Fetch the repository succeeded.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package gossip
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
const (
presumedDeadChanSize = 100
acceptChanSize = 100
var (
identityExpirationCheckInterval = time.Hour * 24
identityInactivityCheckInterval = time.Minute * 10
type channelRoutingFilterFactory func(channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter
type gossipServiceImpl struct {
selfIdentity api.PeerIdentityType
includeIdentityPeriod time.Time
certStore *certStore
idMapper identity.Mapper
presumedDead chan common.PKIidType
disc discovery.Discovery
comm comm.Comm
incTime time.Time
selfOrg api.OrgIdentityType
logger *logging.Logger
stopSignal *sync.WaitGroup
conf *Config
toDieChan chan struct{}
stopFlag int32
emitter batchingEmitter
discAdapter *discoveryAdapter
secAdvisor api.SecurityAdvisor
chanState *channelState
disSecAdap *discoverySecurityAdapter
mcs api.MessageCryptoService
stateInfoMsgStore msgstore.MessageStore
// NewGossipService creates a gossip instance attached to a gRPC server
func NewGossipService(conf *Config, s *grpc.Server, secAdvisor api.SecurityAdvisor,
mcs api.MessageCryptoService, idMapper identity.Mapper, selfIdentity api.PeerIdentityType,
secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) Gossip {
var c comm.Comm
var err error
lgr := util.GetLogger(util.LoggingGossipModule, conf.ID)
if s == nil {
c, err = createCommWithServer(conf.BindPort, idMapper, selfIdentity, secureDialOpts)
} else {
c, err = createCommWithoutServer(s, conf.TLSServerCert, idMapper, selfIdentity, secureDialOpts)
if err != nil {
lgr.Error("Failed instntiating communication layer:", err)
return nil
g := &gossipServiceImpl{
selfOrg: secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(selfIdentity),
secAdvisor: secAdvisor,
selfIdentity: selfIdentity,
presumedDead: make(chan common.PKIidType, presumedDeadChanSize),
idMapper: idMapper,
disc: nil,
mcs: mcs,
comm: c,
conf: conf,
ChannelDeMultiplexer: comm.NewChannelDemultiplexer(),
logger: lgr,
toDieChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
stopFlag: int32(0),
stopSignal: &sync.WaitGroup{},
includeIdentityPeriod: time.Now().Add(conf.PublishCertPeriod),
g.stateInfoMsgStore = g.newStateInfoMsgStore()
g.chanState = newChannelState(g)
g.emitter = newBatchingEmitter(conf.PropagateIterations,
conf.MaxPropagationBurstSize, conf.MaxPropagationBurstLatency,
g.discAdapter = g.newDiscoveryAdapter()
g.disSecAdap = g.newDiscoverySecurityAdapter()
g.disc = discovery.NewDiscoveryService(g.selfNetworkMember(), g.discAdapter, g.disSecAdap, g.disclosurePolicy)
g.logger.Info("Creating gossip service with self membership of", g.selfNetworkMember())
g.certStore = newCertStore(g.createCertStorePuller(), idMapper, selfIdentity, mcs)
if g.conf.ExternalEndpoint == "" {
g.logger.Warning("External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization")
go g.start()
go g.periodicalIdentityValidationAndExpiration()
go g.connect2BootstrapPeers()
return g
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newStateInfoMsgStore() msgstore.MessageStore {
pol := proto.NewGossipMessageComparator(0)
return msgstore.NewMessageStoreExpirable(pol,
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) selfNetworkMember() discovery.NetworkMember {
self := discovery.NetworkMember{
Endpoint: g.conf.ExternalEndpoint,
PKIid: g.comm.GetPKIid(),
Metadata: []byte{},
InternalEndpoint: g.conf.InternalEndpoint,
if g.disc != nil {
self.Metadata = g.disc.Self().Metadata
return self
func newChannelState(g *gossipServiceImpl) *channelState {
return &channelState{
stopping: int32(0),
channels: make(map[string]channel.GossipChannel),
g: g,
func createCommWithoutServer(s *grpc.Server, cert *tls.Certificate, idStore identity.Mapper,
identity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) (comm.Comm, error) {
return comm.NewCommInstance(s, cert, idStore, identity, secureDialOpts)
// NewGossipServiceWithServer creates a new gossip instance with a gRPC server
func NewGossipServiceWithServer(conf *Config, secAdvisor api.SecurityAdvisor, mcs api.MessageCryptoService,
mapper identity.Mapper, identity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) Gossip {
return NewGossipService(conf, nil, secAdvisor, mcs, mapper, identity, secureDialOpts)
func createCommWithServer(port int, idStore identity.Mapper, identity api.PeerIdentityType,
secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) (comm.Comm, error) {
