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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
plugin.go 2.61 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
type impl struct{}
// New returns a new instance of the BCCSP implementation
func New(config map[string]interface{}) (bccsp.BCCSP, error) {
return &impl{}, nil
// KeyGen generates a key using opts.
func (csp *impl) KeyGen(opts bccsp.KeyGenOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
return nil, nil
// KeyDeriv derives a key from k using opts.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) KeyDeriv(k bccsp.Key, opts bccsp.KeyDerivOpts) (dk bccsp.Key, err error) {
return nil, nil
// KeyImport imports a key from its raw representation using opts.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the primitive used.
func (csp *impl) KeyImport(raw interface{}, opts bccsp.KeyImportOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
return nil, nil
// GetKey returns the key this CSP associates to
// the Subject Key Identifier ski.
func (csp *impl) GetKey(ski []byte) (k bccsp.Key, err error) {
return nil, nil
// Hash hashes messages msg using options opts.
// If opts is nil, the default hash function will be used.
func (csp *impl) Hash(msg []byte, opts bccsp.HashOpts) (hash []byte, err error) {
return nil, nil
// GetHash returns and instance of hash.Hash using options opts.
// If opts is nil, the default hash function will be returned.
func (csp *impl) GetHash(opts bccsp.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error) {
return nil, nil
// Sign signs digest using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the algorithm used.
// Note that when a signature of a hash of a larger message is needed,
// the caller is responsible for hashing the larger message and passing
// the hash (as digest).
func (csp *impl) Sign(k bccsp.Key, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) {
return nil, nil
// Verify verifies signature against key k and digest
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the algorithm used.
func (csp *impl) Verify(k bccsp.Key, signature, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error) {
return true, nil
// Encrypt encrypts plaintext using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the algorithm used.
func (csp *impl) Encrypt(k bccsp.Key, plaintext []byte, opts bccsp.EncrypterOpts) (ciphertext []byte, err error) {
return nil, nil
// Decrypt decrypts ciphertext using key k.
// The opts argument should be appropriate for the algorithm used.
func (csp *impl) Decrypt(k bccsp.Key, ciphertext []byte, opts bccsp.DecrypterOpts) (plaintext []byte, err error) {
return nil, nil
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