Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package user
import (
// DbTxResult returns information on any affiliations and/or identities affected
// during a database transaction
type DbTxResult struct {
Affiliations []spi.Affiliation
Identities []User
// Registry is the API for retreiving users and groups
type Registry interface {
GetUser(id string, attrs []string) (User, error)
InsertUser(user *Info) error
UpdateUser(user *Info, updatePass bool) error
DeleteUser(id string) (User, error)
GetAffiliation(name string) (spi.Affiliation, error)
GetAllAffiliations(name string) (*sqlx.Rows, error)
InsertAffiliation(name string, prekey string, level int) error
GetUserLessThanLevel(version int) ([]User, error)
GetFilteredUsers(affiliation, types string) (*sqlx.Rows, error)
DeleteAffiliation(name string, force, identityRemoval, isRegistrar bool) (*DbTxResult, error)
ModifyAffiliation(oldAffiliation, newAffiliation string, force, isRegistrar bool) (*DbTxResult, error)
GetAffiliationTree(name string) (*DbTxResult, error)
// User is the SPI for a user
type User interface {
// Returns the enrollment ID of the user
GetName() string
// Return the type of the user
GetType() string
// Return the max enrollments of the user
GetMaxEnrollments() int
// Login the user with a password
Login(password string, caMaxEnrollment int) error
// Get the complete path for the user's affiliation.
GetAffiliationPath() []string
// GetAttribute returns the value for an attribute name
GetAttribute(name string) (*api.Attribute, error)
// GetAttributes returns the requested attributes
GetAttributes(attrNames []string) ([]api.Attribute, error)
// ModifyAttributes adds, removes, or deletes attribute
ModifyAttributes(attrs []api.Attribute) error
// LoginComplete completes the login process by incrementing the state of the user
LoginComplete() error
// Revoke will revoke the user, setting the state of the user to be -1
Revoke() error
// IsRevoked returns back true if user is revoked
IsRevoked() bool
// GetLevel returns the level of the user, level is used to verify if the user needs migration
GetLevel() int
// SetLevel sets the level of the user
SetLevel(level int) error
// IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts updates the incorrect password count of user
IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts() error
// GetFailedLoginAttempts returns the number of times the user has entered an incorrect password
GetFailedLoginAttempts() int
// Record defines the properties of a user
type Record struct {
Name string `db:"id"`
Pass []byte `db:"token"`
Type string `db:"type"`
Affiliation string `db:"affiliation"`
Attributes string `db:"attributes"`
State int `db:"state"`
MaxEnrollments int `db:"max_enrollments"`
Level int `db:"level"`
IncorrectPasswordAttempts int `db:"incorrect_password_attempts"`
// Info contains information about a user
type Info struct {
Name string
Pass string `mask:"password"`
Type string
Affiliation string
Attributes []api.Attribute
State int
MaxEnrollments int
Level int
IncorrectPasswordAttempts int
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mocks/userDB.go -fake-name UserDB . userDB
type userDB interface {
Exec(funcName, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Get(funcName string, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
Rebind(query string) string
Queryx(funcName, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sqlx.Rows, error)
// Impl is the databases representation of a user
type Impl struct {
pass []byte
attrs map[string]api.Attribute
db userDB
// New creates a DBUser object from the DB user record
func New(userRec *Record, db userDB) *Impl {
var user = new(Impl)
user.Name = userRec.Name
user.pass = userRec.Pass
user.State = userRec.State
user.MaxEnrollments = userRec.MaxEnrollments
user.Affiliation = userRec.Affiliation
user.Type = userRec.Type
user.Level = userRec.Level
user.IncorrectPasswordAttempts = userRec.IncorrectPasswordAttempts
var attrs []api.Attribute
json.Unmarshal([]byte(userRec.Attributes), &attrs)
user.Attributes = attrs
user.attrs = make(map[string]api.Attribute)
for _, attr := range attrs {
user.attrs[attr.Name] = api.Attribute{
Name: attr.Name,
Value: attr.Value,
ECert: attr.ECert,
user.db = db
return user
// GetName returns the enrollment ID of the user
func (u *Impl) GetName() string {
return u.Name
// GetPass returns the hashed password of the user
func (u *Impl) GetPass() []byte {
return u.pass
// GetType returns the type of the user
func (u *Impl) GetType() string {
return u.Type
// GetMaxEnrollments returns the max enrollments of the user
func (u *Impl) GetMaxEnrollments() int {
return u.MaxEnrollments
// GetLevel returns the level of the user
func (u *Impl) GetLevel() int {
return u.Level
// SetLevel sets the level of the user
func (u *Impl) SetLevel(level int) error {
return u.setLevel(nil, level)
// SetLevelTx sets the level of the user
func (u *Impl) SetLevelTx(tx userDB, level int) error {
return u.setLevel(tx, level)
func (u *Impl) setLevel(tx userDB, level int) (err error) {
query := "UPDATE users SET level = ? where (id = ?)"
