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GVPMindSpore / mindspore

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liyan2022 提交于 2022-01-08 15:24 . support nvgpu quant
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include "include/api/data_type.h"
#include "include/api/dual_abi_helper.h"
#include "include/api/format.h"
#ifndef MS_API
#ifdef _WIN32
#define MS_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MS_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
namespace mindspore {
enum ModelType : uint32_t {
kMindIR = 0,
kAIR = 1,
kOM = 2,
kONNX = 3,
kMindIR_Opt = 4,
// insert new data type here
kUnknownType = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum QuantizationType : uint32_t { kNoQuant = 0, kWeightQuant = 1, kFullQuant = 2, kUnknownQuantType = 0xFFFFFFFF };
enum OptimizationLevel : uint32_t {
kO0 = 0, // Do not change
kO2 = 2, // Cast network to float16, keep batchnorm and loss in float32,
kO3 = 3, // Cast network to float16, including bacthnorm
kAuto = 4, // Choose optimization based on device
kOptimizationType = 0xFFFFFFFF
struct QuantParam {
int bit_num;
double scale;
int32_t zero_point;
double min;
double max;
class Allocator;
/// \brief The MSTensor class defines a tensor in MindSpore.
class MS_API MSTensor {
class Impl;
/// \brief Creates a MSTensor object, whose data need to be copied before accessed by Model, must be used in pairs
/// with DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \param[in] name The name of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] type The data type of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] shape The shape of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] data The data pointer that points to allocated memory.
/// \param[in] data_len The length of the memory, in bytes.
/// \return A pointer of MSTensor.
static inline MSTensor *CreateTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
/// \brief Creates a MSTensor object, whose data can be directly accessed by Model, must be used in pairs with
/// DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \param[in] name The name of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] type The data type of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] shape The shape of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] data The data pointer that points to allocated memory.
/// \param[in] data_len The length of the memory, in bytes.
/// \return A pointer of MSTensor.
static inline MSTensor *CreateRefTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
/// \brief Creates a MSTensor object, whose device data can be directly accessed by Model, must be used in pairs with
/// DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \param[in] name The name of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] type The data type of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] shape The shape of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] data The data pointer that points to device memory.
/// \param[in] data_len The length of the memory, in bytes.
/// \return A pointer of MSTensor.
static inline MSTensor *CreateDevTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
/// \brief Creates a MSTensor object from local file, must be used in pairs with DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \param[in] file Path of file to be read.
/// \param[in] type The data type of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] shape The shape of the MSTensor.
/// \return A pointer of MSTensor.
static inline MSTensor *CreateTensorFromFile(const std::string &file, DataType type = DataType::kNumberTypeUInt8,
const std::vector<int64_t> &shape = {}) noexcept;
/// \brief Create a string type MSTensor object whose data can be accessed by Model only after being copied, must be
/// used in pair with DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \param[in] name The name of the MSTensor.
/// \param[in] str A vector container containing several strings.
/// \return A pointer of MSTensor.
static inline MSTensor *StringsToTensor(const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &str);
/// \brief Parse the string type MSTensor object into strings.
/// \param[in] tensor A MSTensor object.
/// \return A vector container containing several strings.
static inline std::vector<std::string> TensorToStrings(const MSTensor &tensor);
/// \brief Destroy an object created by Clone, StringsToTensor, CreateRefTensor, CreateDevTensor or CreateTensor. Do
/// not use it to destroy MSTensor from other sources.
/// \param[in] tensor A MSTensor object.
static void DestroyTensorPtr(MSTensor *tensor) noexcept;
explicit MSTensor(const std::shared_ptr<Impl> &impl);
inline MSTensor(const std::string &name, DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const void *data,
size_t data_len);
explicit MSTensor(std::nullptr_t);
/// \brief Obtains the name of the MSTensor.
/// \return The name of the MSTensor.
inline std::string Name() const;
/// \brief Obtains the data type of the MSTensor.
/// \return The data type of the MSTensor.
enum DataType DataType() const;
/// \brief Obtains the shape of the MSTensor.
/// \return The shape of the MSTensor.
const std::vector<int64_t> &Shape() const;
/// \brief Obtains the number of elements of the MSTensor.
/// \return The number of elements of the MSTensor.
int64_t ElementNum() const;
/// \brief Obtains a shared pointer to the copy of data of the MSTensor. The data can be read on host.
/// \return A shared pointer to the copy of data of the MSTensor.
std::shared_ptr<const void> Data() const;
/// \brief Obtains the pointer to the data of the MSTensor. If the MSTensor is a device tensor, the data cannot be
/// accessed directly on host.
/// \return A pointer to the data of the MSTensor.
void *MutableData();
/// \brief Obtains the length of the data of the MSTensor, in bytes.
/// \return The length of the data of the MSTensor, in bytes.
size_t DataSize() const;
/// \brief Get whether the MSTensor data is const data
/// \return Const flag of MSTensor
bool IsConst() const;
/// \brief Gets the boolean value that indicates whether the memory of MSTensor is on device.
