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孙磊 / runtime

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Jia He 提交于 2020-04-02 09:47 . annotations: add cpu_features
// Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package oci
import (
goruntime "runtime"
criContainerdAnnotations "github.com/containerd/cri-containerd/pkg/annotations"
crioAnnotations "github.com/cri-o/cri-o/pkg/annotations"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
vc "github.com/kata-containers/runtime/virtcontainers"
exp "github.com/kata-containers/runtime/virtcontainers/experimental"
vcAnnotations "github.com/kata-containers/runtime/virtcontainers/pkg/annotations"
dockershimAnnotations "github.com/kata-containers/runtime/virtcontainers/pkg/annotations/dockershim"
type annotationContainerType struct {
annotation string
containerType vc.ContainerType
var (
// ErrNoLinux is an error for missing Linux sections in the OCI configuration file.
ErrNoLinux = errors.New("missing Linux section")
// CRIContainerTypeKeyList lists all the CRI keys that could define
// the container type from annotations in the config.json.
CRIContainerTypeKeyList = []string{criContainerdAnnotations.ContainerType, crioAnnotations.ContainerType, dockershimAnnotations.ContainerTypeLabelKey}
// CRISandboxNameKeyList lists all the CRI keys that could define
// the sandbox ID (sandbox ID) from annotations in the config.json.
CRISandboxNameKeyList = []string{criContainerdAnnotations.SandboxID, crioAnnotations.SandboxID, dockershimAnnotations.SandboxIDLabelKey}
// CRIContainerTypeList lists all the maps from CRI ContainerTypes annotations
// to a virtcontainers ContainerType.
CRIContainerTypeList = []annotationContainerType{
{crioAnnotations.ContainerTypeSandbox, vc.PodSandbox},
{crioAnnotations.ContainerTypeContainer, vc.PodContainer},
{criContainerdAnnotations.ContainerTypeSandbox, vc.PodSandbox},
{criContainerdAnnotations.ContainerTypeContainer, vc.PodContainer},
{dockershimAnnotations.ContainerTypeLabelSandbox, vc.PodSandbox},
{dockershimAnnotations.ContainerTypeLabelContainer, vc.PodContainer},
const (
// StateCreated represents a container that has been created and is
// ready to be run.
StateCreated = "created"
// StateRunning represents a container that's currently running.
StateRunning = "running"
// StateStopped represents a container that has been stopped.
StateStopped = "stopped"
// StatePaused represents a container that has been paused.
StatePaused = "paused"
const KernelModulesSeparator = ";"
// FactoryConfig is a structure to set the VM factory configuration.
type FactoryConfig struct {
// Template enables VM templating support in VM factory.
Template bool
// TemplatePath specifies the path of template.
TemplatePath string
// VMCacheNumber specifies the the number of caches of VMCache.
VMCacheNumber uint
// VMCacheEndpoint specifies the endpoint of transport VM from the VM cache server to runtime.
VMCacheEndpoint string
// RuntimeConfig aggregates all runtime specific settings
type RuntimeConfig struct {
HypervisorType vc.HypervisorType
HypervisorConfig vc.HypervisorConfig
NetmonConfig vc.NetmonConfig
AgentType vc.AgentType
AgentConfig interface{}
ProxyType vc.ProxyType
ProxyConfig vc.ProxyConfig
ShimType vc.ShimType
ShimConfig interface{}
Console string
//Determines how the VM should be connected to the
//the container network interface
InterNetworkModel vc.NetInterworkingModel
FactoryConfig FactoryConfig
Debug bool
Trace bool
//Determines if seccomp should be applied inside guest
DisableGuestSeccomp bool
//Determines if create a netns for hypervisor process
DisableNewNetNs bool
//Determines kata processes are managed only in sandbox cgroup
SandboxCgroupOnly bool
//Experimental features enabled
Experimental []exp.Feature
// AddKernelParam allows the addition of new kernel parameters to an existing
// hypervisor configuration stored inside the current runtime configuration.