id := u.GetName()
var res sql.Result
if tx != nil {
res, err = tx.Exec("SetLevel", tx.Rebind(query), level, id)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
res, err = u.db.Exec("SetLevel", u.db.Rebind(query), level, id)
if err != nil {
return err
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get number of rows affected")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", id)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, id)
return nil
// Login the user with a password
func (u *Impl) Login(pass string, caMaxEnrollments int) error {
log.Debugf("DB: Login user %s with max enrollments of %d and state of %d", u.Name, u.MaxEnrollments, u.State)
// Check the password by comparing to stored hash
err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(u.pass, []byte(pass))
if err != nil {
err2 := u.IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts()
if err2 != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err2, "Failed to mark incorrect password attempt")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Password mismatch")
if u.MaxEnrollments == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Zero is an invalid value for maximum enrollments on identity '%s'", u.Name)
if u.State == -1 {
return errors.Errorf("User %s is revoked; access denied", u.Name)
// If max enrollment value of user is greater than allowed by CA, using CA max enrollment value for user
if caMaxEnrollments != -1 && (u.MaxEnrollments > caMaxEnrollments || u.MaxEnrollments == -1) {
log.Debugf("Max enrollment value (%d) of identity is greater than allowed by CA, using CA max enrollment value of %d", u.MaxEnrollments, caMaxEnrollments)
u.MaxEnrollments = caMaxEnrollments
// If maxEnrollments is set to -1, user has unlimited enrollment
// If the maxEnrollments is set (i.e. >= 1), make sure we haven't exceeded this number of logins.
// The state variable keeps track of the number of previously successful logins.
if u.MaxEnrollments != -1 && u.State >= u.MaxEnrollments {
return errors.Errorf("The identity %s has already enrolled %d times, it has reached its maximum enrollment allowance", u.Name, u.MaxEnrollments)
log.Debugf("DB: identity %s successfully logged in", u.Name)
return u.resetIncorrectLoginAttempts()
func (u *Impl) resetIncorrectLoginAttempts() error {
var passAttempts int
err := u.db.Get("ResetIncorrectLoginAttempts", &passAttempts, u.db.Rebind("Select incorrect_password_attempts FROM users WHERE (id = ?)"), u.GetName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get incorrect password attempt for %s", u.Name)
// Incorrect password attempts already at zero, don't need to reset
if passAttempts == 0 {
return nil
resetSQL := "UPDATE users SET incorrect_password_attempts = 0 WHERE (id = ?)"
res, err := u.db.Exec("ResetIncorrectLoginAttempts", u.db.Rebind(resetSQL), u.GetName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to update incorrect password attempt count to 0 for %s", u.Name)
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "db.RowsAffected failed")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", u.Name)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, u.Name)
return nil
// LoginComplete completes the login process by incrementing the state of the user
func (u *Impl) LoginComplete() error {
var stateUpdateSQL string
var args []interface{}
var err error
state := u.State + 1
args = append(args, u.Name)
if u.MaxEnrollments == -1 {
// unlimited so no state check
stateUpdateSQL = "UPDATE users SET state = state + 1 WHERE (id = ?)"
