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gossip_impl.go 42.24 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package gossip
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
const (
presumedDeadChanSize = 100
acceptChanSize = 100
type channelRoutingFilterFactory func(channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter
type gossipServiceImpl struct {
selfIdentity api.PeerIdentityType
includeIdentityPeriod time.Time
certStore *certStore
idMapper identity.Mapper
presumedDead chan common.PKIidType
disc discovery.Discovery
comm comm.Comm
incTime time.Time
selfOrg api.OrgIdentityType
logger util.Logger
stopSignal *sync.WaitGroup
conf *Config
toDieChan chan struct{}
stopFlag int32
emitter batchingEmitter
discAdapter *discoveryAdapter
secAdvisor api.SecurityAdvisor
chanState *channelState
disSecAdap *discoverySecurityAdapter
mcs api.MessageCryptoService
stateInfoMsgStore msgstore.MessageStore
certPuller pull.Mediator
// NewGossipService creates a gossip instance attached to a gRPC server
func NewGossipService(conf *Config, s *grpc.Server, sa api.SecurityAdvisor,
mcs api.MessageCryptoService, selfIdentity api.PeerIdentityType,
secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) Gossip {
var err error
lgr := util.GetLogger(util.GossipLogger, conf.ID)
g := &gossipServiceImpl{
selfOrg: sa.OrgByPeerIdentity(selfIdentity),
secAdvisor: sa,
selfIdentity: selfIdentity,
presumedDead: make(chan common.PKIidType, presumedDeadChanSize),
disc: nil,
mcs: mcs,
conf: conf,
ChannelDeMultiplexer: comm.NewChannelDemultiplexer(),
logger: lgr,
toDieChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
stopFlag: int32(0),
stopSignal: &sync.WaitGroup{},
includeIdentityPeriod: time.Now().Add(conf.PublishCertPeriod),
g.stateInfoMsgStore = g.newStateInfoMsgStore()
g.idMapper = identity.NewIdentityMapper(mcs, selfIdentity, func(pkiID common.PKIidType, identity api.PeerIdentityType) {
g.comm.CloseConn(&comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: pkiID})
}, sa)
if s == nil {
g.comm, err = createCommWithServer(conf.BindPort, g.idMapper, selfIdentity, secureDialOpts, sa)
} else {
g.comm, err = createCommWithoutServer(s, conf.TLSCerts, g.idMapper, selfIdentity, secureDialOpts, sa)
if err != nil {
lgr.Error("Failed instntiating communication layer:", err)
return nil
g.chanState = newChannelState(g)
g.emitter = newBatchingEmitter(conf.PropagateIterations,
conf.MaxPropagationBurstSize, conf.MaxPropagationBurstLatency,
g.discAdapter = g.newDiscoveryAdapter()
g.disSecAdap = g.newDiscoverySecurityAdapter()
g.disc = discovery.NewDiscoveryService(g.selfNetworkMember(), g.discAdapter, g.disSecAdap, g.disclosurePolicy)
g.logger.Infof("Creating gossip service with self membership of %s", g.selfNetworkMember())
g.certPuller = g.createCertStorePuller()
g.certStore = newCertStore(g.certPuller, g.idMapper, selfIdentity, mcs)
if g.conf.ExternalEndpoint == "" {
g.logger.Warning("External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization")
// Adding delta for handlePresumedDead and
// acceptMessages goRoutines to block on Wait
go g.start()
go g.connect2BootstrapPeers()
return g
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newStateInfoMsgStore() msgstore.MessageStore {
pol := proto.NewGossipMessageComparator(0)
return msgstore.NewMessageStoreExpirable(pol,
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) selfNetworkMember() discovery.NetworkMember {
self := discovery.NetworkMember{
Endpoint: g.conf.ExternalEndpoint,
PKIid: g.comm.GetPKIid(),
Metadata: []byte{},
InternalEndpoint: g.conf.InternalEndpoint,
if g.disc != nil {
self.Metadata = g.disc.Self().Metadata
return self
func newChannelState(g *gossipServiceImpl) *channelState {
return &channelState{
stopping: int32(0),
channels: make(map[string]channel.GossipChannel),
g: g,
func createCommWithoutServer(s *grpc.Server, certs *common.TLSCertificates, idStore identity.Mapper,
identity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts, sa api.SecurityAdvisor) (comm.Comm, error) {
return comm.NewCommInstance(s, certs, idStore, identity, secureDialOpts, sa)
// NewGossipServiceWithServer creates a new gossip instance with a gRPC server
func NewGossipServiceWithServer(conf *Config, secAdvisor api.SecurityAdvisor, mcs api.MessageCryptoService,
identity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts) Gossip {
return NewGossipService(conf, nil, secAdvisor, mcs, identity, secureDialOpts)
func createCommWithServer(port int, idStore identity.Mapper, identity api.PeerIdentityType,
secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts, sa api.SecurityAdvisor) (comm.Comm, error) {
return comm.NewCommInstanceWithServer(port, idStore, identity, secureDialOpts, sa)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) toDie() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&g.stopFlag) == int32(1)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, chainID common.ChainID) {
// joinMsg is supposed to have been already verified
g.chanState.joinChannel(joinMsg, chainID)
g.logger.Info("Joining gossip network of channel", string(chainID), "with", len(joinMsg.Members()), "organizations")
for _, org := range joinMsg.Members() {
g.learnAnchorPeers(string(chainID), org, joinMsg.AnchorPeersOf(org))
