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vcs_source.go 18.56 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gps
import (
type baseVCSSource struct {
repo ctxRepo
func (bs *baseVCSSource) sourceType() string {
return string(bs.repo.Vcs())
func (bs *baseVCSSource) existsLocally(ctx context.Context) bool {
return bs.repo.CheckLocal()
func (bs *baseVCSSource) existsUpstream(ctx context.Context) bool {
return bs.repo.Ping()
func (*baseVCSSource) existsCallsListVersions() bool {
return false
func (*baseVCSSource) listVersionsRequiresLocal() bool {
return false
func (bs *baseVCSSource) upstreamURL() string {
return bs.repo.Remote()
func (bs *baseVCSSource) disambiguateRevision(ctx context.Context, r Revision) (Revision, error) {
ci, err := bs.repo.CommitInfo(string(r))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return Revision(ci.Commit), nil
func (bs *baseVCSSource) getManifestAndLock(ctx context.Context, pr ProjectRoot, r Revision, an ProjectAnalyzer) (Manifest, Lock, error) {
err := bs.repo.updateVersion(ctx, r.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, unwrapVcsErr(err)
m, l, err := an.DeriveManifestAndLock(bs.repo.LocalPath(), pr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if l != nil && l != Lock(nil) {
l = prepLock(l)
return prepManifest(m), l, nil
func (bs *baseVCSSource) revisionPresentIn(r Revision) (bool, error) {
return bs.repo.IsReference(string(r)), nil
// initLocal clones/checks out the upstream repository to disk for the first
// time.
func (bs *baseVCSSource) initLocal(ctx context.Context) error {
err := bs.repo.get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return unwrapVcsErr(err)
return nil
// updateLocal ensures the local data (versions and code) we have about the
// source is fully up to date with that of the canonical upstream source.
func (bs *baseVCSSource) updateLocal(ctx context.Context) error {
err := bs.repo.fetch(ctx)
if err == nil {
return nil
ec, ok := bs.repo.(ensureCleaner)
if !ok {
return err
if err := ec.ensureClean(ctx); err != nil {
return unwrapVcsErr(err)
if err := bs.repo.fetch(ctx); err != nil {
return unwrapVcsErr(err)
return nil
func (bs *baseVCSSource) maybeClean(ctx context.Context) error {
ec, ok := bs.repo.(ensureCleaner)
if !ok {
return nil
if err := ec.ensureClean(ctx); err != nil {
return unwrapVcsErr(err)
return nil
func (bs *baseVCSSource) listPackages(ctx context.Context, pr ProjectRoot, r Revision) (ptree pkgtree.PackageTree, err error) {
err = bs.repo.updateVersion(ctx, r.String())
if err != nil {
err = unwrapVcsErr(err)
} else {
ptree, err = pkgtree.ListPackages(bs.repo.LocalPath(), string(pr))
func (bs *baseVCSSource) exportRevisionTo(ctx context.Context, r Revision, to string) error {
// Only make the parent dir, as CopyDir will balk on trying to write to an
// empty but existing dir.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(to), 0777); err != nil {
return err
if err := bs.repo.updateVersion(ctx, r.String()); err != nil {
return unwrapVcsErr(err)
return fs.CopyDir(bs.repo.LocalPath(), to)
var (
gitHashRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{40}$`)
// gitSource is a generic git repository implementation that should work with
// all standard git remotes.
type gitSource struct {
func (s *gitSource) exportRevisionTo(ctx context.Context, rev Revision, to string) error {
r := s.repo
if err := os.MkdirAll(to, 0777); err != nil {
return err
// Back up original index
idx, bak := filepath.Join(r.LocalPath(), ".git", "index"), filepath.Join(r.LocalPath(), ".git", "origindex")
err := fs.RenameWithFallback(idx, bak)
if err != nil {
return err
// could have an err here...but it's hard to imagine how?
defer fs.RenameWithFallback(bak, idx)
cmd := commandContext(ctx, "git", "read-tree", rev.String())
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
// Ensure we have exactly one trailing slash
to = strings.TrimSuffix(to, string(os.PathSeparator)) + string(os.PathSeparator)
// Checkout from our temporary index to the desired target location on
// disk; now it's git's job to make it fast.
