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get_prmstruct.m 11.48 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
106559363@qq.com 提交于 2017-02-15 16:00 . add matlab code
% function [prm, fmt] = get_prmstruct(prm)
% Creates two structures: prm -- to hold the system parameters; and fmt -- to
% hold the format strings for each parameter, used while reading from a file
% @param prm - system parameters (optional)
% @return prm - system parameters
% @return fmt - parameter formats
% Description of individual fields in the parameter file:
% field = method
% - assimilation method
% values =
% EnKF
% Potter
% EnOI
% field = rfactor1
% - multiple for R (observation error covariance)
% values =
% <number> (1*)
% field = rfactor2
% - (additional) multiple for R (observation error covariance) used for
% anomalies update only
% values =
% <number> (1*)
% field = rotate
% - period of ensemble rotation (in model time steps); 0 = do not rotate;
% does not apply to EnOI; rounded to the nearest integer of assimilation
% periods ("assim_step")
% values =
% <number> (0*)
% field = inflation
% - inflation multiple for observed elements
% values =
% <number>
% field = inflation_prm
% - inflation multiple for unobserved elements ("parameters")
% values =
% <number>
% field = model
% - model tag
% values =
% QG - quasi-geostrophic model
% LA - linear advection model
% LA2 - linear advection model (2 variables)
% L40 - Lorenz-40 model (1996)
% L40p - Lorenz-40 model with varying forcing parameter for parameter
% estimation simulations
% L3 - Lorenz-3 model (1965)
% S - sound model
% field = n
% - if mult = 1 (for most of the models) then it is just the model state
% vector length; if mult = 1 (for LA2 model) then
% n = (n_full - nprm) / mult,
% i.e. the state vector length for one variable. A bit complicated and may
% be simplified in future
% values =
% <number>
% field = p
% - number of obs at each assimilation cycle
% values =
% <number>
% field = p_inverse
% - flag; whether to process observations in inverse order
% values =
% 0*
% 1
% field = m
% - ensemble size
% values =
% <number>
% field = nstep
% - number of model steps in the run
% values =
% <number>
% field = assim_step
% - number of model steps per assimilation step
% values =
% <number>
% field = observe
% - what variable to observe; important only for multivariate models with
% mult > 1
% values =
% A
% A+B
% A&B
% field = obs_step
% - collect observations every obs_step model steps
% values =
% <number (0* -> assim_step)>
% field = obs_spacing
% - observation spacing
% values =
% regular
% random
% urandom (regular with random offset at each assimilation)
% field = obs_variance
% - observation variance
% values =
% <number>
% field = alpha
% - multiple for the anomaly matrix, for EnOI only
% values =
% <number>
% field = loc_len
% - localisation length
% values =
% <number> (0 or NaN - no localisation)
% field = loc_function
% - tag for the localisation function
% values =
% 'Gauss'
% 'Gaspari_Cohn'
% 'Cosine'
% 'Cosine_Squared'
% 'Exp3'
% 'Lewitt'
% 'Cubic'
% 'Quadro'
% 'Step'
% field = loc_method
% - localisation method
% values =
% 'CF'*
% 'LA'
% field = read_ens
% - whether to read ensemble from the file saved during the last run
% values =
% 0
% 1*
% field = randomise
% - whether to randomise the initial state of the system
% values =
% 0*
% 1
% field = seed
% - initial seed for the random number generator; only if randomise = 0
% values =
% <number (0*)>
% field = plot_diag
% - whether to plot diagnostics
% values =
% 0
% 1*
% field = plot_diag_np
% - number of last assimilation cycles to plot; only when the system runs --
% all data will be plot on the end)
% values =
% <number (100*)>
% field = plot_state
% - whether to plot the system state vector
% values =
% 0
% 1*
% field = plot_prm
% - whether to plot the current state of the parameter estimation; only for
% models with nprm > 0
% values =
% 0
% 1*
% field = rank_elem
% - state vector element to be used for calculating rank diagrams
% values =
% <number (1*)>
% field = calc_bestrmse
% - whether to calculate the best possible rmse with the initial ensemble
% values =
% 0*
% 1
% field = verbose
% values =
% 0*
% 1
% field = mult
% - number of variables; not to be set from the parameter file
% values =
% <none>
% field = nx
% - length of the grid in x direction for 2D models; not to be set from the
% parameter file
% values =
% <none>
% field = nprm
% - number of model parameters in the state vector; not to be set from the
% parameter file
% values =
% <none>
% field = periodic
% - whether the domain is periodic; not to be set from the parameter file
% values =
% <none>
% field = customprmfname
% - name of the model-dependent parameter file; do not confuse with the model
% parameter file!
