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lvmingfu 提交于 2021-07-19 12:01 . add ops update files for r1.3

API Updates

Compared with the previous version, the added, deleted and supported platforms change information of mindspore.ops operators in MindSpore, is shown in the following table.

API Status Description Support Platform Class
mindspore.ops.TensorScatterAdd New Creates a new tensor by adding the values from the positions in input_x indicicated by indices , with values from update . r1.3: GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.MaskedSelect New Returns a new 1-D Tensor which indexes the input tensor according to the boolean mask. r1.3: CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.AvgPool3D New 3D Average pooling operation. r1.3: Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.AdaptiveAvgPool2D New AdaptiveAvgPool2D operation. r1.3: GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.SparseTensorDenseMatmul New Multiplies sparse matrix A by dense matrix B . r1.3: CPU operations--Sparse Operators
mindspore.ops.SparseToDense New Converts a sparse representation into a dense tensor. r1.3: CPU operations--Sparse Operators
mindspore.ops.MDIterationLeapFrogLiujian New One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system, using Langevin dynamics with Liu’s thermostat scheme. r1.3: GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.distribute Deleted mindspore.ops.Primitive (‘distribute’) functional
mindspore.ops.AiCPURegOp Deleted Class for AiCPU op info register op_info_register
mindspore.ops.core Changed A decorator that adds a flag to the function. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU composite
mindspore.ops.ScatterUpdate Changed Updates tensor values by using input indices and value. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterDiv Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the divide operation. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterNdUpdate Changed Updates tensor values by using input indices and value. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.EmbeddingLookup Changed Returns a slice of input tensor based on the specified indices. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterAdd Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the addition operation. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterSub Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the subtraction operation. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.DepthToSpace Changed Rearranges blocks of depth data into spatial dimensions. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.Rint Changed Returns an integer that is closest to x element-wise. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.BroadcastTo Changed Broadcasts input tensor to a given shape. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterMin Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the minimum operation. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.Identity Changed Returns a Tensor with the same shape and contents as input. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.TensorScatterUpdate Changed Creates a new tensor by updating the positions in input_x indicicated by indices , with values from update . r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterMax Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the maximum operation. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ScatterMul Changed Updates the value of the input tensor through the multiply operation. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.ReverseSequence Changed Reverses variable length slices. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.SpaceToDepth Changed Rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.Sort Changed Sorts the elements of the input tensor along a given dimension in ascending order by value. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.CropAndResize Changed Extracts crops from the input image tensor and resizes them. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Image Operators
mindspore.ops.IsNan Changed Determines which elements are NaN for each position. r1.2: GPU => r1.3: GPU/CPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.CumProd Changed Computes the cumulative product of the tensor x along axis. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Sign Changed Performs sign on the tensor element-wise. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Round Changed Returns half to even of a tensor element-wise. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Mod Changed Computes the remainder of dividing the first input tensor by the second input tensor element-wise. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.SGD Changed Computes the stochastic gradient descent. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.BCEWithLogitsLoss Changed Adds sigmoid activation function to input predict , and uses the given logits to compute binary cross entropy between the target and the output. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.FloorMod Changed Computes the remainder of division element-wise. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.L2Normalize Changed L2 Normalization Operator. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.PReLU Changed Parametric Rectified Linear Unit activation function. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.BatchNorm Changed Batch Normalization for input data and updated parameters. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.Dropout3D Changed During training, randomly zeroes some of the channels of the input tensor with probability 1- keep_prob from a Bernoulli distribution. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.Conv3D Changed 3D convolution layer. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.NLLLoss Changed Gets the negative log likelihood loss between logits and labels. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinear Changed Resizes an image to a certain size using the bilinear interpolation. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.InTopK Changed Determines whether the targets are in the top k predictions. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Other Operators
mindspore.ops.IOU Changed Calculates intersection over union for boxes. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Other Operators
mindspore.ops.Erf Changed Computes the Gauss error function of x element-wise. r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Eps Changed Creates a tensor filled with x dtype minimum value. r1.2: Ascend/GPU => r1.3: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Atan2 Changed Returns arctangent of x/y element-wise. r1.2: Ascend/CPU => r1.3: Ascend/CPU/GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.ApplyGradientDescent Changed Updates relevant entries according to the following. Ascend r1.2: Ascend => r1.3: Ascend/GPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.Add Changed Adds two input tensors element-wise. Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--r1.2: Math Operators => r1.3: functional