func (config *RuntimeConfig) AddKernelParam(p vc.Param) error {
return config.HypervisorConfig.AddKernelParam(p)
var ociLog = logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"source": "virtcontainers",
"subsystem": "oci",
// SetLogger sets the logger for oci package.
func SetLogger(ctx context.Context, logger *logrus.Entry) {
fields := ociLog.Data
ociLog = logger.WithFields(fields)
func cmdEnvs(spec specs.Spec, envs []types.EnvVar) []types.EnvVar {
for _, env := range spec.Process.Env {
kv := strings.Split(env, "=")
if len(kv) < 2 {
envs = append(envs,
Var: kv[0],
Value: kv[1],
return envs
func newMount(m specs.Mount) vc.Mount {
return vc.Mount{
Source: m.Source,
Destination: m.Destination,
Type: m.Type,
Options: m.Options,
func containerMounts(spec specs.Spec) []vc.Mount {
ociMounts := spec.Mounts
if ociMounts == nil {
return []vc.Mount{}
var mnts []vc.Mount
for _, m := range ociMounts {
mnts = append(mnts, newMount(m))
return mnts
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func newLinuxDeviceInfo(d specs.LinuxDevice) (*config.DeviceInfo, error) {
allowedDeviceTypes := []string{"c", "b", "u", "p"}
if !contains(allowedDeviceTypes, d.Type) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected Device Type %s for device %s", d.Type, d.Path)
if d.Path == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Path cannot be empty for device")
deviceInfo := config.DeviceInfo{
ContainerPath: d.Path,
DevType: d.Type,
Major: d.Major,
Minor: d.Minor,
if d.UID != nil {
deviceInfo.UID = *d.UID
if d.GID != nil {
deviceInfo.GID = *d.GID
if d.FileMode != nil {
deviceInfo.FileMode = *d.FileMode
return &deviceInfo, nil
func containerDeviceInfos(spec specs.Spec) ([]config.DeviceInfo, error) {
ociLinuxDevices := spec.Linux.Devices
if ociLinuxDevices == nil {
return []config.DeviceInfo{}, nil
var devices []config.DeviceInfo
for _, d := range ociLinuxDevices {
linuxDeviceInfo, err := newLinuxDeviceInfo(d)
if err != nil {
return []config.DeviceInfo{}, err
devices = append(devices, *linuxDeviceInfo)
return devices, nil
func networkConfig(ocispec specs.Spec, config RuntimeConfig) (vc.NetworkConfig, error) {
linux := ocispec.Linux
if linux == nil {
return vc.NetworkConfig{}, ErrNoLinux
var netConf vc.NetworkConfig
for _, n := range linux.Namespaces {
if n.Type != specs.NetworkNamespace {
if n.Path != "" {
netConf.NetNSPath = n.Path
netConf.InterworkingModel = config.InterNetworkModel
netConf.DisableNewNetNs = config.DisableNewNetNs
netConf.NetmonConfig = vc.NetmonConfig{
Path: config.NetmonConfig.Path,
Debug: config.NetmonConfig.Debug,
Enable: config.NetmonConfig.Enable,
return netConf, nil
// GetContainerType determines which type of container matches the annotations
// table provided.
func GetContainerType(annotations map[string]string) (vc.ContainerType, error) {
if containerType, ok := annotations[vcAnnotations.ContainerTypeKey]; ok {
return vc.ContainerType(containerType), nil
ociLog.Errorf("Annotations[%s] not found, cannot determine the container type",
return vc.UnknownContainerType, fmt.Errorf("Could not find container type")
// ContainerType returns the type of container and if the container type was
// found from CRI servers annotations.
func ContainerType(spec specs.Spec) (vc.ContainerType, error) {
for _, key := range CRIContainerTypeKeyList {
containerTypeVal, ok := spec.Annotations[key]
if !ok {
for _, t := range CRIContainerTypeList {
if t.annotation == containerTypeVal {
return t.containerType, nil
return vc.UnknownContainerType, fmt.Errorf("Unknown container type %s", containerTypeVal)
return vc.PodSandbox, nil
func GetSandboxConfigPath(annotations map[string]string) string {
return annotations[vcAnnotations.SandboxConfigPathKey]
// SandboxID determines the sandbox ID related to an OCI configuration. This function
// is expected to be called only when the container type is "PodContainer".
