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kerrydu / xtplfc_Stata

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kerrydu 提交于 2020-06-15 15:47 . submit to SJ2020-6-15
*! version 7.0.1
* 2020-6-15
*! version 7.0
* 2019-8-26
* change cvtwo option to tenfoldcv
* bugs fix
*! version 6.0.5
* 2019-01-25
*By Kerry Du
cap program drop xtdplfc
program define xtdplfc, eclass prop(xt)
version 14
if replay()& "`e(cmd)'"=="xtdplfc" {
ereturn display
syntax varlist, GENerate(string) Uvars(varlist) [Zvars(varlist) endox(varlist) ENDOZflag(numlist integer >0) ///
ivx(varlist) lags(integer 1) lagyinz(numlist integer >0) ONLYivxz ///
Ivtype(numlist integer >=0 ) NKnots(numlist integer >=2) power(numlist integer >0) ///
grid(string) pctile(integer 0) brep(integer 200) QUANtile ///
level(integer 95) WILD predict(string) ivz(string) TE ///
MINNKnots(numlist integer >=2) MAXNKnots(numlist integer >=2) NODOTS FAST TENfoldcv]
*check the required packages
capture which lmoremata.mlib
local rc=_rc
if (`rc') {
display as error "{bf:xtplfc} requires {bf:moremata}"
exit 198
capture which bspline
local rc = _rc
if (`rc') {
display as error "{bf:xtplfc} requires {bf:bspline}"
exit 198
capture which lrcov
local rc = _rc
if (`rc') {
display as error "{bf:xtplfc} requires {bf:lrcov}"
exit 198
qui mata mata mlib index
xtdplfc_fast `varlist', generate(`generate') uvars(`uvars') zvars(`zvars') endox(`endox') ///
endozflag(`endozflag') ivx(`ivx') lags(`lags') lagyinz(`lagyinz') `onlyivxz' ///
ivtype(`ivtype') nknots(`nknots') power(`power') ///
grid(`grid') pctile(`pctile') brep(`brep') `quantile' ///
level(`level') `wild' predict(`predict') `te' ///
minnknots(`minnknots') maxnknots(`maxnknots') `nodots' ivz(`ivz') `tenfoldcv'
if `lags'<1{
display as error "No lag dependent variables included."
display as error "Use xtplfc or ivxtplfc instead."
local nz0: word count `zvars'
local nu: word count `uvars'
local comv: list zvars & uvars
if "`comv'"!=""{
di as error "`comv' included in both covariates and functions"
di as error "Check zvars() and uvars()"
exit 198
gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist
****Analyze the time structure
allocy `depvar',lags(`lags') lagyinz(`lagyinz')
local Dy1inx `r(Dy1inx)'
local laby1inx `r(laby1inx)'
local Doyinx `r(Doyinx)'
local oyinx `r(oyinx)'
local laboyinx `r(laboyinx)'
local laby1inz `r(laby1inz)'
local oyinz `r(oyinz)'
local laboyinz `r(laboyinz)'
local yinz `r(yinz)'
local yinx `r(yinx)'
local nyinz: word count `yinz'
local nz=`nz0'+`nyinz'
if `nz'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of variables in uvars() not equal to that specified by zvars() and lagyinz() "
***Add lagyinz in the front of zvars
local zvars `laby1inz' `laboyinz' `zvars'
if `"`ivz'"'!=""{
checkivz `ivz'
local ivzlist `r(ivlist)'
local ivuflag `r(uflag)'
local ivztypelist `r(typelist)'
foreach v of local ivuflag{
if `v'>`nz'{
di as error "Error in ivz()"
di as error "# specified by uflag() > # of variables in uvars()"
if "`endozflag'"!=""{
numlist "`endozflag'",sort
local endozflag `r(numlist)'
local endozflag: list uniq endozflag
foreach v of local endozflag{
if `v'>`nz'{
di as error "Error in endozflag()/lagyinz()"
di as error "# specified by endozflag()/lagyinz() > # of variables in uvars()"
if `v'<`nyinz'{
di as error "The first `nyinz' variables in uvars() interact with the lags of depvar specified by lagyinz()"
di as error "The # in endozflag() should be > `nyinz'"
if "`lagyinz'"!=""{
local endozflag2 1 `endozflag' // adding the first lag of depvar
local endozflag2 `endozflag'
//local endozfalg2: list uniq endozflag2
//index the uvars
qui numlist "1/`nu'"
local allflags=r(numlist)
local exgozflag: list allflags - endozflag2
local nendoz: word count `endozflag2'
if "`ivtype'"==""{
forv i=1/`nendoz'{
local ivtype `ivtype' 1 // by default
local nivtype: word count `ivtype'
if `nivtype'!=`nendoz'{
di as error "# of integer in ivtype()!= # of variables specified by endozflag() and lagyiz()"
//mata: ivtype=tokens(st_local("ivtype"))
if `"`endox'"'!="" & "`ivx'"==""{
disp as error "Instruments should be provided for variables in endox()."
disp as error "Using ivx()."
exit 198
local vcetype=cond("`wild'"=="","Clustered Bootstrap","Wild Bootstrap")
if `"`predict'"'!=""{
cap checkpredict `predict'
if _rc{
disp as error "Errors in predict( ),"
checkpredict `predict'
local pname `r(pname)'
local replace `r(replace)'
local noai `r(noai)'
if `"`predict'"'!=""& "`replace'"=="" {
confirm new variable `pname'
if "`grid'"=="" & `pctile'!=0 {
display as error "{bf:pctile(#)} should be combined with {bf:grid(newvarname)}."
if "`maxnknots'"!="" & "`nknots'"!="" {
di "{err}specify {bf:maxnknots(#)} or {bf:nknots(#)}, " ///
"not both"
* powermat nknotsmat maxnknotsmat minnknotsmat nknots4cv nsplinesmat nknots4cv
tempname powermat nknotsmat maxnknotsmat minnknotsmat mxmi nsplinesmat nknots4cv
if "`power'"==""{
//disp "By default, the number of power (degree) is set to 3 for all functions."
mat `powermat'=J(1,`nu',3)
mata: powermat=st_matrix("`powermat'")
local npow: word count `power'
if `npow'!=`nu' {
di as error "# of integers in power() != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: powermat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("power")))
mata: st_matrix("`powermat'",powermat)
if "`maxnknots'"=="" & "`nknots'"!="" {
local nk0: word count `nknots'
if `nk0'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of integers in knots() != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: nknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("nknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`nknotsmat'",nknotsmat)
if "`maxnknots'"=="" & "`nknots'"=="" {
mat `nknotsmat'=J(1,`nz',2)
mata: nknotsmat=st_matrix("`nknotsmat'")
//disp "By default, # of knots is set to 2 for all functions."
if "`maxnknots'"!=""{
local nmaxnk: word count `maxnknots'
if `nmaxnk'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of integers in maxnknots != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: maxnknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("maxnknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`maxnknotsmat'",maxnknotsmat)
if "`minnknots'"!=""&"`maxnknots'"==""{
di as error "To use LSCV, maxnknots() should be specified."
if "`minnknots'"!=""{
local nminnk: word count `minnknots'
if `nminnk'!=`nz'{
di as error "# of integers in minnknots != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: minnknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("minnknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`minnknotsmat'",minnknotsmat)
mata: st_numscalar("`mxmi'",minnknotsmat<=maxnknotsmat)
if `mxmi'!=1{
di as error "Minimum # of knots > Maximum # of knots."
di as error "Check minnknots() and maxnknots()."
