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query-request.hh 21.41 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright (C) 2015-present ScyllaDB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include "db/functions/function_name.hh"
#include "db/functions/function.hh"
#include "db/functions/aggregate_function.hh"
#include "db/consistency_level_type.hh"
#include "keys.hh"
#include "dht/ring_position.hh"
#include "enum_set.hh"
#include "interval.hh"
#include "tracing/tracing.hh"
#include "utils/small_vector.hh"
#include "db/per_partition_rate_limit_info.hh"
#include "query_id.hh"
#include "bytes.hh"
#include "cql_serialization_format.hh"
class position_in_partition_view;
class position_in_partition;
class partition_slice_builder;
namespace ser {
template <typename T>
class serializer;
namespace query {
using column_id_vector = utils::small_vector<column_id, 8>;
template <typename T>
using range = wrapping_interval<T>;
using ring_position = dht::ring_position;
// Note: the bounds of a clustering range don't necessarily satisfy `rb.end()->value() >= lb.end()->value()`,
// where `lb`, `rb` are the left and right bound respectively, if the bounds use non-full clustering
// key prefixes. Inclusiveness of the range's bounds must be taken into account during comparisons.
// For example, consider clustering key type consisting of two ints. Then [0:1, 0:] is a valid non-empty range
// (e.g. it includes the key 0:2) even though 0: < 0:1 w.r.t the clustering prefix order.
using clustering_range = interval<clustering_key_prefix>;
// If `range` was supposed to be used with a comparator `cmp`, then
// `reverse(range)` is supposed to be used with a reversed comparator `c`.
// For instance, if it does make sense to do
// range.contains(point, cmp);
// then it also makes sense to do
// reversed(range).contains(point, [](auto x, auto y) { return cmp(y, x); });
// but it doesn't make sense to do
// reversed(range).contains(point, cmp);
clustering_range reverse(const clustering_range& range);
extern const dht::partition_range full_partition_range;
extern const clustering_range full_clustering_range;
bool is_single_partition(const dht::partition_range& range) {
return range.is_singular() && range.start()->value().has_key();
bool is_single_row(const schema& s, const query::clustering_range& range) {
return range.is_singular() && range.start()->value().is_full(s);
typedef std::vector<clustering_range> clustering_row_ranges;
/// Trim the clustering ranges.
/// Equivalent of intersecting each clustering range with [pos, +inf) position
/// in partition range, or (-inf, pos] position in partition range if
/// reversed == true. Ranges that do not intersect are dropped. Ranges that
/// partially overlap are trimmed.
/// Result: each range will overlap fully with [pos, +inf), or (-int, pos] if
/// reversed is true.
void trim_clustering_row_ranges_to(const schema& s, clustering_row_ranges& ranges, position_in_partition pos, bool reversed = false);
/// Trim the clustering ranges.
/// Equivalent of intersecting each clustering range with (key, +inf) clustering
/// range, or (-inf, key) clustering range if reversed == true. Ranges that do
/// not intersect are dropped. Ranges that partially overlap are trimmed.
/// Result: each range will overlap fully with (key, +inf), or (-int, key) if
/// reversed is true.
void trim_clustering_row_ranges_to(const schema& s, clustering_row_ranges& ranges, const clustering_key& key, bool reversed = false);
class specific_ranges {
specific_ranges(partition_key pk, clustering_row_ranges ranges)
: _pk(std::move(pk)), _ranges(std::move(ranges)) {
specific_ranges(const specific_ranges&) = default;
void add(const schema& s, partition_key pk, clustering_row_ranges ranges) {
if (!_pk.equal(s, pk)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Only single specific range supported currently");
_pk = std::move(pk);
_ranges = std::move(ranges);
bool contains(const schema& s, const partition_key& pk) {
return _pk.equal(s, pk);
size_t size() const {
return 1;
const clustering_row_ranges* range_for(const schema& s, const partition_key& key) const {
if (_pk.equal(s, key)) {
return &_ranges;
return nullptr;
const partition_key& pk() const {
return _pk;
const clustering_row_ranges& ranges() const {
return _ranges;
clustering_row_ranges& ranges() {
return _ranges;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const specific_ranges& r);
partition_key _pk;
clustering_row_ranges _ranges;
constexpr auto max_rows = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
constexpr auto partition_max_rows = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
constexpr auto max_rows_if_set = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// Specifies subset of rows, columns and cell attributes to be returned in a query.