func SandboxID(spec specs.Spec) (string, error) {
for _, key := range CRISandboxNameKeyList {
sandboxID, ok := spec.Annotations[key]
if ok {
return sandboxID, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find sandbox ID")
func addAnnotations(ocispec specs.Spec, config *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
addAssetAnnotations(ocispec, config)
if err := addHypervisorConfigOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if err := addRuntimeConfigOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if err := addAgentConfigOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func addAssetAnnotations(ocispec specs.Spec, config *vc.SandboxConfig) {
assetAnnotations := []string{
for _, a := range assetAnnotations {
value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[a]
if !ok {
config.Annotations[a] = value
func addHypervisorConfigOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, config *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if err := addHypervisorCPUOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if err := addHypervisorMemoryOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if err := addHypervisorBlockOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if err := addHypervisporVirtioFsOverrides(ocispec, config); err != nil {
return err
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.KernelParams]; ok {
if value != "" {
params := vc.DeserializeParams(strings.Fields(value))
for _, param := range params {
if err := config.HypervisorConfig.AddKernelParam(param); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error adding kernel parameters in annotation kernel_params : %v", err)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.MachineType]; ok {
if value != "" {
config.HypervisorConfig.HypervisorMachineType = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.MachineAccelerators]; ok {
if value != "" {
config.HypervisorConfig.MachineAccelerators = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.CPUFeatures]; ok {
if value != "" {
config.HypervisorConfig.CPUFeatures = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DisableVhostNet]; ok {
disableVhostNet, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for disable_vhost_net: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
config.HypervisorConfig.DisableVhostNet = disableVhostNet
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.GuestHookPath]; ok {
if value != "" {
config.HypervisorConfig.GuestHookPath = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.UseVSock]; ok {
useVsock, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for use_vsock: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
config.HypervisorConfig.UseVSock = useVsock
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DisableImageNvdimm]; ok {
disableNvdimm, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for use_nvdimm: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
config.HypervisorConfig.DisableImageNvdimm = disableNvdimm
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.HotplugVFIOOnRootBus]; ok {
hotplugVFIOOnRootBus, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for hotplug_vfio_on_root_bus: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
config.HypervisorConfig.HotplugVFIOOnRootBus = hotplugVFIOOnRootBus
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.PCIeRootPort]; ok {
pcieRootPort, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for pcie_root_port: %v, Please specify an integer greater than or equal to 0", err)
config.HypervisorConfig.PCIeRootPort = uint32(pcieRootPort)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.EntropySource]; ok {
if value != "" {
config.HypervisorConfig.EntropySource = value
return nil
func addHypervisorMemoryOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, sbConfig *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DefaultMemory]; ok {
memorySz, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered parsing annotation for default_memory: %v, please specify positive numeric value greater than 8", err)
if memorySz < vc.MinHypervisorMemory {
return fmt.Errorf("Memory specified in annotation %s is less than minimum required %d, please specify a larger value", vcAnnotations.DefaultMemory, vc.MinHypervisorMemory)
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.MemorySize = uint32(memorySz)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.MemSlots]; ok {
mslots, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for memory_slots: %v, please specify positive numeric value", err)
if mslots > 0 {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.MemSlots = uint32(mslots)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.MemOffset]; ok {
moffset, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for memory_offset: %v, please specify positive numeric value", err)
if moffset > 0 {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.MemOffset = uint32(moffset)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.VirtioMem]; ok {
virtioMem, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for enable_virtio_mem: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.VirtioMem = virtioMem