mata: minnknotsmat=J(1,`nz',2)
mata: st_matrix("`minnknotsmat'",minnknotsmat)
if "`maxnknots'"!=""{
//mata: nsplines=maxnknotsmat+powermat
//mata: st_matrix("`nsplinesmat'",nsplines)
mat `nsplinesmat'=`maxnknotsmat'+`powermat'
mata: nknots4cv=combmat(maxnknotsmat,minnknotsmat)
mata: st_matrix("`nknots4cv'",nknots4cv)
mat `nsplinesmat'=`nknotsmat'+`powermat'
*deal with collinearity
local comv: list indepvars | endox
local exgox: list comv - endox
local comv: list comv & zvars
if !(`"`comv'"'==""){
disp as red "`comv' included in both linear and nonlinear variable lists."
exit 198
if `"`endox'"'!=""&`"`exgox'"'!=""{
getcinfo2list, alist(`endox') blist(`exgox')
local endox `r(cname1)'
local exgox `r(cname2)'
else if `"`endox'"'==""&`"`exgox'"'!=""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`exgox')
local exgox `r(cnames)'
else if `"`endox'"'!=""&`"`exgox'"'==""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`endox')
local endox `r(cnames)'
if "`ivx'"!=""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`ivx')
local ivx `r(cnames)'
local xvars `endox' `exgox'
* construct IVs
if "`onlyivxz'"==""{
local ivtypecopy `ivtype'
if "`laby1inz'"!=""{
local ivzlist L2.`depvar' `ivzlist'
local ivuflag 1 `ivuflag'
gettoken ivtemp ivtypecopy: ivtypecopy
local ivztypelist `ivtemp' `ivztypelist'
local ivx L2.`depvar' `ivx'
foreach v of local endox{
local ivx `ivx' L2.`v'
foreach v of local endozflag{
local zv: word `v' of `zvars'
local ivzlist `ivzlist' L2.`zv'
local ivuflag `ivuflag' `endozflag'
local ivztypelist `ivztypelist' `ivtypecopy'
local ivlist `ivx'
local ivzlistcopy `ivzlist'
local ivztypelistcopy `ivztypelist'
foreach uk of local ivuflag{
gettoken zk ivzlistcopy: ivzlistcopy
gettoken ivk ivztypelistcopy: ivztypelistcopy
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
local ivname `zk'*L`ivk'.[Splines(`uk0')]
local ivname=subinstr(`"`ivname'"',"L0.[","L.[",.)
local ivlist `ivlist' `ivname'
local vlabel=cond("`grid'"=="","observed","grid")
local qflag=cond("`quantile'"=="",1,0)
* check new generating vars
if `"`grid'"'!=""{
local k=1
foreach uk of local uvars{
confirm new variable `grid'_`k'
qui gen `grid'_`k'=.
if `pctile'==0{
local upctile = 100 - `pctile'
su `uk',meanonly
local gmin=r(min)
local gmax=r(max)
local upctile = 100 - `pctile'
_pctile `uk', p(`pctile' `upctile')
local gmin=r(r1)
local gmax=r(r2)
label var `grid'_`k' "Grid points of `uk' over [`pctile'-`upctile'] percentiles"
local k=`k'+1
local zvars2name
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
if `"`zk'"'==`"L.`depvar'"'{
local zkname L1_`depvar'
local zkname=strtoname(`"`zk'"',1)
local zvars2name `zvars2name' `zkname'
confirm new variable `generate'_`zkname'
confirm new variable `generate'_`zkname'_sd
qui gen `generate'_`zkname'=.
qui gen `generate'_`zkname'_sd=.
label var `generate'_`zkname' `"Estimated g(`uk0') at the `vlabel' points w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
label var `generate'_`zkname'_sd `"`vcetype' S.E. of g(`uk0') w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
if `"`zk'"'==`"L.`depvar'"'{
local zkname L1_`depvar'
local zkname=strtoname(`"`zk'"',1)
local zvars2name `zvars2name' `zkname'
confirm new variable `generate'_`uk'
confirm new variable `generate'_`uk'_sd
qui gen `generate'_`uk'=.
qui gen `generate'_`uk'_sd=.
label var `generate'_`uk' `"Estimated g(`uk0') at the `vlabel' points w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
label var `generate'_`uk'_sd `"`vcetype' S.E. of g(`uk0') w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
//fill the gap
tempvar dataflag
qui gen `dataflag'=1
qui tsfill,full
//continuous id and time
tempvar cid ctime
qui egen `cid'=group(`id')
qui egen `ctime'=group(`time')
qui tab `cid', nofreq
local nid=r(r)
qui tab `ctime',nofreq
local ntime=r(r)
local te=cond("`te'"=="",0,`ntime'-1)
//continuous id and time
tempvar cid ctime
qui egen `cid'=group(`id')
qui egen `ctime'=group(`time')
// Rectangularize the data
// Note: For survey data, there might be year gaps which must not be filled in.
// re-xtset before using tsfill
qui xtset `cid' `ctime'
tempvar dataflag
qui gen `dataflag'=1
qui tsfill,full
//qui tab `cid', nofreq
//local nid=r(r)
//qui tab `ctime',nofreq
//local ntime=r(r)
qui xtset
if r(balanced)!="strongly balanced" {
noi display as error "{bf:xtplfc} needs strongly balanced panel, use {bf:tsfill, full} to rectangularize your data!."
local id=r(panelvar)
local time=r(timevar)
local tdelta=r(tdelta)
//continuous id and time
tempvar cid ctime
qui egen `cid'=group(`id')
qui egen `ctime'=group(`time')
qui count if `ctime'==`ctime'[1]
local nid=r(N)
qui count if `cid'==`cid'[1]
local ntime=r(N)
local te=cond("`te'"=="",0,`ntime'-1)
sort `id' `time'
qui count if `time'-`time'[_n-1]!=`tdelta' & `cid'==`cid'[_n-1]
local gaps=r(N)
if `gaps'!=0{
noi di as error `"`time' is regularly spaced, but does not have intervals of 1"'
local labtematrix
forv j=1/`te'{
local temp=`time'[`j']
local labtematrix `labtematrix' _I`time'_`temp'
if `te'>0{
mata: tematrix=gendtime(`nid',`te')
mata: _sttempvar("tematrix",tematrix)
**********define tempvar for regression
forv k=1/`nz'{
local nspline=`nsplinesmat'[1,`k']
forv j=1/`nspline'{
tempvar sp`k'_`j'
local uk: word `k' of `uvars'
su `uk',meanonly
local min_`k'=r(min)
local max_`k'=r(max)
forv j=1/`nu'{
local uj: word `j' of `uvars'
su `uj',meanonly
local min_`j'=r(min)
local max_`j'=r(max)
if "`nodots'"!=""{
local nodots qui
local Dexgox
foreach v of local exgox {
local Dexgox `Dexgox' D.`v'
local Dendox
foreach v of local endox {
local Dendox `Dendox' D.`v'
local Dexgox2 `Dexgox' `tematrix'
//qui xtset
if "`maxnknots'"!=""{
qui putmata U=(`uvars'),replace
tempvar ehat_sq yhat
tempname mse
disp as green "Using Cross-Validation to determine the optimal number of knots..."
local nnknots=rowsof(`nknots4cv')
mat `mse'=J(`nnknots',1,.)
qui gen `ehat_sq'=.