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) LeaveChan(chainID common.ChainID) {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(chainID)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", chainID)
// SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
// any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) SuspectPeers(isSuspected api.PeerSuspector) {
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) periodicalIdentityValidation(suspectFunc api.PeerSuspector, interval time.Duration) {
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case <-time.After(interval):
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) learnAnchorPeers(channel string, orgOfAnchorPeers api.OrgIdentityType, anchorPeers []api.AnchorPeer) {
if len(anchorPeers) == 0 {
g.logger.Info("No configured anchor peers of", string(orgOfAnchorPeers), "for channel", channel, "to learn about")
g.logger.Info("Learning about the configured anchor peers of", string(orgOfAnchorPeers), "for channel", channel, ":", anchorPeers)
for _, ap := range anchorPeers {
if ap.Host == "" {
g.logger.Warning("Got empty hostname, skipping connecting to anchor peer", ap)
if ap.Port == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Got invalid port (0), skipping connecting to anchor peer", ap)
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ap.Host, ap.Port)
// Skip connecting to self
if g.selfNetworkMember().Endpoint == endpoint || g.selfNetworkMember().InternalEndpoint == endpoint {
g.logger.Info("Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself")
inOurOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, orgOfAnchorPeers)
if !inOurOrg && g.selfNetworkMember().Endpoint == "" {
g.logger.Infof("Anchor peer %s:%d isn't in our org(%v) and we have no external endpoint, skipping", ap.Host, ap.Port, string(orgOfAnchorPeers))
identifier := func() (*discovery.PeerIdentification, error) {
remotePeerIdentity, err := g.comm.Handshake(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: endpoint})
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
g.logger.Warningf("Deep probe of %s failed: %+v", endpoint, err)
return nil, err
isAnchorPeerInMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(remotePeerIdentity))
if bytes.Equal(orgOfAnchorPeers, g.selfOrg) && !isAnchorPeerInMyOrg {
err := errors.Errorf("Anchor peer %s isn't in our org, but is claimed to be", endpoint)
g.logger.Warningf("%+v", err)
return nil, err
pkiID := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(remotePeerIdentity)
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Wasn't able to extract PKI-ID of remote peer with identity of %v", remotePeerIdentity)
return &discovery.PeerIdentification{
ID: pkiID,
SelfOrg: isAnchorPeerInMyOrg,
}, nil
InternalEndpoint: endpoint, Endpoint: endpoint}, identifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) handlePresumedDead() {
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
defer g.stopSignal.Done()
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case deadEndpoint := <-g.comm.PresumedDead():
g.presumedDead <- deadEndpoint
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) syncDiscovery() {
g.logger.Debug("Entering discovery sync with interval", g.conf.PullInterval)
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting discovery sync loop")
for !g.toDie() {
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) start() {
go g.syncDiscovery()
go g.handlePresumedDead()
msgSelector := func(msg interface{}) bool {
gMsg, isGossipMsg := msg.(proto.ReceivedMessage)
if !isGossipMsg {
return false
isConn := gMsg.GetGossipMessage().GetConn() != nil
isEmpty := gMsg.GetGossipMessage().GetEmpty() != nil
isPrivateData := gMsg.GetGossipMessage().IsPrivateDataMsg()
return !(isConn || isEmpty || isPrivateData)
incMsgs := g.comm.Accept(msgSelector)
go g.acceptMessages(incMsgs)
g.logger.Info("Gossip instance", g.conf.ID, "started")
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) acceptMessages(incMsgs <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage) {
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
defer g.stopSignal.Done()
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case msg := <-incMsgs:
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) handleMessage(m proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if g.toDie() {
if m == nil || m.GetGossipMessage() == nil {
msg := m.GetGossipMessage()
g.logger.Debug("Entering,", m.GetConnectionInfo(), "sent us", msg)
defer g.logger.Debug("Exiting")
if !g.validateMsg(m) {
g.logger.Warning("Message", msg, "isn't valid")
if msg.IsChannelRestricted() {
if gc := g.chanState.lookupChannelForMsg(m); gc == nil {
// If we're not in the channel, we should still forward to peers of our org
// in case it's a StateInfo message
if g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: m.GetConnectionInfo().ID}) && msg.IsStateInfoMsg() {
if g.stateInfoMsgStore.Add(msg) {
SignedGossipMessage: msg,
filter: m.GetConnectionInfo().ID.IsNotSameFilter,
if !g.toDie() {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", msg.Channel, "discarding message", msg)
} else {
if m.GetGossipMessage().IsLeadershipMsg() {
if err := g.validateLeadershipMessage(m.GetGossipMessage()); err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Failed validating LeaderElection message: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