return comm.NewCommInstanceWithServer(port, idStore, identity, secureDialOpts)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) toDie() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&g.stopFlag) == int32(1)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, chainID common.ChainID) {
// joinMsg is supposed to have been already verified
g.chanState.joinChannel(joinMsg, chainID)
for _, org := range joinMsg.Members() {
g.learnAnchorPeers(org, joinMsg.AnchorPeersOf(org))
// SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
// any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) SuspectPeers(isSuspected api.PeerSuspector) {
for _, pkiID := range g.certStore.listRevokedPeers(isSuspected) {
g.comm.CloseConn(&comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: pkiID})
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) periodicalIdentityValidationAndExpiration() {
// We check once every identityExpirationCheckInterval for identities that have been expired
go g.periodicalIdentityValidation(func(identity api.PeerIdentityType) bool {
// We need to validate every identity to check if it has been expired
return true
}, identityExpirationCheckInterval)
// We check once every identityInactivityCheckInterval for identities that have not been used for a long time
go g.periodicalIdentityValidation(func(identity api.PeerIdentityType) bool {
// We don't validate any identity, because we just want to know whether
// it has not been used for a long time
return false
}, identityInactivityCheckInterval)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) periodicalIdentityValidation(suspectFunc api.PeerSuspector, interval time.Duration) {
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case <-time.After(interval):
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) learnAnchorPeers(orgOfAnchorPeers api.OrgIdentityType, anchorPeers []api.AnchorPeer) {
for _, ap := range anchorPeers {
if ap.Host == "" {
g.logger.Warning("Got empty hostname, skipping connecting to anchor peer", ap)
if ap.Port == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Got invalid port (0), skipping connecting to anchor peer", ap)
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ap.Host, ap.Port)
// Skip connecting to self
if g.selfNetworkMember().Endpoint == endpoint || g.selfNetworkMember().InternalEndpoint == endpoint {
g.logger.Info("Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself")
inOurOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, orgOfAnchorPeers)
if !inOurOrg && g.selfNetworkMember().Endpoint == "" {
g.logger.Infof("Anchor peer %s:%d isn't in our org(%v) and we have no external endpoint, skipping", ap.Host, ap.Port, string(orgOfAnchorPeers))
identifier := func() (*discovery.PeerIdentification, error) {
remotePeerIdentity, err := g.comm.Handshake(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: endpoint})
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Deep probe of", endpoint, "failed:", err)
return nil, err
isAnchorPeerInMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(remotePeerIdentity))
if bytes.Equal(orgOfAnchorPeers, g.selfOrg) && !isAnchorPeerInMyOrg {
err := fmt.Sprintf("Anchor peer %s isn't in our org, but is claimed to be", endpoint)
return nil, errors.New(err)
pkiID := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(remotePeerIdentity)
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wasn't able to extract PKI-ID of remote peer with identity of %v", remotePeerIdentity)
return &discovery.PeerIdentification{
ID: pkiID,
SelfOrg: isAnchorPeerInMyOrg,
}, nil
InternalEndpoint: endpoint, Endpoint: endpoint}, identifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) handlePresumedDead() {
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
defer g.stopSignal.Done()
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case deadEndpoint := <-g.comm.PresumedDead():
g.presumedDead <- deadEndpoint
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) syncDiscovery() {
g.logger.Debug("Entering discovery sync with interval", g.conf.PullInterval)
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting discovery sync loop")
for !g.toDie() {
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) start() {
go g.syncDiscovery()
go g.handlePresumedDead()
msgSelector := func(msg interface{}) bool {
gMsg, isGossipMsg := msg.(proto.ReceivedMessage)
if !isGossipMsg {
return false
isConn := gMsg.GetGossipMessage().GetConn() != nil
isEmpty := gMsg.GetGossipMessage().GetEmpty() != nil
return !(isConn || isEmpty)
incMsgs := g.comm.Accept(msgSelector)
go g.acceptMessages(incMsgs)
g.logger.Info("Gossip instance", g.conf.ID, "started")
