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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
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metrics.go 11.73 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package kafka
import (
gometrics "github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics"
Per the documentation at: https://godoc.org/github.com/Shopify/sarama Sarama exposes the following set of metrics:
| Name | Type | Description |
| incoming-byte-rate | meter | Bytes/second read off all brokers |
| incoming-byte-rate-for-broker-<broker-id> | meter | Bytes/second read off a given broker |
| outgoing-byte-rate | meter | Bytes/second written off all brokers |
| outgoing-byte-rate-for-broker-<broker-id> | meter | Bytes/second written off a given broker |
| request-rate | meter | Requests/second sent to all brokers |
| request-rate-for-broker-<broker-id> | meter | Requests/second sent to a given broker |
| request-size | histogram | Distribution of the request size in bytes for all brokers |
| request-size-for-broker-<broker-id> | histogram | Distribution of the request size in bytes for a given broker |
| request-latency-in-ms | histogram | Distribution of the request latency in ms for all brokers |
| request-latency-in-ms-for-broker-<broker-id> | histogram | Distribution of the request latency in ms for a given broker |
| response-rate | meter | Responses/second received from all brokers |
| response-rate-for-broker-<broker-id> | meter | Responses/second received from a given broker |
| response-size | histogram | Distribution of the response size in bytes for all brokers |
| response-size-for-broker-<broker-id> | histogram | Distribution of the response size in bytes for a given broker |
| Name | Type | Description |
| batch-size | histogram | Distribution of the number of bytes sent per partition per request for all topics |
| batch-size-for-topic-<topic> | histogram | Distribution of the number of bytes sent per partition per request for a given topic |
| record-send-rate | meter | Records/second sent to all topics |
| record-send-rate-for-topic-<topic> | meter | Records/second sent to a given topic |
| records-per-request | histogram | Distribution of the number of records sent per request for all topics |
| records-per-request-for-topic-<topic> | histogram | Distribution of the number of records sent per request for a given topic |
| compression-ratio | histogram | Distribution of the compression ratio times 100 of record batches for all topics |
| compression-ratio-for-topic-<topic> | histogram | Distribution of the compression ratio times 100 of record batches for a given topic |
const (
IncomingByteRateName = "incoming-byte-rate-for-broker-"
OutgoingByteRateName = "outgoing-byte-rate-for-broker-"
RequestRateName = "request-rate-for-broker-"
RequestSizeName = "request-size-for-broker-"
RequestLatencyName = "request-latency-in-ms-for-broker-"
ResponseRateName = "response-rate-for-broker-"
ResponseSizeName = "response-size-for-broker-"
BatchSizeName = "batch-size-for-topic-"
RecordSendRateName = "record-send-rate-for-topic-"
RecordsPerRequestName = "records-per-request-for-topic-"
CompressionRatioName = "compression-ratio-for-topic-"
var (
incomingByteRate = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "incoming_byte_rate",
Help: "Bytes/second read off brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
outgoingByteRate = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "outgoing_byte_rate",
Help: "Bytes/second written to brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
requestRate = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "request_rate",
Help: "Requests/second sent to brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
requestSize = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "request_size",
Help: "The mean request size in bytes to brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
requestLatency = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "request_latency",
Help: "The mean request latency in ms to brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
responseRate = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "response_rate",
Help: "Requests/second sent to brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
responseSize = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "response_size",
Help: "The mean response size in bytes from brokers.",
LabelNames: []string{"broker_id"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{broker_id}",
batchSize = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "batch_size",
Help: "The mean batch size in bytes sent to topics.",
