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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/goadesign/goa
validation.go 18.52 KB
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package design
import (
type routeInfo struct {
Key string
Resource *ResourceDefinition
Action *ActionDefinition
Route *RouteDefinition
Wildcards []*wildCardInfo
type wildCardInfo struct {
Name string
Orig dslengine.Definition
func newRouteInfo(resource *ResourceDefinition, action *ActionDefinition, route *RouteDefinition) *routeInfo {
vars := route.Params()
wi := make([]*wildCardInfo, len(vars))
for i, v := range vars {
var orig dslengine.Definition
if strings.Contains(route.Path, v) {
orig = route
} else if strings.Contains(resource.BasePath, v) {
orig = resource
} else {
orig = Design
wi[i] = &wildCardInfo{Name: v, Orig: orig}
key := WildcardRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(route.FullPath(), "*")
return &routeInfo{
Key: key,
Resource: resource,
Action: action,
Route: route,
Wildcards: wi,
// DifferentWildcards returns the list of wildcards in other that have a different name from the
// wildcard in target at the same position.
func (r *routeInfo) DifferentWildcards(other *routeInfo) (res [][2]*wildCardInfo) {
for i, wc := range other.Wildcards {
if r.Wildcards[i].Name != wc.Name {
res = append(res, [2]*wildCardInfo{r.Wildcards[i], wc})
// Validate tests whether the API definition is consistent: all resource parent names resolve to
// an actual resource.
func (a *APIDefinition) Validate() error {
// This is a little bit hacky but we need the generated media types DSLs to run first so
// that their views are defined otherwise we risk running into validation errors where an
// attribute defined on a non generated media type uses a generated mediatype (i.e.
// CollectionOf(Foo)) with a specific view that hasn't been set yet.
// TBD: Maybe GeneratedMediaTypes should not be a separate DSL root.
for _, mt := range GeneratedMediaTypes {
dslengine.Execute(mt.DSLFunc, mt)
mt.DSLFunc = nil // So that it doesn't run again when the generated media types DSL root is executed
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if a.Params != nil {
verr.Merge(a.Params.Validate("base parameters", a))
var allRoutes []*routeInfo
a.IterateResources(func(r *ResourceDefinition) error {
r.IterateActions(func(ac *ActionDefinition) error {
if ac.Docs != nil && ac.Docs.URL != "" {
if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(ac.Docs.URL); err != nil {
verr.Add(ac, "invalid action docs URL value: %s", err)
for _, ro := range ac.Routes {
if ro.IsAbsolute() {
info := newRouteInfo(r, ac, ro)
allRoutes = append(allRoutes, info)
rwcs := ExtractWildcards(ac.Parent.FullPath())
wcs := ExtractWildcards(ro.Path)
for _, rwc := range rwcs {
for _, wc := range wcs {
if rwc == wc {
verr.Add(ac, `duplicate wildcard "%s" in resource base path "%s" and action route "%s"`,
wc, ac.Parent.FullPath(), ro.Path)
return nil
return nil
a.validateRoutes(verr, allRoutes)
a.IterateMediaTypes(func(mt *MediaTypeDefinition) error {
return nil
a.IterateUserTypes(func(t *UserTypeDefinition) error {
verr.Merge(t.Validate("", a))
return nil
a.IterateResponses(func(r *ResponseDefinition) error {
return nil
for _, dec := range a.Consumes {
for _, enc := range a.Produces {
err := verr.AsError()
if err == nil {
// *ValidationErrors(nil) != error(nil)
return nil
return err
func (a *APIDefinition) validateRoutes(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors, routes []*routeInfo) {
for _, route := range routes {
for _, other := range routes {
if route == other {
if route.Route.Verb != other.Route.Verb {
if strings.HasPrefix(route.Key, other.Key) {
diffs := route.DifferentWildcards(other)
if len(diffs) > 0 {
var msg string
conflicts := make([]string, len(diffs))
for i, d := range diffs {
conflicts[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" from %s and "%s" from %s`, d[0].Name, d[0].Orig.Context(), d[1].Name, d[1].Orig.Context())
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s", strings.Join(conflicts, ", "))
`route "%s" conflicts with route "%s" of %s action %s. Make sure wildcards at the same positions have the same name. Conflicting wildcards are %s.`,
func (a *APIDefinition) validateContact(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
if a.Contact != nil && a.Contact.URL != "" {
if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(a.Contact.URL); err != nil {
verr.Add(a, "invalid contact URL value: %s", err)
func (a *APIDefinition) validateLicense(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
if a.License != nil && a.License.URL != "" {
if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(a.License.URL); err != nil {
verr.Add(a, "invalid license URL value: %s", err)
func (a *APIDefinition) validateDocs(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
if a.Docs != nil && a.Docs.URL != "" {
if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(a.Docs.URL); err != nil {
verr.Add(a, "invalid docs URL value: %s", err)
func (a *APIDefinition) validateOrigins(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
for _, origin := range a.Origins {
// Validate tests whether the resource definition is consistent: action names are valid and each action is
// valid.
