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mimvp / mimvp-home

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
sitemap.php 16.01 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
homer 提交于 2017-08-10 15:50 . commit mimvp-home
* @author Sandy <sandy@mimvp.com>
* @copyright 2009-2017 mimvp.com
* @version 1.0.1 (2017.06.20)
// 计算生成时间
$cost_time_start = getMillisecond();
// 创建测试文件或目录
// testCreateFiles(true);
// 全局变量,G开头
$GCONFIG = array("domain"=>"http://mimvp.com",
$GChangeFreqArray = array('always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never');
$GFileTypesArray = array('php', 'html', 'xml', 'txt', 'zip', 'pdf', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'jpeg'); // 文件类型
$GPriorityArray = array("1"=>"1", "2"=>"0.8", "3"=>"0.6", "4"=>"0.5"); // 按照层级对应优先级,第一层优先级为1,第二级为0.8,第三级为0.6
// 包含文件, 以/开头
$GIncludeArray = array("", "hr.php", "/index.php", "robots.txt");
// 排除文件,模糊匹配
$GExcludeArray = array( "sitemap.php", "sitemap-xml.xsl", "sitemap.xml", "sitemap.html", "404.html", "444.html", "40x.html", "50x.html",
"mimvp_header.php", "mimvp_footer.php", "mimvp_macro.php", "favicon.ico", "css/", "img/", "js/", "conf/", "db/", "fonts/",
"usercenter/", "sadmin/", "admin/", "lib/", "api", "common/", "results/", "alipay", "apipay");
// testSitemap(); // 测试主函数
createSitemap(); // 主函数
// 删除测试文件或目录
// testCreateFiles(false);
// 计算生成的时间
$cost_time = getMillisecond() - $cost_time_start;
$cost_time= sprintf('%01.6f', $cost_time);
echo "<br>cost_time : $cost_time (s)<br>";
* 生成sitemap item 示例
function testSitemap() {
$sitemap = new Sitemap("http://mimvp.com");
$sitemap->addItem('/', '1.0', 'daily', 'Today');
$sitemap->addItem('/hr.php', '0.8', 'monthly', time());
$sitemap->addItem('/index.php', '1.0', 'daily', 'Jun 25');
$sitemap->addItem('/about.php', '0.8', 'monthly', '2017-06-26');
// $sitemap->addItem('/hr2.php', '1.0', 'daily', time())->addItem('/index2.php', '1.0', 'daily', 'Today')->addItem('/about2.php', '0.8', 'monthly', 'Jun 25');
createXSL2Html("sitemap.xml", "sitemap-xml.xsl", "sitemap.html", true);
* 创建sitemap.xml
* @param array $itemsArray2
function createSitemap() {
global $GCONFIG;
global $GIncludeArray;
global $GExcludeArray;
global $GPriorityArray;
// 是否扫描当前根目录
$scanRootPathArray = array();
if($GCONFIG['isscanrootpath']) {
$scanRootPathArray = scanRootPath();
// 合并多个数组
$itemsArray2 = mergeItems($GIncludeArray, $GExcludeArray, $scanRootPathArray);
$sitemap = new Sitemap($GCONFIG['domain']); // http://mimvp.com
$sitemap->setXmlFile($GCONFIG['xmlfile']); // 设置xml文件(可选)
$sitemap->setDomain($GCONFIG['domain']); // 设置自定义的根域名(可选)
$sitemap->setIsChemaMore($GCONFIG['isschemamore']); // 设置是否写入额外的Schema头信息(可选)
// 生成sitemap item
$idx = 0;
foreach ($itemsArray2 as $item) {
$idx += 1;
echo "$idx --- $item<br>";
$priority = $GPriorityArray[substr_count($item, "/")];
$sitemap->addItem($item, $priority, "daily", time());
// 是否打开生成的文件: sitemap.xml
if($GCONFIG['isopen_xmlfile']) {
echo "<script>window.open('".$sitemap->getCurrXmlFileFullPath()."')</script>";
echo "<br>Create sitemap.xml Success";
// 是否xml转html文件
if($GCONFIG['isxsl2html']) {
createXSL2Html($sitemap->getCurrXmlFileFullPath(), $GCONFIG['xslfile'], $GCONFIG['htmlfile']);
// 是否打开生成的文件 sitemap.html
if($GCONFIG['isopen_htmlfile']) {