if "`tenfoldcv'"!=""{
// Faster computation for CV
// The idea is originated from the npivcv command by Dongwoo Kim (University College London)
local rngstate = c(rngstate) // record the ranom state
set seed 1004
tempvar splitdummy
qui splitsample if `ctime'==`ctime'[1], gen(`splitdummy') n(10)
qui bys `cid' (`ctime'): replace `splitdummy'=`splitdummy'[_n-1] if _n>1
set seed `rngstate'
//qui xtset
forvalues kk=1/`nnknots'{
**generating spline bases
local splines
forv ii=1/`nu' {
local nknot`ii'=`nknots4cv'[`kk',`ii']
local power_`ii'=`powermat'[1,`ii']
mata: _gknotlist("klist`ii'", `qflag', U[.,`ii'], `nknot`ii'',`power_`ii'')
local sp`ii'
local nspline=`nknot`ii''+`power_`ii''
forv zi=1/`nspline'{
local sp`ii' `sp`ii'' `sp`ii'_`zi''
local uii: word `ii' of `uvars'
qui bspline `sp`ii'', xvar(`uii') knots(`klist`ii'') power(`power_`ii'') noexknot
local splines `splines' `sp`ii''
qui xtset `id' `time'
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local HZ`uk'
local lHZ`uk'
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
foreach uki of local sp`uk'{
tempvar z`uki'
qui gen `z`uki''=`zk'*`uki'
local HZ`uk' `HZ`uk'' D.`z`uki''
local lHZ`uk' `lHZ`uk'' `z`uki''
local DEXGZ
local EXGZ
foreach uk of local exgozflag {
local DEXGZ `DEXGZ' `HZ`uk''
local EXGZ `EXGZ' `lHZ`uk''
local DENDZ
local ENDZ
foreach uk of local endozflag2 {
local DENDZ `DENDZ' `HZ`uk''
local ENDZ `ENDZ' `lHZ`uk''
local instz
local IVZs `ivztypelist'
local ivzlistcopy `ivzlist'
foreach uk of local ivuflag{
gettoken zk ivzlistcopy: ivzlistcopy
local zn=subinstr(`"`zk'"',".","",.)
gettoken zktype IVZs: IVZs
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
foreach uki of local sp`uk' {
tempvar I`zn'`uki'
qui gen `I`zn'`uki''=`zk'*L`zktype'.`uki'
local instz `instz' `I`zn'`uki''
if "`tenfoldcv'"==""{
forvalues jt=1/`nid' {
qui ivregress 2sls D.`depvar' (`Dy1inx' `Dendox' `DENDZ' = `ivx' `instz' ) ///
`DEXGZ' `Doyinx' `Dexgox2' if `cid'~=`jt', noconstant
qui predict `yhat' if `cid'==`jt',xb
qui replace `ehat_sq'=(D.`depvar'-`yhat')^2 if `cid'==`jt'
qui cap drop `yhat'
qui xtset `id' `time'
forvalues jt=1/10 {
qui ivregress 2sls D.`depvar' (`Dy1inx' `Dendox' `DENDZ' = `ivx' `instz' ) ///
`DEXGZ' `Doyinx' `Dexgox2' if `splitdummy'!=`jt', noconstant
qui predict `yhat' if `splitdummy'==`jt',xb
qui replace `ehat_sq'=(D.`depvar'-`yhat')^2 if `splitdummy'==`jt'
qui cap drop `yhat'
qui su `ehat_sq' if ~missing(`ehat_sq')
mat `mse'[`kk',1]=r(sum)/r(N)
cap drop `ENDZ'
cap drop `EXGZ'
cap drop `splines'
cap drop `instz'
`nodots' displaydot, dot(`kk')
mata: minpos=_minpos(st_matrix("`mse'"))
mata: nknotsmat=nknots4cv[minpos,.]
mata: st_matrix("`nknotsmat'",nknotsmat)
local i=1
foreach uj of local uvars{
local ujk: word `i' of `zvars'
disp as green "The optimal number of knots w.r.t. `ujk'*g(`uj') is " `=`nknotsmat'[1,`i']' "."
local i=`i'+1
qui putmata U=(`uvars'),replace
mat `nsplinesmat' =`nknotsmat'+`powermat'
mata: nsplinesmat=st_matrix("`nsplinesmat'")
mata: bzindex=0,cumsum(nsplinesmat)
tempname bzindex
mata: st_matrix("`bzindex'",bzindex)
local N=_N
local splines
local splines
forv ii=1/`nu' {
local nknot`ii'=`nknotsmat'[1,`ii']
local power_`ii'=`powermat'[1,`ii']
mata: _gknotlist("klist`ii'", `qflag', U[.,`ii'], `nknot`ii'',`power_`ii'')
local sp`ii'
local nspline=`nknot`ii''+`power_`ii''
forv zi=1/`nspline'{
local sp`ii' `sp`ii'' `sp`ii'_`zi''
local uii: word `ii' of `uvars'
qui bspline `sp`ii'', xvar(`uii') knots(`klist`ii'') power(`power_`ii'') noexknot
local splines `splines' `sp`ii''
local knotlist_`ii' `r(knots)'
sort `id' `time'
qui putmata HH=(`splines'),replace
//qui xtset
qui xtset `id' `time'
local Zalls
local lablHZ
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local HZ`uk'
local lHZ`uk'
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
local j=1
foreach uki of local sp`uk'{
tempvar z`uki'
qui gen `z`uki''=`zk'*`uki'
local HZ`uk' `HZ`uk'' D.`z`uki''
local lHZ`uk' `lHZ`uk'' `z`uki''
local lablHZ `lablHZ' `zk'*S(`uk0')_`j'
local j=`j'+1
local Zalls `Zalls' `HZ`uk''
local DEXGZ
local EXGZ
foreach uk of local exgozflag {
local DEXGZ `DEXGZ' `HZ`uk''
local EXGZ `EXGZ' `lHZ`uk''
local DENDZ
local ENDZ
foreach uk of local endozflag2 {
local DENDZ `DENDZ' `HZ`uk''
local ENDZ `ENDZ' `lHZ`uk''
local instz
local IVZs `ivztypelist'
local ivzlistcopy `ivzlist'
foreach uk of local ivuflag{
gettoken zk ivzlistcopy: ivzlistcopy
local zn=subinstr(`"`zk'"',".","",.)