if selectOnlyDiscoveryMessages(m) {
// It's a membership request, check its self information
// matches the sender
if m.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq() != nil {
sMsg, err := m.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq().SelfInformation.ToGossipMessage()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Got membership request with invalid selfInfo: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
if !sMsg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Warning("Got membership request with selfInfo that isn't an AliveMessage")
if !bytes.Equal(sMsg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId, m.GetConnectionInfo().ID) {
g.logger.Warning("Got membership request with selfInfo that doesn't match the handshake")
if msg.IsPullMsg() && msg.GetPullMsgType() == proto.PullMsgType_IDENTITY_MSG {
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) forwardDiscoveryMsg(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) {
defer func() { // can be closed while shutting down
g.discAdapter.incChan <- msg
// validateMsg checks the signature of the message if exists,
// and also checks that the tag matches the message type
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateMsg(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) bool {
if err := msg.GetGossipMessage().IsTagLegal(); err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Tag of %v isn't legal: %v", msg.GetGossipMessage(), errors.WithStack(err))
return false
if msg.GetGossipMessage().IsAliveMsg() {
if !g.disSecAdap.ValidateAliveMsg(msg.GetGossipMessage()) {
return false
if msg.GetGossipMessage().IsStateInfoMsg() {
if err := g.validateStateInfoMsg(msg.GetGossipMessage()); err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("StateInfo message %v is found invalid: %v", msg, err)
return false
return true
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sendGossipBatch(a []interface{}) {
msgs2Gossip := make([]*emittedGossipMessage, len(a))
for i, e := range a {
msgs2Gossip[i] = e.(*emittedGossipMessage)
// gossipBatch - This is the method that actually decides to which peers to gossip the message
// batch we possess.
// For efficiency, we first isolate all the messages that have the same routing policy
// and send them together, and only after that move to the next group of messages.
// i.e: we send all blocks of channel C to the same group of peers,
// and send all StateInfo messages to the same group of peers, etc. etc.
// When we send blocks, we send only to peers that advertised themselves in the channel.
// When we send StateInfo messages, we send to peers in the channel.
// When we send messages that are marked to be sent only within the org, we send all of these messages
// to the same set of peers.
// The rest of the messages that have no restrictions on their destinations can be sent
// to any group of peers.
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) gossipBatch(msgs []*emittedGossipMessage) {
if g.disc == nil {
g.logger.Error("Discovery has not been initialized yet, aborting!")
var blocks []*emittedGossipMessage
var stateInfoMsgs []*emittedGossipMessage
var orgMsgs []*emittedGossipMessage
var leadershipMsgs []*emittedGossipMessage
isABlock := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*emittedGossipMessage).IsDataMsg()
isAStateInfoMsg := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*emittedGossipMessage).IsStateInfoMsg()
aliveMsgsWithNoEndpointAndInOurOrg := func(o interface{}) bool {
msg := o.(*emittedGossipMessage)
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
return false
member := msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership
return member.Endpoint == "" && g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: member.PkiId})
isOrgRestricted := func(o interface{}) bool {
return aliveMsgsWithNoEndpointAndInOurOrg(o) || o.(*emittedGossipMessage).IsOrgRestricted()
isLeadershipMsg := func(o interface{}) bool {
return o.(*emittedGossipMessage).IsLeadershipMsg()
// Gossip blocks
blocks, msgs = partitionMessages(isABlock, msgs)
g.gossipInChan(blocks, func(gc channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter {
return filter.CombineRoutingFilters(gc.EligibleForChannel, gc.IsMemberInChan, g.isInMyorg)
// Gossip Leadership messages
leadershipMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isLeadershipMsg, msgs)
g.gossipInChan(leadershipMsgs, func(gc channel.GossipChannel) filter.RoutingFilter {
return filter.CombineRoutingFilters(gc.EligibleForChannel, gc.IsMemberInChan, g.isInMyorg)
// Gossip StateInfo messages
stateInfoMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isAStateInfoMsg, msgs)
for _, stateInfMsg := range stateInfoMsgs {
peerSelector := g.isInMyorg
gc := g.chanState.lookupChannelForGossipMsg(stateInfMsg.GossipMessage)
if gc != nil && g.hasExternalEndpoint(stateInfMsg.GossipMessage.GetStateInfo().PkiId) {
peerSelector = gc.IsMemberInChan
peerSelector = filter.CombineRoutingFilters(peerSelector, func(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
return stateInfMsg.filter(member.PKIid)
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), peerSelector)
g.comm.Send(stateInfMsg.SignedGossipMessage, peers2Send...)