// Sadly, this approach *does* also write out vendor dirs. There doesn't
// appear to be a way to make checkout-index respect sparse checkout
// rules (-a supersedes it). The alternative is using plain checkout,
// though we have a bunch of housekeeping to do to set up, then tear
// down, the sparse checkout controls, as well as restore the original
// index and HEAD.
cmd := commandContext(ctx, "git", "checkout-index", "-a", "--prefix="+to)
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
return nil
func (s *gitSource) isValidHash(hash []byte) bool {
return gitHashRE.Match(hash)
func (*gitSource) existsCallsListVersions() bool {
return true
func (s *gitSource) listVersions(ctx context.Context) (vlist []PairedVersion, err error) {
r := s.repo
cmd := commandContext(ctx, "git", "ls-remote", r.Remote())
// We want to invoke from a place where it's not possible for there to be a
// .git file instead of a .git directory, as git ls-remote will choke on the
// former and erroneously quit. However, we can't be sure that the repo
// exists on disk yet at this point; if it doesn't, then instead use the
// parent of the local path, as that's still likely a good bet.
if r.CheckLocal() {
} else {
// Ensure no prompting for PWs
cmd.SetEnv(append([]string{"GIT_ASKPASS=", "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0"}, os.Environ()...))
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
all := bytes.Split(bytes.TrimSpace(out), []byte("\n"))
if len(all) == 1 && len(all[0]) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no data returned from ls-remote")
// Pull out the HEAD rev (it's always first) so we know what branches to
// mark as default. This is, perhaps, not the best way to glean this, but it
// was good enough for git itself until 1.8.5. Also, the alternative is
// sniffing data out of the pack protocol, which is a separate request, and
// also waaaay more than we want to do right now.
// The cost is that we could potentially have multiple branches marked as
// the default. If that does occur, a later check (again, emulating git
// <1.8.5 behavior) further narrows the failure mode by choosing master as
// the sole default branch if a) master exists and b) master is one of the
// branches marked as a default.
// This all reduces the failure mode to a very narrow range of
// circumstances. Nevertheless, if we do end up emitting multiple
// default branches, it is possible that a user could end up following a
// non-default branch, IF:
// * Multiple branches match the HEAD rev
// * None of them are master
// * The solver makes it into the branch list in the version queue
// * The user/tool has provided no constraint (so, anyConstraint)
// * A branch that is not actually the default, but happens to share the
// rev, is lexicographically less than the true default branch
// If all of those conditions are met, then the user would end up with an
// erroneous non-default branch in their lock file.
var headrev Revision
var onedef, multidef, defmaster bool
smap := make(map[string]int)
uniq := 0
vlist = make([]PairedVersion, len(all))
for _, pair := range all {
var v PairedVersion
// Valid `git ls-remote` output should start with hash, be at least
// 45 chars long and 40th character should be '\t'
// See: https://github.com/golang/dep/pull/1160#issuecomment-328843519
if len(pair) < 45 || pair[40] != '\t' || !s.isValidHash(pair[:40]) {
if string(pair[41:]) == "HEAD" {
// If HEAD is present, it's always first
headrev = Revision(pair[:40])
} else if string(pair[46:51]) == "heads" {
rev := Revision(pair[:40])
isdef := rev == headrev
n := string(pair[52:])
if isdef {
if onedef {
multidef = true
onedef = true
if n == "master" {
defmaster = true
v = branchVersion{
name: n,
isDefault: isdef,
vlist[uniq] = v
} else if string(pair[46:50]) == "tags" {
vstr := string(pair[51:])
if strings.HasSuffix(vstr, "^{}") {
// If the suffix is there, then we *know* this is the rev of
// the underlying commit object that we actually want
vstr = strings.TrimSuffix(vstr, "^{}")
if i, ok := smap[vstr]; ok {
v = NewVersion(vstr).Pair(Revision(pair[:40]))
vlist[i] = v
} else if _, ok := smap[vstr]; ok {
// Already saw the deref'd version of this tag, if one
// exists, so skip this.