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) acceptMessages(incMsgs <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage) {
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
defer g.stopSignal.Done()
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case msg := <-incMsgs:
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) handleMessage(m proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if g.toDie() {
if m == nil || m.GetGossipMessage() == nil {
msg := m.GetGossipMessage()
g.logger.Debug("Entering,", m.GetConnectionInfo(), "sent us", msg)
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
if !g.validateMsg(m) {
g.logger.Warning("Message", msg, "isn't valid")
if msg.IsChannelRestricted() {
if gc := g.chanState.lookupChannelForMsg(m); gc == nil {
// If we're not in the channel, we should still forward to peers of our org
// in case it's a StateInfo message
if g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: m.GetConnectionInfo().ID}) && msg.IsStateInfoMsg() {
if g.stateInfoMsgStore.Add(msg) {
if !g.toDie() {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", msg.Channel, "discarding message", msg)
} else {
if m.GetGossipMessage().IsLeadershipMsg() {
if err := g.validateLeadershipMessage(m.GetGossipMessage()); err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed validating LeaderElection message:", err)
if selectOnlyDiscoveryMessages(m) {
// It's a membership request, check its self information
// matches the sender
if m.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq() != nil {
sMsg, err := m.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq().SelfInformation.ToGossipMessage()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Got membership request with invalid selfInfo:", err)
if !sMsg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Warning("Got membership request with selfInfo that isn't an AliveMessage")
if !bytes.Equal(sMsg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId, m.GetConnectionInfo().ID) {
g.logger.Warning("Got membership request with selfInfo that doesn't match the handshake")
if msg.IsPullMsg() && msg.GetPullMsgType() == proto.PullMsgType_IDENTITY_MSG {
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) forwardDiscoveryMsg(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) {
defer func() { // can be closed while shutting down
g.discAdapter.incChan <- msg.GetGossipMessage()
// validateMsg checks the signature of the message if exists,
// and also checks that the tag matches the message type
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateMsg(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) bool {
if err := msg.GetGossipMessage().IsTagLegal(); err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Tag of", msg.GetGossipMessage(), "isn't legal:", err)
return false
if msg.GetGossipMessage().IsAliveMsg() {
if !g.disSecAdap.ValidateAliveMsg(msg.GetGossipMessage()) {
return false
if msg.GetGossipMessage().IsDataMsg() {
blockMsg := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetDataMsg()
if blockMsg.Payload == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Empty block! Discarding it")
return false
// If we're configured to skip block validation, don't verify it
if g.conf.SkipBlockVerification {
return true
seqNum := blockMsg.Payload.SeqNum
rawBlock := blockMsg.Payload.Data
if err := g.mcs.VerifyBlock(msg.GetGossipMessage().Channel, seqNum, rawBlock); err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Could not verify block", blockMsg.Payload.SeqNum, ":", err)
return false
if msg.GetGossipMessage().IsStateInfoMsg() {
if err := g.validateStateInfoMsg(msg.GetGossipMessage()); err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("StateInfo message", msg, "is found invalid:", err)
return false
return true
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sendGossipBatch(a []interface{}) {
msgs2Gossip := make([]*proto.SignedGossipMessage, len(a))
for i, e := range a {
msgs2Gossip[i] = e.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage)
// gossipBatch - This is the method that actually decides to which peers to gossip the message
// batch we possess.
// For efficiency, we first isolate all the messages that have the same routing policy
// and send them together, and only after that move to the next group of messages.
// i.e: we send all blocks of channel C to the same group of peers,
// and send all StateInfo messages to the same group of peers, etc. etc.
// When we send blocks, we send only to peers that advertised themselves in the channel.
// When we send StateInfo messages, we send to peers in the channel.