// Gossip messages restricted to our org
orgMsgs, msgs = partitionMessages(isOrgRestricted, msgs)
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), g.isInMyorg)
for _, msg := range orgMsgs {
g.comm.Send(msg.SignedGossipMessage, g.removeSelfLoop(msg, peers2Send)...)
// Finally, gossip the remaining messages
for _, msg := range msgs {
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Error("Unknown message type", msg)
selectByOriginOrg := g.peersByOriginOrgPolicy(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId})
selector := filter.CombineRoutingFilters(selectByOriginOrg, func(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
return msg.filter(member.PKIid)
peers2Send := filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, g.disc.GetMembership(), selector)
g.sendAndFilterSecrets(msg.SignedGossipMessage, peers2Send...)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sendAndFilterSecrets(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
for _, peer := range peers {
// Prevent forwarding alive messages of external organizations
// to peers that have no external endpoints
aliveMsgFromDiffOrg := msg.IsAliveMsg() && !g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId})
if aliveMsgFromDiffOrg && !g.hasExternalEndpoint(peer.PKIID) {
// Don't gossip secrets
if !g.isInMyorg(discovery.NetworkMember{PKIid: peer.PKIID}) {
msg.Envelope.SecretEnvelope = nil
g.comm.Send(msg, peer)
// gossipInChan gossips a given GossipMessage slice according to a channel's routing policy.
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) gossipInChan(messages []*emittedGossipMessage, chanRoutingFactory channelRoutingFilterFactory) {
if len(messages) == 0 {
totalChannels := extractChannels(messages)
var channel common.ChainID
var messagesOfChannel []*emittedGossipMessage
for len(totalChannels) > 0 {
// Take first channel
channel, totalChannels = totalChannels[0], totalChannels[1:]
// Extract all messages of that channel
grabMsgs := func(o interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Equal(o.(*emittedGossipMessage).Channel, channel)
messagesOfChannel, messages = partitionMessages(grabMsgs, messages)
if len(messagesOfChannel) == 0 {
// Grab channel object for that channel
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Channel", channel, "wasn't found")
// Select the peers to send the messages to
// For leadership messages we will select all peers that pass routing factory - e.g. all peers in channel and org
membership := g.disc.GetMembership()
var peers2Send []*comm.RemotePeer
if messagesOfChannel[0].IsLeadershipMsg() {
peers2Send = filter.SelectPeers(len(membership), membership, chanRoutingFactory(gc))
} else {
peers2Send = filter.SelectPeers(g.conf.PropagatePeerNum, membership, chanRoutingFactory(gc))
// Send the messages to the remote peers
for _, msg := range messagesOfChannel {
filteredPeers := g.removeSelfLoop(msg, peers2Send)
g.comm.Send(msg.SignedGossipMessage, filteredPeers...)
// removeSelfLoop deletes from the list of peers peer which has sent the message
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) removeSelfLoop(msg *emittedGossipMessage, peers []*comm.RemotePeer) []*comm.RemotePeer {
var result []*comm.RemotePeer
for _, peer := range peers {
if msg.filter(peer.PKIID) {
result = append(result, peer)
return result
// IdentityInfo returns information known peer identities
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) IdentityInfo() api.PeerIdentitySet {
return g.idMapper.IdentityInfo()
// SendByCriteria sends a given message to all peers that match the given SendCriteria
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) SendByCriteria(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, criteria SendCriteria) error {
if criteria.MaxPeers == 0 {
return nil
if criteria.Timeout == 0 {
return errors.New("Timeout should be specified")
if criteria.IsEligible == nil {
criteria.IsEligible = filter.SelectAllPolicy
membership := g.disc.GetMembership()
if len(criteria.Channel) > 0 {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(criteria.Channel)
if gc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Requested to Send for channel %s, but no such channel exists", string(criteria.Channel))
membership = gc.GetPeers()
peers2send := filter.SelectPeers(criteria.MaxPeers, membership, criteria.IsEligible)
if len(peers2send) < criteria.MinAck {
return fmt.Errorf("Requested to send to at least %d peers, but know only of %d suitable peers", criteria.MinAck, len(peers2send))
results := g.comm.SendWithAck(msg, criteria.Timeout, criteria.MinAck, peers2send...)