// Can be accessed across cores.
// Schema-dependent.
// COMPATIBILITY NOTE: the partition-slice for reverse queries has two different
// format:
// * legacy format
// * native format
// The wire format uses the legacy format. See docs/dev/reverse-reads.md
// for more details on the formats.
class partition_slice {
friend class ::partition_slice_builder;
enum class option {
// Normally, we don't return static row if the request has clustering
// key restrictions and the partition doesn't have any rows matching
// the restrictions, see #589. This flag overrides this behavior.
// Use the new data range scan variant, which builds query::result
// directly, bypassing the intermediate reconcilable_result format used
// in pre 4.5 range scans.
// When set, mutation query can end a page even if there is no live row in the
// final reconcilable_result. This prevents exchanging large pages when there
// is a lot of dead rows. This flag is needed during rolling upgrades to support
// old coordinators which do not tolerate pages with no live rows.
using option_set = enum_set<super_enum<option,
clustering_row_ranges _row_ranges;
column_id_vector static_columns; // TODO: consider using bitmap
column_id_vector regular_columns; // TODO: consider using bitmap
option_set options;
std::unique_ptr<specific_ranges> _specific_ranges;
uint32_t _partition_row_limit_low_bits;
uint32_t _partition_row_limit_high_bits;
partition_slice(clustering_row_ranges row_ranges, column_id_vector static_columns,
column_id_vector regular_columns, option_set options,
std::unique_ptr<specific_ranges> specific_ranges,
uint32_t partition_row_limit_low_bits,
uint32_t partition_row_limit_high_bits);
partition_slice(clustering_row_ranges row_ranges, column_id_vector static_columns,
column_id_vector regular_columns, option_set options,
std::unique_ptr<specific_ranges> specific_ranges = nullptr,
uint64_t partition_row_limit = partition_max_rows);
partition_slice(clustering_row_ranges ranges, const schema& schema, const column_set& mask, option_set options);
partition_slice(const partition_slice&);
partition_slice& operator=(partition_slice&& other) noexcept;
const clustering_row_ranges& row_ranges(const schema&, const partition_key&) const;
void set_range(const schema&, const partition_key&, clustering_row_ranges);
void clear_range(const schema&, const partition_key&);
void clear_ranges() {
_specific_ranges = nullptr;
// FIXME: possibly make this function return a const ref instead.
clustering_row_ranges get_all_ranges() const;
const clustering_row_ranges& default_row_ranges() const {
return _row_ranges;
const std::unique_ptr<specific_ranges>& get_specific_ranges() const {
return _specific_ranges;
const cql_serialization_format cql_format() const {
return cql_serialization_format(4); // For IDL compatibility
uint32_t partition_row_limit_low_bits() const {
return _partition_row_limit_low_bits;
uint32_t partition_row_limit_high_bits() const {
return _partition_row_limit_high_bits;
uint64_t partition_row_limit() const {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(_partition_row_limit_high_bits) << 32) | _partition_row_limit_low_bits;
void set_partition_row_limit(uint64_t limit) {
_partition_row_limit_low_bits = static_cast<uint64_t>(limit);
_partition_row_limit_high_bits = static_cast<uint64_t>(limit >> 32);
bool is_reversed() const {
return options.contains<query::partition_slice::option::reversed>();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const partition_slice& ps);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const specific_ranges& ps);
// See docs/dev/reverse-reads.md
// In the following functions, `schema` may be reversed or not (both work).
partition_slice legacy_reverse_slice_to_native_reverse_slice(const schema& schema, partition_slice slice);
partition_slice native_reverse_slice_to_legacy_reverse_slice(const schema& schema, partition_slice slice);
// Fully reverse slice (forward to native reverse or native reverse to forward).
// Also toggles the reversed bit in `partition_slice::options`.
partition_slice reverse_slice(const schema& schema, partition_slice slice);
// Half reverse slice (forward to legacy reverse or legacy reverse to forward).
