Fetch the repository succeeded.
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package pull
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// Constants go here.
const (
HelloMsgType MsgType = iota
// MsgType defines the type of a message that is sent to the PullStore
type MsgType int
// MessageHook defines a function that will run after a certain pull message is received
type MessageHook func(itemIDs []string, items []*proto.SignedGossipMessage, msg proto.ReceivedMessage)
// Sender sends messages to remote peers
type Sender interface {
// Send sends a message to a list of remote peers
Send(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)
// MembershipService obtains membership information of alive peers
type MembershipService interface {
// GetMembership returns the membership of
GetMembership() []discovery.NetworkMember
// Config defines the configuration of the pull mediator
type Config struct {
ID string
PullInterval time.Duration // Duration between pull invocations
Channel common.ChainID
PeerCountToSelect int // Number of peers to initiate pull with
Tag proto.GossipMessage_Tag
MsgType proto.PullMsgType
// DigestFilter filters digests to be sent to a remote peer, that
// sent a hello with the following message
type DigestFilter func(helloMsg proto.ReceivedMessage) func(digestItem string) bool
// byContext converts this DigestFilter to an algo.DigestFilter
func (df DigestFilter) byContext() algo.DigestFilter {
return func(context interface{}) func(digestItem string) bool {
return func(digestItem string) bool {
return df(context.(proto.ReceivedMessage))(digestItem)
// PullAdapter defines methods of the pullStore to interact
// with various modules of gossip
type PullAdapter struct {
Sndr Sender
MemSvc MembershipService
IdExtractor proto.IdentifierExtractor
MsgCons proto.MsgConsumer
DigFilter DigestFilter
// Mediator is a component wrap a PullEngine and provides the methods
// it needs to perform pull synchronization.
// The specialization of a pull mediator to a certain type of message is
// done by the configuration, a IdentifierExtractor, IdentifierExtractor
// given at construction, and also hooks that can be registered for each
// type of pullMsgType (hello, digest, req, res).
type Mediator interface {
// Stop stop the Mediator
// RegisterMsgHook registers a message hook to a specific type of pull message
RegisterMsgHook(MsgType, MessageHook)
// Add adds a GossipMessage to the Mediator
// Remove removes a GossipMessage from the Mediator with a matching digest,
// if such a message exits
Remove(digest string)
// HandleMessage handles a message from some remote peer
HandleMessage(msg proto.ReceivedMessage)
// pullMediatorImpl is an implementation of Mediator
type pullMediatorImpl struct {
msgType2Hook map[MsgType][]MessageHook
config Config
logger *logging.Logger
itemID2Msg map[string]*proto.SignedGossipMessage
engine *algo.PullEngine
// NewPullMediator returns a new Mediator
func NewPullMediator(config Config, adapter *PullAdapter) Mediator {
digFilter := adapter.DigFilter
acceptAllFilter := func(_ proto.ReceivedMessage) func(string) bool {
return func(_ string) bool {
return true
if digFilter == nil {
digFilter = acceptAllFilter
p := &pullMediatorImpl{
PullAdapter: adapter,
msgType2Hook: make(map[MsgType][]MessageHook),
config: config,
logger: util.GetLogger(util.LoggingPullModule, config.ID),
itemID2Msg: make(map[string]*proto.SignedGossipMessage),
p.engine = algo.NewPullEngineWithFilter(p, config.PullInterval, digFilter.byContext())
return p
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) HandleMessage(m proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if m.GetGossipMessage() == nil || !m.GetGossipMessage().IsPullMsg() {
msg := m.GetGossipMessage()
msgType := msg.GetPullMsgType()
if msgType != p.config.MsgType {
itemIDs := []string{}
items := []*proto.SignedGossipMessage{}
var pullMsgType MsgType
if helloMsg := msg.GetHello(); helloMsg != nil {
pullMsgType = HelloMsgType
p.engine.OnHello(helloMsg.Nonce, m)
if digest := msg.GetDataDig(); digest != nil {
itemIDs = digest.Digests
pullMsgType = DigestMsgType
p.engine.OnDigest(digest.Digests, digest.Nonce, m)
if req := msg.GetDataReq(); req != nil {
itemIDs = req.Digests
pullMsgType = RequestMsgType
p.engine.OnReq(req.Digests, req.Nonce, m)
if res := msg.GetDataUpdate(); res != nil {
itemIDs = make([]string, len(res.Data))
items = make([]*proto.SignedGossipMessage, len(res.Data))
pullMsgType = ResponseMsgType
for i, pulledMsg := range res.Data {
msg, err := pulledMsg.ToGossipMessage()
if err != nil {
p.logger.Warning("Data update contains an invalid message:", err)
itemIDs[i] = p.IdExtractor(msg)
items[i] = msg
p.itemID2Msg[itemIDs[i]] = msg
p.engine.OnRes(itemIDs, res.Nonce)
// Invoke hooks for relevant message type
for _, h := range p.hooksByMsgType(pullMsgType) {
h(itemIDs, items, m)
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) Stop() {
// RegisterMsgHook registers a message hook to a specific type of pull message
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) RegisterMsgHook(pullMsgType MsgType, hook MessageHook) {
defer p.Unlock()
p.msgType2Hook[pullMsgType] = append(p.msgType2Hook[pullMsgType], hook)
// Add adds a GossipMessage to the store
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) Add(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
defer p.Unlock()
itemID := p.IdExtractor(msg)
p.itemID2Msg[itemID] = msg
// Remove removes a GossipMessage from the Mediator with a matching digest,
// if such a message exits
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) Remove(digest string) {
defer p.Unlock()
delete(p.itemID2Msg, digest)
// SelectPeers returns a slice of peers which the engine will initiate the protocol with
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) SelectPeers() []string {
remotePeers := SelectEndpoints(p.config.PeerCountToSelect, p.MemSvc.GetMembership())
endpoints := make([]string, len(remotePeers))
for i, peer := range remotePeers {
endpoints[i] = peer.Endpoint
return endpoints
// Hello sends a hello message to initiate the protocol
// and returns an NONCE that is expected to be returned
// in the digest message.