LabelNames: []string{"topic"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{topic}",
recordSendRate = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "record_send_rate",
Help: "The number of records per second sent to topics.",
LabelNames: []string{"topic"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{topic}",
recordsPerRequest = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "records_per_request",
Help: "The mean number of records sent per request to topics.",
LabelNames: []string{"topic"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{topic}",
compressionRatio = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "compression_ratio",
Help: "The mean compression ratio (as percentage) for topics.",
LabelNames: []string{"topic"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{topic}",
lastOffsetPersisted = metrics.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "consensus",
Subsystem: "kafka",
Name: "last_offset_persisted",
Help: "The offset specified in the block metadata of the most recently committed block.",
LabelNames: []string{"channel"},
StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",
type Metrics struct {
// The first set of metrics are all reported by Sarama
IncomingByteRate metrics.Gauge
OutgoingByteRate metrics.Gauge
RequestRate metrics.Gauge
RequestSize metrics.Gauge
RequestLatency metrics.Gauge
ResponseRate metrics.Gauge
ResponseSize metrics.Gauge
BatchSize metrics.Gauge
RecordSendRate metrics.Gauge
RecordsPerRequest metrics.Gauge
CompressionRatio metrics.Gauge
GoMetricsRegistry gometrics.Registry
// LastPersistedOffset is reported by the Fabric/Kafka integration
LastOffsetPersisted metrics.Gauge
func NewMetrics(p metrics.Provider, registry gometrics.Registry) *Metrics {
return &Metrics{
IncomingByteRate: p.NewGauge(incomingByteRate),
OutgoingByteRate: p.NewGauge(outgoingByteRate),
RequestRate: p.NewGauge(requestRate),
RequestSize: p.NewGauge(requestSize),
RequestLatency: p.NewGauge(requestLatency),
ResponseRate: p.NewGauge(responseRate),
ResponseSize: p.NewGauge(responseSize),
BatchSize: p.NewGauge(batchSize),
RecordSendRate: p.NewGauge(recordSendRate),
RecordsPerRequest: p.NewGauge(recordsPerRequest),
CompressionRatio: p.NewGauge(compressionRatio),
GoMetricsRegistry: registry,
LastOffsetPersisted: p.NewGauge(lastOffsetPersisted),
// PollGoMetrics takes the current metric values from go-metrics and publishes them to
// the gauges exposed through go-kit's metrics.
func (m *Metrics) PollGoMetrics() {
m.GoMetricsRegistry.Each(func(name string, value interface{}) {
recordMeter := func(prefix, label string, gauge metrics.Gauge) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
return false
meter, ok := value.(gometrics.Meter)
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("Expected metric with name %s to be of type Meter but was of type %T", name, value)
labelValue := name[len(prefix):]
gauge.With(label, labelValue).Set(meter.Snapshot().Rate1())
return true
recordHistogram := func(prefix, label string, gauge metrics.Gauge) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
return false
histogram, ok := value.(gometrics.Histogram)
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("Expected metric with name %s to be of type Histogram but was of type %T", name, value)
labelValue := name[len(prefix):]
gauge.With(label, labelValue).Set(histogram.Snapshot().Mean())
return true
switch {
case recordMeter(IncomingByteRateName, "broker_id", m.IncomingByteRate):
case recordMeter(OutgoingByteRateName, "broker_id", m.OutgoingByteRate):
case recordMeter(RequestRateName, "broker_id", m.RequestRate):
case recordHistogram(RequestSizeName, "broker_id", m.RequestSize):
case recordHistogram(RequestLatencyName, "broker_id", m.RequestLatency):
case recordMeter(ResponseRateName, "broker_id", m.ResponseRate):
case recordHistogram(ResponseSizeName, "broker_id", m.ResponseSize):
case recordHistogram(BatchSizeName, "topic", m.BatchSize):
case recordMeter(RecordSendRateName, "topic", m.RecordSendRate):
case recordHistogram(RecordsPerRequestName, "topic", m.RecordsPerRequest):
case recordHistogram(CompressionRatioName, "topic", m.CompressionRatio):
// Ignore unknown metrics
// PollGoMetricsUntilStop should generally be invoked on a dedicated go routine. This go routine
// will then invoke PollGoMetrics at the specified frequency until the stopChannel closes.
func (m *Metrics) PollGoMetricsUntilStop(frequency time.Duration, stopChannel <-chan struct{}) {
timer := time.NewTimer(frequency)
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-stopChannel:
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