func (r *ResourceDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if r.Name == "" {
verr.Add(r, "Resource name cannot be empty")
if r.ParentName != "" {
for _, resp := range r.Responses {
if r.Params != nil {
verr.Merge(r.Params.Validate("resource parameters", r))
for _, origin := range r.Origins {
return verr.AsError()
func (r *ResourceDefinition) validateActions(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
found := false
for _, a := range r.Actions {
if a.Name == r.CanonicalActionName {
found = true
for _, f := range r.FileServers {
if r.CanonicalActionName != "" && !found {
verr.Add(r, `unknown canonical action "%s"`, r.CanonicalActionName)
func (r *ResourceDefinition) validateParent(verr *dslengine.ValidationErrors) {
p, ok := Design.Resources[r.ParentName]
if !ok {
verr.Add(r, "Parent resource named %#v not found", r.ParentName)
} else {
if p.CanonicalAction() == nil {
verr.Add(r, "Parent resource %#v has no canonical action", r.ParentName)
// Validate makes sure the CORS definition origin is valid.
func (cors *CORSDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if !cors.Regexp && strings.Count(cors.Origin, "*") > 1 {
verr.Add(cors, "invalid origin, can only contain one wildcard character")
if cors.Regexp {
_, err := regexp.Compile(cors.Origin)
if err != nil {
verr.Add(cors, "invalid origin, should be a valid regular expression")
return verr
// Validate validates the encoding MIME type and Go package path if set.
func (enc *EncodingDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if len(enc.MIMETypes) == 0 {
verr.Add(enc, "missing MIME type")
return verr
for _, m := range enc.MIMETypes {
_, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(m)
if err != nil {
verr.Add(enc, "invalid MIME type %#v: %s", m, err)
if len(enc.PackagePath) > 0 {
rel := filepath.FromSlash(enc.PackagePath)
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
verr.Add(enc, "couldn't retrieve working directory %s", err)
return verr
_, err = build.Default.Import(rel, dir, build.FindOnly)
if err != nil {
verr.Add(enc, "invalid Go package path %#v: %s", enc.PackagePath, err)
return verr
} else {
for _, m := range enc.MIMETypes {
if _, ok := KnownEncoders[m]; !ok {
knownMIMETypes := make([]string, len(KnownEncoders))
i := 0
for k := range KnownEncoders {
knownMIMETypes[i] = k
verr.Add(enc, "Encoders not known for all MIME types, use Package to specify encoder Go package. MIME types with known encoders are %s",
strings.Join(knownMIMETypes, ", "))
if enc.Function != "" && enc.PackagePath == "" {
verr.Add(enc, "Must specify encoder package page with PackagePath")
return verr
// Validate tests whether the action definition is consistent: parameters have unique names and it has at least
// one response.