gettoken zktype IVZs: IVZs
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
foreach uki of local sp`uk' {
tempvar I`zn'`uki'
qui gen `I`zn'`uki''=`zk'*L`zktype'.`uki'
local instz `instz' `I`zn'`uki''
qui ivregress 2sls D.`depvar' (`Dy1inx' `Dendox' `DENDZ' = `ivx' `instz' ) ///
`DEXGZ' `Doyinx' `Dexgox2', noconstant
local Xalls `Dy1inx' `Doyinx' `Dendox' `Dexgox2'
local nbxs: word count `Xalls'
local allreg `Dy1inx' `Dendox' `DENDZ' `DEXGZ' `Doyinx' `Dexgox2'
//su `allreg'
local nobs = e(N)
mata: allreg=tokens(st_local("allreg"))
mata: Xalls=tokens(st_local("Xalls"))
mata: Zalls=tokens(st_local("Zalls"))
mata: xpos=posof(Xalls,allreg)
mata: zpos=posof(Zalls,allreg)
tempvar flag xb ehat aui Dehat yhat res2 Dxb
//tempvar flag xb ehat aui Dehat res2 ystar Dxb
qui gen `flag'= e(sample)
qui predict `Dehat', residuals
qui predict `Dxb', xb
local dfm: word count `allreg'
local dof=`nobs'-`dfm'
local dfr=`dof'
tempvar e_sq yd_sq
qui gen `e_sq'=`Dehat'^2
su `e_sq', meanonly
local rss=r(sum)
local rmse=(`rss'/`nobs')^0.5
su D.`depvar', meanonly
local dymean=r(mean)
qui gen `yd_sq'=(`Dxb'-r(mean))^2
su `yd_sq',meanonly
local mss=r(sum)
qui replace `yd_sq'=(D.`depvar'-`dymean')^2
su `yd_sq',meanonly
local r2=1-`rss'/r(sum)
local r2_a=1-(`rss'/`dfr')/(r(sum)/(`nobs'-1))
//sum `Dehat'
tempname b0 b1 b2 V1 V2 B V
mat `b0'=e(b)
mata: b0=st_matrix("`b0'")
mata: b2=b0[1,zpos]
mata: st_matrix("`b2'",b2)
mat `B'=`b2'
sort `id' `time'
//qui xtset
mata: XXX=st_data(.,"`laby1inx' `endox' `ENDZ' `EXGZ' `laboyinx' `exgox'")
mata: b00=b0[1,1..(cols(b0)-`te')]
mata: yhat=XXX*b00'
if `te'>0{
mata: timeeffects=b0[1,(cols(b0)-`te'+1)..cols(b0)],-sum(b0[1,(cols(b0)-`te'+1)..cols(b0)])
mata: timeeffects=J(`nid',1,timeeffects')
mata: yhat=yhat+timeeffects
tempvar timeeffects
qui getmata `timeeffects'=timeeffects,replace
local sumlagys `timeeffects'
local sumlagys 0
qui getmata `yhat'=yhat, replace
qui gen `ehat'=`depvar'-`yhat'
qui bys `cid' (`ctime'): egen `aui'=mean(`ehat')
qui replace `ehat'=`ehat'-`aui'
qui replace `yhat'=`yhat'+`aui' if `ctime'>`lags'
if "`predict'"!=""{
gettoken v pname: pname
qui gen `v'=`yhat'
label var `v' "Fitted values of the dependent variable"
if "`noai'"==""{
qui gen `pname'=`aui'
label var `pname' "Estimates of the fixed effects"
//qui replace `depvar'=`yhat'
if "`Xalls'"!=""{
mata: b1=b0[1,xpos]
mat `B'=(`b1',`b2')
//local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`aui'
local q=1
foreach z of local xvars{
local _b`q'=_b[D.`z']
local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`_b`q''*`z'
local q=`q'+1
if "`Dy1inx'"!=""{
local _bl1y=_b[D.L.`depvar']
local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`_bl1y'*L.`yhat'
foreach j of local oyinx{
local _bl`j'=_b[D.L`j'.`depvar']
local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`_bl`j''*L`j'.`yhat'
mata: bz=b0[1,zpos]
local estfun
mata: gfun=estgfun(bz',HH,bzindex)
local k=1
local ZZname `zvars2name'
foreach j of local zvars {
gettoken zj ZZname: ZZname
mata: temvec=gfun[,`k']
qui getmata `generate'_`zj'=temvec,replace
local estfun `estfun' `generate'_`zj'
local j=subinstr(`"`j'"',`".`depvar'"',".`yhat'",.)
local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`generate'_`zj'*`j'
//disp "`generate'_`zj'*`j'"
local k=`k'+1
local estfun
mata: gfun=estgfun(bz',HH,bzindex)
local k=1
foreach j of local zvars {
mata: temvec=gfun[,`k']
qui getmata `generate'_`k'=temvec,replace
local estfun `estfun' `generate'_`k'
local j=subinstr(`"`j'"',`".`depvar'"',".`yhat'",.)
local sumlagys `sumlagys'+`generate'_`k'*`j'
//disp "`generate'_`zj'*`j'"
local k=`k'+1
//disp "`sumlagys'"
//disp "`sumlagys'"
if "`grid'"!=""{
forv zk=1/`nz' {
//local uk: word `zk' of `uvars'
//local udist=(`max_`zk''-`min_`zk'')/`nknots_`zk''
local gds_`zk'
forv j=1/`nspline_`zk''{
tempvar gd_`zk'`j'
local gds_`zk' `gds_`zk'' `gd_`zk'`j''
quietly bspline `gds_`zk'', xvar(`grid'_`zk') knots(`klist`zk'') power(`power_`zk'') noexknot
local gsplist `gsplist' `r(splist)'
qui sort `id' `time'
qui putmata HH=(`gsplist'),replace
mata: gfun0=estgfun(bz',HH,bzindex)
if `brep'>0 {
disp "Computing the bootstrap standard errors..."
local bootcmd bs_resid3, id(`cid') res(`ehat') replace(`res2')
if "`wild'"!=""{
local bootcmd bs_wild3, res(`ehat') replace(`res2')
mata: bsmat=J(`brep',length(b0),.)
forvalues z = 1/`nz'{
mata: gf_`z'=J(`N',`brep',.)
sort `id' `time'
//qui xtset `cid' `ctime'
//qui xtset
qui gen `res2'=.
local ivx2 `ivx'
local Dy1inx2
if "`Dy1inx'"!=""{
local Dy1inx2 D.L.`yhat'
gettoken ivfirstlag ivx2: ivx2
local ivx2 L2.`yhat' `ivx2'
//disp "`ivx2'"
local Doyinx2
foreach lgt of local oyinx{
local Doyinx2 `Doyinx2' D.L`lgt'.`yhat'
tempname bb
forv tt=1/`brep' {
qui replace `yhat'=`depvar'
`nodots' displaydot, dot(`tt')
qui `bootcmd'
qui replace `yhat'=`sumlagys'+`aui'+`res2' if `ctime'>`lags'
local j=0
foreach t of local yinz{
local j=`j'+1
local uk: word `j' of `uvars'
foreach uki of local sp`j'{
qui replace `z`uki''=L`t'.`yhat'*`uki'
if "`onlyivxz'"==""&"`laby1inz'"!=""{
local zktype: word 1 of `ivztypelist'
foreach j of local sp1{
qui replace `IL2`depvar'`j''=L2.`yhat'*L`zktype'.`j'
//su `yhat'
qui ivregress 2sls D.`yhat' (`Dy1inx2' `Dendox' D.(`ENDZ') = `ivx2' `instz' ) ///
D.(`EXGZ') `Doyinx2' `Dexgox2', noconstant
//su `depvar'
mat `bb'=e(b)
mata: bb=st_matrix("`bb'")
mata: bb2=bb[1,zpos]
if `nbxs'>0 {
mata: bsmat[`tt',.]=bb[1,xpos],bb2
mata: bsmat[`tt',.]=bb2
forvalues z=1/`nz'{
mata: bz=bb2[1,(1+bzindex[1,`z'])..bzindex[1,`z'+1]]
mata: gf_`z'[.,`tt']=HH[.,(1+bzindex[1,`z'])..bzindex[1,`z'+1]]*bz'
//qui replace `depvar'=`depvar0'
mata: V=quadvariance(bsmat)
mata: st_matrix("`V'",V)
if "`Xalls'"!=""{
mat `V1'=`V'[1..`nbxs',1..`nbxs']
sort `id' `time'
* compute the s.e. for the smooth function
local k=1
foreach zk of local zvars{
mata: gf_m=rowsum(gf_`k')/`brep'
mata: sd=(gf_`k':-(gf_m#J(1,`brep',1))):^2
mata: sd=rowsum(sd)/(`brep'-1)
mata: sd=sd:^0.5
qui getmata `generate'_`k'_sd=sd,replace
local k=`k'+1
mat `V'=J(colsof(`b0'),colsof(`b0'),.)