echo "<script>window.open('".$GCONFIG['htmlfile']."')</script>";
echo "<br>Create sitemap.html Success";
* 转化 xml + xsl 为 html
* @param unknown $xmlFile sitemap.xml 源文件
* @param unknown $xslFile sitemap-xml.xsl 源文件
* @param unknown $htmlFile sitemap.html 生成文件
* @param string $isopen_htmlfile 是否打开生成文件 sitemap.html
function createXSL2Html($xmlFile, $xslFile, $htmlFile, $isopen_htmlfile=false) {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$xsl = new DOMDocument();
$xslproc = new XSLTProcessor();
// echo $xslproc->transformToXML($xml);
$f = fopen($htmlFile, 'w+');
fwrite($f, $xslproc->transformToXML($xml));
// 是否打开生成的文件 sitemap.html
if($isopen_htmlfile) {
echo "<script>window.open('".$htmlFile."')</script>";
echo "<br>Create sitemap.html Success";
* 创建sitemap items元素
* @param unknown $sitemap 网站地图对象
* @param unknown $GPriorityArray 优先级数组
* @param unknown $GIncludeArray 包含文件数组
* @param unknown $GExcludeArray 排除文件数组
* @param array $scanRootPathArray 扫描根目录文件
function mergeItems($GIncludeArray, $GExcludeArray, $scanRootPathArray=array()) {
echo "<br><br>";
$itemsArray = array_merge($GIncludeArray, $scanRootPathArray);
// 用于数组去重和格式化/开头文件
$itemsArray2 = array();
$idx = 0;
foreach ($itemsArray as $item) {
$item = str_replace(pathinfo ( __FILE__, PATHINFO_DIRNAME ), "", $item);
// 格式化 about.php 转为 /about.php
if(substr($item, 0, 1) !== "/") {
$item = "/" . $item;
// 剔除排除的文件
$isExclude = false;
foreach ($GExcludeArray as $excludeFile) {
if(stripos($item, $excludeFile) > 0) {
$idx += 1;
echo "$idx --- exclude --- $item $excludeFile true <br>";
$isExclude = true;
if($isExclude) continue;
// 数组去重
if(!in_array($item, $itemsArray2)) {
array_push($itemsArray2, $item);
return $itemsArray2;
* 递归扫描根目录,默认扫描三层
* @param string $rootPath 根目录
* @param number $dirLevel 扫描的当前层级
* @param number $MaxDirLevel 扫描的最大层级
function scanRootPath($rootPath=".", $dirLevel=1, $MaxDirLevel=3, &$resArray=array()) {
global $GFileTypesArray;
if($dirLevel > $MaxDirLevel) {
if($rootPath == "." || $rootPath == "./") {
$rootPath = pathinfo ( __FILE__, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
$rootDir = opendir($rootPath);
while(($file = readdir($rootDir)) !== false) {
if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue;
$filefullpath = $rootPath . "/" . $file;
$fileinfo = pathinfo($filefullpath);
if(isset($fileinfo['extension']) && in_array($fileinfo['extension'], $GFileTypesArray)) {
// echo $filefullpath. "<br>";
array_push($resArray, $filefullpath);
if(is_dir($filefullpath)) {
scanRootPath($filefullpath, $dirLevel+1, $MaxDirLevel, $resArray);
return $resArray;
// 生成文件或目录供测试用,可删除
function testCreateFiles($isCreate=false) {
$testFiles = array( "index.php", "about.php", "hr.php", "phpinfo.php", "robots.txt",
"sitemap-2.xml", "sitemap-3.xml", "sitemap2.xml", "sitemap3.xml",
"img/mimvp-logo.png", "img/sandy.jpeg", "css/style.css", "js/mimvp.js",
"admin/about.php", "admin/admin.php", "admin/hr.php",
"usercenter/login.php", "usercenter/regist.php", "usercenter/user.php",
"xmls/sitemap.xml", "xmls/mimvp/sitemap111.xml", "xmls/mimvp2/sub/sitemap222.xml", "xmls/mimvp3/sub/third/sitemap333.xml");
// 创建文件或目录
if($isCreate) {
foreach ($testFiles as $file) {
$base = basename($file);
$dir = dirname($file);
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
