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mindinsight_summary.proto 5.24 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
jiangshuqiang 提交于 2021-10-29 23:52 . add loss landscape feature.
// Copyright 2019-2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package mindinsight;
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// The ANF IR define, include the tensor and graph define
import "mindinsight_anf_ir.proto";
// Event Protocol buffer, Top define
message Event {
// Timestamp
required double wall_time = 1;
// The step of train.
optional int64 step = 2;
oneof what {
// An event file was started, with the specified version.
// Now version is "Mindspore.Event:1"
string version = 3;
// GraphDef.
GraphProto graph_def = 4;
// Summary data
Summary summary = 5;
Explain explain = 6;
message LossLandscape {
message Point {
optional TensorProto x=1;
optional TensorProto y=2;
optional TensorProto z=3;
message LossPath {
repeated int32 intervals = 1; // step intervals or epoch intervals
optional Point points = 2;
message Metadata {
optional string decomposition = 1;
optional string unit = 2; // step or epoch
optional int32 step_per_epoch = 3;
optional Point landscape = 1;
optional LossPath loss_path = 2;
optional Metadata metadata = 3; // maybe only record by the first value
optional Point convergence_point = 4;
// A Summary is a set of named values that be produced regularly during training
message Summary {
message Image {
// Dimensions of the image.
required int32 height = 1;
required int32 width = 2;
// Valid colorspace values are
// 1 - grayscale
// 2 - grayscale + alpha
// 3 - RGB
// 4 - RGBA
// 6 - BGRA
required int32 colorspace = 3;
// Image data in encoded format. Now only support the RGB.
required bytes encoded_image = 4;
message Histogram {
message bucket{
// Counting number of values fallen in [left, left + width).
// For the rightmost bucket, the range is [left, left + width].
required double left = 1;
required double width = 2;
required int64 count = 3;
repeated bucket buckets = 1;
optional int64 nan_count = 2;
optional int64 pos_inf_count = 3;
optional int64 neg_inf_count = 4;
// max, min, sum will not take nan and inf into account.
// If there is no valid value in tensor, max and min will be nan, sum will be 0.
optional double max = 5;
optional double min = 6;
optional double sum = 7;
// total number of values. including nan and inf.
optional int64 count = 8;
message Value {
// Tag name for the data.
required string tag = 1;
// Value associated with the tag.
oneof value {
float scalar_value = 3;
Image image = 4;
TensorProto tensor = 8;
Histogram histogram = 9;
LossLandscape loss_landscape = 10;
// Set of values for the summary.
repeated Value value = 1;
message Explain {
message Inference{
repeated float ground_truth_prob = 1;
repeated int32 predicted_label = 2;
repeated float predicted_prob = 3;
repeated float ground_truth_prob_sd = 4;
repeated float ground_truth_prob_itl95_low = 5;
repeated float ground_truth_prob_itl95_hi = 6;
repeated float predicted_prob_sd = 7;
repeated float predicted_prob_itl95_low = 8;
repeated float predicted_prob_itl95_hi = 9;
message Explanation{
optional string explain_method = 1;
optional int32 label = 2;
optional string heatmap_path = 3;
message Benchmark{
optional string benchmark_method = 1;
optional string explain_method = 2;
optional float total_score = 3;
repeated float label_score = 4;
message Metadata{
repeated string label = 1;
repeated string explain_method = 2;
repeated string benchmark_method = 3;
message HocLayer{
optional float prob = 1;
repeated int32 box = 2; // List of repeated x, y, w, h
message Hoc {
optional int32 label = 1;
optional string mask = 2;
repeated HocLayer layer = 3;
optional int32 sample_id = 1; // The Metadata and sample id must have one fill in
optional string image_path = 2;
repeated int32 ground_truth_label = 3;
optional Inference inference = 4;
repeated Explanation explanation = 5;
repeated Benchmark benchmark = 6;
optional Metadata metadata = 7;
optional string status = 8; // enum value: run, end
repeated Hoc hoc = 9; // hierarchical occlusion counterfactual