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.MemPrealloc]; ok {
memPrealloc, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for enable_mem_prealloc: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.MemPrealloc = memPrealloc
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.EnableSwap]; ok {
enableSwap, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for enable_swap: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.Mlock = !enableSwap
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.FileBackedMemRootDir]; ok {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.FileBackedMemRootDir = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.HugePages]; ok {
hugePages, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for enable_hugepages: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.HugePages = hugePages
return nil
func addHypervisorCPUOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, sbConfig *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DefaultVCPUs]; ok {
vcpus, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered parsing annotation default_vcpus: %v, please specify numeric value", err)
numCPUs := goruntime.NumCPU()
if uint32(vcpus) > uint32(numCPUs) {
return fmt.Errorf("Number of cpus %d specified in annotation default_vcpus is greater than the number of CPUs %d on the system", vcpus, numCPUs)
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.NumVCPUs = uint32(vcpus)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DefaultMaxVCPUs]; ok {
maxVCPUs, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered parsing annotation for default_maxvcpus: %v, please specify positive numeric value", err)
numCPUs := goruntime.NumCPU()
max := uint32(maxVCPUs)
if max > uint32(numCPUs) {
return fmt.Errorf("Number of cpus %d in annotation default_maxvcpus is greater than the number of CPUs %d on the system", max, numCPUs)
if sbConfig.HypervisorType == vc.QemuHypervisor && max > vc.MaxQemuVCPUs() {
return fmt.Errorf("Number of cpus %d in annotation default_maxvcpus is greater than max no of CPUs %d supported for qemu", max, vc.MaxQemuVCPUs())
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.DefaultMaxVCPUs = max
return nil
func addHypervisorBlockOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, sbConfig *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.BlockDeviceDriver]; ok {
supportedBlockDrivers := []string{config.VirtioSCSI, config.VirtioBlock, config.VirtioMmio, config.Nvdimm, config.VirtioBlockCCW}
valid := false
for _, b := range supportedBlockDrivers {
if b == value {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.BlockDeviceDriver = value
valid = true
if !valid {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid hypervisor block storage driver %v specified in annotation (supported drivers: %v)", value, supportedBlockDrivers)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DisableBlockDeviceUse]; ok {
disableBlockDeviceUse, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for disable_block_device_use: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.DisableBlockDeviceUse = disableBlockDeviceUse
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.EnableIOThreads]; ok {
enableIOThreads, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for enable_iothreads: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.EnableIOThreads = enableIOThreads
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.BlockDeviceCacheSet]; ok {
blockDeviceCacheSet, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for block_device_cache_set: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.BlockDeviceCacheSet = blockDeviceCacheSet
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.BlockDeviceCacheDirect]; ok {
blockDeviceCacheDirect, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for block_device_cache_direct: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.BlockDeviceCacheDirect = blockDeviceCacheDirect
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.BlockDeviceCacheNoflush]; ok {
blockDeviceCacheNoflush, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for block_device_cache_noflush: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.BlockDeviceCacheNoflush = blockDeviceCacheNoflush
return nil
func addHypervisporVirtioFsOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, sbConfig *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.SharedFS]; ok {
supportedSharedFS := []string{config.Virtio9P, config.VirtioFS}
valid := false
for _, fs := range supportedSharedFS {
if fs == value {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.SharedFS = value
valid = true
if !valid {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid hypervisor shared file system %v specified for annotation shared_fs, (supported file systems: %v)", value, supportedSharedFS)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.VirtioFSDaemon]; ok {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.VirtioFSDaemon = value
if sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.SharedFS == config.VirtioFS && sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.VirtioFSDaemon == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot enable virtio-fs without daemon path")
