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client_bytes.go 2.27 KB
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545403892 authored 2023-09-27 22:16 . 升级go-ole
package client
// GetBytes sends a GET request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) GetBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("GET", url, data...)
// PutBytes sends a PUT request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) PutBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("PUT", url, data...)
// PostBytes sends a POST request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) PostBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("POST", url, data...)
// DeleteBytes sends a DELETE request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) DeleteBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("DELETE", url, data...)
// HeadBytes sends a HEAD request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) HeadBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("HEAD", url, data...)
// PatchBytes sends a PATCH request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) PatchBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("PATCH", url, data...)
// ConnectBytes sends a CONNECT request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) ConnectBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("CONNECT", url, data...)
// OptionsBytes sends a OPTIONS request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) OptionsBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("OPTIONS", url, data...)
// TraceBytes sends a TRACE request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (c *Client) TraceBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
return c.RequestBytes("TRACE", url, data...)
// RequestBytes sends request using given HTTP method and data, retrieves returns the result
// as bytes. It reads and closes the response object internally automatically.
func (c *Client) RequestBytes(method string, url string, data ...interface{}) []byte {
response, err := c.DoRequest(method, url, data...)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer response.Close()
return response.ReadAll()
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