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package kafka
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
ab "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/orderer"
// New creates a Kafka-backed consenter. Called by orderer's main.go.
func New(kv sarama.KafkaVersion, ro config.Retry, tls config.TLS) multichain.Consenter {
return newConsenter(kv, ro, tls, bfValue, pfValue, cfValue)
// New calls here because we need to pass additional arguments to
// the constructor and New() should only read from the config file.
func newConsenter(kv sarama.KafkaVersion, ro config.Retry, tls config.TLS, bf bfType, pf pfType, cf cfType) multichain.Consenter {
return &consenterImpl{kv, ro, tls, bf, pf, cf}
// bfType defines the signature of the broker constructor.
type bfType func([]string, ChainPartition) (Broker, error)
// pfType defines the signature of the producer constructor.
type pfType func([]string, sarama.KafkaVersion, config.Retry, config.TLS) Producer
// cfType defines the signature of the consumer constructor.
type cfType func([]string, sarama.KafkaVersion, config.TLS, ChainPartition, int64) (Consumer, error)
// bfValue holds the value for the broker constructor that's used in the non-test case.
var bfValue = func(brokers []string, cp ChainPartition) (Broker, error) {
return newBroker(brokers, cp)
// pfValue holds the value for the producer constructor that's used in the non-test case.
var pfValue = func(brokers []string, kafkaVersion sarama.KafkaVersion, retryOptions config.Retry, tls config.TLS) Producer {
return newProducer(brokers, kafkaVersion, retryOptions, tls)
// cfValue holds the value for the consumer constructor that's used in the non-test case.
var cfValue = func(brokers []string, kafkaVersion sarama.KafkaVersion, tls config.TLS, cp ChainPartition, offset int64) (Consumer, error) {
return newConsumer(brokers, kafkaVersion, tls, cp, offset)
// consenterImpl holds the implementation of type that satisfies the
// multichain.Consenter and testableConsenter interfaces. The former
// is needed because that is what the HandleChain contract requires.
// The latter is needed for testing.
type consenterImpl struct {
kv sarama.KafkaVersion
ro config.Retry
tls config.TLS
bf bfType
pf pfType
cf cfType
// HandleChain creates/returns a reference to a Chain for the given set of support resources.
// Implements the multichain.Consenter interface. Called by multichain.newChainSupport(), which
// is itself called by multichain.NewManagerImpl() when ranging over the ledgerFactory's existingChains.
func (co *consenterImpl) HandleChain(cs multichain.ConsenterSupport, metadata *cb.Metadata) (multichain.Chain, error) {
return newChain(co, cs, getLastOffsetPersisted(metadata, cs.ChainID())), nil
func getLastOffsetPersisted(metadata *cb.Metadata, chainID string) int64 {
if metadata.Value != nil {
// Extract orderer-related metadata from the tip of the ledger first
kafkaMetadata := &ab.KafkaMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(metadata.Value, kafkaMetadata); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("[channel: %s] Ledger may be corrupted:"+
"cannot unmarshal orderer metadata in most recent block", chainID)
return kafkaMetadata.LastOffsetPersisted
return (sarama.OffsetOldest - 1) // default
// When testing we need to inject our own broker/producer/consumer.
// Therefore we need to (a) hold a reference to an object that stores
// the broker/producer/consumer constructors, and (b) refer to that
// object via its interface type, so that we can use a different
// implementation when testing. This, in turn, calls for (c) —- the
// definition of an interface (see testableConsenter below) that will
// be satisfied by both the actual and the mock object and will allow
// us to retrieve these constructors.
func newChain(consenter testableConsenter, support multichain.ConsenterSupport, lastOffsetPersisted int64) *chainImpl {
lastCutBlock := support.Height() - 1
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Starting chain with last persisted offset %d and last recorded block %d",
support.ChainID(), lastOffsetPersisted, lastCutBlock)
return &chainImpl{
consenter: consenter,
support: support,
partition: newChainPartition(support.ChainID(), rawPartition),
batchTimeout: support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout(),
lastOffsetPersisted: lastOffsetPersisted,
lastCutBlock: lastCutBlock,
producer: consenter.prodFunc()(support.SharedConfig().KafkaBrokers(), consenter.kafkaVersion(), consenter.retryOptions(), consenter.tlsConfig()),
halted: false, // Redundant as the default value for booleans is false but added for readability
exitChan: make(chan struct{}),
haltedChan: make(chan struct{}),
setupChan: make(chan struct{}),
// Satisfied by both chainImpl consenterImpl and mockConsenterImpl.