} else {
// state must be less than max enrollments
stateUpdateSQL = "UPDATE users SET state = state + 1 WHERE (id = ? AND state < ?)"
args = append(args, u.MaxEnrollments)
res, err := u.db.Exec("LoginComplete", u.db.Rebind(stateUpdateSQL), args...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to update state of identity %s to %d", u.Name, state)
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get number of rows affected")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", u.Name)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, u.Name)
u.State = u.State + 1
log.Debugf("Successfully incremented state for identity %s to %d", u.Name, state)
return nil
// GetAffiliationPath returns the complete path for the user's affiliation.
func (u *Impl) GetAffiliationPath() []string {
affiliationPath := strings.Split(u.Affiliation, ".")
return affiliationPath
// GetAttribute returns the value for an attribute name
func (u *Impl) GetAttribute(name string) (*api.Attribute, error) {
value, hasAttr := u.attrs[name]
if !hasAttr {
return nil, errors.Errorf("User does not have attribute '%s'", name)
return &value, nil
// GetAttributes returns the requested attributes. Return all the user's
// attributes if nil is passed in
func (u *Impl) GetAttributes(attrNames []string) ([]api.Attribute, error) {
var attrs []api.Attribute
if attrNames == nil {
for _, value := range u.attrs {
attrs = append(attrs, value)
return attrs, nil
for _, name := range attrNames {
value, hasAttr := u.attrs[name]
if !hasAttr {
return nil, errors.Errorf("User does not have attribute '%s'", name)
attrs = append(attrs, value)
return attrs, nil
// Revoke will revoke the user, setting the state of the user to be -1
func (u *Impl) Revoke() error {
stateUpdateSQL := "UPDATE users SET state = -1 WHERE (id = ?)"
res, err := u.db.Exec("Revoke", u.db.Rebind(stateUpdateSQL), u.GetName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to update state of identity %s to -1", u.Name)
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get number of rows affected")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", u.Name)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, u.Name)
u.State = -1
log.Debugf("Successfully incremented state for identity %s to -1", u.Name)
return nil
// IsRevoked returns back true if user is revoked
func (u *Impl) IsRevoked() bool {
if u.State == -1 {
return true
return false
// ModifyAttributesTx adds a new attribute, modifies existing attribute, or delete attribute
func (u *Impl) ModifyAttributesTx(tx userDB, newAttrs []api.Attribute) error {
return u.modifyAttributes(tx, newAttrs)
// ModifyAttributes adds a new attribute, modifies existing attribute, or delete attribute
func (u *Impl) ModifyAttributes(newAttrs []api.Attribute) error {
return u.modifyAttributes(nil, newAttrs)
func (u *Impl) modifyAttributes(tx userDB, newAttrs []api.Attribute) error {
log.Debugf("Modify Attributes: %+v", newAttrs)
currentAttrs, _ := u.GetAttributes(nil)
userAttrs := GetNewAttributes(currentAttrs, newAttrs)
attrBytes, err := json.Marshal(userAttrs)
if err != nil {
return err
query := "UPDATE users SET attributes = ? WHERE (id = ?)"
id := u.GetName()
var res sql.Result
if tx == nil {
res, err = u.db.Exec("ModifyAttributes", u.db.Rebind(query), string(attrBytes), id)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
res, err = tx.Exec("ModifyAttributes", tx.Rebind(query), string(attrBytes), id)
if err != nil {
return err
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get number of rows affected")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", id)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, id)
return nil
// GetNewAttributes updates existing attribute, or add attribute if it does not already exist
func GetNewAttributes(modifyAttrs, newAttrs []api.Attribute) []api.Attribute {
var attr api.Attribute
for _, attr = range newAttrs {
log.Debugf("Attribute request: %+v", attr)
found := false
for i := range modifyAttrs {
if modifyAttrs[i].Name == attr.Name {
if attr.Value == "" {
log.Debugf("Deleting attribute: %+v", modifyAttrs[i])
if i == len(modifyAttrs)-1 {
modifyAttrs = modifyAttrs[:len(modifyAttrs)-1]
} else {
modifyAttrs = append(modifyAttrs[:i], modifyAttrs[i+1:]...)
