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宇润 提交于 2021-01-25 18:58 . Add exceptionCallback in CommonConfig


Consumer configuration

Class longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\ConsumerConfig

You can pass an array to a constructor.

Configuration key

Key Description Default
connectTimeout Connection timeout(unit: second, decimal). -1 means no limit. -1
sendTimeout Send timeout(unit: second, decimal). -1 means no limit. -1
recvTimeout Receive timeout (unit: second, decimal). -1 means no limit. -1
clientId Kafka client ID. Use different settings for different consumers. null
maxWriteAttempts Maximum attempts to write 3
client Kafka client used. null by default means auto recognition. null
socket Kafka Socket used. null by default means auto recognition. null
broker broker format '' null
bootstrapServers Alias bootstrapServer, used to boot the server. If configured, the server will be connected and brokers updated. Format ',' or ['','']. null
updateBrokers Auto update brokers. true
interval If the message is not received, try again internals. 0 is default and means no intervals(unit: second, decimal). 0
groupId Group ID null
memberId Member ID null
groupInstanceId Group instance ID. Use different settings for different consumers. null
sessionTimeout If no heartbeat sent out after the timeout, the group coordinator will consider it dead. (unit: second, decimal) 60
rebalanceTimeout The maximum time the coordinator waits for consumers to join. (unit: second, decimal) 60
topic Topic name. Suppoprt multiple topics consumed simultaneously. null
replicaId Replica ID -1
rackId Rack ID ''
autoCommit Auto commit offset true
groupRetry Group retries allowed if matching an error code. 5
groupRetrySleep Group retry sleep time. (unit: second) 1
offsetRetry Offset retries if matching an error code. 5
groupHeartbeat Group heartbeat intervals. (unit: second) 3
autoCreateTopic Auto create topic. true
partitionAssignmentStrategy Consumer partition assignment strategy. Optional: Range-longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Assignor\RangeAssignor, RoundRobin-\longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Assignor\RoundRobinAssignor, Sticky-\longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Assignor\StickyAssignor.
exceptionCallback This callback is called when an exception that cannot be thrown by the recv() coroutine is encountered. Format: function(\Exception $e){} null

Asynchronous (callback)


use longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\ConsumeMessage;
use longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Consumer;
use longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\ConsumerConfig;

function consume(ConsumeMessage $message)
    var_dump($message->getKey() . ':' . $message->getValue());
    // $consumer->ack($message); // If autoCommit is set as false, commit manually.
$config = new ConsumerConfig();
$config->setTopic('test'); // topic
$config->setGroupId('testGroup'); // group ID
$config->setClientId('test'); // client ID. Use different settings for different consumers.
$config->setGroupInstanceId('test'); // group instance ID. Use different settings for different consumers.
$consumer = new Consumer($config, 'consume');



use longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Consumer;
use longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\ConsumerConfig;

$config = new ConsumerConfig();
$config->setTopic('test'); // topic
$config->setGroupId('testGroup'); // group ID
$config->setClientId('test_custom'); // client ID. Use different settings for different consumers.
$config->setGroupInstanceId('test_custom'); // group instance ID. Use different settings for different consumers.
$consumer = new Consumer($config);
while(true) {
    $message = $consumer->consume();
    if($message) {
        var_dump($message->getKey() . ':' . $message->getValue());
        $consumer->ack($message); // commit manually