if(!file_exists($file)) {
// echo "file --- $file<br>";
$f = fopen($file, "w");
fwrite($f, "<?php sitemap.xml by mimvp.com in 2017 ?>");
// 删除文件或目录
if(!$isCreate) {
foreach ($testFiles as $file) {
if(file_exists($file)) unlink($file); // 删除文件
if(stripos($file, "/") > 0) {
$dir = explode("/", $file)[0]; // 获取根目录
// 递归删除文件或目录
function testDeleteDir($dir) {
if($dir == "." || $dir == "..") return;
if( is_dir($dir) && rmdir($dir) == false) {
if($pd = opendir($dir)) {
while(($file = readdir($pd)) != false ) {
if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue;
$filePath = $dir . "/" . $file;
if(is_dir($filePath) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
testDeleteDir($filePath); // 递归调用
} else {
if(file_exists($filePath)) unlink($filePath);
if(is_dir($dir)) rmdir($dir);
// 获取毫秒的时间戳
function getMillisecond() {
$time = explode(" ", microtime());
return $time[1] + $time[0];
* Sitemap
* 生成 Google Sitemap files (sitemap.xml)
* @package Sitemap
* @author Sandy <sandy@mimvp.com>
* @copyright 2009-2017 mimvp.com
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
* @link http://github.com/mimvp/sitemap-php
class Sitemap {
private $writer; // XMLWriter对象
private $domain = "http://mimvp.com"; // 网站地图根域名
private $xmlFile = "sitemap"; // 网站地图xml文件(不含后缀.xml)
private $xmlFileFolder = ""; // 网站地图xml文件夹
private $currXmlFileFullPath = ""; // 网站地图xml文件当前全路径
private $isSchemaMore= true; // 网站地图是否添加额外的schema
private $current_item = 0; // 网站地图item个数(序号)
private $current_sitemap = 0; // 网站地图的个数(序号)
const SCHEMA_XMLNS = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9';
const SCHEMA_XMLNS_XSI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
const SCHEMA_XSI_SCHEMALOCATION = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd';
const SITEMAP_ITEMS = 50000;
const INDEX_SUFFIX = 'index';
const SITEMAP_EXT = '.xml';
* @param string $domain : 初始化网站地图根域名
public function __construct($domain) {
* 设置网站地图根域名,开头用 http:// or https://, 结尾不要反斜杠/
* @param string $domain : 网站地图根域名 <br>例如: http://mimvp.com
public function setDomain($domain) {
if(substr($domain, -1) == "/") {
$domain = substr($domain, 0, strlen($domain)-1);
$this->domain = $domain;
return $this;
* 返回网站根域名
private function getDomain() {
return $this->domain;
* 设置网站地图的xml文件名
public function setXmlFile($xmlFile) {
$base = basename($xmlFile);
$dir = dirname($xmlFile);
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
$res = mkdir(iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", $dir), 0777, true);
if($res) {
echo "mkdir $dir success";
} else {
echo "mkdir $dir fail.";
$this->xmlFile = $xmlFile;
return $this;
* 返回网站地图的xml文件名
private function getXmlFile() {
return $this->xmlFile;
public function setIsChemaMore($isSchemaMore) {
$this->isSchemaMore = $isSchemaMore;
private function getIsSchemaMore() {
return $this->isSchemaMore;
* 设置XMLWriter对象
private function setWriter(XMLWriter $writer) {
$this->writer = $writer;
* 返回XMLWriter对象
private function getWriter() {
return $this->writer;
* 返回网站地图的当前item
* @return int
private function getCurrentItem() {
return $this->current_item;
* 设置网站地图的item个数加1
private function incCurrentItem() {
$this->current_item = $this->current_item + 1;
* 返回当前网站地图(默认50000个item则新建一个网站地图)
* @return int
private function getCurrentSitemap() {
