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Gitee 极速下载 / scylladb

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla
compound.hh 11.02 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Kefu Chai 提交于 2024-01-08 09:31 . ./: not include unused headers
* Copyright (C) 2015-present ScyllaDB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include "types/types.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <span>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include "utils/serialization.hh"
#include <seastar/util/backtrace.hh>
enum class allow_prefixes { no, yes };
template<allow_prefixes AllowPrefixes = allow_prefixes::no>
class compound_type final {
const std::vector<data_type> _types;
const bool _byte_order_equal;
const bool _byte_order_comparable;
const bool _is_reversed;
static constexpr bool is_prefixable = AllowPrefixes == allow_prefixes::yes;
using prefix_type = compound_type<allow_prefixes::yes>;
using value_type = std::vector<bytes>;
using size_type = uint16_t;
compound_type(std::vector<data_type> types)
: _types(std::move(types))
, _byte_order_equal(std::all_of(_types.begin(), _types.end(), [] (const auto& t) {
return t->is_byte_order_equal();
, _byte_order_comparable(false)
, _is_reversed(_types.size() == 1 && _types[0]->is_reversed())
{ }
compound_type(compound_type&&) = default;
auto const& types() const {
return _types;
bool is_singular() const {
return _types.size() == 1;
prefix_type as_prefix() {
return prefix_type(_types);
* Format:
* <len(value1)><value1><len(value2)><value2>...<len(value_n)><value_n>
template<typename RangeOfSerializedComponents, FragmentedMutableView Out>
static void serialize_value(RangeOfSerializedComponents&& values, Out out) {
for (auto&& val : values) {
using val_type = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(val)>;
if constexpr (FragmentedView<val_type>) {
assert(val.size_bytes() <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max());
write<size_type>(out, size_type(val.size_bytes()));
write_fragmented(out, val);
} else if constexpr (std::same_as<val_type, managed_bytes>) {
assert(val.size() <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max());
write<size_type>(out, size_type(val.size()));
write_fragmented(out, managed_bytes_view(val));
} else {
assert(val.size() <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max());
write<size_type>(out, size_type(val.size()));
write_fragmented(out, single_fragmented_view(val));
template <typename RangeOfSerializedComponents>
static size_t serialized_size(RangeOfSerializedComponents&& values) {
size_t len = 0;
for (auto&& val : values) {
using val_type = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(val)>;
if constexpr (FragmentedView<val_type>) {
len += sizeof(size_type) + val.size_bytes();
} else {
len += sizeof(size_type) + val.size();
return len;
managed_bytes serialize_single(const managed_bytes& v) const {
return serialize_value(boost::make_iterator_range(&v, 1+&v));
managed_bytes serialize_single(const bytes& v) const {
return serialize_value(boost::make_iterator_range(&v, 1+&v));
template<typename RangeOfSerializedComponents>
static managed_bytes serialize_value(RangeOfSerializedComponents&& values) {
auto size = serialized_size(values);
if (size > std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max()) {
throw std::runtime_error(format("Key size too large: {:d} > {:d}", size, std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max()));
managed_bytes b(managed_bytes::initialized_later(), size);
serialize_value(values, managed_bytes_mutable_view(b));
return b;
template<typename T>
static managed_bytes serialize_value(std::initializer_list<T> values) {
return serialize_value(boost::make_iterator_range(values.begin(), values.end()));
managed_bytes serialize_optionals(std::span<const bytes_opt> values) const {
return serialize_value(boost::make_iterator_range(values.begin(), values.end()) | boost::adaptors::transformed([] (const bytes_opt& bo) -> bytes_view {
if (!bo) {
throw std::logic_error("attempted to create key component from empty optional");
return *bo;
managed_bytes serialize_optionals(std::span<const managed_bytes_opt> values) const {
return serialize_value(boost::make_iterator_range(values.begin(), values.end()) | boost::adaptors::transformed([] (const managed_bytes_opt& bo) -> managed_bytes_view {
if (!bo) {
throw std::logic_error("attempted to create key component from empty optional");
return managed_bytes_view(*bo);
