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client.go 17.99 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package discovery
import (
gprotoext "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/protoext"
var configTypes = []protoext.QueryType{
// Client interacts with the discovery server
type Client struct {
createConnection Dialer
signRequest Signer
// NewRequest creates a new request
func NewRequest() *Request {
r := &Request{
invocationChainMapping: make(map[int][]InvocationChain),
queryMapping: make(map[protoext.QueryType]map[string]int),
Request: &discovery.Request{},
// pre-populate types
for _, queryType := range configTypes {
r.queryMapping[queryType] = make(map[string]int)
return r
// Request aggregates several queries inside it
type Request struct {
lastChannel string
lastIndex int
// map from query type to channel to expected index in response
queryMapping map[protoext.QueryType]map[string]int
// map from expected index in response to invocation chains
invocationChainMapping map[int][]InvocationChain
// AddConfigQuery adds to the request a config query
func (req *Request) AddConfigQuery() *Request {
ch := req.lastChannel
q := &discovery.Query_ConfigQuery{
ConfigQuery: &discovery.ConfigQuery{},
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, &discovery.Query{
Channel: ch,
Query: q,
req.addQueryMapping(protoext.ConfigQueryType, ch)
return req
// AddEndorsersQuery adds to the request a query for given chaincodes
// interests are the chaincode interests that the client wants to query for.
// All interests for a given channel should be supplied in an aggregated slice
func (req *Request) AddEndorsersQuery(interests ...*discovery.ChaincodeInterest) (*Request, error) {
if err := validateInterests(interests...); err != nil {
return nil, err
ch := req.lastChannel
q := &discovery.Query_CcQuery{
CcQuery: &discovery.ChaincodeQuery{
Interests: interests,
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, &discovery.Query{
Channel: ch,
Query: q,
var invocationChains []InvocationChain
for _, interest := range interests {
invocationChains = append(invocationChains, interest.Chaincodes)
req.addQueryMapping(protoext.ChaincodeQueryType, ch)
return req, nil
// AddLocalPeersQuery adds to the request a local peer query
func (req *Request) AddLocalPeersQuery() *Request {
q := &discovery.Query_LocalPeers{
LocalPeers: &discovery.LocalPeerQuery{},
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, &discovery.Query{
Query: q,
var ic InvocationChain
req.addQueryMapping(protoext.LocalMembershipQueryType, channnelAndInvocationChain("", ic))
return req
// AddPeersQuery adds to the request a peer query
func (req *Request) AddPeersQuery(invocationChain ...*discovery.ChaincodeCall) *Request {
ch := req.lastChannel
q := &discovery.Query_PeerQuery{
PeerQuery: &discovery.PeerMembershipQuery{
Filter: &discovery.ChaincodeInterest{
Chaincodes: invocationChain,
req.Queries = append(req.Queries, &discovery.Query{
Channel: ch,
Query: q,
var ic InvocationChain
if len(invocationChain) > 0 {
ic = InvocationChain(invocationChain)
req.addQueryMapping(protoext.PeerMembershipQueryType, channnelAndInvocationChain(ch, ic))
return req
func channnelAndInvocationChain(ch string, ic InvocationChain) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", ch, ic.String())
// OfChannel sets the next queries added to be in the given channel's context
func (req *Request) OfChannel(ch string) *Request {
req.lastChannel = ch
return req
func (req *Request) addChaincodeQueryMapping(invocationChains []InvocationChain) {
req.invocationChainMapping[req.lastIndex] = invocationChains
func (req *Request) addQueryMapping(queryType protoext.QueryType, key string) {
req.queryMapping[queryType][key] = req.lastIndex
// Send sends the request and returns the response, or error on failure
func (c *Client) Send(ctx context.Context, req *Request, auth *discovery.AuthInfo) (Response, error) {
reqToBeSent := *req.Request
reqToBeSent.Authentication = auth