// Also toggles the reversed bit in `partition_slice::options`.
partition_slice half_reverse_slice(const schema&, partition_slice);
constexpr auto max_partitions = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
constexpr auto max_tombstones = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
// Tagged integers to disambiguate constructor arguments.
enum class row_limit : uint64_t { max = max_rows };
enum class partition_limit : uint32_t { max = max_partitions };
enum class tombstone_limit : uint64_t { max = max_tombstones };
using is_first_page = bool_class<class is_first_page_tag>;
* This struct is used in two incompatible ways.
* SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT cluster feature determines which way is
* used.
* 1. If SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT is not enabled on the cluster then
* `page_size` field is ignored. Depending on the query type the meaning of
* the remaining two fields is:
* a. For unpaged queries or for reverse queries:
* * `soft_limit` is used to warn about queries that result exceeds
* this limit. If the limit is exceeded, a warning will be written to
* the log.
* * `hard_limit` is used to terminate a query which result exceeds
* this limit. If the limit is exceeded, the operation will end with
* an exception.
* b. For all other queries, `soft_limit` == `hard_limit` and their value is
* really a page_size in bytes. If the page is not previously cut by the
* page row limit then reaching the size of `soft_limit`/`hard_limit`
* bytes will cause a page to be finished.
* 2. If SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT is enabled on the cluster then all
* three fields are always set. They are used in different places:
* a. `soft_limit` and `hard_limit` are used for unpaged queries and in a
* reversing reader used for reading KA/LA sstables. Their meaning is the
* same as in (1.a) above.
* b. all other queries use `page_size` field only and the meaning of the
* field is the same ase in (1.b) above.
* Two interpretations of the `max_result_size` struct are not compatible so we
* need to take care of handling a mixed clusters.
* As long as SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT cluster feature is not
* supported by all nodes in the clustser, new nodes will always use the
* interpretation described in the point (1). `soft_limit` and `hard_limit`
* fields will be set appropriately to the query type and `page_size` field
* will be set to 0. Old nodes will ignare `page_size` anyways and new nodes
* will know to ignore it as well when it's set to 0. Old nodes will never set
* `page_size` and that means new nodes will give it a default value of 0 and
* ignore it for messages that miss this field.
* Once SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT cluster feature becomes supported by
* the whole cluster, new nodes will start to set `page_size` to the right value
* according to the interpretation described in the point (2).
* For each request, only the coordinator looks at
* SEPARATE_PAGE_SIZE_AND_SAFETY_LIMIT and based on it decides for this request
* whether it will be handled with interpretation (1) or (2). Then all the
* replicas can check the decision based only on the message they receive.
* If page_size is set to 0 or not set at all then the request will be handled
* using the interpretation (1). Otherwise, interpretation (2) will be used.
struct max_result_size {
uint64_t soft_limit;
uint64_t hard_limit;
uint64_t page_size = 0;
max_result_size() = delete;
explicit max_result_size(uint64_t max_size) : soft_limit(max_size), hard_limit(max_size) { }
explicit max_result_size(uint64_t soft_limit, uint64_t hard_limit) : soft_limit(soft_limit), hard_limit(hard_limit) { }
max_result_size(uint64_t soft_limit, uint64_t hard_limit, uint64_t page_size)
: soft_limit(soft_limit)
, hard_limit(hard_limit)
, page_size(page_size)
{ }
uint64_t get_page_size() const {
return page_size == 0 ? hard_limit : page_size;
max_result_size without_page_limit() const {
return max_result_size(soft_limit, hard_limit, 0);
bool operator==(const max_result_size&) const = default;
friend class ser::serializer<query::max_result_size>;
// Full specification of a query to the database.
// Intended for passing across replicas.
// Can be accessed across cores.
class read_command {
table_id cf_id;
table_schema_version schema_version; // TODO: This should be enough, drop cf_id
partition_slice slice;
uint32_t row_limit_low_bits;
gc_clock::time_point timestamp;
std::optional<tracing::trace_info> trace_info;
uint32_t partition_limit; // The maximum number of live partitions to return.
// The "query_uuid" field is useful in pages queries: It tells the replica
// that when it finishes the read request prematurely, i.e., reached the
// desired number of rows per page, it should not destroy the reader object,
// rather it should keep it alive - at its current position - and save it
// under the unique key "query_uuid". Later, when we want to resume
// the read at exactly the same position (i.e., to request the next page)
// we can pass this same unique id in that query's "query_uuid" field.
query_id query_uuid;
// Signal to the replica that this is the first page of a (maybe) paged
// read request as far the replica is concerned. Can be used by the replica
// to avoid doing work normally done on paged requests, e.g. attempting to
// reused suspended readers.
query::is_first_page is_first_page;
// The maximum size of the query result, for all queries.