if "`Xalls'"!=""{
mat `V1'=`V'[1..`nbxs',1..`nbxs']
tempname omega
qui sort `id' `time'
local WW `ivx' `instz' `DEXGZ' `Doyinx' `Dexgox2'
*su `WW'
mata: W=st_data(.,"`WW'","`flag'")
mata: HZ=st_data(.,"`Zalls'","`flag'")
qui putmata cid=`cid' Dehat=`Dehat' if `flag'==1, replace
if (`"`hacopt'"'==""& "`weightvar'"==""){
mata: omega=lrvar(cid,W,Dehat)
*mata: sum(omega)
if ("`weightvar'"!="") {
qui replace `Dehat'=`Dehat'*`weightvar'
//qui xtlrcov `WW', id(`cid') wvar(`Dehat') `hacopt' touse(`flag')
qui xtlrcov `WW', id(`cid') time(`ctime') wvar(`Dehat') `hacopt'
mat `omega'=r(omega)
mata: omega=st_matrix("`omega'")
mata: omega=omega/rows(W)
if "`Xalls'"!=""{
sort `id' `time'
mata: X=st_data(.,"`Xalls'","`flag'")
mata: gsd=estcov(W,(X,HZ),omega,"`V'",`nbxs',bzindex,HH)
mat `V1'=`V'[1..`nbxs',1..`nbxs']
mata: gsd=estcov(W,HZ,omega,"`V'",`nbxs',bzindex,HH)
//// qui getmata `generate'_sd*=gsd,replace //////
local k=1
foreach v of local zvars2name{
mata: tempgsd=gsd[.,`k']
qui getmata `generate'_`v'_sd=tempgsd,replace
local k=`k'+1
local k=1
foreach j of local zvars{
mata: temvec=gfun0[,`k']
qui getmata `generate'_`k'=temvec,replace
local k=`k'+1
// qui keep if `dataflag'==1
// qui xtset `id' `time'
sort `id' `time'
mat colnames `B' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix' `lablHZ'
mat colnames `V' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix' `lablHZ'
mat rownames `V' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix' `lablHZ'
noi disp in green""
noi disp in green "Partially linear functional-coefficient dynamic panel data model."
noi disp in green "Fixed-effect sieve 2SLS estimation."
if ("`Xalls'"!=""){
mat colnames `b1' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix'
mat colnames `V1' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix'
mat rownames `V1' = `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `endox' `exgox' `labtematrix'
ereturn local vcetype `vcetype'
if `brep'>0{
ereturn post `b1' `V1', dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`flag') buildfvinfo
ereturn post `b1', dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`flag') buildfvinfo
disp "Estimation results: linear part" _c
noi di in green "{col 48} Number of obs =" in yellow %8.0f `nobs'
noi di in green "{col 48} Within R-squared =" in yellow %8.4f `r2'
noi di in green "{col 48} Adj Within R-squared =" in yellow %8.4f `r2_a'
noi di in green "{col 48} Root MSE =" in yellow %8.4f `rmse'
ereturn display, level(`level')
ereturn post, dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`flag') buildfvinfo
noi disp in green "Estimated functional coefficient(s) are saved in the data."
noi disp in green "Instruments for differenced equation: `ivlist'"
ereturn mat bs=`B'
ereturn mat Vs=`V'
ereturn mat nknots = `nknotsmat'
ereturn mat power = `powermat'
ereturn scalar df_m = `nobs'-`dof'
ereturn scalar df_r = `dof'
ereturn scalar r2 = `r2'
ereturn scalar rmse = `rmse'
ereturn scalar mss = `mss'
ereturn scalar rss = `rss'
ereturn scalar r2_a = `r2_a'
ereturn scalar N = `nobs'
ereturn local cmd "xtdplfc"
ereturn local title "Partially linear functional-coefficient dynamic panel data model"
ereturn local model "Fixed-effect Sieve 2SLS Estimation"
ereturn local depvar "`depvar'"
ereturn local estfun `estfun'
ereturn local basis "B-spline"
ereturn local vcetype `vcetype'
ereturn local ivlist `ivlist'
mata: U=st_data(.,"`uvars'")
forv j=1/`nu'{
local nk=`nknotsmat'[1,`j']
local np=`powermat'[1,`j']
mata: s=bsknots(U[.,`j'],`nk',`np')
mata: st_local("k`j'",concat(strofreal(s)," "))
ereturn local k`j' `k`j''
if "`predict'"!=""{
gettoken v pname: pname
qui gen `v'=`yhat'
label var `v' "Fitted values of the dependent variable"
if "`noai'"==""{
qui gen `pname'=`ui'
label var `pname' "Estimates of the fixed effects"
forv j=1/`nu'{
ereturn local k`j' `knotlist_`j''
cap program drop checkivz
program define checkivz, rclass
version 14
syntax varlist, Uflag(numlist) [ Ivtype(numlist integer >=0) ]
numlist "`uflag'"
local uflag `r(numlist)'
local niv: word count `varlist'
local nf: word count `uflag'
if `niv'!=`nf'{
di as error "Error in ivz()"
di as error "# of instruments != # of integers specified in uflag()"
if "`ivtype'"==""{
local ivtype 1
local typelist
foreach v of local varlist{
local typelist `typelist' `ivtype'
local typelist `ivtype'
local ntype: word count `ivtype'
if `niv'!=`ntype'{
di as error "Error in ivz()"
di as error "# of instruments != # of integers specified in ivtype()"
return local typelist `typelist'
return local ivlist `varlist'
return local uflag `uflag'
cap program drop bs_resid3
program define bs_resid3
version 14
syntax, id(varname numeric) RESidual(varname numeric) replace(varname)
qui putmata id=`id',replace
mata: mm_panels(id,idinfo=.)
// mata: length(idinfo)
mata: idx=mm_sample(length(idinfo),.,idinfo)
tempvar idx
qui getmata `idx'=idx, replace
qui replace `replace'=`residual'[`idx']
cap program drop bs_wild3
program define bs_wild3
version 14
syntax, RESidual(varname numeric) replace(varname)
tempvar randu ys flag
qui gen `randu'=uniform()
qui gen `flag'=(1-sqrt(5))/2
qui replace `flag'=(sqrt(5)+1)/2 if `randu'>((1+sqrt(5))/(2*sqrt(5)))
qui replace `replace'=`residual'*`flag'
cap program drop allocy
program define allocy, rclass
version 14
syntax varname(ts fv),lags(numlist integer max=1 >=1) [lagyinz(numlist integer)]
local depvar `varlist'
local lag2ys
forv j=2/`lags'{
local lag2ys `lag2ys' `j'
local yinx `lag2ys'
local oyinx `lag2ys'
if "`lagyinz'"!=""{
numlist "`lagyinz'", sort
local yinz "`r(numlist)'"
local yinz: list uniq yinz
local oyinx: list lag2ys - yinz
local firstlag 1
local alllags `firstlag' `lag2ys'
if "`lagyinz'"!=""{
*local alllags `firstlag' `lag2ys'
local ifinlag: list yinz - alllags
if "`ifinlag'"!="" {
disp as error "{bf:lagyinz(numlist)} has elements outside of allowed range specified by {bf:lags(#)}."
local Dy1inx
local laby1inx
local laby1inz
local y1inz: list firstlag & yinz
if "`y1inz'"=="" {
local Dy1inx D.L.`depvar'
local laby1inx L.`depvar'
local laby1inz L.`depvar'
local Doyinx
local laboyinx
foreach j of local oyinx{
local Doyinx `Doyinx' D.L`j'.`depvar'
local laboyinx `laboyinx' L`j'.`depvar'
local oyinz: list yinz - firstlag
local laboyinz
foreach j of local oyinz{
local laboyinz `laboyinz' L`j'.`depvar'
local yinx: list alllags - yinz
return local Dy1inx `Dy1inx'
return local laby1inx `laby1inx'
return local oyinx `oyinx'
return local Doyinx `Doyinx'
return local laboyinx `laboyinx'
return local laby1inz `laby1inz'
return local laboyinz `laboyinz'
return local oyinz `oyinz'
return local yinz `yinz'
return local yinx `yinx'
cap program drop checkhacopt
program define checkhacopt, rclass
version 14
syntax, [WVar(varname) *]
local opt `options'
local 0 `", `options'"'
syntax, [noCENTer ///
dof(integer 0) ///
vic(string) vlag(integer 0) ///
KERNel(string) BWIDth(real 0) bmeth(string) blag(real 0) bweig(numlist) bwmax(real 0)]
return local weightvar `wvar'
return local hacopt `opt'
cap program drop checkpredict
program define checkpredict, rclass
version 14
syntax namelist [, REPLACE NOAI]
local nv: word count `namelist'
if `nv'>1{
return local pname `namelist'
else if "`noai'"==""{
return local pname `namelist'_yhat `namelist'_ai
return local pname `namelist'
return local replace `replace'
return local noai `noai'
cap program drop displaydot
program define displaydot
version 14
syntax, dot(integer)
if mod(`dot',50) == 0 {
di _c `dot'
disp _c "."