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.VirtioFSCache]; ok {
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.VirtioFSCache = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.VirtioFSCacheSize]; ok {
cacheSize, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for virtio_fs_cache_size: %v, please specify positive numeric value", err)
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.VirtioFSCacheSize = uint32(cacheSize)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.Msize9p]; ok {
msize9p, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil || msize9p == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for msize_9p, please specify positive numeric value")
sbConfig.HypervisorConfig.Msize9p = uint32(msize9p)
return nil
func addRuntimeConfigOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, sbConfig *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DisableGuestSeccomp]; ok {
disableGuestSeccomp, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for disable_guest_seccomp: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.DisableGuestSeccomp = disableGuestSeccomp
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.SandboxCgroupOnly]; ok {
sandboxCgroupOnly, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for sandbox_cgroup_only: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.SandboxCgroupOnly = sandboxCgroupOnly
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.Experimental]; ok {
features := strings.Split(value, " ")
sbConfig.Experimental = []exp.Feature{}
for _, f := range features {
feature := exp.Get(f)
if feature == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported experimental feature %s specified in annotation %v", f, vcAnnotations.Experimental)
sbConfig.Experimental = append(sbConfig.Experimental, *feature)
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.DisableNewNetNs]; ok {
disableNewNetNs, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for experimental: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
sbConfig.NetworkConfig.DisableNewNetNs = disableNewNetNs
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.InterNetworkModel]; ok {
runtimeConfig := RuntimeConfig{}
if err := runtimeConfig.InterNetworkModel.SetModel(value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown network model specified in annotation %s", vcAnnotations.InterNetworkModel)
sbConfig.NetworkConfig.InterworkingModel = runtimeConfig.InterNetworkModel
return nil
func addAgentConfigOverrides(ocispec specs.Spec, config *vc.SandboxConfig) error {
c, ok := config.AgentConfig.(vc.KataAgentConfig)
if !ok {
return nil
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.KernelModules]; ok {
modules := strings.Split(value, KernelModulesSeparator)
c.KernelModules = modules
config.AgentConfig = c
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.AgentTrace]; ok {
trace, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for agent.trace: Please specify boolean value 'true|false'")
c.Trace = trace
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.AgentTraceMode]; ok {
c.TraceMode = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.AgentTraceType]; ok {
c.TraceType = value
if value, ok := ocispec.Annotations[vcAnnotations.AgentContainerPipeSize]; ok {
containerPipeSize, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing annotation for %s: Please specify uint32 value", vcAnnotations.AgentContainerPipeSize)
c.ContainerPipeSize = uint32(containerPipeSize)
config.AgentConfig = c
return nil
// SandboxConfig converts an OCI compatible runtime configuration file
// to a virtcontainers sandbox configuration structure.
func SandboxConfig(ocispec specs.Spec, runtime RuntimeConfig, bundlePath, cid, console string, detach, systemdCgroup bool) (vc.SandboxConfig, error) {
containerConfig, err := ContainerConfig(ocispec, bundlePath, cid, console, detach)
if err != nil {
return vc.SandboxConfig{}, err
shmSize, err := getShmSize(containerConfig)
if err != nil {
return vc.SandboxConfig{}, err
networkConfig, err := networkConfig(ocispec, runtime)
if err != nil {
return vc.SandboxConfig{}, err
sandboxConfig := vc.SandboxConfig{
ID: cid,
Hostname: ocispec.Hostname,
HypervisorType: runtime.HypervisorType,
HypervisorConfig: runtime.HypervisorConfig,
AgentType: runtime.AgentType,
AgentConfig: runtime.AgentConfig,
ProxyType: runtime.ProxyType,
ProxyConfig: runtime.ProxyConfig,
ShimType: runtime.ShimType,
ShimConfig: runtime.ShimConfig,
NetworkConfig: networkConfig,
Containers: []vc.ContainerConfig{containerConfig},
Annotations: map[string]string{
vcAnnotations.BundlePathKey: bundlePath,
ShmSize: shmSize,
SystemdCgroup: systemdCgroup,
SandboxCgroupOnly: runtime.SandboxCgroupOnly,
DisableGuestSeccomp: runtime.DisableGuestSeccomp,
// Q: Is this really necessary? @weizhang555
// Spec: &ocispec,
Experimental: runtime.Experimental,
if err := addAnnotations(ocispec, &sandboxConfig); err != nil {
return vc.SandboxConfig{}, err
return sandboxConfig, nil
// ContainerConfig converts an OCI compatible runtime configuration
// file to a virtcontainers container configuration structure.