// Defined so as to facilitate testing.
type testableConsenter interface {
kafkaVersion() sarama.KafkaVersion
retryOptions() config.Retry
tlsConfig() config.TLS
brokFunc() bfType
prodFunc() pfType
consFunc() cfType
func (co *consenterImpl) kafkaVersion() sarama.KafkaVersion { return co.kv }
func (co *consenterImpl) retryOptions() config.Retry { return co.ro }
func (co *consenterImpl) tlsConfig() config.TLS { return co.tls }
func (co *consenterImpl) brokFunc() bfType { return co.bf }
func (co *consenterImpl) prodFunc() pfType { return co.pf }
func (co *consenterImpl) consFunc() cfType { return co.cf }
type chainImpl struct {
consenter testableConsenter
support multichain.ConsenterSupport
partition ChainPartition
batchTimeout time.Duration
lastOffsetPersisted int64
lastCutBlock uint64
producer Producer
consumer Consumer
halted bool // For the Enqueue() calls
exitChan chan struct{} // For the Chain's Halt() method
// Hooks for testing
haltedChan chan struct{}
setupChan chan struct{}
// Start allocates the necessary resources for staying up to date with this Chain.
// Implements the multichain.Chain interface. Called by multichain.NewManagerImpl()
// which is invoked when the ordering process is launched, before the call to NewServer().
func (ch *chainImpl) Start() {
// 1. Post the CONNECT message to prevent panicking that occurs
// when seeking on a partition that hasn't been created yet.
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Posting the CONNECT message...", ch.support.ChainID())
if err := ch.producer.Send(ch.partition, utils.MarshalOrPanic(newConnectMessage())); err != nil {
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Cannot post CONNECT message: %s", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
ch.halted = true
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] CONNECT message posted successfully", ch.support.ChainID())
// 2. Set up the listener/consumer for this partition.
consumer, err := ch.consenter.consFunc()(ch.support.SharedConfig().KafkaBrokers(), ch.consenter.kafkaVersion(), ch.consenter.tlsConfig(), ch.partition, ch.lastOffsetPersisted+1)
if err != nil {
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Cannot retrieve requested offset from Kafka cluster: %s", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
ch.halted = true
ch.consumer = consumer
go ch.listenForErrors()
// 3. Set the loop the keep up to date with the chain.
go ch.loop()
func (ch *chainImpl) listenForErrors() {
select {
case <-ch.exitChan:
case err := <-ch.consumer.Errors():
// Halt frees the resources which were allocated for this Chain.
// Implements the multichain.Chain interface.
func (ch *chainImpl) Halt() {
select {
case <-ch.exitChan:
// This construct is useful because it allows Halt() to be
// called multiple times w/o panicking. Recal that a receive
// from a closed channel returns (the zero value) immediately.
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Halting of chain requested again", ch.support.ChainID())
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Halting of chain requested", ch.support.ChainID())
// Enqueue accepts a message and returns true on acceptance, or false on shutdown.