managed_bytes serialize_value_deep(const std::vector<data_value>& values) const {
// TODO: Optimize
std::vector<bytes> partial;
auto i = _types.begin();
for (auto&& component : values) {
assert(i != _types.end());
return serialize_value(partial);
managed_bytes decompose_value(const value_type& values) const {
return serialize_value(values);
class iterator {
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = const managed_bytes_view;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const value_type*;
using reference = const value_type&;
managed_bytes_view _v;
managed_bytes_view _current;
size_t _remaining = 0;
void read_current() {
_remaining = _v.size_bytes();
size_type len;
if (_v.empty()) {
len = read_simple<size_type>(_v);
if (_v.size() < len) {
throw_with_backtrace<marshal_exception>(format("compound_type iterator - not enough bytes, expected {:d}, got {:d}", len, _v.size()));
_current = _v.prefix(len);
struct end_iterator_tag {};
iterator(const managed_bytes_view& v) : _v(v) {
iterator(end_iterator_tag, const managed_bytes_view& v) : _v() {}
iterator() {}
iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator i(*this);
return i;
const value_type& operator*() const { return _current; }
const value_type* operator->() const { return &_current; }
bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return _remaining == i._remaining; }
static iterator begin(managed_bytes_view v) {
return iterator(v);
static iterator end(managed_bytes_view v) {
return iterator(typename iterator::end_iterator_tag(), v);
static boost::iterator_range<iterator> components(managed_bytes_view v) {
return { begin(v), end(v) };
value_type deserialize_value(managed_bytes_view v) const {
std::vector<bytes> result;
std::transform(begin(v), end(v), std::back_inserter(result), [] (auto&& v) {
return to_bytes(v);
return result;
bool less(managed_bytes_view b1, managed_bytes_view b2) const {
return with_linearized(b1, [&] (bytes_view bv1) {
return with_linearized(b2, [&] (bytes_view bv2) {
return less(bv1, bv2);
bool less(bytes_view b1, bytes_view b2) const {
return compare(b1, b2) < 0;
size_t hash(managed_bytes_view v) const{
return with_linearized(v, [&] (bytes_view v) {
return hash(v);
size_t hash(bytes_view v) const {
if (_byte_order_equal) {
return std::hash<bytes_view>()(v);
auto t = _types.begin();
size_t h = 0;
for (auto&& value : components(v)) {
h ^= (*t)->hash(value);
return h;
std::strong_ordering compare(managed_bytes_view b1, managed_bytes_view b2) const {
return with_linearized(b1, [&] (bytes_view bv1) {
return with_linearized(b2, [&] (bytes_view bv2) {
return compare(bv1, bv2);
std::strong_ordering compare(bytes_view b1, bytes_view b2) const {
if (_byte_order_comparable) {
if (_is_reversed) {
return compare_unsigned(b2, b1);
} else {
return compare_unsigned(b1, b2);
return lexicographical_tri_compare(_types.begin(), _types.end(),
begin(b1), end(b1), begin(b2), end(b2), [] (auto&& type, auto&& v1, auto&& v2) {
return type->compare(v1, v2);
// Returns true iff given prefix has no missing components
bool is_full(managed_bytes_view v) const {
assert(AllowPrefixes == allow_prefixes::yes);
return std::distance(begin(v), end(v)) == (ssize_t)_types.size();
bool is_empty(managed_bytes_view v) const {
return v.empty();
bool is_empty(const managed_bytes& v) const {
return v.empty();
bool is_empty(bytes_view v) const {
return begin(v) == end(v);
void validate(managed_bytes_view v) const {
std::vector<managed_bytes_view> values(begin(v), end(v));
if (AllowPrefixes == allow_prefixes::no && values.size() < _types.size()) {
throw marshal_exception(fmt::format("compound::validate(): non-prefixable compound cannot be a prefix"));
if (values.size() > _types.size()) {
throw marshal_exception(fmt::format("compound::validate(): cannot have more values than types, have {} values but only {} types",
values.size(), _types.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i != values.size(); ++i) {
//FIXME: is it safe to assume internal serialization-format format?
bool equal(managed_bytes_view v1, managed_bytes_view v2) const {
return with_linearized(v1, [&] (bytes_view bv1) {
return with_linearized(v2, [&] (bytes_view bv2) {
return equal(bv1, bv2);
bool equal(bytes_view v1, bytes_view v2) const {
if (_byte_order_equal) {
return compare_unsigned(v1, v2) == 0;
// FIXME: call equal() on each component
return compare(v1, v2) == 0;
using compound_prefix = compound_type<allow_prefixes::yes>;
