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kazhafeizhale / Mcode4ahk

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McodeGen.ahk 10.14 KB
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kazhafeizhale 提交于 2021-12-20 23:51 . 2
/*! Adapted by TheGood, Updated by Rseding91
Last updated: September 3rd, 2011
;Check for command-line parameters
iParamCount = %0%
If (iParamCount){
;Get last parameter
sFile := %iParamCount%
optOpt := 1, optWarn := 0, optLang := (SubStr(sFile, -2) = "cpp" ? 2 : 1), optCompiler := 1
Loop % (iParamCount - 1) {
sParam := %A_Index%
If (sParam = "-minsize")
optOpt := 1
Else If (sParam = "-maxspeed")
optOpt := 2
Else If (sParam = "-c")
optLang := 1
Else If (sParam = "-cpp")
optLang := 2
Else If (sParam = "-notify")
bNotify := True
Else If (sParam = "-x86")
optCompiler := 1
Else If (sParam = "-x64")
optCompiler := 2
Else If (InStr(sParam, "-warn") = 1) And (s := SubStr(sParam, 6)) {
If s is integer
optWarn := s <= 4 ? s : optWarn
;Check if file exists
If (!FileExist(sFile)){
s = The file "%sFile%" does not exist.`nThe program will now exit.
If (!bNotify)
MsgBox, 0x1010, MCodeGen, %s%
Else {
TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 3
Sleep, 5000
;Check for a Visual Studio installation (and retrieve the highest installation if multiple)
sVS := 0
Loop, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7, 0
If A_LoopRegName is number
If (A_LoopRegName > sVS And A_LoopRegName != 11.0)
sVS := A_LoopRegName
; If (!sVS Or sVS < 8){
; s := "You do not have Visual Studio 2005 or more recent installed.`nYou can install the VS C++ Express for free from`nhttp://www.microsoft.com/express/`n`nThe program will now exit."
; If (!bNotify)
; MsgBox, 0x1010, MCodeGen, %s%
; Else {
; TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 3
; Sleep, 5000
; }
; ExitApp
; }
;Get value
; RegRead, sVS, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7, %sVS%
sVS := "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\"
;Make sure vcvarsall.bat exist
sBAT := sVS "vcvarsall.bat"
If (!FileExist(sBAT)){
s := "vcvarsall.bat is missing!`nThe program will now exit."
If (!bNotify)
MsgBox, 0x1010, MCodeGen, %s%
Else {
TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 3
Sleep, 5000
;Check if we're doing command-line or GUI
If (iParamCount)
Goto, Create
SetWorkingDir, %A_Temp%
FileRead, sCode, code.c
sCode := sCode ? sCode : "MyFunction() {`n`treturn 42;`n}"
Gui, Font, s10, Courier New
Gui, Font, s10, Inconsolata
Gui, Font, s10, Consolas
Gui, Add, Edit, xm w700 r20 T8 WantTab HScroll VScroll vtxtCode -wrap, %sCode%
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Text, Section, Optimization:
Gui, Add, Radio, voptOpt Checked, Optimize for size
Gui, Add, Radio,, % "Optimize for speed"
Gui, Add, Text, ys Section, % "Code language:"
Gui, Add, Radio, voptLang Checked, C
Gui, Add, Radio,, C++
; GuiControl,Disable,C++
Gui, Add, Text, ys Section, Warnings:
Gui, Add, Radio, voptWarn Checked, Level 0
Gui, Add, Radio,, Level 1
Gui, Add, Radio, ys -0x10000000,
Gui, Add, Radio,, Level 2
Gui, Add, Radio,, Level 3
Gui, Add, Radio, ys -0x10000000,
Gui, Add, Radio,, Level 4
Gui, Add, Text, ys Section, Platform/Compiler:
Gui, Add, Radio, Group Checked voptCompiler, x86
Gui, Add, Radio,, x64
Gui, Add, Text, ys, MCodeStyle:
Gui, Add, Radio, vMCodeStyle Checked, Laszlo
Gui, Add, Radio,, Bentschi
Gui, Add, Button, xm w450 gbtnCreate, Create machine code!
