
def sigmoid(self, x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))
