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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla
querier.cc 17.92 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Yaniv Kaul 提交于 2023-12-05 15:16 . Typos: fix typos in code
* Copyright (C) 2018-present ScyllaDB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#include <seastar/core/coroutine.hh>
#include "querier.hh"
#include "dht/i_partitioner.hh"
#include "reader_concurrency_semaphore.hh"
#include "schema/schema.hh"
#include "log.hh"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
namespace query {
logging::logger qlogger("querier_cache");
logging::logger qrlogger("querier");
enum class can_use {
static sstring cannot_use_reason(can_use cu)
switch (cu)
case can_use::yes:
return "can be used";
case can_use::no_schema_version_mismatch:
return "schema version mismatch";
case can_use::no_ring_pos_mismatch:
return "ring pos mismatch";
case can_use::no_clustering_pos_mismatch:
return "clustering pos mismatch";
case can_use::no_scheduling_group_mismatch:
return "scheduling group mismatch";
case can_use::no_fatal_semaphore_mismatch:
return "fatal semaphore mismatch";
return "unknown reason";
static bool ring_position_matches(const schema& s, const dht::partition_range& range, const query::partition_slice& slice,
full_position_view pos) {
const auto is_reversed = slice.is_reversed();
const auto expected_start = dht::ring_position(dht::decorate_key(s, pos.partition));
// If there are no clustering columns or the select is distinct we don't
// have clustering rows at all. In this case we can be sure we won't have
// anything more in the last page's partition and thus the start bound is
// exclusive. Otherwise there might be clustering rows still and it is
// inclusive.
const auto expected_inclusiveness = s.clustering_key_size() > 0 &&
!slice.options.contains<query::partition_slice::option::distinct>() &&
pos.position.region() == partition_region::clustered;
const auto comparator = dht::ring_position_comparator(s);
if (is_reversed && !range.is_singular()) {
const auto& end = range.end();
return end && comparator(end->value(), expected_start) == 0 && end->is_inclusive() == expected_inclusiveness;
const auto& start = range.start();
return start && comparator(start->value(), expected_start) == 0 && start->is_inclusive() == expected_inclusiveness;
static bool clustering_position_matches(const schema& s, const query::partition_slice& slice, full_position_view pos) {
const auto& row_ranges = slice.row_ranges(s, pos.partition);
if (row_ranges.empty()) {
// This is a valid slice on the last page of a query with
// clustering restrictions. It simply means the query is
// effectively over, no further results are expected. We
// can assume the clustering position matches.
return true;
if (pos.position.region() != partition_region::clustered) {
// We stopped at a non-clustering position so the partition's clustering
// row ranges should be the default row ranges.
return &row_ranges == &slice.default_row_ranges();
clustering_key_prefix::equality eq(s);
const auto is_reversed = slice.is_reversed();
// If the page ended mid-partition the first partition range should start
// with the last clustering key (exclusive).
const auto& first_row_range = row_ranges.front();
const auto& start = is_reversed ? first_row_range.end() : first_row_range.start();
if (!start) {
return false;
return !start->is_inclusive() && eq(start->value(), pos.position.key());
static bool ranges_match(const schema& s, const dht::partition_range& original_range, const dht::partition_range& new_range) {
if (original_range.is_singular() != new_range.is_singular()) {
return false;
const auto cmp = dht::ring_position_comparator(s);
const auto bound_eq = [&] (const std::optional<dht::partition_range::bound>& a, const std::optional<dht::partition_range::bound>& b) {
return bool(a) == bool(b) && (!a || a->equal(*b, cmp));
// For singular ranges end() == start() so they are interchangeable.
// For non-singular ranges we check only the end().
return bound_eq(original_range.end(), new_range.end());
static bool ranges_match(const schema& s, dht::partition_ranges_view original_ranges, dht::partition_ranges_view new_ranges) {
if (new_ranges.empty()) {
return false;
if (original_ranges.size() == 1) {
if (new_ranges.size() != 1) {
return false;
return ranges_match(s, original_ranges.front(), new_ranges.front());
// As the query progresses the number of to-be-read ranges can never surpass
// that of the original ranges.
if (original_ranges.size() < new_ranges.size()) {
return false;
// If there is a difference in the size of the range lists we assume we
// already read ranges from the original list and these ranges are missing
// from the head of the new list.
auto new_ranges_it = new_ranges.begin();
auto original_ranges_it = original_ranges.begin() + (original_ranges.size() - new_ranges.size());
// The first range in the new list can be partially read so we only check
// that one of its bounds match that of its original counterpart, just like
// we do with single ranges.
if (!ranges_match(s, *original_ranges_it++, *new_ranges_it++)) {
return false;
const auto cmp = dht::ring_position_comparator(s);
// The rest of the list, those ranges that we didn't even started reading
// yet should be *identical* to their original counterparts.