Gui, Show,, MCodeGen
GuiControl, Focus, txtCode
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Gui, Submit, NoHide
If (optWarn = 4 or optWarn = 5)
optWarn --
Else if (optWarn = 7)
optWarn -= 2
optWarn --
SetWorkingDir, %A_Temp%
If (iParamCount){
;Get absolute path
If (DllCall("shlwapi\PathIsRelative" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), "uint", &sFile)) {
n := DllCall("GetFullPathName", "uint", &sFile, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
, VarSetCapacity(sAbs, A_IsUnicode ? n*2 : n)
, DllCall("GetFullPathName", "uint", &sFile, "uint", n, "str", sAbs, "uint*", iName)
, sName := DllCall("MulDiv", "int", iName, "int", 1, "int", 1, "str")
, sFile := sAbs
} Else {
FileDelete, code.c ;Save code to a temporary file
FileAppend, %txtCode%, code.c
sFile := "code.c"
; If (optLang = 2){
; s := "This version of the Mcode gen script does not support C++ compilation at the moment.`r`nIf you want C++ compilation please post (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic59593.html).`r`nElse, I have no plan to get it working."
; If (!bNotify)
; MsgBox, 0x1010, MCodeGen, %s%
; Else {
; TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 3
; Sleep, 5000
; }
; }
; If (optCompiler = 2){
; ;Prep the parameters
; sCompileBAT := """" sVS "bin\amd64\cl.exe" """" (optLang = 1 ? " /TC " : " /TP ") """" A_Temp "\" sFile """" " /c /FAc /Fa" """" A_Temp "\code.cod" """" " /Ox /W" optWarn " > " """" A_Temp "\out.txt" """"
; sRunBAT := "compile.bat >> out.txt"
; } Else {
;Prep the parameters
sCompiler := optCompiler = 1 ? "x86" : "x64"
, sParams := (optLang = 1 ? "/TC" : "/TP" ) " /c /FAc /Facode.cod /Ox /W" optWarn
sCompileBAT =
( LTrim
@echo off
call "%sBAT%" %sCompiler%
cl %sParams% "%sFile%"
sRunBAT := "compile.bat >> out.txt"
; }
FileDelete, compile.bat
FileAppend, %sCompileBAT%, compile.bat
FileDelete, out.txt
FileDelete, code.cod
FileDelete, code.obj
; MsgBox % sCompileBAT "`n" sRunBAT
If (optCompiler = 2){
; IfNotExist,%sVS%bin\amd64\cl.exe
; FileAppend,File Missing : error C???? the x64 compiler is missing.`r`n,%A_Temp%\out.txt
; Else
RunWait, %sRunBAT%,, Hide
} Else
RunWait, %sRunBAT%,, Hide
iErr := ""
, iWarn := ""
FileRead, Out, out.txt
If (InStr(A_LoopField,": warning C"))
iWarn .= iWarn ? "`r`n" A_LoopField : A_LoopField
Else If (InStr(A_LoopField,": error C"))
iErr .= iErr ? "`r`n" A_LoopField : A_LoopField
If (iWarn){
FileDelete, warnings.txt
FileAppend, %iWarn%, warnings.txt
Run, warnings.txt
If (iErr){
s := "Compiling failed!"