// When we send messages that are marked to be sent only within the org, we send all of these messages
// to the same set of peers.
// The rest of the messages that have no restrictions on their destinations can be sent
// to any group of peers.
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) gossipBatch(msgs []*proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if g.disc == nil {
g.logger.Error("Discovery has not been initialized yet, aborting!")
var blocks []*proto.SignedGossipMessage
var stateInfoMsgs []*proto.SignedGossipMessage
var orgMsgs []*proto.SignedGossipMessage
var leadershipMsgs []*proto.SignedGossipMessage
isABlock := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).IsDataMsg()
isAStateInfoMsg := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).IsStateInfoMsg()
aliveMsgsWithNoEndpointAndInOurOrg := func(o interface{}) bool {
msg := o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage)
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
return false
member := msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership
return member.Endpoint == "" && g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: member.PkiId})
isOrgRestricted := func(o interface{}) bool {
return aliveMsgsWithNoEndpointAndInOurOrg(o) || o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).IsOrgRestricted()
isLeadershipMsg := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).IsLeadershipMsg()
// Gossip blocks
blocks, msgs = partitionMessages(isABlock, msgs)
g.gossipInChan(blocks, func(gc channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter {
return filter.CombineRoutingFilters(gc.EligibleForChannel, gc.IsMemberInChan, g.isInMyorg)
// Gossip Leadership messages
leadershipMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isLeadershipMsg, msgs)
g.gossipInChan(leadershipMsgs, func(gc channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter {
return filter.CombineRoutingFilters(gc.EligibleForChannel, gc.IsMemberInChan, g.isInMyorg)
// Gossip StateInfo messages
stateInfoMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isAStateInfoMsg, msgs)
for _, stateInfMsg := range stateInfoMsgs {
peerSelector := g.isInMyorg
gc := g.chanState.lookupChannelForGossipMsg(stateInfMsg.GossipMessage)
if gc != nil && g.hasExternalEndpoint(stateInfMsg.GossipMessage.GetStateInfo().PkiId) {
peerSelector = gc.IsMemberInChan
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), peerSelector)
g.comm.Send(stateInfMsg, peers2Send...)
// Gossip messages restricted to our org
orgMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isOrgRestricted, msgs)
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), g.isInMyorg)
for _, msg := range orgMsgs {
g.comm.Send(msg, peers2Send...)
// Finally, gossip the remaining messages
for _, msg := range msgs {
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Error("Unknown message type", msg)
selectByOriginOrg := g.peersByOriginOrgPolicy(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId})
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), selectByOriginOrg)
g.sendAndFilterSecrets(msg, peers2Send...)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sendAndFilterSecrets(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
for _, peer := range peers {
// Prevent forwarding alive messages of external organizations
// to peers that have no external endpoints
aliveMsgFromDiffOrg := msg.IsAliveMsg() && !g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId})
if aliveMsgFromDiffOrg && !g.hasExternalEndpoint(peer.PKIID) {
// Don't gossip secrets
if !g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: peer.PKIID}) {
msg.Envelope.SecretEnvelope = nil
g.comm.Send(msg, peer)
// gossipInChan gossips a given GossipMessage slice according to a channel's routing policy.
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) gossipInChan(messages []*proto.SignedGossipMessage, chanRoutingFactory channelRoutingFilterFactory) {
if len(messages) == 0 {
totalChannels := extractChannels(messages)
var channel common.ChainID
var messagesOfChannel []*proto.SignedGossipMessage
for len(totalChannels) > 0 {
// Take first channel
channel, totalChannels = totalChannels[0], totalChannels[1:]
// Extract all messages of that channel
grabMsgs := func(o interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Equal(o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).Channel, channel)
messagesOfChannel, messages = partitionMessages(grabMsgs, messages)
// Grab channel object for that channel
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Channel", channel, "wasn't found")
// Select the peers to send the messages to
// For leadership messages we will select all peers that pass routing factory - e.g. all peers in channel and org
membership := g.disc.GetMembership()
allPeersInCh := filter.SelectPeers(len(membership), membership, chanRoutingFactory(gc))
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, membership, chanRoutingFactory(gc))
// Send the messages to the remote peers
for _, msg := range messagesOfChannel {
if msg.IsLeadershipMsg() {
g.comm.Send(msg, allPeersInCh...)