% values =
% <file name>
% field = customprm
% - structure with model-dependent parameters; not to be set from the
% parameter file
% values =
% <none>
% field = version
% - version string of the EnKF-Matlab code
% values =
% <none>
% field = enkfmatlabdir
% - location of the EnKF-Matlab code
% values =
% <dir name>
% field = fatalnan
% - whether encountering a nan generates a fatal error (that would disrupt
% scripts)
% values =
% 0
% 1*
% File: get_prmstruct.m
% Created: 31/08/2007
% Last modified: 16/09/2009
% Author: Pavel Sakov
% CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
% Purpose: Creates two structures: prm -- to hold the system parameters;
% and fmt -- to hold the format strings for each parameter,
% used while reading from a file
% Description:
% Revisions: 13.08.2008 PS: Changed the default value for `p_batchsize'
% from 100 to 0. If not specified explicitely, this forces it to
% be set equal in get_prm() to the total number of observations
% p. Fixed default value for `rotate' from '0' to 0.
% 14.08.2008 PS:
% - introduced field "periodic"
% - introduced field "loc_function"
% 22.07.2009 PS:
% - renamed field "loc_framework" by "loc_method"; renamed
% options for this field from "global" to "CF" (for
% covariance filtering) and from "local" to LA (for local
% analysis).
% 1.08.2009 PS:
% - added field "version"
% 16.09.2009 PS:
% - added field "enkfmatlabdir" to simplify use outside
% EnKF-Matlab root directory
% 25.08.2010 PS:
% - eliminated p_batchsize due to moving to the asynchronous
% assimilation
% - introduced inflation_prm
%% Copyright (C) 2008 Pavel Sakov
%% This file is part of EnKF-Matlab. EnKF-Matlab is a free software. See
%% LICENSE for details.
function [prm, fmt] = get_prmstruct(prm)
if ~exist('prm', 'var')
prm = struct( ...
'method', {'ETKF'}, ...
'rotate', {0}, ...
'rotate_ampl', {1}, ...
'rfactor1', {1}, ...
'rfactor2', {1}, ...
'inflation', {1}, ...
'inflation_prm', {1}, ...
'model', {'none'}, ...
'n', {0}, ...
'p', {0}, ...
'p_inverse', {0}, ...
'm', {0}, ...
'nstep', {0}, ...
'assim_step', {0}, ...
'observe', {'A'}, ...
'obs_step', {0}, ...
'obs_spacing', {'regular'}, ...
'obs_variance', {0}, ...
'alpha', {1}, ...
'loc_len', {NaN}, ...
'loc_function', {'Gauss'}, ...
'loc_method', {'CF'}, ...
'rmse_max', {NaN}, ...
'read_ens', {1}, ...
'randomise', {0}, ...
'seed', {0}, ...
'plot_diag', {1}, ...
'plot_diag_np', {100}, ...
'plot_state', {1}, ...
'plot_prm', {0}, ...
'plot_ens', {0}, ...
'diagn_type', {''}, ...
'rank_elem', {1}, ...
'calc_bestrmse', {0}, ...
'verbose', {0}, ...
'mult', {1}, ...
'nx', {1}, ...
'nprm', {0}, ...
'periodic', {0}, ...
'customprmfname', {'none'}, ...
'customprm', {struct([])},...
'version', {'unknown'}, ...
'enkfmatlabdir', {'.'}, ...
'fatalnan', {1} ...
fmt = struct( ...
'method', {'%s'}, ...
'rotate', {'%d'}, ...
'rotate_ampl', {'%g'}, ...
'rfactor1', {'%g'}, ...
'rfactor2', {'%g'}, ...
'inflation', {'%g'}, ...
'inflation_prm', {'%g'}, ...
'model', {'%s'}, ...
'n', {'%d'}, ...
'p', {'%d'}, ...
'p_inverse', {'%d'}, ...
'm', {'%d'}, ...
'nstep', {'%d'}, ...
'assim_step', {'%d'}, ...
'observe', {'%s'}, ...
'obs_step', {'%d'}, ...
'obs_spacing', {'%s'}, ...
'obs_variance', {'%g'}, ...
'alpha', {'%g'}, ...
'loc_len', {'%g'}, ...
'loc_function', {'%s'}, ...
'loc_method', {'%s'}, ...
'rmse_max', {'%g'}, ...
'read_ens', {'%d'}, ...
'randomise', {'%d'}, ...
'seed', {'%d'}, ...
'plot_diag', {'%d'}, ...
'plot_diag_np', {'%d'}, ...
'plot_state', {'%d'}, ...
'plot_prm', {'%d'}, ...
'plot_ens', {'%d'}, ...
'diagn_type', {'%s'}, ...
'rank_elem', {'%d'}, ...
'calc_bestrmse', {'%d'}, ...
'verbose', {'%d'}, ...
'mult', {'none'}, ...
'nx', {'none'}, ...
'nprm', {'none'}, ...
'periodic', {'none'}, ...
'customprmfname', {'%s'}, ...
'customprm', {'none'}, ...
'version', {'%s'}, ...
'enkfmatlabdir', {'%s'}, ...
'fatalnan', {'%d'} ...
