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row_cache.hh 22.12 KB
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Kefu Chai authored 2024-01-08 09:31 . ./: not include unused headers
* Copyright (C) 2015-present ScyllaDB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/set.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/parent_from_member.hpp>
#include <seastar/core/memory.hh>
#include <seastar/util/noncopyable_function.hh>
#include "mutation/mutation_partition.hh"
#include "utils/phased_barrier.hh"
#include "utils/histogram.hh"
#include "mutation/partition_version.hh"
#include <seastar/core/metrics_registration.hh>
#include "utils/double-decker.hh"
#include "db/cache_tracker.hh"
#include "readers/empty_v2.hh"
#include "readers/mutation_source.hh"
namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
class row_cache;
class cache_tracker;
class flat_mutation_reader_v2;
namespace replica {
class memtable_entry;
namespace tracing { class trace_state_ptr; }
namespace cache {
class autoupdating_underlying_reader;
class cache_flat_mutation_reader;
class read_context;
class lsa_manager;
// Intrusive set entry which holds partition data.
// TODO: Make memtables use this format too.
class cache_entry {
dht::decorated_key _key;
partition_entry _pe;
// True when we know that there is nothing between this entry and the previous one in cache
struct {
bool _continuous : 1;
bool _dummy_entry : 1;
bool _head : 1;
bool _tail : 1;
bool _train : 1;
} _flags{};
friend class size_calculator;
flat_mutation_reader_v2 do_read(row_cache&, cache::read_context& ctx);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 do_read(row_cache&, std::unique_ptr<cache::read_context> unique_ctx);
friend class row_cache;
friend class cache_tracker;
bool is_head() const noexcept { return _flags._head; }
void set_head(bool v) noexcept { _flags._head = v; }
bool is_tail() const noexcept { return _flags._tail; }
void set_tail(bool v) noexcept { _flags._tail = v; }
bool with_train() const noexcept { return _flags._train; }
void set_train(bool v) noexcept { _flags._train = v; }
struct dummy_entry_tag{};
struct evictable_tag{};
: _key{dht::token(), partition_key::make_empty()}
_flags._dummy_entry = true;
cache_entry(schema_ptr s, const dht::decorated_key& key, const mutation_partition& p)
: _key(key)
, _pe(partition_entry::make_evictable(*s, mutation_partition(*s, p)))
{ }
cache_entry(schema_ptr s, dht::decorated_key&& key, mutation_partition&& p)
: cache_entry(evictable_tag(), s, std::move(key),
partition_entry::make_evictable(*s, std::move(p)))
{ }
// It is assumed that pe is fully continuous
// pe must be evictable.
cache_entry(evictable_tag, schema_ptr s, dht::decorated_key&& key, partition_entry&& pe) noexcept
: _key(std::move(key))
, _pe(std::move(pe))
{ }
cache_entry(cache_entry&&) noexcept;
static cache_entry& container_of(partition_entry& pe) {
return *boost::intrusive::get_parent_from_member(&pe, &cache_entry::_pe);
// Called when all contents have been evicted.
// This object should unlink and destroy itself from the container.
void on_evicted(cache_tracker&) noexcept;
// Evicts contents of this entry.
// The caller is still responsible for unlinking and destroying this entry.
void evict(cache_tracker&) noexcept;
const dht::decorated_key& key() const noexcept { return _key; }
dht::ring_position_view position() const noexcept {
if (is_dummy_entry()) {
return dht::ring_position_view::max();
return _key;
friend dht::ring_position_view ring_position_view_to_compare(const cache_entry& ce) noexcept { return ce.position(); }
const partition_entry& partition() const noexcept { return _pe; }
partition_entry& partition() { return _pe; }
const schema_ptr& schema() const noexcept { return _pe.get_schema(); }
flat_mutation_reader_v2 read(row_cache&, cache::read_context&);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 read(row_cache&, std::unique_ptr<cache::read_context>);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 read(row_cache&, cache::read_context&, utils::phased_barrier::phase_type);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 read(row_cache&, std::unique_ptr<cache::read_context>, utils::phased_barrier::phase_type);
bool continuous() const noexcept { return _flags._continuous; }
void set_continuous(bool value) noexcept { _flags._continuous = value; }
bool is_dummy_entry() const noexcept { return _flags._dummy_entry; }
// A data source which wraps another data source such that data obtained from the underlying data source
// is cached in-memory in order to serve queries faster.
// Cache populates itself automatically during misses.
// All updates to the underlying mutation source must be performed through one of the synchronizing methods.
// Those are the methods which accept external_updater, e.g. update(), invalidate().