If (optCompiler = 2 and optLang = 1){
FileDelete, errors.txt
FileAppend, %iErr%, errors.txt
Run, errors.txt
} Else
Run, out.txt
If (!bNotify)
MsgBox, 0x1010, MCodeGen, %s%
Else {
TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 3
Sleep, 5000
If (iParamCount)
;Read the code listing
RunWait, notepad code.cod
FileRead, sCode, code.cod
;Extract function
p := 0
, Clipboard := ""
; get the part between PROC to ENDP, with the same function name at the beginning and end
log.info("code :" sCode)
while (p := RegExMatch(sCode, "ms)^([\w#@?]+)\sPROC.*(?=\r?\n\1\s+ENDP)", hex, p+1)){
log.info("choose cod file txt ,p = ", p)
sFunc%A_Index%_Name := hex1
; remove the first line ("PROC" line)
hex := RegExReplace(hex, "^.*+")
; remove lines that start with ; or $
hex := RegExReplace(hex, "m)^\s*[;$].*(\r?+\n)?+")
; get all contiguous groups of 2 hex digits
hex := RegExReplace(hex, "m)(?(DEFINE)(?<x>[0-9a-fA-F]))^\s*(?:(?&x){5,})?\s+(?<h>(?:\b(?&x){2} ?)+).*", "${h}")
; replace all whitespace
hex := RegExReplace(hex, "\s+")
, sFunc%A_Index% := hex
StringUpper, sFunc%A_Index%, sFunc%A_Index%
If (optCompiler = 1)
sFunc%A_Index%_Name := SubStr(sFunc%A_Index%_Name,2)
If (optCompiler = 2 and optLang = 2)
sFunc%A_Index%_Name := SubStr(sFunc%A_Index%_Name,2)
If (MCodeStyle=2) {
sFunc%A_Index% := Hex2Base64(sFunc%A_Index%)
Clipboard .= "MCode(" sFunc%A_Index%_Name ", ""2,x" (optCompiler=1?"86":"64") ":" sFunc%A_Index% """)`r`n"
} Else
Clipboard .= "MCode(" sFunc%A_Index%_Name ", ""1,x" (optCompiler=1?"86":"64") ":" sFunc%A_Index% """)`r`n"
sFunc%A_Index%_Name := "", sFunc%A_Index% := ""
MsgBox %Clipboard%
s := (iParamCount ? sName : "The code") " has been successfully compiled!`nThe machine code has been placed on the clipboard."
If (!bNotify){
MsgBox, 0x44, MCodeGen, %s%`n`nWould you like to see the log?
IfMsgBox, Yes
Run, out.txt
} Else {
TrayTip, MCodeGen, %s%,, 1
Sleep, 5000
If (iParamCount) ;Check if we were called from command-line
Hex2Base64(hex) {
VarSetCapacity(out,-1) ; Strip everything after first null byte
;return SubStr(out,1,sz) ; Strip garbage at the end
return out
Base64enc( ByRef OutData, ByRef InData, InDataLen ) { ; by SKAN
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString","UInt",&InData,"UInt",InDataLen,"UInt",0x40000001,"UInt",0,"UIntP",TChars,"CDECL Int")
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString","UInt",&InData,"UInt",InDataLen,"UInt",0x40000001,"Str",OutData,"UIntP",Req,"CDECL Int")
Return TChars
; BinaryToString() / StringToBinary() from laszlo, updated by joedf
; http://ahkscript.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=304556#304556
; fmt = 1:base64, 4:hex-table, 5:hex+ASCII, 10:offs+hex, 11:offs+hex+ASCII, 12:raw-hex
StringToBinary(ByRef bin, hex, fmt=12) { ; return length, result in bin
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary","Str",hex,"UInt",StrLen(hex),"UInt",fmt,"Ptr",0,"UInt*",cp,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"CDECL UInt") ; get size
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary","Str",hex,"UInt",StrLen(hex),"UInt",fmt,"Ptr",&bin,"UInt*",cp,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"CDECL UInt")
Return cp
MCode(ByRef code, hex) {
dwFlags:={1:4, 2:1}, c:=(A_PtrSize=8)?"x64":"x86", Ptr:=A_PtrSize?"UPtr":"UInt", PtrP:=Ptr . "*"
If (!RegExMatch(hex, "i)^([12]),(" c ":|.*?," c ":)([^,]+)", m))
If (hex~="i)^[\dA-F]+$")
m1:=1, m3:=hex
If (!DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "Str", m3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", dwFlags[m1], "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", s, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0))
DllCall("VirtualProtect", Ptr, &code, Ptr, s, "UInt", 0x40, PtrP, 0)
If (DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "Str", m3, "UInt", 0, "UInt", dwFlags[m1], "Ptr", &code, "UInt*", s, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0))
Return s