} else {
g.comm.Send(msg, peers2Send...)
// Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Gossip(msg *proto.GossipMessage) {
// Educate developers to Gossip messages with the right tags.
// See IsTagLegal() for wanted behavior.
if err := msg.IsTagLegal(); err != nil {
sMsg := &proto.SignedGossipMessage{
GossipMessage: msg,
var err error
if sMsg.IsDataMsg() {
sMsg, err = sMsg.NoopSign()
} else {
_, err = sMsg.Sign(func(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return g.mcs.Sign(msg)
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed signing message:", err)
if msg.IsChannelRestricted() {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(msg.Channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed obtaining gossipChannel of", msg.Channel, "aborting")
if msg.IsDataMsg() {
if g.conf.PropagateIterations == 0 {
// Send sends a message to remote peers
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
m, err := msg.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed creating SignedGossipMessage:", err)
g.comm.Send(m, peers...)
// GetPeers returns a mapping of endpoint --> []discovery.NetworkMember
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember {
s := []discovery.NetworkMember{}
for _, member := range g.disc.GetMembership() {
s = append(s, member)
return s
// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
// and also subscribed to the channel given
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) PeersOfChannel(channel common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", channel)
return nil
return gc.GetPeers()
// Stop stops the gossip component
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Stop() {
if g.toDie() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&g.stopFlag, int32(1))
g.logger.Info("Stopping gossip")
comWG := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer comWG.Done()
g.toDieChan <- struct{}{}
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) UpdateMetadata(md []byte) {
// UpdateChannelMetadata updates the self metadata the peer
// publishes to other peers about its channel-related state
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) UpdateChannelMetadata(md []byte, chainID common.ChainID) {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(chainID)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", chainID)
stateInfMsg, err := g.createStateInfoMsg(md, chainID)
if err != nil {
g.logger.Error("Failed creating StateInfo message")
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if passThrough {
return nil, g.comm.Accept(acceptor)
acceptByType := func(o interface{}) bool {
if o, isGossipMsg := o.(*proto.GossipMessage); isGossipMsg {
return acceptor(o)
if o, isSignedMsg := o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage); isSignedMsg {
sMsg := o
return acceptor(sMsg.GossipMessage)
g.logger.Warning("Message type:", reflect.TypeOf(o), "cannot be evaluated")
return false
inCh := g.AddChannel(acceptByType)
outCh := make(chan *proto.GossipMessage, acceptChanSize)
go func() {
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case m := <-inCh:
if m == nil {
outCh <- m.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).GossipMessage
return outCh, nil
func selectOnlyDiscoveryMessages(m interface{}) bool {
msg, isGossipMsg := m.(proto.ReceivedMessage)
if !isGossipMsg {
return false
alive := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetAliveMsg()
memRes := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetMemRes()
memReq := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq()
selected := alive != nil || memReq != nil || memRes != nil
return selected
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newDiscoveryAdapter() *discoveryAdapter {
return &discoveryAdapter{
c: g.comm,
stopping: int32(0),
gossipFunc: func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if g.conf.PropagateIterations == 0 {
incChan: make(chan *proto.SignedGossipMessage),
presumedDead: g.presumedDead,
disclosurePolicy: g.disclosurePolicy,
// discoveryAdapter is used to supply the discovery module with needed abilities
// that the comm interface in the discovery module declares
type discoveryAdapter struct {
stopping int32
c comm.Comm
presumedDead chan common.PKIidType
incChan chan *proto.SignedGossipMessage
gossipFunc func(message *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
disclosurePolicy discovery.DisclosurePolicy
func (da *discoveryAdapter) close() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&da.stopping, int32(1))
func (da *discoveryAdapter) toDie() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&da.stopping) == int32(1)
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Gossip(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if da.toDie() {
func (da *discoveryAdapter) SendToPeer(peer *discovery.NetworkMember, msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if da.toDie() {
// Check membership requests for peers that we know of their PKI-ID.