// Can only hit this branch if we somehow got the deref'd
// version first. Which should be impossible, but this
// covers us in case of weirdness, anyway.
v = NewVersion(vstr).Pair(Revision(pair[:40]))
smap[vstr] = uniq
vlist[uniq] = v
// Trim off excess from the slice
vlist = vlist[:uniq]
// There were multiple default branches, but one was master. So, go through
// and strip the default flag from all the non-master branches.
if multidef && defmaster {
for k, v := range vlist {
pv := v.(PairedVersion)
if bv, ok := pv.Unpair().(branchVersion); ok {
if bv.name != "master" && bv.isDefault {
bv.isDefault = false
vlist[k] = bv.Pair(pv.Revision())
// gopkginSource is a specialized git source that performs additional filtering
// according to the input URL.
type gopkginSource struct {
major uint64
unstable bool
// The aliased URL we report as being the one we talk to, even though we're
// actually talking directly to GitHub.
aliasURL string
func (s *gopkginSource) upstreamURL() string {
return s.aliasURL
func (s *gopkginSource) listVersions(ctx context.Context) ([]PairedVersion, error) {
ovlist, err := s.gitSource.listVersions(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Apply gopkg.in's filtering rules
vlist := make([]PairedVersion, len(ovlist))
k := 0
var dbranch int // index of branch to be marked default
var bsv semver.Version
var defaultBranch PairedVersion
tryDefaultAsV0 := s.major == 0
for _, v := range ovlist {
// all git versions will always be paired
pv := v.(versionPair)
switch tv := pv.v.(type) {
case semVersion:
tryDefaultAsV0 = false
if tv.sv.Major() == s.major && !s.unstable {
vlist[k] = v
case branchVersion:
if tv.isDefault && defaultBranch == nil {
defaultBranch = pv
// The semver lib isn't exactly the same as gopkg.in's logic, but
// it's close enough that it's probably fine to use. We can be more
// exact if real problems crop up.
sv, err := semver.NewVersion(tv.name)
if err != nil {
tryDefaultAsV0 = false
if sv.Major() != s.major {
// not the same major version as specified in the import path constraint
// Gopkg.in has a special "-unstable" suffix which we need to handle
// separately.
if s.unstable != strings.HasSuffix(tv.name, gopkgUnstableSuffix) {
// Turn off the default branch marker unconditionally; we can't know
// which one to mark as default until we've seen them all
tv.isDefault = false
// Figure out if this is the current leader for default branch
if bsv == (semver.Version{}) || bsv.LessThan(sv) {
bsv = sv
dbranch = k
pv.v = tv
vlist[k] = pv
// The switch skips plainVersions because they cannot possibly meet
// gopkg.in's requirements
vlist = vlist[:k]
if bsv != (semver.Version{}) {
dbv := vlist[dbranch].(versionPair)
vlist[dbranch] = branchVersion{
name: dbv.v.(branchVersion).name,
isDefault: true,
// Treat the default branch as v0 only when no other semver branches/tags exist
// See http://labix.org/gopkg.in#VersionZero
if tryDefaultAsV0 && defaultBranch != nil {
vlist = append(vlist, defaultBranch)
return vlist, nil
// bzrSource is a generic bzr repository implementation that should work with
// all standard bazaar remotes.
type bzrSource struct {
func (s *bzrSource) exportRevisionTo(ctx context.Context, rev Revision, to string) error {
if err := s.baseVCSSource.exportRevisionTo(ctx, rev, to); err != nil {
return err
return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(to, ".bzr"))
func (s *bzrSource) listVersionsRequiresLocal() bool {
return true
func (s *bzrSource) listVersions(ctx context.Context) ([]PairedVersion, error) {
r := s.repo
// Now, list all the tags
tagsCmd := commandContext(ctx, "bzr", "tags", "--show-ids", "-v")
out, err := tagsCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
all := bytes.Split(bytes.TrimSpace(out), []byte("\n"))
viCmd := commandContext(ctx, "bzr", "version-info", "--custom", "--template={revision_id}", "--revision=branch:.")
branchrev, err := viCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(branchrev))
vlist := make([]PairedVersion, 0, len(all)+1)
// Now, all the tags.
for _, line := range all {
idx := bytes.IndexByte(line, 32) // space
v := NewVersion(string(line[:idx]))
r := Revision(bytes.TrimSpace(line[idx:]))
vlist = append(vlist, v.Pair(r))
// Last, add the default branch, hardcoding the visual representation of it
// that bzr uses when operating in the workflow mode we're using.
v := newDefaultBranch("(default)")
vlist = append(vlist, v.Pair(Revision(string(branchrev))))
return vlist, nil
func (s *bzrSource) disambiguateRevision(ctx context.Context, r Revision) (Revision, error) {
// If we used the default baseVCSSource behavior here, we would return the
// bazaar revision number, which is not a globally unique identifier - it is
// only unique within a branch. This is just the way that
// github.com/Masterminds/vcs chooses to handle bazaar. We want a
// disambiguated unique ID, though, so we need slightly different behavior:
// check whether r doesn't error when we try to look it up. If so, trust that
// it's a revision.