cap program drop expandtsfv
program define expandtsfv,rclass
version 14
syntax ,[v(varlist ts fv)] Local(string)
foreach j of local v{
cap _rmcoll `j', expand noconstant
local vlist `vlist' `r(varlist)'
c_local `local' `vlist'
*!This program is copyed from the Stata Blog of David M. Drukker
* https://blog.stata.com/2016/03/17/programming-an-estimation-command-in-stata-making-predict-work/#e(predict)
cap program drop getcinfo
program define getcinfo, rclass
syntax varlist(ts fv)
_rmcoll `varlist' , noconstant expand
local cnames `r(varlist)'
local p : word count `cnames'
tempname b mo
matrix `b' = J(1, `p', 0)
matrix colnames `b' = `cnames'
_ms_omit_info `b'
matrix `mo' = r(omit)
return local cnames "`cnames'"
return matrix mo = `mo'
*!This program is a minor modification of getcinfo written by David M. Drukker
*!This program is a minor modification of getcinfo written by David M. Drukker
cap program drop getcinfo2list
program define getcinfo2list, rclass
syntax, alist(varlist ts fv) blist(varlist ts fv)
_rmcoll `alist' `blist' , noconstant expand
local cnames `r(varlist)'
local p : word count `cnames'
tempname b mo
matrix `b' = J(1, `p', 0)
matrix colnames `b' = `cnames'
_ms_omit_info `b'
matrix `mo' = r(omit)
mata: mflag=st_matrix("`mo'")
mata: templist=tokens(st_local("cnames"))
mata: templist=select(templist,mflag:==0)
mata: st_local("cnames",concat(templist," "))
rmcollv, vlist(`cnames') mat(`mo')
local cnames `r(cnames)'
qui _rmcoll `alist', noconstant expand
local cname1 `r(varlist)'
local n1: word count `cname1'
local n: word count `cnames'
qui _rmcoll `blist', noconstant expand
local cname2 `r(varlist)'
local cname1: list cname1 & cnames
local cname2: list cnames - cname1
tempname mo1 mo2
mat `mo1'= `mo'[1,1..`n1']
mat `mo2'=`mo'[1,`=`n1'+1'..`n']
return mat mo = `mo'
return mat mo1= `mo1'
return mat mo2= `mo2'
return local cnames "`cnames'"
return local cname1 "`cname1'"
return local cname2 "`cname2'"
*!This program is a minor modification of getcinfo written by David M. Drukker
cap program drop getcinfoalist
program define getcinfoalist, rclass
syntax, alist(varlist ts fv)
_rmcoll `alist', noconstant expand
local cnames `r(varlist)'
local p : word count `cnames'
tempname b mo
matrix `b' = J(1, `p', 0)
matrix colnames `b' = `cnames'
_ms_omit_info `b'
matrix `mo' = r(omit)
mata: mflag=st_matrix("`mo'")
mata: templist=tokens(st_local("cnames"))
mata: templist=select(templist,mflag:==0)
mata: st_local("cnames",concat(templist," "))
*return local cnames "`cnames'"
rmcollv, vlist(`cnames') mat(`mo')
return local cnames `r(cnames)'
cap program drop rmcollv
program define rmcollv, rclass
syntax, Vlist(string) Mat(string)
local n=colsof(`mat')
local yname `vlist'
forv j=1/`n'{
local r=`mat'[1,`j']
gettoken v yname: yname
*disp "`v'"
if `r'==0 {
local cnames `cnames' `v'
mata: rmcollv("`vlist'","`mat'","cnames")
return local cnames `cnames'
cap program drop xtdplfc_fast
program define xtdplfc_fast, eclass prop(xt)
version 14
syntax varlist, GENerate(string) Uvars(varlist) [Zvars(varlist) endox(varlist) QUANtile TE ///
ENDOZflag(numlist integer >0) ivx(varlist) lags(integer 1) lagyinz(numlist integer >0) ONLYivxz ///
Ivtype(numlist integer >=0 ) NKnots(numlist integer >=2) power(numlist integer >0) ///
grid(string) pctile(integer 0) brep(integer 200) ivz(string) ///
level(integer 95) WILD predict(string) NODOTS ///
MINNKnots(numlist integer >=2) MAXNKnots(numlist integer >=2) TENfoldcv]
if `lags'<1{
display as error "No lag dependent variables included."
display as error "Use xtplfc or ivxtplfc instead."
local nz0: word count `zvars'
local nu: word count `uvars'
local comv: list zvars & uvars
if "`comv'"!=""{
di as error "`comv' included in both covariates and functions"
di as error "Check zvars() and uvars()"
exit 198
gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist
****Analyze the time structure
allocy `depvar',lags(`lags') lagyinz(`lagyinz')
local Dy1inx `r(Dy1inx)'
local laby1inx `r(laby1inx)'
local Doyinx `r(Doyinx)'
local oyinx `r(oyinx)'
local laboyinx `r(laboyinx)'
local laby1inz `r(laby1inz)'
local oyinz `r(oyinz)'
local laboyinz `r(laboyinz)'
local yinz `r(yinz)'
local yinx `r(yinx)'
local nyinz: word count `yinz'
local nz=`nz0'+`nyinz'
if `nz'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of variables in uvars() not equal to that specified by zvars() and lagyinz() "
***Add lagyinz in the front of zvars
local zvars `laby1inz' `laboyinz' `zvars'
if `"`ivz'"'!=""{
checkivz `ivz'
local ivzlist `r(ivlist)'
local ivuflag `r(uflag)'
local ivztypelist `r(typelist)'
foreach v of local ivuflag{
if `v'>`nz'{
di as error "Error in ivz()"
di as error "# specified by uflag() > # of variables in uvars()"
if "`endozflag'"!=""{
numlist "`endozflag'",sort
local endozflag `r(numlist)'
local endozflag: list uniq endozflag
foreach v of local endozflag{
if `v'>`nz'{
di as error "Error in endozflag()/lagyinz()"
di as error "# specified by endozflag()/lagyinz() > # of variables in uvars()"
if `v'<`nyinz'{
di as error "The first `nyinz' variables in uvars() interact with the lags of depvar specified by lagyinz()"
di as error "The # in endozflag() should be > `nyinz'"
if "`lagyinz'"!=""{
local endozflag2 1 `endozflag' // adding the first lag of depvar
local endozflag2 `endozflag'
//local endozfalg2: list uniq endozflag2
//index the uvars
qui numlist "1/`nu'"
local allflags=r(numlist)
local exgozflag: list allflags - endozflag2
local nendoz: word count `endozflag2'
if "`ivtype'"==""{
forv i=1/`nendoz'{
local ivtype `ivtype' 1 // by default
local nivtype: word count `ivtype'
if `nivtype'!=`nendoz'{
di as error "# of integer in ivtype()!= # of variables specified by endozflag() and lagyiz()"
//mata: ivtype=tokens(st_local("ivtype"))
if `"`endox'"'!="" & "`ivx'"==""{
disp as error "Instruments should be provided for variables in endox()."