// Implements the multichain.Chain interface. Called by the drainQueue goroutine,
// which is spawned when the broadcast handler's Handle() function is invoked.
func (ch *chainImpl) Enqueue(env *cb.Envelope) bool {
if ch.halted {
return false
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Enqueueing envelope...", ch.support.ChainID())
if err := ch.producer.Send(ch.partition, utils.MarshalOrPanic(newRegularMessage(utils.MarshalOrPanic(env)))); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] cannot enqueue envelope: %s", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
return false
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Envelope enqueued successfully", ch.support.ChainID())
return !ch.halted // If ch.halted has been set to true while sending, we should return false
func (ch *chainImpl) loop() {
msg := new(ab.KafkaMessage)
var timer <-chan time.Time
var ttcNumber uint64
var encodedLastOffsetPersisted []byte
defer close(ch.haltedChan)
defer ch.producer.Close()
defer func() { ch.halted = true }()
defer ch.consumer.Close()
for {
select {
case in := <-ch.consumer.Recv():
if err := proto.Unmarshal(in.Value, msg); err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen, it should be filtered at ingress
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Unable to unmarshal consumed message:", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Successfully unmarshalled consumed message. Inspecting type...", ch.support.ChainID())
switch msg.Type.(type) {
case *ab.KafkaMessage_Connect:
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] It's a connect message - ignoring", ch.support.ChainID())
case *ab.KafkaMessage_TimeToCut:
ttcNumber = msg.GetTimeToCut().BlockNumber
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] It's a time-to-cut message for block %d", ch.support.ChainID(), ttcNumber)
if ttcNumber == ch.lastCutBlock+1 {
timer = nil
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Nil'd the timer", ch.support.ChainID())
batch, committers := ch.support.BlockCutter().Cut()
if len(batch) == 0 {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Got right time-to-cut message (for block %d),"+
" no pending requests though; this might indicate a bug", ch.support.ChainID(), ch.lastCutBlock)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Consenter for channel exiting", ch.support.ChainID())
block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
encodedLastOffsetPersisted = utils.MarshalOrPanic(&ab.KafkaMetadata{LastOffsetPersisted: in.Offset})
ch.support.WriteBlock(block, committers, encodedLastOffsetPersisted)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Proper time-to-cut received, just cut block %d",
ch.support.ChainID(), ch.lastCutBlock)
} else if ttcNumber > ch.lastCutBlock+1 {
logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Got larger time-to-cut message (%d) than allowed (%d)"+
" - this might indicate a bug", ch.support.ChainID(), ttcNumber, ch.lastCutBlock+1)
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Consenter for channel exiting", ch.support.ChainID())
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Ignoring stale time-to-cut-message for block %d", ch.support.ChainID(), ch.lastCutBlock)
case *ab.KafkaMessage_Regular:
env := new(cb.Envelope)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(msg.GetRegular().Payload, env); err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen, it should be filtered at ingress
logger.Criticalf("[channel: %s] Unable to unmarshal consumed regular message:", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
batches, committers, ok := ch.support.BlockCutter().Ordered(env)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Ordering results: items in batch = %v, ok = %v", ch.support.ChainID(), batches, ok)
if ok && len(batches) == 0 && timer == nil {
timer = time.After(ch.batchTimeout)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Just began %s batch timer", ch.support.ChainID(), ch.batchTimeout.String())
// If !ok, batches == nil, so this will be skipped
for i, batch := range batches {
block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
encodedLastOffsetPersisted = utils.MarshalOrPanic(&ab.KafkaMetadata{LastOffsetPersisted: in.Offset})
ch.support.WriteBlock(block, committers[i], encodedLastOffsetPersisted)
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Batch filled, just cut block %d", ch.support.ChainID(), ch.lastCutBlock)
if len(batches) > 0 {
timer = nil
case <-timer:
logger.Debugf("[channel: %s] Time-to-cut block %d timer expired", ch.support.ChainID(), ch.lastCutBlock+1)
timer = nil
if err := ch.producer.Send(ch.partition, utils.MarshalOrPanic(newTimeToCutMessage(ch.lastCutBlock+1))); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[channel: %s] Cannot post time-to-cut message: %s", ch.support.ChainID(), err)
// Do not exit
case <-ch.exitChan: // When Halt() is called
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] Consenter for channel exiting", ch.support.ChainID())
// Closeable allows the shut down of the calling resource.
type Closeable interface {
Close() error
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