_, err := s.repo.CommitInfo(string(r))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return r, nil
// hgSource is a generic hg repository implementation that should work with
// all standard mercurial servers.
type hgSource struct {
func (s *hgSource) exportRevisionTo(ctx context.Context, rev Revision, to string) error {
// TODO: use hg instead of the generic approach in
// baseVCSSource.exportRevisionTo to make it faster.
if err := s.baseVCSSource.exportRevisionTo(ctx, rev, to); err != nil {
return err
return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(to, ".hg"))
func (s *hgSource) listVersionsRequiresLocal() bool {
return true
func (s *hgSource) hgCmd(ctx context.Context, args ...string) cmd {
r := s.repo
cmd := commandContext(ctx, "hg", args...)
// Let's make sure extensions don't interfere with our expectations
// regarding the output of commands.
cmd.Cmd.Env = append(cmd.Cmd.Env, "HGRCPATH=")
return cmd
func (s *hgSource) listVersions(ctx context.Context) ([]PairedVersion, error) {
var vlist []PairedVersion
// Now, list all the tags
tagsCmd := s.hgCmd(ctx, "tags", "--debug", "--verbose")
out, err := tagsCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
all := bytes.Split(bytes.TrimSpace(out), []byte("\n"))
lbyt := []byte("local")
nulrev := []byte("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
for _, line := range all {
if bytes.Equal(lbyt, line[len(line)-len(lbyt):]) {
// Skip local tags
// tip is magic, don't include it
if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("tip")) {
// Split on colon; this gets us the rev and the tag plus local revno
pair := bytes.Split(line, []byte(":"))
if bytes.Equal(nulrev, pair[1]) {
// null rev indicates this tag is marked for deletion
idx := bytes.IndexByte(pair[0], 32) // space
v := NewVersion(string(pair[0][:idx])).Pair(Revision(pair[1])).(PairedVersion)
vlist = append(vlist, v)
// bookmarks next, because the presence of the magic @ bookmark has to
// determine how we handle the branches
var magicAt bool
bookmarksCmd := s.hgCmd(ctx, "bookmarks", "--debug")
out, err = bookmarksCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
// better nothing than partial and misleading
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
out = bytes.TrimSpace(out)
if !bytes.Equal(out, []byte("no bookmarks set")) {
all = bytes.Split(out, []byte("\n"))
for _, line := range all {
// Trim leading spaces, and * marker if present
line = bytes.TrimLeft(line, " *")
pair := bytes.Split(line, []byte(":"))
// if this doesn't split exactly once, we have something weird
if len(pair) != 2 {
// Split on colon; this gets us the rev and the branch plus local revno
idx := bytes.IndexByte(pair[0], 32) // space
// if it's the magic @ marker, make that the default branch
str := string(pair[0][:idx])
var v PairedVersion
if str == "@" {
magicAt = true
v = newDefaultBranch(str).Pair(Revision(pair[1])).(PairedVersion)
} else {
v = NewBranch(str).Pair(Revision(pair[1])).(PairedVersion)
vlist = append(vlist, v)
cmd := s.hgCmd(ctx, "branches", "-c", "--debug")
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
// better nothing than partial and misleading
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, string(out))
all = bytes.Split(bytes.TrimSpace(out), []byte("\n"))
for _, line := range all {
// Trim inactive and closed suffixes, if present; we represent these
// anyway
line = bytes.TrimSuffix(line, []byte(" (inactive)"))
line = bytes.TrimSuffix(line, []byte(" (closed)"))
// Split on colon; this gets us the rev and the branch plus local revno
pair := bytes.Split(line, []byte(":"))
idx := bytes.IndexByte(pair[0], 32) // space
str := string(pair[0][:idx])
// if there was no magic @ bookmark, and this is mercurial's magic
// "default" branch, then mark it as default branch
var v PairedVersion
if !magicAt && str == "default" {
v = newDefaultBranch(str).Pair(Revision(pair[1])).(PairedVersion)
} else {
v = NewBranch(str).Pair(Revision(pair[1])).(PairedVersion)
vlist = append(vlist, v)
return vlist, nil
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