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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package gossip
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// Gossip is the interface of the gossip component
type Gossip interface {
// SelfMembershipInfo returns the peer's membership information
SelfMembershipInfo() discovery.NetworkMember
// SelfChannelInfo returns the peer's latest StateInfo message of a given channel
SelfChannelInfo(common.ChainID) *proto.SignedGossipMessage
// Send sends a message to remote peers
Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)
// SendByCriteria sends a given message to all peers that match the given SendCriteria
SendByCriteria(*proto.SignedGossipMessage, SendCriteria) error
// GetPeers returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember
// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
// and also subscribed to the channel given
PeersOfChannel(common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember
// UpdateMetadata updates the self metadata of the discovery layer
// the peer publishes to other peers
UpdateMetadata(metadata []byte)
// UpdateLedgerHeight updates the ledger height the peer
// publishes to other peers in the channel
UpdateLedgerHeight(height uint64, chainID common.ChainID)
// UpdateChaincodes updates the chaincodes the peer publishes
// to other peers in the channel
UpdateChaincodes(chaincode []*proto.Chaincode, chainID common.ChainID)
// Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
Gossip(msg *proto.GossipMessage)
// PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
// only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
PeerFilter(channel common.ChainID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error)
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage)
// JoinChan makes the Gossip instance join a channel
JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, chainID common.ChainID)
// LeaveChan makes the Gossip instance leave a channel.
// It still disseminates stateInfo message, but doesn't participate
// in block pulling anymore, and can't return anymore a list of peers
// in the channel.
LeaveChan(chainID common.ChainID)
// SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
// any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
SuspectPeers(s api.PeerSuspector)
// IdentityInfo returns information known peer identities
IdentityInfo() api.PeerIdentitySet
// Stop stops the gossip component
// emittedGossipMessage encapsulates signed gossip message to compose
// with routing filter to be used while message is forwarded
type emittedGossipMessage struct {
filter func(id common.PKIidType) bool
// SendCriteria defines how to send a specific message
type SendCriteria struct {
Timeout time.Duration // Timeout defines the time to wait for acknowledgements
MinAck int // MinAck defines the amount of peers to collect acknowledgements from
MaxPeers int // MaxPeers defines the maximum number of peers to send the message to
IsEligible filter.RoutingFilter // IsEligible defines whether a specific peer is eligible of receiving the message
Channel common.ChainID // Channel specifies a channel to send this message on. \
// Only peers that joined the channel would receive this message
// String returns a string representation of this SendCriteria
func (sc SendCriteria) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("channel: %s, tout: %v, minAck: %d, maxPeers: %d", sc.Channel, sc.Timeout, sc.MinAck, sc.MaxPeers)
// Config is the configuration of the gossip component
type Config struct {
BindPort int // Port we bind to, used only for tests
ID string // ID of this instance
BootstrapPeers []string // Peers we connect to at startup
PropagateIterations int // Number of times a message is pushed to remote peers
PropagatePeerNum int // Number of peers selected to push messages to
MaxBlockCountToStore int // Maximum count of blocks we store in memory
MaxPropagationBurstSize int // Max number of messages stored until it triggers a push to remote peers
MaxPropagationBurstLatency time.Duration // Max time between consecutive message pushes
PullInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pull phases
PullPeerNum int // Number of peers to pull from
SkipBlockVerification bool // Should we skip verifying block messages or not
PublishCertPeriod time.Duration // Time from startup certificates are included in Alive messages
PublishStateInfoInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pushing state info messages to peers
RequestStateInfoInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pulling state info messages from peers
TLSCerts *common.TLSCertificates // TLS certificates of the peer
InternalEndpoint string // Endpoint we publish to peers in our organization
ExternalEndpoint string // Peer publishes this endpoint instead of SelfEndpoint to foreign organizations
TimeForMembershipTracker time.Duration // Determines time for polling with membershipTracker
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