// The only peers we don't know about their PKI-IDs are bootstrap peers.
if memReq := msg.GetMemReq(); memReq != nil && len(peer.PKIid) != 0 {
selfMsg, err := memReq.SelfInformation.ToGossipMessage()
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't happen
panic("Tried to send a membership request with a malformed AliveMessage")
// Apply the EnvelopeFilter of the disclosure policy
// on the alive message of the selfInfo field of the membership request
_, omitConcealedFields := da.disclosurePolicy(peer)
selfMsg.Envelope = omitConcealedFields(selfMsg)
// Backup old known field
oldKnown := memReq.Known
// Override new SelfInfo message with updated envelope
memReq = &proto.MembershipRequest{
SelfInformation: selfMsg.Envelope,
Known: oldKnown,
// Update original message
msg.Content = &proto.GossipMessage_MemReq{
MemReq: memReq,
// Update the envelope of the outer message, no need to sign (point2point)
msg, err = msg.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
da.c.Send(msg, &comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: peer.PKIid, Endpoint: peer.PreferredEndpoint()})
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Ping(peer *discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
err := da.c.Probe(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: peer.PreferredEndpoint(), PKIID: peer.PKIid})
return err == nil
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Accept() <-chan *proto.SignedGossipMessage {
return da.incChan
func (da *discoveryAdapter) PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType {
return da.presumedDead
func (da *discoveryAdapter) CloseConn(peer *discovery.NetworkMember) {
da.c.CloseConn(&comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: peer.PKIid})
type discoverySecurityAdapter struct {
identity api.PeerIdentityType
includeIdentityPeriod time.Time
idMapper identity.Mapper
sa api.SecurityAdvisor
mcs api.MessageCryptoService
c comm.Comm
logger *logging.Logger
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newDiscoverySecurityAdapter() *discoverySecurityAdapter {
return &discoverySecurityAdapter{
sa: g.secAdvisor,
idMapper: g.idMapper,
mcs: g.mcs,
c: g.comm,
logger: g.logger,
includeIdentityPeriod: g.includeIdentityPeriod,
identity: g.selfIdentity,
// validateAliveMsg validates that an Alive message is authentic
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) ValidateAliveMsg(m *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
am := m.GetAliveMsg()
if am == nil || am.Membership == nil || am.Membership.PkiId == nil || !m.IsSigned() {
sa.logger.Warning("Invalid alive message:", m)
return false
var identity api.PeerIdentityType
// If identity is included inside AliveMessage
if am.Identity != nil {
identity = api.PeerIdentityType(am.Identity)
claimedPKIID := am.Membership.PkiId
err := sa.idMapper.Put(claimedPKIID, identity)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warning("Failed validating identity of", am, "reason:", err)
return false
} else {
identity, _ = sa.idMapper.Get(am.Membership.PkiId)
if identity != nil {
sa.logger.Debug("Fetched identity of", am.Membership.PkiId, "from identity store")
if identity == nil {
sa.logger.Warning("Don't have certificate for", am)
return false
return sa.validateAliveMsgSignature(m, identity)
// SignMessage signs an AliveMessage and updates its signature field
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) SignMessage(m *proto.GossipMessage, internalEndpoint string) *proto.Envelope {
signer := func(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return sa.mcs.Sign(msg)
if m.IsAliveMsg() && time.Now().Before(sa.includeIdentityPeriod) {
m.GetAliveMsg().Identity = sa.identity
sMsg := &proto.SignedGossipMessage{
GossipMessage: m,
e, err := sMsg.Sign(signer)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warning("Failed signing message:", err)
return nil
if internalEndpoint == "" {
return e
e.SignSecret(signer, &proto.Secret{
Content: &proto.Secret_InternalEndpoint{
InternalEndpoint: internalEndpoint,
return e
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) validateAliveMsgSignature(m *proto.SignedGossipMessage, identity api.PeerIdentityType) bool {
am := m.GetAliveMsg()
// At this point we got the certificate of the peer, proceed to verifying the AliveMessage
verifier := func(peerIdentity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
return sa.mcs.Verify(api.PeerIdentityType(peerIdentity), signature, message)
// We verify the signature on the message
err := m.Verify(identity, verifier)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warning("Failed verifying:", am, ":", err)
return false
return true
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) createCertStorePuller() pull.Mediator {
conf := pull.Config{
MsgType: proto.PullMsgType_IDENTITY_MSG,
Channel: []byte(""),
ID: g.conf.InternalEndpoint,