} else {
log.Debugf("Updating existing attribute from '%+v' to '%+v'", modifyAttrs[i], attr)
modifyAttrs[i].Value = attr.Value
modifyAttrs[i].ECert = attr.ECert
found = true
if !found && attr.Value != "" {
log.Debugf("Adding '%+v' as new attribute", attr)
modifyAttrs = append(modifyAttrs, attr)
return modifyAttrs
// IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts updates the incorrect password count of user
func (u *Impl) IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts() error {
log.Debugf("Incorrect password entered by user '%s'", u.GetName())
query := "UPDATE users SET incorrect_password_attempts = incorrect_password_attempts + 1 where (id = ?)"
id := u.GetName()
res, err := u.db.Exec("IncrementIncorrectPasswordAttempts", u.db.Rebind(query), id)
if err != nil {
return err
numRowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get number of rows affected")
if numRowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("No rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", id)
if numRowsAffected != 1 {
return errors.Errorf("%d rows were affected when updating the state of identity %s", numRowsAffected, id)
return nil
// GetFailedLoginAttempts returns the number of times the user has entered an incorrect password
func (u *Impl) GetFailedLoginAttempts() int {
return u.IncorrectPasswordAttempts
// Migrate will migrate the user to the latest version
func (u *Impl) Migrate(tx userDB) error {
currentLevel := u.GetLevel()
if currentLevel < 1 {
err := u.migrateUserToLevel1(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
if currentLevel < 2 {
err := u.migrateUserToLevel2(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *Impl) migrateUserToLevel1(tx userDB) error {
log.Debugf("Migrating user '%s' to level 1", u.GetName())
// Update identity to level 1
_, err := u.GetAttribute("hf.Registrar.Roles") // Check if user is a registrar
if err == nil {
_, err := u.GetAttribute("hf.Registrar.Attributes") // Check if user already has "hf.Registrar.Attributes" attribute
if err != nil {
newAttr := api.Attribute{Name: "hf.Registrar.Attributes", Value: "*"}
err := u.ModifyAttributesTx(tx, []api.Attribute{newAttr})
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to set attribute")
u.attrs[newAttr.Name] = newAttr
err = u.setLevel(tx, 1)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update level of user")
return nil
func (u *Impl) migrateUserToLevel2(tx userDB) error {
log.Debugf("Migrating user '%s' to level 2", u.GetName())
// Update identity to level 2
// Only give these attributes to a registrar user
_, err := u.GetAttribute("hf.Registrar.Roles") // Check if user is a registrar
if err == nil {
_, err := u.GetAttribute("hf.AffiliationMgr") // Check if user already has "hf.AffiliationMgr" attribute
if err != nil {
newAttr := api.Attribute{Name: "hf.AffiliationMgr", Value: "true"}
err := u.ModifyAttributesTx(tx, []api.Attribute{newAttr})
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to set attribute")
u.attrs[newAttr.Name] = newAttr
_, err = u.GetAttribute("hf.GenCRL") // Check if user already has "hf.GenCRL" attribute
if err != nil {
newAttr := api.Attribute{Name: "hf.GenCRL", Value: "true"}
err := u.ModifyAttributesTx(tx, []api.Attribute{newAttr})
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to set attribute")
u.attrs[newAttr.Name] = newAttr
err = u.setLevel(tx, 2)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "Failed to update level of user")
return nil
// Affilation is interface that defines functions needed to get a user's affiliation
type Affilation interface {
GetAffiliationPath() []string
// GetAffiliation return a joined version version of the affiliation path with '.' as the seperator
func GetAffiliation(user Affilation) string {
return strings.Join(user.GetAffiliationPath(), ".")
// GetUserLessThanLevel returns all identities that are less than the level specified
// Otherwise, returns no users if requested level is zero
func GetUserLessThanLevel(tx userDB, level int) ([]*Impl, error) {
if level == 0 {
return []*Impl{}, nil
rows, err := tx.Queryx("GetUserLessThanLevel", tx.Rebind("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (level < ?) OR (level IS NULL)"), level)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get identities that need to be updated")
allUsers := []*Impl{}
if rows != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var user Record
dbUser := New(&user, nil)
allUsers = append(allUsers, dbUser)
return allUsers, nil
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