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lvmingfu 提交于 2021-12-02 10:25 . fix error links for r1.5

API Updates

Compared with the previous version, the added, deleted and supported platforms change information of mindspore.ops operators in MindSpore, is shown in the following table.

API Status Description Support Platform Class
mindspore.ops.acos New Refer to mindspore.ops.ACos. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.acosh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Acosh. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.add New Refer to mindspore.ops.Add. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.array_reduce Deleted Reduce the dimension of the array. functional
mindspore.ops.array_to_scalar Deleted Convert the array to a scalar. functional
mindspore.ops.asin New Refer to mindspore.ops.Asin. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.asinh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Asinh. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.atan New Refer to mindspore.ops.Atan. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.atan2 New Refer to mindspore.ops.Atan2. r1.5: Ascend/CPU/GPU functional
mindspore.ops.atanh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Atanh. r1.5: Ascend/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.bitwise_and New Refer to mindspore.ops.BitwiseAnd. r1.5: Ascend functional
mindspore.ops.bitwise_or New Refer to mindspore.ops.BitwiseOr. r1.5: Ascend functional
mindspore.ops.bitwise_xor New Refer to mindspore.ops.BitwiseXor. r1.5: Ascend functional
mindspore.ops.cos New Refer to mindspore.ops.Cos. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.cosh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Cosh. r1.5: Ascend/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.cumprod New Refer to mindspore.ops.CumProd. r1.5: Ascend/GPU functional
mindspore.ops.cumsum New Refer to mindspore.ops.CumSum. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.depend New Refer to mindspore.ops.Depend. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.div New Refer to mindspore.ops.RealDiv. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.erf New Refer to mindspore.ops.Erf. r1.5: Ascend/GPU functional
mindspore.ops.erfc New Refer to mindspore.ops.Erfc. r1.5: Ascend/GPU functional
mindspore.ops.exp New Refer to mindspore.ops.Exp. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.eye New Refer to mindspore.ops.Eye. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.floor New Refer to mindspore.ops.Floor. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.floordiv New Refer to mindspore.ops.FloorDiv. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.floormod New Refer to mindspore.ops.FloorMod. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.gather_d New Refer to mindspore.ops.GatherD. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.ge New Refer to mindspore.ops.GreaterEqual. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.gt New Refer to mindspore.ops.Greater. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.hastype Deleted Determine whether the object has the specified type. functional
mindspore.ops.invert New Refer to mindspore.ops.Invert. r1.5: Ascend functional
mindspore.ops.isfinite New Refer to mindspore.ops.IsFinite. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.isnan New Refer to mindspore.ops.IsNan. r1.5: GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.le New Refer to mindspore.ops.LessEqual. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.less New Refer to mindspore.ops.Less. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.log New Refer to mindspore.ops.Log. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.make_row_tensor Deleted Generate row tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.make_sparse_tensor Deleted Generate sparse tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.maximum New Refer to mindspore.ops.Maximum. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.minimum New Refer to mindspore.ops.Minimum. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.mixed_precision_cast Deleted A temporary ops for mixed precision will be converted to cast after the step of compiling. functional
mindspore.ops.mul New Refer to mindspore.ops.Mul. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.pows New Refer to mindspore.ops.Pow. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduce_max New Refer to mindspore.ops.ReduceMax. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduce_mean New Refer to mindspore.ops.ReduceMean. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduce_min New Refer to mindspore.ops.ReduceMin. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduce_prod New Refer to mindspore.ops.ReduceProd. r1.5: Ascend/GPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduce_sum New Refer to mindspore.ops.ReduceSum. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.reduced_shape Deleted Calculate the shape of the reduction operator. functional
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_dense_shape Deleted Get corresponding dense shape of row tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_indices Deleted Get indices of row tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.row_tensor_get_values Deleted Get values of row tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.sin New Refer to mindspore.ops.Sin. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.sinh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Sinh. r1.5: Ascend/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.sort New Refer to mindspore.ops.Sort. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_dense_shape Deleted Get corresponding dense shape of sparse tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_indices Deleted Get indices of sparse tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.sparse_tensor_get_values Deleted Get values of sparse tensor. functional
mindspore.ops.squeeze New Refer to mindspore.ops.Squeeze. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.sub New Refer to mindspore.ops.Sub. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tan New Refer to mindspore.ops.Tan. r1.5: Ascend/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tanh New Refer to mindspore.ops.Tanh. r1.5: GPU/ /CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_add New Refer to mindspore.ops.Add. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_exp New Refer to mindspore.ops.Exp. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_expm1 New Refer to mindspore.ops.Expm1. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_add New Refer to mindspore.ops.TensorScatterAdd. r1.5: GPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_update New Refer to mindspore.ops.TensorScatterUpdate. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.tensor_slice New Refer to mindspore.ops.Slice. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.transpose New Refer to mindspore.ops.Transpose. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU functional
mindspore.ops.MaskedFill New Fills elements of self tensor with value where mask is True. r1.5: Ascend operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.SplitV New Splits the input tensor into num_split tensors along the given dimension. r1.5: Ascend operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.TensorScatterMax New By comparing the value at the position indicated by the index in input_x with the value in the update, the value at the index will eventually be equal to the largest one to create a new tensor. r1.5: GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.TensorScatterMin New By comparing the value at the position indicated by the index in input_x with the value in the updates , the value at the index will eventually be equal to the smallest one to create a new tensor. r1.5: GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.TensorScatterSub New Creates a new tensor by subtracting the values from the positions in input_x indicicated by indices , with values from updates . r1.5: GPU operations--Array Operators