disp as error "Using ivx()."
exit 198
local vcetype=cond("`wild'"=="","Clustered Bootstrap","Wild Bootstrap")
if `"`predict'"'!=""{
cap checkpredict `predict'
if _rc{
disp as error "Errors in predict( ),"
checkpredict `predict'
local pname `r(pname)'
local replace `r(replace)'
local noai `r(noai)'
if `"`predict'"'!=""& "`replace'"=="" {
confirm new variable `pname'
if "`grid'"=="" & `pctile'!=0 {
display as error "{bf:pctile(#)} should be combined with {bf:grid(newvarname)}."
if "`maxnknots'"!="" & "`nknots'"!="" {
di "{err}specify {bf:maxnknots(#)} or {bf:nknots(#)}, " ///
"not both"
* powermat nknotsmat maxnknotsmat minnknotsmat nknots4cv nsplinesmat nknots4cv
tempname powermat nknotsmat maxnknotsmat minnknotsmat mxmi nsplinesmat nknots4cv
if "`power'"==""{
//disp "By default, the number of power (degree) is set to 3 for all functions."
mat `powermat'=J(1,`nu',3)
mata: powermat=st_matrix("`powermat'")
local npow: word count `power'
if `npow'!=`nu' {
di as error "# of integers in power() != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: powermat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("power")))
mata: st_matrix("`powermat'",powermat)
if "`maxnknots'"=="" & "`nknots'"!="" {
local nk0: word count `nknots'
if `nk0'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of integers in knots() != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: nknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("nknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`nknotsmat'",nknotsmat)
if "`maxnknots'"=="" & "`nknots'"=="" {
mat `nknotsmat'=J(1,`nz',2)
mata: nknotsmat=st_matrix("`nknotsmat'")
//disp "By default, # of knots is set to 2 for all functions."
if "`maxnknots'"!=""{
local nmaxnk: word count `maxnknots'
if `nmaxnk'!=`nu'{
di as error "# of integers in maxnknots != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: maxnknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("maxnknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`maxnknotsmat'",maxnknotsmat)
if "`minnknots'"!=""&"`maxnknots'"==""{
di as error "To use LSCV, maxnknots() should be specified."
if "`minnknots'"!=""{
local nminnk: word count `minnknots'
if `nminnk'!=`nz'{
di as error "# of integers in minnknots != # of variables in uvars()."
mata: minnknotsmat=strtoreal(tokens(st_local("minnknots")))
mata: st_matrix("`minnknotsmat'",minnknotsmat)
mata: st_numscalar("`mxmi'",minnknotsmat<=maxnknotsmat)
if `mxmi'!=1{
di as error "Minimum # of knots > Maximum # of knots."
di as error "Check minnknots() and maxnknots()."
mata: minnknotsmat=J(1,`nz',2)
mata: st_matrix("`minnknotsmat'",minnknotsmat)
*deal with collinearity
local comv: list indepvars & endox
if "`comv'"!=""{
di as error "`comv' included in both exogenous and endogenous variable lists"
exit 198
local comv: list indepvars | endox
local exgox: list comv - endox
local comv: list comv & zvars
if !(`"`comv'"'==""){
disp as red "`comv' included in both linear and nonlinear variable lists."
exit 198
if `"`endox'"'!=""&`"`exgox'"'!=""{
getcinfo2list, alist(`endox') blist(`exgox')
local endox `r(cname1)'
local exgox `r(cname2)'
else if `"`endox'"'==""&`"`exgox'"'!=""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`exgox')
local exgox `r(cnames)'
else if `"`endox'"'!=""&`"`exgox'"'==""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`endox')
local endox `r(cnames)'
if "`ivx'"!=""{
getcinfoalist, alist(`ivx')
local ivx `r(cnames)'
local xvars `endox' `exgox'
* construct IVs
if "`onlyivxz'"==""{
local ivtypecopy `ivtype'
if "`laby1inz'"!=""{
local ivzlist L2.`depvar' `ivzlist'
local ivuflag 1 `ivuflag'
gettoken ivtemp ivtypecopy: ivtypecopy
local ivztypelist `ivtemp' `ivztypelist'
local ivx L2.`depvar' `ivx'
foreach v of local endox{
local ivx `ivx' L2.`v'
foreach v of local endozflag{
local zv: word `v' of `zvars'
local ivzlist `ivzlist' L2.`zv'
local ivuflag `ivuflag' `endozflag'
local ivztypelist `ivztypelist' `ivtypecopy'
local ivlist `ivx'
local ivzlistcopy `ivzlist'
local ivztypelistcopy `ivztypelist'
foreach uk of local ivuflag{
gettoken zk ivzlistcopy: ivzlistcopy
gettoken ivk ivztypelistcopy: ivztypelistcopy
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
local ivname `zk'*L`ivk'.[Splines(`uk0')]
local ivname=subinstr(`"`ivname'"',"L0.[","L.[",.)
local ivlist `ivlist' `ivname'
local vlabel=cond("`grid'"=="","observed","grid")
local gridname
* check new generating vars
if `"`grid'"'!=""{
local k=1
foreach uk of local uvars{
confirm new variable `grid'_`k'
qui gen `grid'_`k'=.
if `pctile'==0{
local upctile = 100 - `pctile'
su `uk',meanonly
local gmin=r(min)
local gmax=r(max)
local upctile = 100 - `pctile'
_pctile `uk', p(`pctile' `upctile')
local gmin=r(r1)
local gmax=r(r2)
local gridname `gridname' `grid'_`k'
label var `grid'_`k' "Grid points of `uk' over [`pctile'-`upctile'] percentiles"
local k=`k'+1
local zvars2name
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
if `"`zk'"'==`"L.`depvar'"'{
local zkname L1_`depvar'
local zkname=strtoname(`"`zk'"',1)
local zvars2name `zvars2name' `zkname'
confirm new variable `generate'_`zkname'
confirm new variable `generate'_`zkname'_sd
qui gen `generate'_`zkname'=.
qui gen `generate'_`zkname'_sd=.
label var `generate'_`zkname' `"Estimated g(`uk0') at the `vlabel' points w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
label var `generate'_`zkname'_sd `"`vcetype' S.E. of g(`uk0') w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
confirm new variable `generate'_`uk'
confirm new variable `generate'_`uk'_sd
qui gen `generate'_`uk'=.
qui gen `generate'_`uk'_sd=.
label var `generate'_`uk' `"Estimated g(`uk0') at the `vlabel' points w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
label var `generate'_`uk'_sd `"`vcetype' S.E. of g(`uk0') w.r.t `zk'*g(`uk0')"'
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
//fill the gap
tempvar dataflag
qui gen `dataflag'=1
qui tsfill,full
//continuous id and time
tempvar cid ctime
qui egen `cid'=group(`id')
qui egen `ctime'=group(`time')
qui tab `ctime',nofreq
local ntime=r(r)
local te=cond("`te'"=="",0,`ntime'-1)
qui xtset
if r(balanced)!="strongly balanced" {
noi display as error "{bf:xtplfc} needs strongly balanced panel, use {bf:tsfill, full} to rectangularize your data!."
local id=r(panelvar)
local time=r(timevar)
local tdelta=r(tdelta)
//continuous id and time
tempvar cid ctime
qui egen `cid'=group(`id')
qui egen `ctime'=group(`time')
// Rectangularize the data
// Note: For survey data, there might be year gaps which must not be filled in.
