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enum_set.hh 7.55 KB
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* Copyright (C) 2015-present ScyllaDB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <seastar/core/bitset-iter.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
* Allows to take full advantage of compile-time information when operating
* on a set of enum values.
* Examples:
* enum class x { A, B, C };
* using my_enum = super_enum<x, x::A, x::B, x::C>;
* using my_enumset = enum_set<my_enum>;
* static_assert(my_enumset::frozen<x::A, x::B>::contains<x::A>(), "it should...");
* assert(my_enumset::frozen<x::A, x::B>::contains(my_enumset::prepare<x::A>()));
* assert(my_enumset::frozen<x::A, x::B>::contains(x::A));
template<typename EnumType, EnumType... Items>
struct super_enum {
using enum_type = EnumType;
template<enum_type... values>
struct max {
static constexpr enum_type max_of(enum_type a, enum_type b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
template<enum_type first, enum_type second, enum_type... rest>
static constexpr enum_type get() {
return max_of(first, get<second, rest...>());
template<enum_type first>
static constexpr enum_type get() { return first; }
static constexpr enum_type value = get<values...>();
template<enum_type... values>
struct min {
static constexpr enum_type min_of(enum_type a, enum_type b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
template<enum_type first, enum_type second, enum_type... rest>
static constexpr enum_type get() {
return min_of(first, get<second, rest...>());
template<enum_type first>
static constexpr enum_type get() { return first; }
static constexpr enum_type value = get<values...>();
using sequence_type = typename std::underlying_type<enum_type>::type;
template <enum_type first, enum_type... rest>
struct valid_sequence {
static constexpr bool apply(sequence_type v) noexcept {
return (v == static_cast<sequence_type>(first)) || valid_sequence<rest...>::apply(v);
template <enum_type first>
struct valid_sequence<first> {
static constexpr bool apply(sequence_type v) noexcept {
return v == static_cast<sequence_type>(first);
static constexpr bool is_valid_sequence(sequence_type v) noexcept {
return valid_sequence<Items...>::apply(v);
template<enum_type Elem>
static constexpr sequence_type sequence_for() {
return static_cast<sequence_type>(Elem);
static sequence_type sequence_for(enum_type elem) {
return static_cast<sequence_type>(elem);
static constexpr sequence_type max_sequence = sequence_for<max<Items...>::value>();
static constexpr sequence_type min_sequence = sequence_for<min<Items...>::value>();
static_assert(min_sequence >= 0, "negative enum values unsupported");
class bad_enum_set_mask : public std::invalid_argument {
bad_enum_set_mask() : std::invalid_argument("Bit mask contains invalid enumeration indices.") {
template<typename Enum>
class enum_set {
using mask_type = size_t; // TODO: use the smallest sufficient type
using enum_type = typename Enum::enum_type;
static constexpr int mask_digits = std::numeric_limits<mask_type>::digits;
using mask_iterator = seastar::bitsets::set_iterator<mask_digits>;
mask_type _mask;
constexpr enum_set(mask_type mask) : _mask(mask) {}
template<enum_type Elem>
static constexpr unsigned shift_for() {
return Enum::template sequence_for<Elem>();
static auto make_iterator(mask_iterator iter) {
return boost::make_transform_iterator(std::move(iter), [](typename Enum::sequence_type s) {
return enum_type(s);
using iterator = std::invoke_result_t<decltype(&enum_set::make_iterator), mask_iterator>;
constexpr enum_set() : _mask(0) {}
* \throws \ref bad_enum_set_mask
static constexpr enum_set from_mask(mask_type mask) {
const auto bit_range = seastar::bitsets::for_each_set(std::bitset<mask_digits>(mask));
if (!std::all_of(bit_range.begin(), bit_range.end(), &Enum::is_valid_sequence)) {
throw bad_enum_set_mask();
return enum_set(mask);
static constexpr mask_type full_mask() {
return ~(std::numeric_limits<mask_type>::max() << (Enum::max_sequence + 1));
static constexpr enum_set full() {
return enum_set(full_mask());
static inline mask_type mask_for(enum_type e) {
return mask_type(1) << Enum::sequence_for(e);
template<enum_type Elem>
static constexpr mask_type mask_for() {
return mask_type(1) << shift_for<Elem>();
struct prepared {
mask_type mask;
bool operator==(const prepared& o) const {
return mask == o.mask;
static prepared prepare(enum_type e) {
return {mask_for(e)};
template<enum_type e>
static constexpr prepared prepare() {
return {mask_for<e>()};
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<mask_type>::max() >= ((size_t)1 << Enum::max_sequence), "mask type too small");
template<enum_type e>
bool contains() const {
return bool(_mask & mask_for<e>());
bool contains(enum_type e) const {
return bool(_mask & mask_for(e));
template<enum_type e>
void remove() {
_mask &= ~mask_for<e>();
void remove(enum_type e) {
_mask &= ~mask_for(e);
template<enum_type e>
void set() {
_mask |= mask_for<e>();
template<enum_type e>
void set_if(bool condition) {
_mask |= mask_type(condition) << shift_for<e>();
void set(enum_type e) {
_mask |= mask_for(e);
template<enum_type e>
void toggle() {
_mask ^= mask_for<e>();
void toggle(enum_type e) {
_mask ^= mask_for(e);
void add(const enum_set& other) {
_mask |= other._mask;
explicit operator bool() const {
return bool(_mask);
mask_type mask() const {
return _mask;
iterator begin() const {
return make_iterator(mask_iterator(_mask));
iterator end() const {
return make_iterator(mask_iterator(0));
template<enum_type... items>
struct frozen {
template<enum_type first>
static constexpr mask_type make_mask() {
return mask_for<first>();
static constexpr mask_type make_mask() {
return 0;
template<enum_type first, enum_type second, enum_type... rest>
static constexpr mask_type make_mask() {
return mask_for<first>() | make_mask<second, rest...>();
static constexpr mask_type mask = make_mask<items...>();
template<enum_type Elem>
static constexpr bool contains() {
return mask & mask_for<Elem>();
static bool contains(enum_type e) {
return mask & mask_for(e);
static bool contains(prepared e) {
return mask & e.mask;
static constexpr enum_set<Enum> unfreeze() {
return enum_set<Enum>(mask);
template<enum_type... items>
static constexpr enum_set<Enum> of() {
return frozen<items...>::unfreeze();