PeerCountToSelect: g.conf.PullPeerNum,
PullInterval: g.conf.PullInterval,
Tag: proto.GossipMessage_EMPTY,
pkiIDFromMsg := func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) string {
identityMsg := msg.GetPeerIdentity()
if identityMsg == nil || identityMsg.PkiId == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", string(identityMsg.PkiId))
certConsumer := func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
idMsg := msg.GetPeerIdentity()
if idMsg == nil || idMsg.Cert == nil || idMsg.PkiId == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Invalid PeerIdentity:", idMsg)
err := g.idMapper.Put(common.PKIidType(idMsg.PkiId), api.PeerIdentityType(idMsg.Cert))
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed associating PKI-ID with certificate:", err)
g.logger.Info("Learned of a new certificate:", idMsg.Cert)
adapter := &pull.PullAdapter{
Sndr: g.comm,
MemSvc: g.disc,
IdExtractor: pkiIDFromMsg,
MsgCons: certConsumer,
DigFilter: g.sameOrgOrOurOrgPullFilter,
return pull.NewPullMediator(conf, adapter)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sameOrgOrOurOrgPullFilter(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) func(string) bool {
peersOrg := g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(msg.GetConnectionInfo().Identity)
if len(peersOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Failed determining organization of", msg.GetConnectionInfo())
return func(_ string) bool {
return false
// If the peer is from our org, gossip all identities
if bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, peersOrg) {
return func(_ string) bool {
return true
// Else, the peer is from a different org
return func(item string) bool {
pkiID := common.PKIidType(item)
msgsOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(pkiID)
if len(msgsOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Failed determining organization of", pkiID)
return false
// Don't gossip identities of dead peers or of peers
// without external endpoints, to peers of foreign organizations.
if !g.hasExternalEndpoint(pkiID) {
return false
// Peer from our org or identity from our org or identity from peer's org
return bytes.Equal(msgsOrg, g.selfOrg) || bytes.Equal(msgsOrg, peersOrg)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) connect2BootstrapPeers() {
for _, endpoint := range g.conf.BootstrapPeers {
endpoint := endpoint
identifier := func() (*discovery.PeerIdentification, error) {
remotePeerIdentity, err := g.comm.Handshake(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: endpoint})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sameOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(remotePeerIdentity))
if !sameOrg {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't in our organization, cannot be a bootstrap peer", endpoint)
pkiID := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(remotePeerIdentity)
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wasn't able to extract PKI-ID of remote peer with identity of %v", remotePeerIdentity)
return &discovery.PeerIdentification{ID: pkiID, SelfOrg: sameOrg}, nil
InternalEndpoint: endpoint,
Endpoint: endpoint,
}, identifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) createStateInfoMsg(metadata []byte, chainID common.ChainID) (*proto.SignedGossipMessage, error) {
pkiID := g.comm.GetPKIid()
stateInfMsg := &proto.StateInfo{
Channel_MAC: channel.GenerateMAC(pkiID, chainID),
Metadata: metadata,
PkiId: g.comm.GetPKIid(),
Timestamp: &proto.PeerTime{
IncNum: uint64(g.incTime.UnixNano()),
SeqNum: uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()),
m := &proto.GossipMessage{
Nonce: 0,
Tag: proto.GossipMessage_CHAN_OR_ORG,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_StateInfo{
StateInfo: stateInfMsg,
sMsg := &proto.SignedGossipMessage{
GossipMessage: m,
signer := func(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return g.mcs.Sign(msg)
_, err := sMsg.Sign(signer)
return sMsg, err
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) hasExternalEndpoint(PKIID common.PKIidType) bool {
if nm := g.disc.Lookup(PKIID); nm != nil {
return nm.Endpoint != ""
return false
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) isInMyorg(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
if member.PKIid == nil {
return false
if org := g.getOrgOfPeer(member.PKIid); org != nil {
return bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, org)
return false
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) getOrgOfPeer(PKIID common.PKIidType) api.OrgIdentityType {
cert, err := g.idMapper.Get(PKIID)
if err != nil {
return nil
return g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(cert)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateLeadershipMessage(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) error {
pkiID := msg.GetLeadershipMsg().PkiId