return std::equal(original_ranges_it, original_ranges.end(), new_ranges_it,
[&cmp] (const dht::partition_range& a, const dht::partition_range& b) { return a.equal(b, cmp); });
template <typename Querier>
static can_use can_be_used_for_page(querier_cache::is_user_semaphore_func& is_user_semaphore, Querier& q, const schema& s, const dht::partition_range& range, const query::partition_slice& slice, reader_concurrency_semaphore& current_sem) {
if (s.version() != q.schema().version()) {
return can_use::no_schema_version_mismatch;
auto& querier_sem = q.permit().semaphore();
if (&querier_sem != &current_sem) {
if (is_user_semaphore(querier_sem) && is_user_semaphore(current_sem)) {
return can_use::no_scheduling_group_mismatch;
return can_use::no_fatal_semaphore_mismatch;
const auto pos_opt = q.current_position();
if (!pos_opt) {
// There was nothing read so far so we assume we are ok.
return can_use::yes;
if (!ring_position_matches(s, range, slice, *pos_opt)) {
return can_use::no_ring_pos_mismatch;
if (!clustering_position_matches(s, slice, *pos_opt)) {
return can_use::no_clustering_pos_mismatch;
return can_use::yes;
// The time-to-live of a cache-entry.
const std::chrono::seconds querier_cache::default_entry_ttl{10};
static std::unique_ptr<querier_base> find_querier(querier_cache::index& index, query_id key,
dht::partition_ranges_view ranges, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state) {
const auto queriers = index.equal_range(key);
if (queriers.first == index.end()) {
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Found no cached querier for key {}", key);
return nullptr;
const auto it = std::find_if(queriers.first, queriers.second, [&] (const querier_cache::index::value_type& e) {
return ranges_match(e.second->schema(), e.second->ranges(), ranges);
if (it == queriers.second) {
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Found cached querier(s) for key {} but none matches the query range(s) {}", key, ranges);
return nullptr;
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Found cached querier for key {} and range(s) {}", key, ranges);
auto ptr = std::move(it->second);
return ptr;
querier_cache::querier_cache(is_user_semaphore_func is_user_semaphore_func, std::chrono::seconds entry_ttl)
: _entry_ttl(entry_ttl), _is_user_semaphore_func(is_user_semaphore_func) {
struct querier_utils {
static flat_mutation_reader_v2 get_reader(querier_base& q) noexcept {
return std::move(std::get<flat_mutation_reader_v2>(q._reader));
static reader_concurrency_semaphore::inactive_read_handle get_inactive_read_handle(querier_base& q) noexcept {
return std::move(std::get<reader_concurrency_semaphore::inactive_read_handle>(q._reader));
static void set_reader(querier_base& q, flat_mutation_reader_v2 r) noexcept {
q._reader = std::move(r);
static void set_inactive_read_handle(querier_base& q, reader_concurrency_semaphore::inactive_read_handle h) noexcept {
q._reader = std::move(h);
template <typename Querier>
void querier_cache::insert_querier(
query_id key,
querier_cache::index& index,
querier_cache::stats& stats,
Querier&& q,
std::chrono::seconds ttl,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state) {
// FIXME: see #3159
// In reverse mode flat_mutation_reader drops any remaining rows of the
// current partition when the page ends so it cannot be reused across
// pages.
if (q.is_reversed()) {
(void)with_gate(_closing_gate, [q = std::move(q)] () mutable {
return q.close().finally([q = std::move(q)] {});
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Caching querier with key {}", key);
auto& sem = q.permit().semaphore();
auto irh = sem.register_inactive_read(querier_utils::get_reader(q));
if (!irh) {
try {
auto cleanup_irh = defer([&] () noexcept {
auto it = index.emplace(key, std::make_unique<Querier>(std::move(q)));
auto cleanup_index = defer([&] () noexcept {
auto notify_handler = [&stats, &index, it] (reader_concurrency_semaphore::evict_reason reason) {
switch (reason) {
case reader_concurrency_semaphore::evict_reason::permit:
case reader_concurrency_semaphore::evict_reason::time:
case reader_concurrency_semaphore::evict_reason::manual:
sem.set_notify_handler(irh, std::move(notify_handler), ttl);
querier_utils::set_inactive_read_handle(*it->second, std::move(irh));
} catch (...) {
// It is okay to swallow the exception since
// we're allowed to drop the reader upon registration
// due to lack of resources - in which case we already
// drop the querier.