payload, err := proto.Marshal(&reqToBeSent)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed marshaling Request to bytes")
sig, err := c.signRequest(payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed signing Request")
conn, err := c.createConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed connecting to discovery service")
cl := discovery.NewDiscoveryClient(conn)
resp, err := cl.Discover(ctx, &discovery.SignedRequest{
Payload: payload,
Signature: sig,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "discovery service refused our Request")
if n := len(resp.Results); n != req.lastIndex {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Sent %d queries but received %d responses back", req.lastIndex, n)
return req.computeResponse(resp)
type resultOrError interface {
type response map[key]resultOrError
type localResponse struct {
func (cr *localResponse) Peers() ([]*Peer, error) {
return parsePeers(protoext.LocalMembershipQueryType, cr.response, "")
type channelResponse struct {
channel string
func (cr *channelResponse) Config() (*discovery.ConfigResult, error) {
res, exists := cr.response[key{
queryType: protoext.ConfigQueryType,
k: cr.channel,
if !exists {
return nil, ErrNotFound
if config, isConfig := res.(*discovery.ConfigResult); isConfig {
return config, nil
return nil, res.(error)
func parsePeers(queryType protoext.QueryType, r response, channel string, invocationChain ...*discovery.ChaincodeCall) ([]*Peer, error) {
peerKeys := key{
queryType: queryType,
k: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", channel, InvocationChain(invocationChain).String()),
res, exists := r[peerKeys]
if !exists {
return nil, ErrNotFound
if peers, isPeers := res.([]*Peer); isPeers {
return peers, nil
return nil, res.(error)
func (cr *channelResponse) Peers(invocationChain ...*discovery.ChaincodeCall) ([]*Peer, error) {
return parsePeers(protoext.PeerMembershipQueryType, cr.response, cr.channel, invocationChain...)
func (cr *channelResponse) Endorsers(invocationChain InvocationChain, f Filter) (Endorsers, error) {
// If we have a key that has no chaincode field,
// it means it's an error returned from the service
if err, exists := cr.response[key{
queryType: protoext.ChaincodeQueryType,
k: cr.channel,
}]; exists {
return nil, err.(error)
// Else, the service returned a response that isn't an error
res, exists := cr.response[key{
queryType: protoext.ChaincodeQueryType,
k: cr.channel,
invocationChain: invocationChain.String(),
if !exists {
return nil, ErrNotFound
desc := res.(*endorsementDescriptor)
// We iterate over all layouts to find one that we have enough peers to select
for _, index := range rand.Perm(len(desc.layouts)) {
layout := desc.layouts[index]
endorsers, canLayoutBeSatisfied := selectPeersForLayout(desc.endorsersByGroups, layout, f)
if canLayoutBeSatisfied {
return endorsers, nil
return nil, errors.New("no endorsement combination can be satisfied")
type filter struct {
ef ExclusionFilter
ps PrioritySelector
// NewFilter returns an endorser filter that uses the given exclusion filter and priority selector
// to filter and sort the endorsers
func NewFilter(ps PrioritySelector, ef ExclusionFilter) Filter {
return &filter{
ef: ef,
ps: ps,
// Filter returns a filtered and sorted list of endorsers
func (f *filter) Filter(endorsers Endorsers) Endorsers {
return endorsers.Shuffle().Filter(f.ef).Sort(f.ps)
// NoFilter returns a noop Filter
var NoFilter = NewFilter(NoPriorities, NoExclusion)
func selectPeersForLayout(endorsersByGroups map[string][]*Peer, layout map[string]int, f Filter) (Endorsers, bool) {
var endorsers []*Peer
for grp, count := range layout {
endorsersOfGrp := f.Filter(Endorsers(endorsersByGroups[grp]))
// We couldn't select enough peers for this layout because the current group
// requires more peers than we have available to be selected
if len(endorsersOfGrp) < count {
return nil, false
endorsersOfGrp = endorsersOfGrp[:count]
endorsers = append(endorsers, endorsersOfGrp...)