func (a *ActionDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if a.Name == "" {
verr.Add(a, "Action name cannot be empty")
if len(a.Routes) == 0 {
verr.Add(a, "No route defined for action")
for i, r := range a.Responses {
for j, r2 := range a.Responses {
if i != j && r.Status == r2.Status {
verr.Add(r, "Multiple response definitions with status code %d", r.Status)
if HasFile(r.Type) {
verr.Add(a, "Response %s contains an invalid type, action responses cannot contain a file", i)
if a.Payload != nil {
verr.Merge(a.Payload.Validate("action payload", a))
if HasFile(a.Payload.Type) && a.PayloadMultipart != true {
verr.Add(a, "Payload %s contains an invalid type, action payloads cannot contain a file", a.Payload.TypeName)
if a.Parent == nil {
verr.Add(a, "missing parent resource")
if a.Params != nil {
for n, p := range a.Params.Type.ToObject() {
if p.Type.IsPrimitive() {
if HasFile(p.Type) {
verr.Add(a, "Param %s has an invalid type, action params cannot be a file", n)
if p.Type.IsArray() {
if p.Type.ToArray().ElemType.Type.IsPrimitive() {
if HasFile(p.Type.ToArray().ElemType.Type) {
verr.Add(a, "Param %s has an invalid type, action params cannot be a file array", n)
verr.Add(a, "Param %s has an invalid type, action params must be primitives or arrays of primitives", n)
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks the file server is properly initialized.
func (f *FileServerDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if f.FilePath == "" {
verr.Add(f, "File server must have a non empty file path")
if f.RequestPath == "" {
verr.Add(f, "File server must have a non empty route path")
if f.Parent == nil {
verr.Add(f, "missing parent resource")
matches := WildcardRegex.FindAllString(f.RequestPath, -1)
if len(matches) == 1 {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f.RequestPath, matches[0]) {
verr.Add(f, "invalid request path %s, must end with a wildcard starting with *", f.RequestPath)
if len(matches) > 2 {
verr.Add(f, "invalid request path, may only contain one wildcard")
return verr.AsError()
// ValidateParams checks the action parameters (make sure they have names, members and types).
func (a *ActionDefinition) ValidateParams() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if a.Params == nil {
return nil
params, ok := a.Params.Type.(Object)
if !ok {
verr.Add(a, `"Params" field of action is not an object`)
var wcs []string
for _, r := range a.Routes {
rwcs := ExtractWildcards(r.FullPath())
for _, rwc := range rwcs {
found := false
for _, wc := range wcs {
if rwc == wc {
found = true
if !found {
wcs = append(wcs, rwc)
for n, p := range params {
if n == "" {
verr.Add(a, "action has parameter with no name")
} else if p == nil {
verr.Add(a, "definition of parameter %s cannot be nil", n)
} else if p.Type == nil {
verr.Add(a, "type of parameter %s cannot be nil", n)
if p.Type.Kind() == ObjectKind {
verr.Add(a, `parameter %s cannot be an object, only action payloads may be of type object`, n)
} else if p.Type.Kind() == HashKind {
verr.Add(a, `parameter %s cannot be a hash, only action payloads may be of type hash`, n)
ctx := fmt.Sprintf("parameter %s", n)
verr.Merge(p.Validate(ctx, a))
for _, resp := range a.Responses {
return verr.AsError()
// validated keeps track of validated attributes to handle cyclical definitions.
var validated = make(map[*AttributeDefinition]bool)
// Validate tests whether the attribute definition is consistent: required fields exist.
// Since attributes are unaware of their context, additional context information can be provided
// to be used in error messages.
// The parent definition context is automatically added to error messages.
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
if validated[a] {
return nil
validated[a] = true
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if a.Type == nil {
verr.Add(parent, "attribute type is nil")
return verr
if ctx != "" {
ctx += " - "
// If both Default and Enum are given, make sure the Default value is one of Enum values.
// TODO: We only do the default value and enum check just for primitive types.