mindspore.ops.HookBackward New This operation is used as a tag to hook gradient in intermediate variables. r1.5: To Be Developed operations--Debug Operators
mindspore.ops.Conj New Returns a Tensor that is the real part of the input. r1.5: GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Erfinv New Computes the inverse error function of input. r1.5: Ascend operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Imag New Returns a new tensor containing imaginary value of the input. r1.5: GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Lerp New Does a linear interpolation of two tensors start and end based on a float or tensor weight. r1.5: Ascend operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.Real New Returns a Tensor that is the real part of the input. r1.5: GPU operations--Math Operators
mindspore.ops.AdamWeightDecay New Updates gradients by the Adaptive Moment Estimation (AdamWeightDecay) algorithm with weight decay. r1.5: GPU/CPU operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.ApplyAdagradDA New Update var according to the proximal adagrad scheme. r1.5: Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.BNTrainingReduce Deleted For the BatchNorm operation this operator updates the moving averages for training and is used in conjunction with BNTrainingUpdate. Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.BNTrainingUpdate Deleted For the BatchNorm operation, this operator updates the moving averages for training and is used in conjunction with BNTrainingReduce. Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.HShrink New Applies the hard shrinkage function element-wise, each element complies the follow function: r1.5: Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.SoftMarginLoss New SoftMarginLoss operation. r1.5: Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.SoftShrink New Applies the soft shrinkage function elementwise. r1.5: Ascend operations--Neural Network Operators
mindspore.ops.AngleAtomEnergy Deleted Add the potential energy caused by angle terms to the total potential energy of each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.AngleEnergy Deleted Calculate the energy caused by 3-atoms angle term. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.AngleForce Deleted Calculate the force exerted by angles made of 3 atoms on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.AngleForceWithAtomEnergy Deleted Calculate angle force and potential energy together. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.BondAtomEnergy Deleted Add the potential energy caused by simple harmonic bonds to the total potential energy of each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.BondEnergy Deleted Calculate the harmonic potential energy between each bonded atom pair. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.BondForce Deleted Calculate the force exerted by the simple harmonic bond on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.BondForceWithAtomEnergy Deleted Calculate bond force and harmonic potential energy together. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.BondForceWithAtomVirial Deleted Calculate bond force and the virial coefficient caused by simple harmonic bond for each atom together. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14CFAtomEnergy Deleted Add the potential energy caused by Coulumb energy correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms to the total potential energy of each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14CFEnergy Deleted Calculate the Coulumb part of 1,4 dihedral energy correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14LJAtomEnergy Deleted Add the potential energy caused by Lennard-Jones energy correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms to the total potential energy of each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14LJCFForceWithAtomEnergy Deleted Calculate the Lennard-Jones and Coulumb energy correction and force correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms together and add them to the total force and potential energy for each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14LJEnergy Deleted Calculate the Lennard-Jones part of 1,4 dihedral energy correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14LJForce Deleted Calculate the Lennard-Jones part of 1,4 dihedral force correction for each necessary dihedral terms on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Dihedral14LJForceWithDirectCF Deleted Calculate the Lennard-Jones part and the Coulomb part of force correction for each necessary dihedral 1,4 terms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.DihedralAtomEnergy Deleted Add the potential energy caused by dihedral terms to the total potential energy of each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.DihedralEnergy Deleted Calculate the potential energy caused by dihedral terms for each 4-atom pair. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.DihedralForce Deleted Calculate the force exerted by the dihedral term which made of 4-atoms on the corresponding atoms. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.DihedralForceWithAtomEnergy Deleted Calculate dihedral force and potential energy together. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.LJEnergy Deleted Calculate the Van der Waals interaction energy described by Lennard-Jones potential for each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.LJForce Deleted Calculate the Van der Waals interaction force described by Lennard-Jones potential energy for each atom. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.LJForceWithPMEDirectForce Deleted Calculate the Lennard-Jones force and PME direct force together. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.MDIterationLeapFrog Deleted One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.MDIterationLeapFrogLiujian Deleted One step of classical leap frog algorithm to solve the finite difference Hamiltonian equations of motion for certain system, using Langevin dynamics with Liu’s thermostat scheme. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.NeighborListUpdate Deleted Update (or construct if first time) the Verlet neighbor list for the calculation of short-ranged force. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.PMEEnergy Deleted Calculate the Coulumb energy of the system using PME method. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.PMEExcludedForce Deleted Calculate the excluded part of long-range Coulumb force using PME(Particle Meshed Ewald) method. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.PMEReciprocalForce Deleted Calculate the reciprocal part of long-range Coulumb force using PME(Particle Meshed Ewald) method. GPU operations--Sponge Operators
mindspore.ops.Abs Changed r1.5: Returns absolute value of a tensor element-wise. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU operations--r1.3: Math Operators => r1.5: functional
mindspore.ops.Add Changed r1.5: Adds two input tensors element-wise. r1.5: Ascend/GPU/CPU r1.3: functional => r1.5: operations--Math Operators