return $this->current_sitemap;
* 设置网站地图个数加1
private function incCurrentSitemap() {
$this->current_sitemap = $this->current_sitemap + 1;
private function getXMLFileFullPath() {
$xmlfileFullPath = "";
if ($this->getCurrentSitemap()) {
$xmlfileFullPath = $this->getXmlFile() . self::SITEMAP_SEPERATOR . $this->getCurrentSitemap() . self::SITEMAP_EXT; // 第n个网站地图xml文件名 + -n + 后缀.xml
} else {
$xmlfileFullPath = $this->getXmlFile() . self::SITEMAP_EXT; // 第一个网站地图xml文件名 + 后缀.xml
$this->setCurrXmlFileFullPath($xmlfileFullPath); // 保存当前xml文件全路径
return $xmlfileFullPath;
public function getCurrXmlFileFullPath() {
return $this->currXmlFileFullPath;
private function setCurrXmlFileFullPath($currXmlFileFullPath) {
$this->currXmlFileFullPath = $currXmlFileFullPath;
* Prepares sitemap XML document
private function startSitemap() {
$this->setWriter(new XMLWriter());
$this->getWriter()->openURI($this->getXMLFileFullPath()); // 获取xml文件全路径
$this->getWriter()->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
if($this->getIsSchemaMore()) {
$this->getWriter()->writeAttribute('xmlns:xsi', self::SCHEMA_XMLNS_XSI);
$this->getWriter()->writeAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', self::SCHEMA_XSI_SCHEMALOCATION);
$this->getWriter()->writeAttribute('xmlns', self::SCHEMA_XMLNS);
* 写入item元素,url、loc、priority字段必选,changefreq、lastmod可选
public function addItem($loc, $priority = self::DEFAULT_PRIORITY, $changefreq = NULL, $lastmod = NULL) {
if (($this->getCurrentItem() % self::SITEMAP_ITEMS) == 0) {
if ($this->getWriter() instanceof XMLWriter) {
$this->getWriter()->writeElement('loc', $this->getDomain() . $loc); // 必选
$this->getWriter()->writeElement('priority', $priority); // 必选
if ($changefreq) {
$this->getWriter()->writeElement('changefreq', $changefreq); // 可选
if ($lastmod) {
$this->getWriter()->writeElement('lastmod', $this->getLastModifiedDate($lastmod)); // 可选
return $this;
* 转义时间格式,返回时间格式为 2016-09-12
private function getLastModifiedDate($date=null) {
if(null == $date) {
$date = time();
if (ctype_digit($date)) {
return date('c', $date); // Y-m-d
} else {
$date = strtotime($date);
return date('c', $date);
* 结束网站xml文档,配合开始xml文档使用
public function endSitemap() {
if (!$this->getWriter()) {
* Writes Google sitemap index for generated sitemap files
* @param string $loc Accessible URL path of sitemaps
* @param string|int $lastmod The date of last modification of sitemap. Unix timestamp or any English textual datetime description.
public function createSitemapIndex($loc, $lastmod = 'Today') {
$indexwriter = new XMLWriter();
$indexwriter->openURI($this->getXmlFile() . self::SITEMAP_SEPERATOR . self::INDEX_SUFFIX . self::SITEMAP_EXT);
$indexwriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$indexwriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:xsi', self::SCHEMA_XMLNS_XSI);
$indexwriter->writeAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', self::SCHEMA_XSI_SCHEMALOCATION);
$indexwriter->writeAttribute('xmlns', self::SCHEMA_XMLNS);
for ($index = 0; $index < $this->getCurrentSitemap(); $index++) {
$indexwriter->writeElement('loc', $loc . $this->getFilename() . ($index ? self::SITEMAP_SEPERATOR . $index : '') . self::SITEMAP_EXT);
$indexwriter->writeElement('lastmod', $this->getLastModifiedDate($lastmod));
