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commands.go 15.27 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
蒋佳李 提交于 2023-02-14 15:31 . 删除一些功能
package command
import (
The registry package is initialized here because it, in turn,
initializes the database plugins.
They register multiple database drivers for the "database/sql" package.
_ "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/builtin/registry"
auditFile "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/builtin/audit/file"
auditSyslog "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/builtin/audit/syslog"
credToken "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/builtin/credential/token"
credUserpass "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/builtin/credential/userpass"
physFile "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/sdk/physical/file"
physInmem "gitee.com/jiangjiali/vault/sdk/physical/inmem"
const (
// EnvVaultCLINoColor is an env var that toggles colored UI output.
// EnvVaultFormat is the output format
EnvVaultFormat = `VAULT_FORMAT`
// flagNameAddress is the flag used in the base command to read in the
// address of the Vault server.
flagNameAddress = "address"
// flagnameCACert is the flag used in the base command to read in the CA
// cert.
flagNameCACert = "ca-cert"
// flagnameCAPath is the flag used in the base command to read in the CA
// cert path.
flagNameCAPath = "ca-path"
//flagNameClientCert is the flag used in the base command to read in the
//client key
flagNameClientKey = "client-key"
//flagNameClientCert is the flag used in the base command to read in the
//client cert
flagNameClientCert = "client-cert"
// flagNameTLSSkipVerify is the flag used in the base command to read in
// the option to ignore TLS certificate verification.
flagNameTLSSkipVerify = "tls-skip-verify"
// flagNameAuditNonHMACRequestKeys is the flag name used for auth/secrets enable
flagNameAuditNonHMACRequestKeys = "audit-non-hmac-request-keys"
// flagNameAuditNonHMACResponseKeys is the flag name used for auth/secrets enable
flagNameAuditNonHMACResponseKeys = "audit-non-hmac-response-keys"
// flagNameDescription is the flag name used for tuning the secret and auth mount description parameter
flagNameDescription = "description"
// flagListingVisibility is the flag to toggle whether to show the mount in the UI-specific listing endpoint
flagNameListingVisibility = "listing-visibility"
// flagNamePassthroughRequestHeaders is the flag name used to set passthrough request headers to the backend
flagNamePassthroughRequestHeaders = "passthrough-request-headers"
// flagNameAllowedResponseHeaders is used to set allowed response headers from a plugin
flagNameAllowedResponseHeaders = "allowed-response-headers"
// flagNameTokenType is the flag name used to force a specific token type
flagNameTokenType = "token-type"
var (
auditBackends = map[string]audit.Factory{
"file": auditFile.Factory,
"syslog": auditSyslog.Factory,
credentialBackends = map[string]logical.Factory{
"plugin": plugin.Factory,
logicalBackends = map[string]logical.Factory{
"plugin": plugin.Factory,
physicalBackends = map[string]physical.Factory{
"file_transactional": physFile.NewTransactionalFileBackend,
"file": physFile.NewFileBackend,
"inmem_transactional": physInmem.NewTransactionalInmem,
"inmem": physInmem.NewInmem,
// Commands is the mapping of all the available commands.
var Commands map[string]cli.CommandFactory
func initCommands(ui, serverCmdUi cli.Ui, runOpts *RunOptions) {
loginHandlers := map[string]LoginHandler{
"token": &credToken.CLIHandler{},
"userpass": &credUserpass.CLIHandler{
DefaultMount: "userpass",
getBaseCommand := func() *BaseCommand {
return &BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
tokenHelper: runOpts.TokenHelper,
flagAddress: runOpts.Address,
client: runOpts.Client,
Commands = map[string]cli.CommandFactory{
"agent": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AgentCommand{
BaseCommand: &BaseCommand{
UI: serverCmdUi,
ShutdownCh: MakeShutdownCh(),
}, nil
"audit": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuditCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"audit disable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuditDisableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"audit enable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuditEnableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"audit list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuditListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"auth tune": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthTuneCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"auth": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"auth disable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthDisableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"auth enable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthEnableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"auth help": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthHelpCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
Handlers: loginHandlers,
}, nil
"auth list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AuthListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &DeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"lease": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LeaseCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"lease lookup": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LeaseLookupCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"lease renew": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LeaseRenewCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"lease revoke": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LeaseRevokeCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"login": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LoginCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
Handlers: loginHandlers,
}, nil
"namespace": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &NamespaceCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"namespace list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &NamespaceListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"namespace lookup": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &NamespaceLookupCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"namespace create": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &NamespaceCreateCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"namespace delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &NamespaceDeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator generate-root": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorGenerateRootCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator init": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorInitCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator key-status": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorKeyStatusCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator migrate": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorMigrateCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
PhysicalBackends: physicalBackends,
ShutdownCh: MakeShutdownCh(),
}, nil
"operator rekey": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorRekeyCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator rotate": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorRotateCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator seal": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorSealCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator step-down": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorStepDownCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"operator unseal": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorUnsealCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"path-help": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PathHelpCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin deregister": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginDeregisterCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin info": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginInfoCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin register": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginRegisterCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"plugin reload": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PluginReloadCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyDeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy fmt": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyFmtCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy read": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyReadCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"policy write": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PolicyWriteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"print": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PrintCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"print token": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &PrintTokenCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"read": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ReadCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets disable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsDisableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets enable": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsEnableCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets move": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsMoveCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"secrets tune": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SecretsTuneCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"server": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ServerCommand{
BaseCommand: &BaseCommand{
UI: serverCmdUi,
tokenHelper: runOpts.TokenHelper,
flagAddress: runOpts.Address,
AuditBackends: auditBackends,
CredentialBackends: credentialBackends,
LogicalBackends: logicalBackends,
PhysicalBackends: physicalBackends,
ShutdownCh: MakeShutdownCh(),
SighupCh: MakeSighupCh(),
SigUSR2Ch: MakeSigUSR2Ch(),
}, nil
"status": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &StatusCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token create": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenCreateCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token capabilities": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenCapabilitiesCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token lookup": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenLookupCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token renew": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenRenewCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"token revoke": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &TokenRevokeCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"unwrap": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &UnwrapCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"version": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &VersionCommand{
VersionInfo: version.GetVersion(),
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"write": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &WriteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv put": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVPutCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv patch": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVPatchCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv rollback": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVRollbackCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv get": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVGetCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVDeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv list": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVListCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv destroy": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVDestroyCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv undelete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVUndeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv enable-versioning": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVEnableVersioningCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv metadata": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVMetadataCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv metadata put": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVMetadataPutCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv metadata get": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVMetadataGetCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
"kv metadata delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVMetadataDeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: getBaseCommand(),
}, nil
// MakeShutdownCh returns a channel that can be used for shutdown
// notifications for commands. This channel will send a message for every
// SIGINT or SIGTERM received.
func MakeShutdownCh() chan struct{} {
resultCh := make(chan struct{})
shutdownCh := make(chan os.Signal, 4)
signal.Notify(shutdownCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
return resultCh
// MakeSighupCh returns a channel that can be used for SIGHUP
// reloading. This channel will send a message for every
// SIGHUP received.
func MakeSighupCh() chan struct{} {
resultCh := make(chan struct{})
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 4)
signal.Notify(signalCh, syscall.SIGHUP)
go func() {
for {
resultCh <- struct{}{}
return resultCh
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