// The current (randomly chosen) layout can be satisfied, so return it
// instead of checking the next one.
return endorsers, true
func (resp response) ForLocal() LocalResponse {
return &localResponse{
response: resp,
func (resp response) ForChannel(ch string) ChannelResponse {
return &channelResponse{
channel: ch,
response: resp,
type key struct {
queryType protoext.QueryType
k string
invocationChain string
func (req *Request) computeResponse(r *discovery.Response) (response, error) {
var err error
resp := make(response)
for configType, channel2index := range req.queryMapping {
switch configType {
case protoext.ConfigQueryType:
err = resp.mapConfig(channel2index, r)
case protoext.ChaincodeQueryType:
err = resp.mapEndorsers(channel2index, r, req.invocationChainMapping)
case protoext.PeerMembershipQueryType:
err = resp.mapPeerMembership(channel2index, r, protoext.PeerMembershipQueryType)
case protoext.LocalMembershipQueryType:
err = resp.mapPeerMembership(channel2index, r, protoext.LocalMembershipQueryType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, err
func (resp response) mapConfig(channel2index map[string]int, r *discovery.Response) error {
for ch, index := range channel2index {
config, err := protoext.ResponseConfigAt(r, index)
if config == nil && err == nil {
return errors.Errorf("expected QueryResult of either ConfigResult or Error but got %v instead", r.Results[index])
key := key{
queryType: protoext.ConfigQueryType,
k: ch,
if err != nil {
resp[key] = errors.New(err.Content)
resp[key] = config
return nil
func (resp response) mapPeerMembership(key2Index map[string]int, r *discovery.Response, qt protoext.QueryType) error {
for k, index := range key2Index {
membersRes, err := protoext.ResponseMembershipAt(r, index)
if membersRes == nil && err == nil {
return errors.Errorf("expected QueryResult of either PeerMembershipResult or Error but got %v instead", r.Results[index])
key := key{
queryType: qt,
k: k,
if err != nil {
resp[key] = errors.New(err.Content)
peers, err2 := peersForChannel(membersRes, qt)
if err2 != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err2, "failed constructing peer membership out of response")
resp[key] = peers
return nil
func peersForChannel(membersRes *discovery.PeerMembershipResult, qt protoext.QueryType) ([]*Peer, error) {
var peers []*Peer
for org, peersOfCurrentOrg := range membersRes.PeersByOrg {
for _, peer := range peersOfCurrentOrg.Peers {
aliveMsg, err := gprotoext.EnvelopeToGossipMessage(peer.MembershipInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshaling alive message")
var stateInfoMsg *gprotoext.SignedGossipMessage
if isStateInfoExpected(qt) {
stateInfoMsg, err = gprotoext.EnvelopeToGossipMessage(peer.StateInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshaling stateInfo message")
if err := validateStateInfoMessage(stateInfoMsg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed validating stateInfo message")
if err := validateAliveMessage(aliveMsg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed validating alive message")
peers = append(peers, &Peer{
MSPID: org,
Identity: peer.Identity,
AliveMessage: aliveMsg,
StateInfoMessage: stateInfoMsg,
return peers, nil
func isStateInfoExpected(qt protoext.QueryType) bool {
return qt != protoext.LocalMembershipQueryType
func (resp response) mapEndorsers(
channel2index map[string]int,
r *discovery.Response,
chaincodeQueryMapping map[int][]InvocationChain) error {
for ch, index := range channel2index {
ccQueryRes, err := protoext.ResponseEndorsersAt(r, index)
if ccQueryRes == nil && err == nil {
return errors.Errorf("expected QueryResult of either ChaincodeQueryResult or Error but got %v instead", r.Results[index])
if err != nil {
key := key{
queryType: protoext.ChaincodeQueryType,
k: ch,
resp[key] = errors.New(err.Content)
if err := resp.mapEndorsersOfChannel(ccQueryRes, ch, chaincodeQueryMapping[index]); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed assembling endorsers of channel %s", ch)
return nil
func (resp response) mapEndorsersOfChannel(ccRs *discovery.ChaincodeQueryResult, channel string, invocationChain []InvocationChain) error {
if len(ccRs.Content) < len(invocationChain) {
return errors.Errorf("expected %d endorsement descriptors but got only %d", len(invocationChain), len(ccRs.Content))
for i, desc := range ccRs.Content {
expectedCCName := invocationChain[i][0].Name
if desc.Chaincode != expectedCCName {