for _, res := range results {
if res.Error() == "" {
g.logger.Warning("Failed sending to", res.Endpoint, "error:", res.Error())
if results.AckCount() < criteria.MinAck {
return errors.New(results.String())
return nil
// Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Gossip(msg *proto.GossipMessage) {
// Educate developers to Gossip messages with the right tags.
// See IsTagLegal() for wanted behavior.
if err := msg.IsTagLegal(); err != nil {
sMsg := &proto.SignedGossipMessage{
GossipMessage: msg,
var err error
if sMsg.IsDataMsg() {
sMsg, err = sMsg.NoopSign()
} else {
_, err = sMsg.Sign(func(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return g.mcs.Sign(msg)
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Failed signing message: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
if msg.IsChannelRestricted() {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(msg.Channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Failed obtaining gossipChannel of", msg.Channel, "aborting")
if msg.IsDataMsg() {
if g.conf.PropagateIterations == 0 {
SignedGossipMessage: sMsg,
filter: func(_ common.PKIidType) bool {
return true
// Send sends a message to remote peers
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer) {
m, err := msg.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Failed creating SignedGossipMessage: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
g.comm.Send(m, peers...)
// GetPeers returns a mapping of endpoint --> []discovery.NetworkMember
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember {
return g.disc.GetMembership()
// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
// and also subscribed to the channel given
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) PeersOfChannel(channel common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(channel)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Debug("No such channel", channel)
return nil
return gc.GetPeers()
// SelfMembershipInfo returns the peer's membership information
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) SelfMembershipInfo() discovery.NetworkMember {
return g.disc.Self()
// SelfChannelInfo returns the peer's latest StateInfo message of a given channel
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) SelfChannelInfo(chain common.ChainID) *proto.SignedGossipMessage {
ch := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(chain)
if ch == nil {
return nil
return ch.Self()
// PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
// only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) PeerFilter(channel common.ChainID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error) {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(channel)
if gc == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Channel %s doesn't exist", string(channel))
return gc.PeerFilter(messagePredicate), nil
// Stop stops the gossip component
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Stop() {
if g.toDie() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&g.stopFlag, int32(1))
g.logger.Info("Stopping gossip")
g.toDieChan <- struct{}{}
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) UpdateMetadata(md []byte) {
// UpdateLedgerHeight updates the ledger height the peer
// publishes to other peers in the channel
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) UpdateLedgerHeight(height uint64, chainID common.ChainID) {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(chainID)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("No such channel", chainID)
// UpdateChaincodes updates the chaincodes the peer publishes
// to other peers in the channel
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) UpdateChaincodes(chaincodes []*proto.Chaincode, chainID common.ChainID) {
gc := g.chanState.getGossipChannelByChainID(chainID)
if gc == nil {
g.logger.Warning("No such channel", chainID)
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if passThrough {
return nil, g.comm.Accept(acceptor)
acceptByType := func(o interface{}) bool {
if o, isGossipMsg := o.(*proto.GossipMessage); isGossipMsg {
return acceptor(o)
if o, isSignedMsg := o.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage); isSignedMsg {
sMsg := o
return acceptor(sMsg.GossipMessage)
g.logger.Warning("Message type:", reflect.TypeOf(o), "cannot be evaluated")
return false
inCh := g.AddChannel(acceptByType)
outCh := make(chan *proto.GossipMessage, acceptChanSize)
go func() {
for {
select {
case s := <-g.toDieChan:
g.toDieChan <- s
case m := <-inCh:
if m == nil {