qlogger.warn("Failed to insert querier into index: {}. Ignored as if it was evicted upon registration", std::current_exception());
void querier_cache::insert_data_querier(query_id key, querier&& q, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state) {
insert_querier(key, _data_querier_index, _stats, std::move(q), _entry_ttl, std::move(trace_state));
void querier_cache::insert_mutation_querier(query_id key, querier&& q, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state) {
insert_querier(key, _mutation_querier_index, _stats, std::move(q), _entry_ttl, std::move(trace_state));
void querier_cache::insert_shard_querier(query_id key, shard_mutation_querier&& q, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state) {
insert_querier(key, _shard_mutation_querier_index, _stats, std::move(q), _entry_ttl, std::move(trace_state));
template <typename Querier>
std::optional<Querier> querier_cache::lookup_querier(
querier_cache::index& index,
query_id key,
const schema& s,
dht::partition_ranges_view ranges,
const query::partition_slice& slice,
reader_concurrency_semaphore& current_sem,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state,
db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout) {
auto base_ptr = find_querier(index, key, ranges, trace_state);
auto& stats = _stats;
if (!base_ptr) {
return std::nullopt;
auto* q_ptr = dynamic_cast<Querier*>(base_ptr.get());
if (!q_ptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("lookup_querier(): found querier is not of the expected type");
auto& q = *q_ptr;
auto reader_opt = q.permit().semaphore().unregister_inactive_read(querier_utils::get_inactive_read_handle(q));
if (!reader_opt) {
throw std::runtime_error("lookup_querier(): found querier that is evicted");
querier_utils::set_reader(q, std::move(*reader_opt));
const auto can_be_used = can_be_used_for_page(_is_user_semaphore_func, q, s, ranges.front(), slice, current_sem);
if (can_be_used == can_use::yes) {
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Reusing querier");
return std::optional<Querier>(std::move(q));
tracing::trace(trace_state, "Dropping querier because {}", cannot_use_reason(can_be_used));
auto permit = q.permit();
// Save semaphore name and address for later to use it in
// error/warning message
auto q_semaphore_name = permit.semaphore().name();
auto q_semaphore_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&permit.semaphore());
// Close and drop the querier in the background.
// It is safe to do so, since _closing_gate is closed and
// waited on in querier_cache::stop()
(void)with_gate(_closing_gate, [q = std::move(q)] () mutable {
return q.close().finally([q = std::move(q)] {});
if (can_be_used == can_use::no_scheduling_group_mismatch) {
qlogger.warn("user semaphore mismatch detected, dropping reader {}: "
"reader belongs to {} (0x{:x}) but the query class appropriate is {} (0x{:x})",
else if (can_be_used == can_use::no_fatal_semaphore_mismatch) {
on_internal_error(qlogger, format("semaphore mismatch detected, dropping reader {}: "
"reader belongs to {} (0x{:x}) but the query class appropriate is {} (0x{:x})",
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<querier> querier_cache::lookup_data_querier(query_id key,
const schema& s,
const dht::partition_range& range,
const query::partition_slice& slice,
reader_concurrency_semaphore& current_sem,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state,
db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout) {
return lookup_querier<querier>(_data_querier_index, key, s, range, slice, current_sem, std::move(trace_state), timeout);
std::optional<querier> querier_cache::lookup_mutation_querier(query_id key,
const schema& s,
const dht::partition_range& range,
const query::partition_slice& slice,
reader_concurrency_semaphore& current_sem,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state,
db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout) {
return lookup_querier<querier>(_mutation_querier_index, key, s, range, slice, current_sem, std::move(trace_state), timeout);
std::optional<shard_mutation_querier> querier_cache::lookup_shard_mutation_querier(query_id key,
const schema& s,
const dht::partition_range_vector& ranges,
const query::partition_slice& slice,
reader_concurrency_semaphore& current_sem,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state,
db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout) {
return lookup_querier<shard_mutation_querier>(_shard_mutation_querier_index, key, s, ranges, slice, current_sem,
std::move(trace_state), timeout);
future<> querier_base::close() noexcept {
struct variant_closer {
querier_base& q;
future<> operator()(flat_mutation_reader_v2& reader) {
return reader.close();
future<> operator()(reader_concurrency_semaphore::inactive_read_handle& irh) {
auto reader_opt = q.permit().semaphore().unregister_inactive_read(std::move(irh));
return reader_opt ? reader_opt->close() : make_ready_future<>();
return std::visit(variant_closer{*this}, _reader);
void querier_cache::set_entry_ttl(std::chrono::seconds entry_ttl) {
_entry_ttl = entry_ttl;
future<bool> querier_cache::evict_one() noexcept {
for (auto ip : {&_data_querier_index, &_mutation_querier_index, &_shard_mutation_querier_index}) {
auto& idx = *ip;
if (idx.empty()) {
auto it = idx.begin();
auto reader_opt = it->second->permit().semaphore().unregister_inactive_read(querier_utils::get_inactive_read_handle(*it->second));
if (reader_opt) {
co_await reader_opt->close();
co_return true;
co_return false;
future<> querier_cache::stop() noexcept {
co_await _closing_gate.close();
for (auto* ip : {&_data_querier_index, &_mutation_querier_index, &_shard_mutation_querier_index}) {
auto& idx = *ip;
for (auto it = idx.begin(); it != idx.end(); it = idx.erase(it)) {
co_await it->second->close();
} // namespace query