return errors.Errorf("expected chaincode %s but got endorsement descriptor for %s", expectedCCName, desc.Chaincode)
key := key{
queryType: protoext.ChaincodeQueryType,
k: channel,
invocationChain: invocationChain[i].String(),
descriptor, err := resp.createEndorsementDescriptor(desc, channel)
if err != nil {
return err
resp[key] = descriptor
return nil
func (resp response) createEndorsementDescriptor(desc *discovery.EndorsementDescriptor, channel string) (*endorsementDescriptor, error) {
descriptor := &endorsementDescriptor{
layouts: []map[string]int{},
endorsersByGroups: make(map[string][]*Peer),
for _, l := range desc.Layouts {
currentLayout := make(map[string]int)
descriptor.layouts = append(descriptor.layouts, currentLayout)
for grp, count := range l.QuantitiesByGroup {
if _, exists := desc.EndorsersByGroups[grp]; !exists {
return nil, errors.Errorf("group %s isn't mapped to endorsers, but exists in a layout", grp)
currentLayout[grp] = int(count)
for grp, peers := range desc.EndorsersByGroups {
var endorsers []*Peer
for _, p := range peers.Peers {
peer, err := endorser(p, desc.Chaincode, channel)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed creating endorser object")
endorsers = append(endorsers, peer)
descriptor.endorsersByGroups[grp] = endorsers
return descriptor, nil
func endorser(peer *discovery.Peer, chaincode, channel string) (*Peer, error) {
if peer.MembershipInfo == nil || peer.StateInfo == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("received empty envelope(s) for endorsers for chaincode %s, channel %s", chaincode, channel)
aliveMsg, err := gprotoext.EnvelopeToGossipMessage(peer.MembershipInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshaling gossip envelope to alive message")
stateInfMsg, err := gprotoext.EnvelopeToGossipMessage(peer.StateInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshaling gossip envelope to state info message")
if err := validateAliveMessage(aliveMsg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed validating alive message")
if err := validateStateInfoMessage(stateInfMsg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed validating stateInfo message")
sID := &msp.SerializedIdentity{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(peer.Identity, sID); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshaling peer's identity")
return &Peer{
Identity: peer.Identity,
StateInfoMessage: stateInfMsg,
AliveMessage: aliveMsg,
MSPID: sID.Mspid,
}, nil
type endorsementDescriptor struct {
endorsersByGroups map[string][]*Peer
layouts []map[string]int
// NewClient creates a new Client instance
func NewClient(createConnection Dialer, s Signer, signerCacheSize uint) *Client {
return &Client{
createConnection: createConnection,
signRequest: NewMemoizeSigner(s, signerCacheSize).Sign,
func validateAliveMessage(message *gprotoext.SignedGossipMessage) error {
am := message.GetAliveMsg()
if am == nil {
return errors.New("message isn't an alive message")
m := am.Membership
if m == nil {
return errors.New("membership is empty")
if am.Timestamp == nil {
return errors.New("timestamp is nil")
return nil
func validateStateInfoMessage(message *gprotoext.SignedGossipMessage) error {
si := message.GetStateInfo()
if si == nil {
return errors.New("message isn't a stateInfo message")
if si.Timestamp == nil {
return errors.New("timestamp is nil")
if si.Properties == nil {
return errors.New("properties is nil")
return nil
func validateInterests(interests ...*discovery.ChaincodeInterest) error {
if len(interests) == 0 {
return errors.New("no chaincode interests given")
for _, interest := range interests {
if interest == nil {
return errors.New("chaincode interest is nil")
if err := InvocationChain(interest.Chaincodes).ValidateInvocationChain(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InvocationChain aggregates ChaincodeCalls
type InvocationChain []*discovery.ChaincodeCall
// String returns a string representation of this invocation chain
func (ic InvocationChain) String() string {
s, _ := json.Marshal(ic)
return string(s)
// ValidateInvocationChain validates the InvocationChain's structure
func (ic InvocationChain) ValidateInvocationChain() error {
if len(ic) == 0 {
return errors.New("invocation chain should not be empty")
for _, cc := range ic {
if cc.Name == "" {
return errors.New("chaincode name should not be empty")
return nil
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