outCh <- m.(*proto.SignedGossipMessage).GossipMessage
return outCh, nil
func selectOnlyDiscoveryMessages(m interface{}) bool {
msg, isGossipMsg := m.(proto.ReceivedMessage)
if !isGossipMsg {
return false
alive := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetAliveMsg()
memRes := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetMemRes()
memReq := msg.GetGossipMessage().GetMemReq()
selected := alive != nil || memReq != nil || memRes != nil
return selected
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newDiscoveryAdapter() *discoveryAdapter {
return &discoveryAdapter{
c: g.comm,
stopping: int32(0),
gossipFunc: func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if g.conf.PropagateIterations == 0 {
SignedGossipMessage: msg,
filter: func(_ common.PKIidType) bool {
return true
forwardFunc: func(message proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if g.conf.PropagateIterations == 0 {
SignedGossipMessage: message.GetGossipMessage(),
filter: message.GetConnectionInfo().ID.IsNotSameFilter,
incChan: make(chan proto.ReceivedMessage),
presumedDead: g.presumedDead,
disclosurePolicy: g.disclosurePolicy,
// discoveryAdapter is used to supply the discovery module with needed abilities
// that the comm interface in the discovery module declares
type discoveryAdapter struct {
stopping int32
c comm.Comm
presumedDead chan common.PKIidType
incChan chan proto.ReceivedMessage
gossipFunc func(message *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
forwardFunc func(message proto.ReceivedMessage)
disclosurePolicy discovery.DisclosurePolicy
func (da *discoveryAdapter) close() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&da.stopping, int32(1))
func (da *discoveryAdapter) toDie() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&da.stopping) == int32(1)
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Gossip(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if da.toDie() {
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Forward(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) {
if da.toDie() {
func (da *discoveryAdapter) SendToPeer(peer *discovery.NetworkMember, msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
if da.toDie() {
// Check membership requests for peers that we know of their PKI-ID.
// The only peers we don't know about their PKI-IDs are bootstrap peers.
if memReq := msg.GetMemReq(); memReq != nil && len(peer.PKIid) != 0 {
selfMsg, err := memReq.SelfInformation.ToGossipMessage()
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't happen
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "Tried to send a membership request with a malformed AliveMessage"))
// Apply the EnvelopeFilter of the disclosure policy
// on the alive message of the selfInfo field of the membership request
_, omitConcealedFields := da.disclosurePolicy(peer)
selfMsg.Envelope = omitConcealedFields(selfMsg)
// Backup old known field
oldKnown := memReq.Known
// Override new SelfInfo message with updated envelope
memReq = &proto.MembershipRequest{
SelfInformation: selfMsg.Envelope,
Known: oldKnown,
// Update original message
msg.Content = &proto.GossipMessage_MemReq{
MemReq: memReq,
// Update the envelope of the outer message, no need to sign (point2point)
msg, err = msg.NoopSign()
if err != nil {
da.c.Send(msg, &comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: peer.PKIid, Endpoint: peer.PreferredEndpoint()})
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Ping(peer *discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
err := da.c.Probe(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: peer.PreferredEndpoint(), PKIID: peer.PKIid})
return err == nil
func (da *discoveryAdapter) Accept() <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage {
return da.incChan
func (da *discoveryAdapter) PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType {
return da.presumedDead
func (da *discoveryAdapter) CloseConn(peer *discovery.NetworkMember) {
da.c.CloseConn(&comm.RemotePeer{PKIID: peer.PKIid})
type discoverySecurityAdapter struct {
identity api.PeerIdentityType
includeIdentityPeriod time.Time
idMapper identity.Mapper
sa api.SecurityAdvisor
mcs api.MessageCryptoService
c comm.Comm
logger util.Logger
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) newDiscoverySecurityAdapter() *discoverySecurityAdapter {
return &discoverySecurityAdapter{
sa: g.secAdvisor,
idMapper: g.idMapper,
mcs: g.mcs,
c: g.comm,
logger: g.logger,
includeIdentityPeriod: g.includeIdentityPeriod,
identity: g.selfIdentity,
// validateAliveMsg validates that an Alive message is authentic