// Issue 388 (https://github.com/goadesign/goa/issues/388) will address this for other types.
if a.Type.IsPrimitive() && a.DefaultValue != nil && a.Validation != nil && a.Validation.Values != nil {
var found bool
for _, e := range a.Validation.Values {
if e == a.DefaultValue {
found = true
if !found {
verr.Add(parent, "%sdefault value %#v is not one of the accepted values: %#v", ctx, a.DefaultValue, a.Validation.Values)
o := a.Type.ToObject()
if o != nil {
for _, n := range a.AllRequired() {
found := false
for an := range o {
if n == an {
found = true
if !found {
verr.Add(parent, `%srequired field "%s" does not exist`, ctx, n)
for n, att := range o {
ctx = fmt.Sprintf("field %s", n)
verr.Merge(att.Validate(ctx, parent))
} else {
if a.Type.IsArray() {
elemType := a.Type.ToArray().ElemType
verr.Merge(elemType.Validate(ctx, a))
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the response definition is consistent: its status is set and the media
// type definition if any is valid.
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if r.Headers != nil {
verr.Merge(r.Headers.Validate("response headers", r))
if r.Status == 0 {
verr.Add(r, "response status not defined")
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the route definition is consistent: it has a parent.
func (r *RouteDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if r.Parent == nil {
verr.Add(r, "missing route parent action")
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the user type definition is consistent: it has a name and the attribute
// backing the type is valid.
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if u.TypeName == "" {
verr.Add(parent, "%s - %s", ctx, "User type must have a name")
verr.Merge(u.AttributeDefinition.Validate(ctx, u))
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the media type definition is consistent: its identifier is a valid media
// type identifier.
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
verr.Merge(m.UserTypeDefinition.Validate("", m))
if m.Type == nil { // TBD move this to somewhere else than validation code
m.Type = String
var obj Object
if a := m.Type.ToArray(); a != nil {
if a.ElemType == nil {
verr.Add(m, "array element type is nil")
} else {
if err := a.ElemType.Validate("array element", m); err != nil {
} else {
if _, ok := a.ElemType.Type.(*MediaTypeDefinition); !ok {
verr.Add(m, "collection media type array element type must be a media type, got %s", a.ElemType.Type.Name())
} else {
obj = a.ElemType.Type.ToObject()
} else {
obj = m.Type.ToObject()
if obj != nil {
for n, att := range obj {
verr.Merge(att.Validate("attribute "+n, m))
if att.View != "" {
cmt, ok := att.Type.(*MediaTypeDefinition)
if !ok {
verr.Add(m, "attribute %s of media type defines a view for rendering but its type is not MediaTypeDefinition", n)
if _, ok := cmt.Views[att.View]; !ok {
verr.Add(m, "attribute %s of media type uses unknown view %#v", n, att.View)
hasDefaultView := false
for n, v := range m.Views {
if n == "default" {
hasDefaultView = true
if !hasDefaultView {
verr.Add(m, `media type does not define the default view, use View("default", ...) to define it.`)
for _, l := range m.Links {
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the link definition is consistent: it has a media type or the name of an
// attribute part of the parent media type.
func (l *LinkDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if l.Name == "" {
verr.Add(l, "Links must have a name")
if l.Parent == nil {
verr.Add(l, "Link must have a parent media type")
if l.Parent.ToObject() == nil {
verr.Add(l, "Link parent media type must be an Object")
att, ok := l.Parent.ToObject()[l.Name]
if !ok {
verr.Add(l, "Link name must match one of the parent media type attribute names")
} else {
mediaType, ok := att.Type.(*MediaTypeDefinition)
if !ok {
verr.Add(l, "attribute type must be a media type")
} else {
viewFound := false
view := l.View
for v := range mediaType.Views {
if v == view {
viewFound = true
if !viewFound {
verr.Add(l, "view %#v does not exist on target media type %#v", view, mediaType.Identifier)
return verr.AsError()
// Validate checks that the view definition is consistent: it has a parent media type and the
// underlying definition type is consistent.
func (v *ViewDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors {
verr := new(dslengine.ValidationErrors)
if v.Parent == nil {
verr.Add(v, "View must have a parent media type")
verr.Merge(v.AttributeDefinition.Validate("", v))
return verr.AsError()
