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Jan Safranek 提交于 2016-09-08 12:57 . Send recycle events from pod to pv.
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package nfs
import (
// This is the primary entrypoint for volume plugins.
// The volumeConfig arg provides the ability to configure recycler behavior. It is implemented as a pointer to allow nils.
// The nfsPlugin is used to store the volumeConfig and give it, when needed, to the func that creates NFS Recyclers.
// Tests that exercise recycling should not use this func but instead use ProbeRecyclablePlugins() to override default behavior.
func ProbeVolumePlugins(volumeConfig volume.VolumeConfig) []volume.VolumePlugin {
return []volume.VolumePlugin{
host: nil,
newRecyclerFunc: newRecycler,
config: volumeConfig,
type nfsPlugin struct {
host volume.VolumeHost
// decouple creating recyclers by deferring to a function. Allows for easier testing.
newRecyclerFunc func(pvName string, spec *volume.Spec, eventRecorder volume.RecycleEventRecorder, host volume.VolumeHost, volumeConfig volume.VolumeConfig) (volume.Recycler, error)
config volume.VolumeConfig
var _ volume.VolumePlugin = &nfsPlugin{}
var _ volume.PersistentVolumePlugin = &nfsPlugin{}
var _ volume.RecyclableVolumePlugin = &nfsPlugin{}
const (
nfsPluginName = "kubernetes.io/nfs"
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) Init(host volume.VolumeHost) error {
plugin.host = host
return nil
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) GetPluginName() string {
return nfsPluginName
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) GetVolumeName(spec *volume.Spec) (string, error) {
volumeSource, _, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf(
volumeSource.Path), nil
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) CanSupport(spec *volume.Spec) bool {
return (spec.PersistentVolume != nil && spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS != nil) ||
(spec.Volume != nil && spec.Volume.NFS != nil)
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) RequiresRemount() bool {
return false
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) GetAccessModes() []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode {
return []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) NewMounter(spec *volume.Spec, pod *api.Pod, _ volume.VolumeOptions) (volume.Mounter, error) {
return plugin.newMounterInternal(spec, pod, plugin.host.GetMounter())
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) newMounterInternal(spec *volume.Spec, pod *api.Pod, mounter mount.Interface) (volume.Mounter, error) {
source, readOnly, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &nfsMounter{
nfs: &nfs{
volName: spec.Name(),
mounter: mounter,
pod: pod,
plugin: plugin,
server: source.Server,
exportPath: source.Path,
readOnly: readOnly,
}, nil
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) NewUnmounter(volName string, podUID types.UID) (volume.Unmounter, error) {
return plugin.newUnmounterInternal(volName, podUID, plugin.host.GetMounter())
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) newUnmounterInternal(volName string, podUID types.UID, mounter mount.Interface) (volume.Unmounter, error) {
return &nfsUnmounter{&nfs{
volName: volName,
mounter: mounter,
pod: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: podUID}},
plugin: plugin,
}}, nil
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) NewRecycler(pvName string, spec *volume.Spec, eventRecorder volume.RecycleEventRecorder) (volume.Recycler, error) {
return plugin.newRecyclerFunc(pvName, spec, eventRecorder, plugin.host, plugin.config)
func (plugin *nfsPlugin) ConstructVolumeSpec(volumeName, mountPath string) (*volume.Spec, error) {
nfsVolume := &api.Volume{
Name: volumeName,
VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
NFS: &api.NFSVolumeSource{
Path: volumeName,
return volume.NewSpecFromVolume(nfsVolume), nil
// NFS volumes represent a bare host file or directory mount of an NFS export.
type nfs struct {
volName string
pod *api.Pod
mounter mount.Interface
plugin *nfsPlugin
// decouple creating recyclers by deferring to a function. Allows for easier testing.
newRecyclerFunc func(spec *volume.Spec, host volume.VolumeHost, volumeConfig volume.VolumeConfig) (volume.Recycler, error)
func (nfsVolume *nfs) GetPath() string {
name := nfsPluginName
return nfsVolume.plugin.host.GetPodVolumeDir(nfsVolume.pod.UID, strings.EscapeQualifiedNameForDisk(name), nfsVolume.volName)
type nfsMounter struct {
server string
exportPath string
readOnly bool
var _ volume.Mounter = &nfsMounter{}
func (b *nfsMounter) GetAttributes() volume.Attributes {
return volume.Attributes{
ReadOnly: b.readOnly,
Managed: false,
SupportsSELinux: false,
// SetUp attaches the disk and bind mounts to the volume path.