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) ValidateAliveMsg(m *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
am := m.GetAliveMsg()
if am == nil || am.Membership == nil || am.Membership.PkiId == nil || !m.IsSigned() {
sa.logger.Warning("Invalid alive message:", m)
return false
var identity api.PeerIdentityType
// If identity is included inside AliveMessage
if am.Identity != nil {
identity = api.PeerIdentityType(am.Identity)
claimedPKIID := am.Membership.PkiId
err := sa.idMapper.Put(claimedPKIID, identity)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warningf("Failed validating identity of %v reason: %+v", am, errors.WithStack(err))
return false
} else {
identity, _ = sa.idMapper.Get(am.Membership.PkiId)
if identity != nil {
sa.logger.Debug("Fetched identity of", am.Membership.PkiId, "from identity store")
if identity == nil {
sa.logger.Debug("Don't have certificate for", am)
return false
return sa.validateAliveMsgSignature(m, identity)
// SignMessage signs an AliveMessage and updates its signature field
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) SignMessage(m *proto.GossipMessage, internalEndpoint string) *proto.Envelope {
signer := func(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return sa.mcs.Sign(msg)
if m.IsAliveMsg() && time.Now().Before(sa.includeIdentityPeriod) {
m.GetAliveMsg().Identity = sa.identity
sMsg := &proto.SignedGossipMessage{
GossipMessage: m,
e, err := sMsg.Sign(signer)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warningf("Failed signing message: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
return nil
if internalEndpoint == "" {
return e
e.SignSecret(signer, &proto.Secret{
Content: &proto.Secret_InternalEndpoint{
InternalEndpoint: internalEndpoint,
return e
func (sa *discoverySecurityAdapter) validateAliveMsgSignature(m *proto.SignedGossipMessage, identity api.PeerIdentityType) bool {
am := m.GetAliveMsg()
// At this point we got the certificate of the peer, proceed to verifying the AliveMessage
verifier := func(peerIdentity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
return sa.mcs.Verify(api.PeerIdentityType(peerIdentity), signature, message)
// We verify the signature on the message
err := m.Verify(identity, verifier)
if err != nil {
sa.logger.Warningf("Failed verifying: %v: %+v", am, errors.WithStack(err))
return false
return true
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) createCertStorePuller() pull.Mediator {
conf := pull.Config{
MsgType: proto.PullMsgType_IDENTITY_MSG,
Channel: []byte(""),
ID: g.conf.InternalEndpoint,
PeerCountToSelect: g.conf.PullPeerNum,
PullInterval: g.conf.PullInterval,
Tag: proto.GossipMessage_EMPTY,
pkiIDFromMsg := func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) string {
identityMsg := msg.GetPeerIdentity()
if identityMsg == nil || identityMsg.PkiId == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", string(identityMsg.PkiId))
certConsumer := func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
idMsg := msg.GetPeerIdentity()
if idMsg == nil || idMsg.Cert == nil || idMsg.PkiId == nil {
g.logger.Warning("Invalid PeerIdentity:", idMsg)
err := g.idMapper.Put(common.PKIidType(idMsg.PkiId), api.PeerIdentityType(idMsg.Cert))
if err != nil {
g.logger.Warningf("Failed associating PKI-ID with certificate: %+v", errors.WithStack(err))
g.logger.Debug("Learned of a new certificate:", idMsg.Cert)
adapter := &pull.PullAdapter{
Sndr: g.comm,
MemSvc: g.disc,
IdExtractor: pkiIDFromMsg,
MsgCons: certConsumer,
EgressDigFilter: g.sameOrgOrOurOrgPullFilter,
return pull.NewPullMediator(conf, adapter)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) sameOrgOrOurOrgPullFilter(msg proto.ReceivedMessage) func(string) bool {
peersOrg := g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(msg.GetConnectionInfo().Identity)
if len(peersOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Failed determining organization of", msg.GetConnectionInfo())
return func(_ string) bool {
return false
// If the peer is from our org, gossip all identities
if bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, peersOrg) {
return func(_ string) bool {
return true
// Else, the peer is from a different org
return func(item string) bool {
pkiID := common.PKIidType(item)
msgsOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(pkiID)
if len(msgsOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Failed determining organization of", pkiID)
return false
// Don't gossip identities of dead peers or of peers
// without external endpoints, to peers of foreign organizations.