// We use the entire value range, so we need an optional for the case when
// the remote doesn't send it.
std::optional<query::max_result_size> max_result_size;
uint32_t row_limit_high_bits;
// Cut the page after processing this many tombstones (even if the page is empty).
uint64_t tombstone_limit;
api::timestamp_type read_timestamp; // not serialized
db::allow_per_partition_rate_limit allow_limit; // not serialized
// IDL constructor
read_command(table_id cf_id,
table_schema_version schema_version,
partition_slice slice,
uint32_t row_limit_low_bits,
gc_clock::time_point now,
std::optional<tracing::trace_info> ti,
uint32_t partition_limit,
query_id query_uuid,
query::is_first_page is_first_page,
std::optional<query::max_result_size> max_result_size,
uint32_t row_limit_high_bits,
uint64_t tombstone_limit)
: cf_id(std::move(cf_id))
, schema_version(std::move(schema_version))
, slice(std::move(slice))
, row_limit_low_bits(row_limit_low_bits)
, timestamp(now)
, trace_info(std::move(ti))
, partition_limit(partition_limit)
, query_uuid(query_uuid)
, is_first_page(is_first_page)
, max_result_size(max_result_size)
, row_limit_high_bits(row_limit_high_bits)
, tombstone_limit(tombstone_limit)
, read_timestamp(api::new_timestamp())
, allow_limit(db::allow_per_partition_rate_limit::no)
{ }
read_command(table_id cf_id,
table_schema_version schema_version,
partition_slice slice,
query::max_result_size max_result_size,
query::tombstone_limit tombstone_limit,
query::row_limit row_limit = query::row_limit::max,
query::partition_limit partition_limit = query::partition_limit::max,
gc_clock::time_point now = gc_clock::now(),
std::optional<tracing::trace_info> ti = std::nullopt,
query_id query_uuid = query_id::create_null_id(),
query::is_first_page is_first_page = query::is_first_page::no,
api::timestamp_type rt = api::new_timestamp(),
db::allow_per_partition_rate_limit allow_limit = db::allow_per_partition_rate_limit::no)
: cf_id(std::move(cf_id))
, schema_version(std::move(schema_version))
, slice(std::move(slice))
, row_limit_low_bits(static_cast<uint32_t>(row_limit))
, timestamp(now)
, trace_info(std::move(ti))
, partition_limit(static_cast<uint32_t>(partition_limit))
, query_uuid(query_uuid)
, is_first_page(is_first_page)
, max_result_size(max_result_size)
, row_limit_high_bits(static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(row_limit) >> 32))
, tombstone_limit(static_cast<uint64_t>(tombstone_limit))
, read_timestamp(rt)
, allow_limit(allow_limit)
{ }
uint64_t get_row_limit() const {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(row_limit_high_bits) << 32) | row_limit_low_bits;
void set_row_limit(uint64_t new_row_limit) {
row_limit_low_bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(new_row_limit);
row_limit_high_bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(new_row_limit >> 32);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const read_command& r);
struct forward_request {
enum class reduction_type {
struct aggregation_info {
db::functions::function_name name;
std::vector<sstring> column_names;
struct reductions_info {
// Used by selector_factries to prepare reductions information
std::vector<reduction_type> types;
std::vector<aggregation_info> infos;
std::vector<reduction_type> reduction_types;
query::read_command cmd;
dht::partition_range_vector pr;
db::consistency_level cl;
lowres_system_clock::time_point timeout;
std::optional<std::vector<aggregation_info>> aggregation_infos;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const forward_request& r);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const forward_request::reduction_type& r);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const forward_request::aggregation_info& a);
struct forward_result {
// vector storing query result for each selected column
std::vector<bytes_opt> query_results;
struct printer {
const std::vector<::shared_ptr<db::functions::aggregate_function>> functions;
const query::forward_result& res;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const query::forward_result::printer&);
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::specific_ranges> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::partition_slice> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::read_command> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::forward_request> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::forward_request::reduction_type> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::forward_request::aggregation_info> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
template <> struct fmt::formatter<query::forward_result::printer> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