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return errors.New("Empty PKI-ID")
identity, err := g.idMapper.Get(pkiID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to fetch PKI-ID from id-mapper: %v", err)
return msg.Verify(identity, func(peerIdentity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
return g.mcs.Verify(identity, signature, message)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateStateInfoMsg(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) error {
verifier := func(identity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
pkiID := g.idMapper.GetPKIidOfCert(api.PeerIdentityType(identity))
if pkiID == nil {
return errors.New("PKI-ID not found in identity mapper")
return g.idMapper.Verify(pkiID, signature, message)
identity, err := g.idMapper.Get(msg.GetStateInfo().PkiId)
if err != nil {
return err
return msg.Verify(identity, verifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) disclosurePolicy(remotePeer *discovery.NetworkMember) (discovery.Sieve, discovery.EnvelopeFilter) {
remotePeerOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(remotePeer.PKIid)
if len(remotePeerOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Cannot determine organization of", remotePeer)
return func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
return false
}, func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) *proto.Envelope {
return msg.Envelope
return func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Panic("Programming error, this should be used only on alive messages")
org := g.getOrgOfPeer(msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId)
if len(org) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Unable to determine org of message", msg.GossipMessage)
// Don't disseminate messages who's origin org is unknown
return false
// Target org and the message are from the same org
fromSameForeignOrg := bytes.Equal(remotePeerOrg, org)
// The message is from my org
fromMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, org)
// Forward to target org only messages from our org, or from the target org itself.
if !(fromSameForeignOrg || fromMyOrg) {
return false
// Pass the alive message only if the alive message is in the same org as the remote peer
// or the message has an external endpoint, and the remote peer also has one
return bytes.Equal(org, remotePeerOrg) || msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.Endpoint != "" && remotePeer.Endpoint != ""
}, func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) *proto.Envelope {
if !bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, remotePeerOrg) {
msg.SecretEnvelope = nil
return msg.Envelope
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) peersByOriginOrgPolicy(peer discovery.NetworkMember) filter.RoutingFilter {
peersOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(peer.PKIid)
if len(peersOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Unable to determine organization of peer", peer)
// Don't disseminate messages who's origin org is undetermined
return filter.SelectNonePolicy
if bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, peersOrg) {
// Disseminate messages from our org to all known organizations.
// IMPORTANT: Currently a peer cannot un-join a channel, so the only way
// of making gossip stop talking to an organization is by having the MSP
// refuse validating messages from it.
return filter.SelectAllPolicy
// Else, select peers from the origin's organization,
// and also peers from our own organization
return func(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
memberOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(member.PKIid)
if len(memberOrg) == 0 {
return false
isFromMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, memberOrg)
return isFromMyOrg || bytes.Equal(memberOrg, peersOrg)
// partitionMessages receives a predicate and a slice of gossip messages
// and returns a tuple of two slices: the messages that hold for the predicate
// and the rest
func partitionMessages(pred common.MessageAcceptor, a []*proto.SignedGossipMessage) ([]*proto.SignedGossipMessage, []*proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
s1 := []*proto.SignedGossipMessage{}
s2 := []*proto.SignedGossipMessage{}
for _, m := range a {
if pred(m) {
s1 = append(s1, m)
} else {
s2 = append(s2, m)
return s1, s2
// extractChannels returns a slice with all channels
// of all given GossipMessages
func extractChannels(a []*proto.SignedGossipMessage) []common.ChainID {
channels := []common.ChainID{}
for _, m := range a {
if len(m.Channel) == 0 {
sameChan := func(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Equal(a.(common.ChainID), b.(common.ChainID))
if util.IndexInSlice(channels, common.ChainID(m.Channel), sameChan) == -1 {
channels = append(channels, common.ChainID(m.Channel))
return channels
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