// All synchronizers have strong exception guarantees. If they fail, the set of writes represented by
// cache didn't change.
// Synchronizers can be invoked concurrently with each other and other operations on cache.
class row_cache final {
using phase_type = utils::phased_barrier::phase_type;
using partitions_type = double_decker<int64_t, cache_entry,
dht::raw_token_less_comparator, dht::ring_position_comparator,
16, bplus::key_search::linear>;
static_assert(bplus::SimpleLessCompare<int64_t, dht::raw_token_less_comparator>);
friend class cache::autoupdating_underlying_reader;
friend class single_partition_populating_reader;
friend class cache_entry;
friend class cache::cache_flat_mutation_reader;
friend class cache::lsa_manager;
friend class cache::read_context;
friend class partition_range_cursor;
friend class cache_tester;
// A function which adds new writes to the underlying mutation source.
// All invocations of external_updater on given cache instance are serialized internally.
// Must have strong exception guarantees. If throws, the underlying mutation source
// must be left in the state in which it was before the call.
class external_updater_impl {
virtual ~external_updater_impl() {}
// Prepare may return an exceptional future
// and the error is propagated to the row_cache::update caller.
// Hence, it must provide strong exception safety guarantees.
// Typically, `prepare` creates only temporary state
// to be atomically applied by `execute`, or, alternatively
// it must undo any side-effects on failure.
virtual future<> prepare() { return make_ready_future<>(); }
// FIXME: make execute() noexcept, that will require every updater to make execution exception safe,
// also change function signature.
// See https://github.com/scylladb/scylladb/issues/15576
// For now, scylla aborts on any exception from `execute`
virtual void execute() = 0;
class external_updater {
class non_prepared : public external_updater_impl {
using Func = seastar::noncopyable_function<void()>;
Func _func;
explicit non_prepared(Func func) : _func(std::move(func)) {}
virtual void execute() override {
std::unique_ptr<external_updater_impl> _impl;
external_updater(seastar::noncopyable_function<void()> f) : _impl(std::make_unique<non_prepared>(std::move(f))) {}
external_updater(std::unique_ptr<external_updater_impl> impl) : _impl(std::move(impl)) {}
future<> prepare() { return _impl->prepare(); }
void execute() { _impl->execute(); }
struct stats {
utils::timed_rate_moving_average hits;
utils::timed_rate_moving_average misses;
utils::timed_rate_moving_average reads_with_misses;
utils::timed_rate_moving_average reads_with_no_misses;
cache_tracker& _tracker;
stats _stats{};
schema_ptr _schema;
partitions_type _partitions; // Cached partitions are complete.
// The snapshots used by cache are versioned. The version number of a snapshot is
// called the "population phase", or simply "phase". Between updates, cache
// represents the same snapshot.
// Update doesn't happen atomically. Before it completes, some entries reflect
// the old snapshot, while others reflect the new snapshot. After update
// completes, all entries must reflect the new snapshot. There is a race between the
// update process and populating reads. Since after the update all entries must
// reflect the new snapshot, reads using the old snapshot cannot be allowed to
// insert data which will no longer be reached by the update process. The whole
// range can be therefore divided into two sub-ranges, one which was already
// processed by the update and one which hasn't. Each key can be assigned a
// population phase which determines to which range it belongs, as well as which
// snapshot it reflects. The methods snapshot_of() and phase_of() can
// be used to determine this.
// In general, reads are allowed to populate given range only if the phase
// of the snapshot they use matches the phase of all keys in that range
// when the population is committed. This guarantees that the range will
// be reached by the update process or already has been in its entirety.
// In case of phase conflict, current solution is to give up on
// population. Since the update process is a scan, it's sufficient to
// check when committing the population if the start and end of the range
// have the same phases and that it's the same phase as that of the start
// of the range at the time when reading began.
mutation_source _underlying;
phase_type _underlying_phase = partition_snapshot::min_phase;
mutation_source_opt _prev_snapshot;
// Positions >= than this are using _prev_snapshot, the rest is using _underlying.
std::optional<dht::ring_position_ext> _prev_snapshot_pos;
snapshot_source _snapshot_source;
// There can be at most one update in progress.