func ContainerConfig(ocispec specs.Spec, bundlePath, cid, console string, detach bool) (vc.ContainerConfig, error) {
rootfs := vc.RootFs{Target: ocispec.Root.Path, Mounted: true}
if !filepath.IsAbs(rootfs.Target) {
rootfs.Target = filepath.Join(bundlePath, ocispec.Root.Path)
ociLog.Debugf("container rootfs: %s", rootfs.Target)
cmd := types.Cmd{
Args: ocispec.Process.Args,
Envs: cmdEnvs(ocispec, []types.EnvVar{}),
WorkDir: ocispec.Process.Cwd,
User: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(ocispec.Process.User.UID), 10),
PrimaryGroup: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(ocispec.Process.User.GID), 10),
Interactive: ocispec.Process.Terminal,
Console: console,
Detach: detach,
NoNewPrivileges: ocispec.Process.NoNewPrivileges,
cmd.SupplementaryGroups = []string{}
for _, gid := range ocispec.Process.User.AdditionalGids {
cmd.SupplementaryGroups = append(cmd.SupplementaryGroups, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(gid), 10))
deviceInfos, err := containerDeviceInfos(ocispec)
if err != nil {
return vc.ContainerConfig{}, err
if ocispec.Process != nil {
cmd.Capabilities = ocispec.Process.Capabilities
containerConfig := vc.ContainerConfig{
ID: cid,
RootFs: rootfs,
ReadonlyRootfs: ocispec.Root.Readonly,
Cmd: cmd,
Annotations: map[string]string{
vcAnnotations.BundlePathKey: bundlePath,
Mounts: containerMounts(ocispec),
DeviceInfos: deviceInfos,
Resources: *ocispec.Linux.Resources,
// This is a custom OCI spec modified at SetEphemeralStorageType()
// to support ephemeral storage and k8s empty dir.
CustomSpec: &ocispec,
cType, err := ContainerType(ocispec)
if err != nil {
return vc.ContainerConfig{}, err
containerConfig.Annotations[vcAnnotations.ContainerTypeKey] = string(cType)
return containerConfig, nil
func getShmSize(c vc.ContainerConfig) (uint64, error) {
var shmSize uint64
for _, m := range c.Mounts {
if m.Destination != "/dev/shm" {
shmSize = vc.DefaultShmSize
if m.Type == "bind" && m.Source != "/dev/shm" {
var s syscall.Statfs_t
if err := syscall.Statfs(m.Source, &s); err != nil {
return 0, err
shmSize = uint64(s.Bsize) * s.Blocks
ociLog.Infof("shm-size detected: %d", shmSize)
return shmSize, nil
// StatusToOCIState translates a virtcontainers container status into an OCI state.
func StatusToOCIState(status vc.ContainerStatus) specs.State {
return specs.State{
Version: specs.Version,
ID: status.ID,
Status: StateToOCIState(status.State.State),
Pid: status.PID,
Bundle: status.Annotations[vcAnnotations.BundlePathKey],
Annotations: status.Annotations,
// StateToOCIState translates a virtcontainers container state into an OCI one.
func StateToOCIState(state types.StateString) string {
switch state {
case types.StateReady:
return StateCreated
case types.StateRunning:
return StateRunning
case types.StateStopped:
return StateStopped
case types.StatePaused:
return StatePaused
return ""
// EnvVars converts an OCI process environment variables slice
// into a virtcontainers EnvVar slice.
func EnvVars(envs []string) ([]types.EnvVar, error) {
var envVars []types.EnvVar
envDelimiter := "="
expectedEnvLen := 2
for _, env := range envs {
envSlice := strings.SplitN(env, envDelimiter, expectedEnvLen)
if len(envSlice) < expectedEnvLen {
return []types.EnvVar{}, fmt.Errorf("Wrong string format: %s, expecting only %v parameters separated with %q",
env, expectedEnvLen, envDelimiter)
if envSlice[0] == "" {
return []types.EnvVar{}, fmt.Errorf("Environment variable cannot be empty")
envSlice[1] = strings.Trim(envSlice[1], "' ")
envVar := types.EnvVar{
Var: envSlice[0],
Value: envSlice[1],
envVars = append(envVars, envVar)
return envVars, nil
// GetOCIConfig returns an OCI spec configuration from the annotation
// stored into the container status.
func GetOCIConfig(status vc.ContainerStatus) (specs.Spec, error) {
if status.Spec == nil {
return specs.Spec{}, fmt.Errorf("missing OCI spec for container")
return *status.Spec, nil