if !g.hasExternalEndpoint(pkiID) {
return false
// Peer from our org or identity from our org or identity from peer's org
return bytes.Equal(msgsOrg, g.selfOrg) || bytes.Equal(msgsOrg, peersOrg)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) connect2BootstrapPeers() {
for _, endpoint := range g.conf.BootstrapPeers {
endpoint := endpoint
identifier := func() (*discovery.PeerIdentification, error) {
remotePeerIdentity, err := g.comm.Handshake(&comm.RemotePeer{Endpoint: endpoint})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
sameOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(remotePeerIdentity))
if !sameOrg {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%s isn't in our organization, cannot be a bootstrap peer", endpoint)
pkiID := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(remotePeerIdentity)
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Wasn't able to extract PKI-ID of remote peer with identity of %v", remotePeerIdentity)
return &discovery.PeerIdentification{ID: pkiID, SelfOrg: sameOrg}, nil
InternalEndpoint: endpoint,
Endpoint: endpoint,
}, identifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) hasExternalEndpoint(PKIID common.PKIidType) bool {
if nm := g.disc.Lookup(PKIID); nm != nil {
return nm.Endpoint != ""
return false
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) isInMyorg(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
if member.PKIid == nil {
return false
if org := g.getOrgOfPeer(member.PKIid); org != nil {
return bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, org)
return false
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) getOrgOfPeer(PKIID common.PKIidType) api.OrgIdentityType {
cert, err := g.idMapper.Get(PKIID)
if err != nil {
return nil
return g.secAdvisor.OrgByPeerIdentity(cert)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateLeadershipMessage(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) error {
pkiID := msg.GetLeadershipMsg().PkiId
if len(pkiID) == 0 {
return errors.New("Empty PKI-ID")
identity, err := g.idMapper.Get(pkiID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to fetch PKI-ID from id-mapper")
return msg.Verify(identity, func(peerIdentity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
return g.mcs.Verify(identity, signature, message)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) validateStateInfoMsg(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) error {
verifier := func(identity []byte, signature, message []byte) error {
pkiID := g.idMapper.GetPKIidOfCert(api.PeerIdentityType(identity))
if pkiID == nil {
return errors.New("PKI-ID not found in identity mapper")
return g.idMapper.Verify(pkiID, signature, message)
identity, err := g.idMapper.Get(msg.GetStateInfo().PkiId)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return msg.Verify(identity, verifier)
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) disclosurePolicy(remotePeer *discovery.NetworkMember) (discovery.Sieve, discovery.EnvelopeFilter) {
remotePeerOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(remotePeer.PKIid)
if len(remotePeerOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Cannot determine organization of", remotePeer)
return func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
return false
}, func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) *proto.Envelope {
return msg.Envelope
return func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool {
if !msg.IsAliveMsg() {
g.logger.Panic("Programming error, this should be used only on alive messages")
org := g.getOrgOfPeer(msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.PkiId)
if len(org) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Unable to determine org of message", msg.GossipMessage)
// Don't disseminate messages who's origin org is unknown
return false
// Target org and the message are from the same org
fromSameForeignOrg := bytes.Equal(remotePeerOrg, org)
// The message is from my org
fromMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, org)
// Forward to target org only messages from our org, or from the target org itself.
if !(fromSameForeignOrg || fromMyOrg) {
return false
// Pass the alive message only if the alive message is in the same org as the remote peer
// or the message has an external endpoint, and the remote peer also has one
return bytes.Equal(org, remotePeerOrg) || msg.GetAliveMsg().Membership.Endpoint != "" && remotePeer.Endpoint != ""
}, func(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage) *proto.Envelope {
if !bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, remotePeerOrg) {
msg.SecretEnvelope = nil
return msg.Envelope
func (g *gossipServiceImpl) peersByOriginOrgPolicy(peer discovery.NetworkMember) filter.RoutingFilter {
peersOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(peer.PKIid)
if len(peersOrg) == 0 {
g.logger.Warning("Unable to determine organization of peer", peer)
// Don't disseminate messages who's origin org is undetermined
return filter.SelectNonePolicy
if bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, peersOrg) {
// Disseminate messages from our org to all known organizations.
// IMPORTANT: Currently a peer cannot un-join a channel, so the only way
// of making gossip stop talking to an organization is by having the MSP
// refuse validating messages from it.
return filter.SelectAllPolicy
// Else, select peers from the origin's organization,
// and also peers from our own organization
return func(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool {
memberOrg := g.getOrgOfPeer(member.PKIid)
if len(memberOrg) == 0 {
return false
isFromMyOrg := bytes.Equal(g.selfOrg, memberOrg)
return isFromMyOrg || bytes.Equal(memberOrg, peersOrg)
// partitionMessages receives a predicate and a slice of gossip messages
// and returns a tuple of two slices: the messages that hold for the predicate
// and the rest
func partitionMessages(pred common.MessageAcceptor, a []*emittedGossipMessage) ([]*emittedGossipMessage, []*emittedGossipMessage) {
s1 := []*emittedGossipMessage{}
s2 := []*emittedGossipMessage{}
for _, m := range a {
if pred(m) {
s1 = append(s1, m)
} else {
s2 = append(s2, m)
return s1, s2
// extractChannels returns a slice with all channels
// of all given GossipMessages
func extractChannels(a []*emittedGossipMessage) []common.ChainID {
channels := []common.ChainID{}
for _, m := range a {
if len(m.Channel) == 0 {
sameChan := func(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Equal(a.(common.ChainID), b.(common.ChainID))
if util.IndexInSlice(channels, common.ChainID(m.Channel), sameChan) == -1 {
channels = append(channels, common.ChainID(m.Channel))
return channels
马建仓 AI 助手