// re-xtset before using tsfill
qui xtset `cid' `ctime'
tempvar dataflag
qui gen `dataflag'=1
qui tsfill,full
sort `id' `time'
qui count if `time'-`time'[_n-1]!=`tdelta' & `cid'==`cid'[_n-1]
local gaps=r(N)
if `gaps'!=0{
noi di as error `"`time' is regularly spaced, but does not have intervals of 1"'
qui count if `cid'==`cid'[1]
local ntime=r(N)
local te=cond("`te'"=="",0,`ntime'-1)
local labtematrix
forv j=1/`te'{
local temp=`time'[`j']
local labtematrix `labtematrix' _I`time'_`temp'
if "`tenfoldcv'"!=""{
// Faster computation for CV
// The idea is originated from the npivcv command by Dongwoo Kim (University College London)
local rngstate = c(rngstate) // record the ranom state
set seed 1004
tempvar splitdummy
qui splitsample if `ctime'==`ctime'[1], gen(`splitdummy') n(10)
qui bys `cid' (`ctime'): replace `splitdummy'=`splitdummy'[_n-1] if _n>1
set seed `rngstate'
local yX `depvar' `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars'
local exgox `laboyinx' `exgox'
local didots=cond("`nodots'"=="",1,0)
local qflag=cond("`quantile'"=="",1,0)
tempname b V
// qui xtset
mata: xtdplfc("`cid'","`ctime'","`yX'","`zvars'","`zvars2name'","`uvars'","`exgox'","`exgozflag'","`ivx'","`ivzlist'", ///
"`ivuflag'","`ivztypelist'","`nknotsmat'", "`maxnknotsmat'", "`minnknotsmat'","`powermat'",`qflag',`te',`brep',"`V'","`b'", ///
"`generate'", "`grid'",`didots',"`wild'", "`yinx'","`yinz'","`onlyivxz'")
mata: xtdplfc("`cid'","`ctime'","`yX'","`zvars'","`uvars'","`exgox'","`exgozflag'","`ivx'","`ivzlist'", ///
"`ivuflag'","`ivztypelist'","`nknotsmat'", "`maxnknotsmat'", "`minnknotsmat'","`powermat'",`qflag',`te',`brep',"`V'","`b'", ///
"`generate'", "`grid'",`didots',"`wild'", "`yinx'","`yinz'","`onlyivxz'")
qui xtset `id' `time'
mata: xtdplfc("`cid'","`ctime'","`yX'","`zvars'","`uvars'","`exgox'","`exgozflag'","`ivx'","`ivzlist'", ///
"`ivuflag'","`ivztypelist'","`nknotsmat'", "`maxnknotsmat'", "`minnknotsmat'","`powermat'",`qflag',`te',`brep',"`V'","`b'", ///
"`generate'", "`gridname'",`didots',"`wild'", "`yinx'","`yinz'","`onlyivxz'","`splitdummy'")
qui replace `touse'=0 if missing(`touse')
tempname nsplinesmat
mat `nsplinesmat'=`nknotsmat'+`powermat'
local nobs= `nobs'
local dof=`DFR'
local nx: word count `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix'
if `nx'>0{
tempname b1 V1
mat `b1'=`b'[1,1..`nx']
mat `V1'=`V'[1..`nx',1..`nx']
mat colnames `b1'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix'
mat colnames `V1'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix'
mat rownames `V1'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix'
local labz
local kk=1
foreach z of local zvars{
local uk: word `kk' of `uvars'
local nspline=`nsplinesmat'[1,`kk']
forv j=1/`nspline'{
local labz `labz' `z'*Sp_`uk'_`j'
local kk=`kk'+1
local labz
forv uk=1/`nu'{
local zk: word `uk' of `zvars'
local uk0: word `uk' of `uvars'
local nspline=`nsplinesmat'[1,`uk']
forv j=1/`nspline'{
local labz `labz' `zk'*S(`uk0')_`j'
mat colnames `b'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix' `labz'
mat colnames `V'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix' `labz'
mat rownames `V'= `laby1inx' `laboyinx' `xvars' `labtematrix' `labz'
//mat list `b'
//qui keep if `dataflag'==1
//qui xtset `id' `time'
sort `id' `time'
noi disp in green""
noi disp in green "Partially linear functional-coefficient panel data model."
noi disp in green "Fixed-effect series semiparametric estimation."
//noi di in green ""
if (`nx'>0){
ereturn local vcetype `vcetype'
//mat list `b1'
//mat list `V1'
if `brep'>0{
ereturn post `b1' `V1', dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`flag') buildfvinfo
ereturn post `b1', dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`flag') buildfvinfo
disp "Estimation results: linear part" _c
//noi di ""
noi di in green "{col 48} Number of obs =" in yellow %8.0f `nobs'
noi di in green "{col 48} Within R-squared =" in yellow %8.4f `r2'
noi di in green "{col 48} Adj Within R-squared =" in yellow %8.4f `r2_a'
noi di in green "{col 48} Root MSE =" in yellow %8.4f `RMSE'
ereturn display, level(`level')
ereturn post, dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') esample(`touse') buildfvinfo
*noi di in green "Instrumented: `endox' `lablHZ2'"
*noi di in green "Instruments: `ivlist'"
noi disp in green "Estimated functional coefficient(s) are saved in the data."
noi disp in green "Instruments for differenced equation: `ivlist'"
//ereturn clear
//ereturn post `b' `V',esample(`touse') dep(`depvar') obs(`nobs') dof(`dof')
mata: U=st_data(.,"`uvars'")
forv j=1/`nu'{
local nk=`nknotsmat'[1,`j']
local np=`powermat'[1,`j']
mata: s=bsknots(`qflag',U[.,`j'],`nk',`np')
mata: st_local("k`j'",concat(strofreal(s)," "))
ereturn local k`j' `k`j''
ereturn mat bs=`b'
ereturn mat Vs=`V'
//ereturn mat knotv = `knotv'
ereturn mat nknots = `nknotsmat'
ereturn mat power = `powermat'
ereturn scalar df_m = `DFM'
ereturn scalar df_r = `DFR'
ereturn scalar r2 = `r2'
ereturn scalar rmse = `RMSE'
ereturn scalar mss = `MSS'
ereturn scalar rss = `RSS'
ereturn scalar r2_a = `r2_a'
ereturn scalar N = `nobs'
ereturn local cmd "xtdplfc"
ereturn local title "Partially linear functional-coefficient dynamic panel data model"
ereturn local model "Fixed-effect Sieve 2SLS Estimation"
ereturn local depvar "`depvar'"
ereturn local estfun `estfun'
ereturn local basis "B-spline"
ereturn local vcetype `vcetype'
ereturn local ivlist `ivlist'
if "`predict'"!=""{
gettoken v pname: pname
qui gen `v'=`yhat'
label var `v' "Fitted values of the dependent variable"
if "`noai'"==""{
qui gen `pname'=`ui'
label var `pname' "Estimates of the fixed effects"
cap program drop splitsample
program define splitsample
version 14
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) [n(integer 2)]
marksample touse
*count if `touse'
confirm new var `gen'
tempvar rn
qui gen `rn'=uniform() if `touse'
*su `rn'
local n1=100/`n'
local n2=100*(`n'-1)/`n'
_pctile `rn', p(`n1'(`n1')`n2' )
qui gen int `gen'=.
forv j=1/`=`n'-1' {
qui replace `gen'=`j' if `rn'<=r(r`j') & missing(`gen') & `touse'
qui replace `gen'=`n' if missing(`gen') & `touse'
* 2020-6-15
cap program drop splitsample
program define splitsample
version 14
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) [n(integer 2)]
marksample touse
*count if `touse'
confirm new var `gen'
tempvar rn
qui gen `rn'=uniform() if `touse'
qui xtile `gen' = `rn' if `touse', n(`n')