/// \return The boolean value that indicates whether the memory of MSTensor is on device.
bool IsDevice() const;
/// \brief Gets a deep copy of the MSTensor, must be used in pair with DestroyTensorPtr.
/// \return A pointer points to a deep copy of the MSTensor.
MSTensor *Clone() const;
/// \brief Gets the boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.
/// \return The boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const;
/// \brief Gets the boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.
/// \return The boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor is valid.
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const;
/// \brief Get the boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor equals tensor.
/// \param[in] another MSTensor.
/// \return The boolean value that indicates whether the MSTensor equals tensor.
bool operator==(const MSTensor &tensor) const;
/// \brief Set the shape of for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] Shape of the MSTensor, a vector of int64_t.
void SetShape(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape);
/// \brief Set the data type for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] The data type of the MSTensor.
void SetDataType(enum DataType data_type);
/// \brief Set the name for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] The name of the MSTensor.
inline void SetTensorName(const std::string &name);
/// \brief Set the Allocator for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] A pointer to Allocator.
void SetAllocator(std::shared_ptr<Allocator> allocator);
/// \brief Obtain the Allocator of the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \return A pointer to Allocator.
std::shared_ptr<Allocator> allocator() const;
/// \brief Set the format for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] The format of the MSTensor.
void SetFormat(mindspore::Format format);
/// \brief Obtain the format of the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \return The format of the MSTensor.
mindspore::Format format() const;
/// \brief Set the data for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] A pointer to the data of the MSTensor.
void SetData(void *data);
/// \brief Get the quantization parameters of the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \return The quantization parameters of the MSTensor.
std::vector<QuantParam> QuantParams() const;
/// \brief Set the quantization parameters for the MSTensor. Only valid for Lite.
/// \param[in] The quantization parameters of the MSTensor.
void SetQuantParams(std::vector<QuantParam> quant_params);
const std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl() const { return impl_; }
// api without std::string
static MSTensor *CreateTensor(const std::vector<char> &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
static MSTensor *CreateRefTensor(const std::vector<char> &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
static MSTensor *CreateDevTensor(const std::vector<char> &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept;
static MSTensor *CreateTensorFromFile(const std::vector<char> &file, enum DataType type,
const std::vector<int64_t> &shape) noexcept;
static MSTensor *CharStringsToTensor(const std::vector<char> &name, const std::vector<std::vector<char>> &str);
static std::vector<std::vector<char>> TensorToStringChars(const MSTensor &tensor);
MSTensor(const std::vector<char> &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const void *data,
size_t data_len);
std::vector<char> CharName() const;
void SetTensorName(const std::vector<char> &name);
friend class ModelImpl;
std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl_;
class MS_API Buffer {
Buffer(const void *data, size_t data_len);
const void *Data() const;
void *MutableData();
size_t DataSize() const;
bool ResizeData(size_t data_len);
bool SetData(const void *data, size_t data_len);
Buffer Clone() const;
class Impl;
std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl_;
MSTensor *MSTensor::CreateTensor(const std::string &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept {
return CreateTensor(StringToChar(name), type, shape, data, data_len);
MSTensor *MSTensor::CreateRefTensor(const std::string &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept {
return CreateRefTensor(StringToChar(name), type, shape, data, data_len);
MSTensor *MSTensor::CreateDevTensor(const std::string &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape,
const void *data, size_t data_len) noexcept {
return CreateDevTensor(StringToChar(name), type, shape, data, data_len);
MSTensor *MSTensor::CreateTensorFromFile(const std::string &file, enum DataType type,
const std::vector<int64_t> &shape) noexcept {
return CreateTensorFromFile(StringToChar(file), type, shape);
MSTensor *MSTensor::StringsToTensor(const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &str) {
return CharStringsToTensor(StringToChar(name), VectorStringToChar(str));
std::vector<std::string> MSTensor::TensorToStrings(const MSTensor &tensor) {
return VectorCharToString(TensorToStringChars(tensor));
MSTensor::MSTensor(const std::string &name, enum DataType type, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const void *data,
size_t data_len)
: MSTensor(StringToChar(name), type, shape, data, data_len) {}
std::string MSTensor::Name() const { return CharToString(CharName()); }
void MSTensor::SetTensorName(const std::string &name) { return SetTensorName(StringToChar(name)); }
using Key = struct Key {
const size_t max_key_len = 32;
size_t len;
unsigned char key[32];
Key() : len(0) {}
explicit Key(const char *dec_key, size_t key_len);
constexpr char kDecModeAesGcm[] = "AES-GCM";
/// \brief CallBackParam defined input arguments for callBack function.
struct MSCallBackParam {
std::string node_name; /**< node name argument */
std::string node_type; /**< node type argument */
/// \brief KernelCallBack defined the function pointer for callBack.
using MSKernelCallBack = std::function<bool(const std::vector<MSTensor> &inputs, const std::vector<MSTensor> &outputs,
const MSCallBackParam &opInfo)>;
std::vector<char> CharVersion();
inline std::string Version() { return CharToString(CharVersion()); }
} // namespace mindspore