seastar::semaphore _update_sem = {1};
logalloc::allocating_section _update_section;
logalloc::allocating_section _populate_section;
logalloc::allocating_section _read_section;
flat_mutation_reader_v2 create_underlying_reader(cache::read_context&, mutation_source&, const dht::partition_range&);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 make_scanning_reader(const dht::partition_range&, std::unique_ptr<cache::read_context>);
void on_partition_hit();
void on_partition_miss();
void on_row_hit();
void on_row_miss();
void on_static_row_insert();
void on_mispopulate();
void upgrade_entry(cache_entry&);
void invalidate_locked(const dht::decorated_key&);
void clear_now() noexcept;
void clear_on_destruction() noexcept;
struct previous_entry_pointer {
std::optional<dht::decorated_key> _key;
previous_entry_pointer() = default; // Represents dht::ring_position_view::min()
previous_entry_pointer(dht::decorated_key key) : _key(std::move(key)) {};
// TODO: store iterator here to avoid key comparison
template<typename CreateEntry, typename VisitEntry>
requires requires(CreateEntry create, VisitEntry visit, partitions_type::iterator it, partitions_type::bound_hint hint) {
{ create(it, hint) } -> std::same_as<partitions_type::iterator>;
{ visit(it) } -> std::same_as<void>;
// Must be run under reclaim lock
cache_entry& do_find_or_create_entry(const dht::decorated_key& key, const previous_entry_pointer* previous,
CreateEntry&& create_entry, VisitEntry&& visit_entry);
// Ensures that partition entry for given key exists in cache and returns a reference to it.
// Prepares the entry for reading. "phase" must match the current phase of the entry.
// Since currently every entry has to have a complete tombstone, it has to be provided here.
// The entry which is returned will have the tombstone applied to it.
// Must be run under reclaim lock
cache_entry& find_or_create_incomplete(const partition_start& ps, row_cache::phase_type phase, const previous_entry_pointer* previous = nullptr);
// Creates (or touches) a cache entry for missing partition so that sstables are not
// poked again for it.
cache_entry& find_or_create_missing(const dht::decorated_key& key);
partitions_type::iterator partitions_end() {
return std::prev(_partitions.end());
// Only active phases are accepted.
// Reference valid only until next deferring point.
mutation_source& snapshot_for_phase(phase_type);
// Returns population phase for given position in the ring.
// snapshot_for_phase() can be called to obtain mutation_source for given phase, but
// only until the next deferring point.
// Should be only called outside update().
phase_type phase_of(dht::ring_position_view);
struct snapshot_and_phase {
mutation_source& snapshot;
phase_type phase;
// Optimized version of:
// { snapshot_for_phase(phase_of(pos)), phase_of(pos) };
snapshot_and_phase snapshot_of(dht::ring_position_view pos);
static thread_local preemption_source default_preemption_source;
// Merges the memtable into cache with configurable logic for handling memtable entries.
// The Updater gets invoked for every entry in the memtable with a lower bound iterator
// into _partitions (cache_i), and the memtable entry.
// It is invoked inside allocating section and in the context of cache's allocator.
// All memtable entries will be removed.
template <typename Updater>
future<> do_update(external_updater, replica::memtable& m, Updater func, preemption_source&);
// Clears given memtable invalidating any affected cache elements.
void invalidate_sync(replica::memtable&) noexcept;
// A function which updates cache to the current snapshot.
// It's responsible for advancing _prev_snapshot_pos between deferring points.
// Must have strong failure guarantees. Upon failure, it should still leave the cache
// in a state consistent with the update it is performing.
using internal_updater = std::function<future<>()>;
// Atomically updates the underlying mutation source and synchronizes the cache.
// Strong failure guarantees. If returns a failed future, the underlying mutation
// source was and cache are not modified.
// internal_updater is only kept alive until its invocation returns.
future<> do_update(external_updater eu, internal_updater iu) noexcept;
row_cache(schema_ptr, snapshot_source, cache_tracker&, is_continuous = is_continuous::no);
row_cache(row_cache&&) = default;
row_cache(const row_cache&) = delete;
// Implements mutation_source for this cache, see mutation_reader.hh
// User needs to ensure that the row_cache object stays alive
// as long as the reader is used.
// The range must not wrap around.
flat_mutation_reader_v2 make_reader(schema_ptr s,
reader_permit permit,
const dht::partition_range& range,
const query::partition_slice& slice,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state = nullptr,
streamed_mutation::forwarding fwd = streamed_mutation::forwarding::no,
mutation_reader::forwarding fwd_mr = mutation_reader::forwarding::no,
const tombstone_gc_state* gc_state = nullptr) {
if (auto reader_opt = make_reader_opt(s, permit, range, slice, gc_state, std::move(trace_state), fwd, fwd_mr)) {
return std::move(*reader_opt);
[[unlikely]] return make_empty_flat_reader_v2(std::move(s), std::move(permit));
// Same as make_reader, but returns an empty optional instead of a no-op reader when there is nothing to
// read. This is an optimization.