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) Hello(dest string, nonce uint64) {
helloMsg := &proto.GossipMessage{
Channel: p.config.Channel,
Tag: p.config.Tag,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_Hello{
Hello: &proto.GossipHello{
Nonce: nonce,
Metadata: nil,
MsgType: p.config.MsgType,
p.logger.Debug("Sending", p.config.MsgType, "hello to", dest)
sMsg, err := helloMsg.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
p.logger.Error("Failed creating SignedGossipMessage:", err)
p.Sndr.Send(sMsg, p.peersWithEndpoints(dest)...)
// SendDigest sends a digest to a remote PullEngine.
// The context parameter specifies the remote engine to send to.
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) SendDigest(digest []string, nonce uint64, context interface{}) {
digMsg := &proto.GossipMessage{
Channel: p.config.Channel,
Tag: p.config.Tag,
Nonce: 0,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_DataDig{
DataDig: &proto.DataDigest{
MsgType: p.config.MsgType,
Nonce: nonce,
Digests: digest,
remotePeer := context.(proto.ReceivedMessage).GetConnectionInfo()
p.logger.Debug("Sending", p.config.MsgType, "digest:", digMsg.GetDataDig().Digests, "to", remotePeer)
// SendReq sends an array of items to a certain remote PullEngine identified
// by a string
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) SendReq(dest string, items []string, nonce uint64) {
req := &proto.GossipMessage{
Channel: p.config.Channel,
Tag: p.config.Tag,
Nonce: 0,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_DataReq{
DataReq: &proto.DataRequest{
MsgType: p.config.MsgType,
Nonce: nonce,
Digests: items,
p.logger.Debug("Sending", req, "to", dest)
sMsg, err := req.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
p.logger.Warning("Failed creating SignedGossipMessage:", err)
p.Sndr.Send(sMsg, p.peersWithEndpoints(dest)...)
// SendRes sends an array of items to a remote PullEngine identified by a context.
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) SendRes(items []string, context interface{}, nonce uint64) {
items2return := []*proto.Envelope{}
defer p.RUnlock()
for _, item := range items {
if msg, exists := p.itemID2Msg[item]; exists {
items2return = append(items2return, msg.Envelope)
returnedUpdate := &proto.GossipMessage{
Channel: p.config.Channel,
Tag: p.config.Tag,
Nonce: 0,
Content: &proto.GossipMessage_DataUpdate{
DataUpdate: &proto.DataUpdate{
MsgType: p.config.MsgType,
Nonce: nonce,
Data: items2return,
remotePeer := context.(proto.ReceivedMessage).GetConnectionInfo()
p.logger.Debug("Sending", len(returnedUpdate.GetDataUpdate().Data), p.config.MsgType, "items to", remotePeer)
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) peersWithEndpoints(endpoints ...string) []*comm.RemotePeer {
peers := []*comm.RemotePeer{}
for _, member := range p.MemSvc.GetMembership() {
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if member.PreferredEndpoint() == endpoint {
peers = append(peers, &comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: member.PreferredEndpoint(), PKIID: member.PKIid})
return peers
func (p *pullMediatorImpl) hooksByMsgType(msgType MsgType) []MessageHook {
defer p.RUnlock()
returnedHooks := []MessageHook{}
for _, h := range p.msgType2Hook[msgType] {
returnedHooks = append(returnedHooks, h)
return returnedHooks
// SelectEndpoints select k peers from peerPool and returns them.
func SelectEndpoints(k int, peerPool []discovery.NetworkMember) []*comm.RemotePeer {
if len(peerPool) < k {
k = len(peerPool)
indices := util.GetRandomIndices(k, len(peerPool)-1)
endpoints := make([]*comm.RemotePeer, len(indices))
for i, j := range indices {
endpoints[i] = &comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: peerPool[j].PreferredEndpoint(), PKIID: peerPool[j].PKIid}
return endpoints
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