func (b *nfsMounter) SetUp(fsGroup *int64) error {
return b.SetUpAt(b.GetPath(), fsGroup)
func (b *nfsMounter) SetUpAt(dir string, fsGroup *int64) error {
notMnt, err := b.mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(dir)
glog.V(4).Infof("NFS mount set up: %s %v %v", dir, !notMnt, err)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
if !notMnt {
return nil
os.MkdirAll(dir, 0750)
source := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", b.server, b.exportPath)
options := []string{}
if b.readOnly {
options = append(options, "ro")
err = b.mounter.Mount(source, dir, "nfs", options)
if err != nil {
notMnt, mntErr := b.mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(dir)
if mntErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("IsLikelyNotMountPoint check failed: %v", mntErr)
return err
if !notMnt {
if mntErr = b.mounter.Unmount(dir); mntErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to unmount: %v", mntErr)
return err
notMnt, mntErr := b.mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(dir)
if mntErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("IsLikelyNotMountPoint check failed: %v", mntErr)
return err
if !notMnt {
// This is very odd, we don't expect it. We'll try again next sync loop.
glog.Errorf("%s is still mounted, despite call to unmount(). Will try again next sync loop.", dir)
return err
return err
return nil
//func (c *nfsUnmounter) GetPath() string {
// name := nfsPluginName
// return c.plugin.host.GetPodVolumeDir(c.pod.UID, strings.EscapeQualifiedNameForDisk(name), c.volName)
var _ volume.Unmounter = &nfsUnmounter{}
type nfsUnmounter struct {
func (c *nfsUnmounter) TearDown() error {
return c.TearDownAt(c.GetPath())
func (c *nfsUnmounter) TearDownAt(dir string) error {
notMnt, err := c.mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(dir)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error checking IsLikelyNotMountPoint: %v", err)
return err
if notMnt {
return os.Remove(dir)
if err := c.mounter.Unmount(dir); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unmounting failed: %v", err)
return err
notMnt, mntErr := c.mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(dir)
if mntErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("IsLikelyNotMountPoint check failed: %v", mntErr)
return mntErr
if notMnt {
if err := os.Remove(dir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newRecycler(pvName string, spec *volume.Spec, eventRecorder volume.RecycleEventRecorder, host volume.VolumeHost, volumeConfig volume.VolumeConfig) (volume.Recycler, error) {
if spec.PersistentVolume == nil || spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("spec.PersistentVolumeSource.NFS is nil")
return &nfsRecycler{
name: spec.Name(),
server: spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS.Server,
path: spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS.Path,
host: host,
config: volumeConfig,
timeout: volume.CalculateTimeoutForVolume(volumeConfig.RecyclerMinimumTimeout, volumeConfig.RecyclerTimeoutIncrement, spec.PersistentVolume),
pvName: pvName,
eventRecorder: eventRecorder,
}, nil
// nfsRecycler scrubs an NFS volume by running "rm -rf" on the volume in a pod.
type nfsRecycler struct {
name string
server string
path string
host volume.VolumeHost
config volume.VolumeConfig
timeout int64
pvName string
eventRecorder volume.RecycleEventRecorder
func (r *nfsRecycler) GetPath() string {
return r.path
// Recycle recycles/scrubs clean an NFS volume.
// Recycle blocks until the pod has completed or any error occurs.
func (r *nfsRecycler) Recycle() error {
pod := r.config.RecyclerPodTemplate
// overrides
pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = &r.timeout
pod.GenerateName = "pv-recycler-nfs-"
pod.Spec.Volumes[0].VolumeSource = api.VolumeSource{
NFS: &api.NFSVolumeSource{
Server: r.server,
Path: r.path,
return volume.RecycleVolumeByWatchingPodUntilCompletion(r.pvName, pod, r.host.GetKubeClient(), r.eventRecorder)
func getVolumeSource(spec *volume.Spec) (*api.NFSVolumeSource, bool, error) {
if spec.Volume != nil && spec.Volume.NFS != nil {
return spec.Volume.NFS, spec.Volume.NFS.ReadOnly, nil
} else if spec.PersistentVolume != nil &&
spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS != nil {
return spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.NFS, spec.ReadOnly, nil
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Spec does not reference a NFS volume type")
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