flat_mutation_reader_v2_opt make_reader_opt(schema_ptr,
reader_permit permit,
const dht::partition_range&,
const query::partition_slice&,
const tombstone_gc_state*,
tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_state = nullptr,
streamed_mutation::forwarding fwd = streamed_mutation::forwarding::no,
mutation_reader::forwarding fwd_mr = mutation_reader::forwarding::no);
flat_mutation_reader_v2 make_reader(schema_ptr s,
reader_permit permit,
const dht::partition_range& range = query::full_partition_range,
const tombstone_gc_state* gc_state = nullptr) {
auto& full_slice = s->full_slice();
return make_reader(std::move(s), std::move(permit), range, full_slice, nullptr,
streamed_mutation::forwarding::no, mutation_reader::forwarding::no, gc_state);
// Only reads what is in the cache, doesn't populate.
// Supports reading singular ranges only, for now.
// Does not support reading in reverse.
flat_mutation_reader_v2 make_nonpopulating_reader(schema_ptr s, reader_permit permit, const dht::partition_range& range,
const query::partition_slice& slice, tracing::trace_state_ptr ts);
const stats& stats() const { return _stats; }
// Populate cache from given mutation, which must be fully continuous.
// Intended to be used only in tests.
// Can only be called prior to any reads.
void populate(const mutation& m, const previous_entry_pointer* previous = nullptr);
// Finds the entry in cache for a given key.
// Intended to be used only in tests.
cache_entry& lookup(const dht::decorated_key& key);
// Synchronizes cache with the underlying data source from a memtable which
// has just been flushed to the underlying data source.
// The memtable can be queried during the process, but must not be written.
// After the update is complete, memtable is empty.
future<> update(external_updater, replica::memtable&, preemption_source& preempt = default_preemption_source);
// Like update(), synchronizes cache with an incremental change to the underlying
// mutation source, but instead of inserting and merging data, invalidates affected ranges.
// Can be thought of as a more fine-grained version of invalidate(), which invalidates
// as few elements as possible.
future<> update_invalidating(external_updater, replica::memtable&);
// Refreshes snapshot. Must only be used if logical state in the underlying data
// source hasn't changed.
void refresh_snapshot();
// Moves given partition to the front of LRU if present in cache.
void touch(const dht::decorated_key&);
// Detaches current contents of given partition from LRU, so
// that they are not evicted by memory reclaimer.
void unlink_from_lru(const dht::decorated_key&);
// Synchronizes cache with the underlying mutation source
// by invalidating ranges which were modified. This will force
// them to be re-read from the underlying mutation source
// during next read overlapping with the invalidated ranges.
// The ranges passed to invalidate() must include all
// data which changed since last synchronization. Failure
// to do so may result in reads seeing partial writes,
// which would violate write atomicity.
// Guarantees that readers created after invalidate()
// completes will see all writes from the underlying
// mutation source made prior to the call to invalidate().
future<> invalidate(external_updater, const dht::decorated_key&);
future<> invalidate(external_updater, const dht::partition_range& = query::full_partition_range);
future<> invalidate(external_updater, dht::partition_range_vector&&);
// Evicts entries from cache.
// Note that this does not synchronize with the underlying source,
// it is assumed that the underlying source didn't change.
// If it did, use invalidate() instead.
void evict();
const cache_tracker& get_cache_tracker() const {
return _tracker;
cache_tracker& get_cache_tracker() {
return _tracker;
void set_schema(schema_ptr) noexcept;
const schema_ptr& schema() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, row_cache&);
friend class just_cache_scanning_reader;
friend class scanning_and_populating_reader;
friend class range_populating_reader;
friend class cache_tracker;
friend class mark_end_as_continuous;
namespace cache {
class lsa_manager {
row_cache &_cache;
lsa_manager(row_cache &cache) : _cache(cache) {}
template<typename Func>
decltype(auto) run_in_read_section(const Func &func) {
return _cache._read_section(_cache._tracker.region(), [&func]() {
return func();
template<typename Func>
decltype(auto) run_in_update_section(const Func &func) {
return _cache._update_section(_cache._tracker.region(), [&func]() {
return func();
template<typename Func>
void run_in_update_section_with_allocator(Func &&func) {
return _cache._update_section(_cache._tracker.region(), [this, &func]() {
return with_allocator(_cache._tracker.region().allocator(), [&func]() mutable {
return func();
logalloc::region &region() { return _cache._tracker.region(); }
logalloc::allocating_section &read_section() { return _cache._read_section; }
template <> struct fmt::formatter<cache_entry> : fmt::formatter<std::string_view> {
auto format(const cache_entry&, fmt::format_context& ctx) const -> decltype(ctx.out());
